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Chapter 2 C++: Variables and Basic Types

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Introducing the basic knowledge of the language and the standard library

Chapter 2 Variables and Basic Types

Some languages, such as Smalltalk and Python, check the data type when the program is running; In contrast, C is a statically typed language, where type checking occurs at compile time.
- Built-in type: A type defined by the language, such as int.
- Class type: Programmer-defined data type.

Data types tell us what the data means and what operations we can perform on the data.

Basic built-in types

Term chunk (block): The most basic method used to handle storage and make the storage have a structure. The number of bits in a block is generally a power of 2, so that 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 bits can be processed at a time. Pay attention to distinguish blocks.

The smallest addressable memory block is called "byte"; the basic unit of storage is called "word", which usually consists of several bytes.
- Arithmetic type (arithmetic type) : integer, floating point number, single character, Boolean value
- Integral type : The arithmetic types representing integers, characters and Boolean values ​​are collectively called integral types
- Character type: char (single machine byte: byte) and wchar_t (wide character type, used to extend character sets, such as Chinese characters and Japanese)
- short: half a machine word; int: one machine word; long: two machine words. ps: The word lengths of int and long are usually equal in 32-bit machines. The minimum storage space is 16 bits, 16 bits and 32 bits respectively
- Assignment of integer type: When assigning a value, take the value modulo the number of values ​​of the type.
- Floating point type: single precision, double precision, extended precision (long double)
- Generally speaking, float occupies 1 word (32 bits), double occupies 2 words (64 bits), and long double is represented by 3 or 4 words (96 or 128 bits).
- Usually double is chosen, float has a large loss of accuracy (double can guarantee at least 10 significant digits, float can only guarantee 6 digits), and the calculation cost of double is negligible compared to float.
- The maximum number of 16-bit signed is 32767, and the maximum number of unsigned is 65535.
- Empty type (void): Usually used as the return type of functions without return values

Type conversion

unsigned char c = -1;     //假设char占8比特,c的值为255signed char c2 = 256;     //假设char占8比特,c2的值是未定义的
  • When we assign When an unsigned type is given a value outside the range it represents, the result is the remainder of the initial value modulo the total number of values ​​represented by the unsigned type.

  • When we assign a value to a signed type that is outside the range it represents, the result is undefined (undefined). At this point, the program may continue to work, may crash, or may generate garbage data.

  • Signed and unsigned types cannot be mixed. If both types are present in an expression, signed numbers are automatically converted to unsigned numbers.

Literal constant (literal constant)

  • It is called a literal value because it can only be called by its value. A constant is because its value cannot be modified.

  • Only built-in types have literal values, there are no literal values ​​for class types, and therefore there are no literal values ​​for standard library types.

  • Use decimal, octal (starting with 0) or hexadecimal (starting with 0x or 0X)

//20的三种表示:20      /*十进制*/024     /*八进制*/0x14    /*十六进制*/
  1. Integer literal value: The literal constant type defaults to int or long type. By adding a suffix, the literal value can be forced to be converted into long, unsinged, or unsigned long. The suffix is ​​L, U, UL, or LU (lowercase is also acceptable. The use of l is not recommended, and it is easy to be confused with 1).

  2. Floating point literal value: expressed in decimal or scientific notation (use e or E). The default double type is, add F or f to indicate single precision, add L or l to indicate extended precision.

  3. Boolean literals: true and false.

  4. Character literal value:

    ##NameWritingLine break\n##Horizontal tabVertical tab characterBackspace characterCarriage returnQuestion markDouble quotes
    • \ooo:这里的ooo表示三个八进制数字,这三个数字表示字符的数字值。如’\0’通常表示“空字符(null character)”。

    • 也可以用十六进制转义字符来定义:\xddd。一个反斜线、一个x和一个或多个十六进制数组成。

    • 通用转义字符:

    • 可打印字符通常用一对单引号定义,如‘a’;在前面加L就能得到wchar_t类型的宽字符字面值,如L‘a’。

    • 不可打印字符和特殊字符都用转义字符书写,转义字符以反斜线开始。

  5. 字符串字面值

    • 双引号括起来的0个或多个字符。

    • 为了兼容C语言,C++所有的字符串字面值都由编译器自动在末尾添加一个空字符(‘\0’),因此,其实际长度要比它的内容多1。

    • 宽字符字面值:在字符串前面加L,如L“asdff”。

    • 多行字面值:两个字符串字面值位置紧邻且仅由空格、缩进和换行符分割,则它们实际上是一个整体。

    • 不依赖未定义行为和机器相关行为,否则这样的程序时不可移植的(nonportable)。

  6. 指针字面值:nullptr

  7. 变量

    - 左值右值
      - 左值(lvalue):变量的地址,或者是一个代表“ 对象在内存中的位置”的表达式。
      - 右值(rvalue):变量的值


    - 对象:内存中具有类型的区域
    - 变量名:即变量的标识符(identifier)。
       1. 由字母、数字和下划线组成.
       2. 变量名必须以字母或下划线开头,并且区分大小写。(函数体外的变量名不能以下划线开头)
       3. C++关键字不能用做标识符
       4. 不能包含两个连续的下划线
       5. 不能以下划线开头后紧跟一个大写字母

    • 定义对象(如:int a;)

      每个定义都是以类型说明符(type specifier)开始的(如:int)

      int ival(1024);//direct-initialization,直接初始化int ival = 1024;//copy-initialization,复制初始化//注:直接初始化语法更灵活,且效率更高。
      • 列表初始化(list initialization)(C++11新特性)

        int ival{1024};int ival = {1024};long double ld = 3.1415926536;int a{ld}, b = {ld};    //错误:转换未执行,因为存在丢失信息的风险int c(ld), d = ld;      //正确:转换执行,且丢失部分值
      • 初始化&赋值:初始化不是赋值。

      • 默认初始化(default initialized):如果内置类型的变量未被显示初始化,它的值由定义的位置决定。定义于任何函数体之外的变量被初始化为0,内部的将不被初始化。

      • 建议初始化每个内置型变量,以保证程序安全。

      • 初始化

    • 变量的声明

      extern int i;   //声明i而非定义iint j;          //定义j
      • 变量只能被定义一次,但能被多次声明。

      • 如果要在多个文件中使用同一个变量,就必须将声明和定义分离。变量的定义必须出现且只能处在在一个文件中,而其他用到该变量的文件必须对其进行声明,却决不能重复定义。

      • 如果想声明一个变量而非定义它,在变量名前加关键字extern,且不要显示地初始化变量:

    • 变量名的作用域(scope):以花括号分隔

      全局作用域(global scope)

      块作用域(block scope)

    复合类型(compound type)

    • 引用(reference),此处指左值引用(lvalue reference)。

      int ival = 1024;int &refVal = ival; //refVal指向ival(是ival的另一个名字)int &refVal;       //报错,引用必须被初始化
      • 引用不是对象,只是已经存在的对象的另一个名字。程序将引用和他的初始值绑定(bind)在一起,而不是直接将初始值拷贝给引用。

    • 指针(pointer)

      int i = 42;     
      int &r = i;     //&紧随类名出现,因此是声明的一部分,r是一个引用int *p;         //*紧随类名出现,因此是声明的一部分,p是一个指针p = &i;         //&出现在表达式中,是一个取地址符*p = i;         //*出现在表达式中,是一个解引用符int &r2 = *p;
      • 指针是对象,允许赋值和拷贝,且在指针的生命周期内它可以先后指向不同的几个对象。

      • 指针无需在定义时赋值。

      • 指针类型和它所指向的对象的类型必须匹配。

        int *ip1, *ip2;int val = 4;int *p = &val;
      • 如果指针指向了一个对象,则允许用解引用符(操作符*)来访问该对象:

        int ival - 42;int *p = &ival;cout << *p;     //由符号*得到指针p所指的对象,输出42*p = 0;         //由符号*得到指针p所指的对象,即可经由p为变量ival赋值cout << *p;     //输出0
      • 符号的含义由上下文决定

    • 空指针

    int *p1 = nullptr;int *p2 = 0;int *p3 = NULL;     //需要首先#include cstdlib
    • 建议初始化所有指针

    • 面对一条比较复杂的指针或引用的声明语句时,从右向左阅读有助于弄清它的真实含义。


    - 指针和const
       - 顶层const(top-level const):表示指针本身是个常量
       - 底层const(low-level condt):表示指针所指的对象是个常量

    • 指向常量的指针(pointer to const)

      const double pi = 3.14;double *ptr = &pi;          //错误!const double *cptr = &pi;   //正确*cptr = 42;                 //错误!cptr指向常量,不能向常量赋值double dval = 3.14;
      cptr = &dval;               //正确,但不能通过cptr改变dval的值,因为cptr以为自己指向的是常量
    • 常量指针(const pointer)

      int errNum = 0;int *const curErr = &errBum;    //curErr将一直指向errNumconst double pi = 3.14;const double *const pip = &pi;  //pip是一个指向常量对象的常量指针
    • constexpr和常量表达式

      • C++11新标准:将变量声明为constexpr类型以便由编译器来验证变量的值是否是一个常量表达式。(用const,有些常量的具体值直到运行时才能获取)

      • 在constexpr声明中如果定义了一个指针,限定符仅对指针有效,与指针所知的对象无关。也就是说它把所定义的对象置为顶层const。

        const int *p = nullptr;     //p是一个指向常量的普通指针constexpr int *q= nullptr;  //q是一个常量指针constexpr int i = 42;constexpr const *p = &i;


    • 类型别名(type alias)

      • typedef
        <br>typedef double wages;   //wages是double的同义词 <br>typedef wages base, *p; //base是double的同义词,p是double*的同义词 <br>

      • 别名声明(alias declaration)
        <br>using S1 = Sales_item;  //S1是Sales_item的同义词 <br>

    • auto类型说明符

      • 让编译器替代我们去分析表达式所属的类型。

      • auto一般会忽略顶层const
        <br>const int i =1;     //i是整型常量 <br>auto b = i;         //b是一个整数 <br>const auto c = i;   //c是整型常量 <br>

    • decltype类型指示符

      const int ci = 0, &cj = ci; 
      decltype(ci) x = 0;         //x的类型是const intdecltype(cj) y = x;         //y的类型是const int&,y绑定到变量xdecltype(cj) z;             //错误:z是一个引用,必须初始化
      int i = 42, *p = &i, &r = i;
      decltype(r + 0) b;  //正确:加法的结果是int,因此b是一个未初始化的intdecltype(*p) c;     //错误:c是int&,必须初始化
      • decltype((v))(注意双层括号)的结果永远是引用。

      • decltype处理顶层const和引用的方式与auto有些许不同。如果decltype使用的表达式是一个变量,则decltype返回该变量的类型(包括顶层const和引用在内)。


    • 头文件通常包含哪些只能被定义一次的实体,如类、const和constexpr变量等。

    • 预处理器(preprocessor):如#include,当预处理器看到#include标记时就会用指定的头文件内容替代#include。

    • 头文件保护符(header guard):有效防止重复包含发生

      • 一般把预处理变量的名字全部大写
        <br>#ifdef      //当且仅当变量已定义时为真 <br>#ifndef     //当且仅当变量未定义是为真 <br>#define     //把一个名字设定为预处理变量 <br>#endif      //与#ifdef和#ifndef匹配,执行它们的后续操作知道#endif指令止 <br>

    #ifndef SALES_DATA_H#define SALES_DATA_H#include <string>struct Sales_data {    ... //此处省略







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