Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >How to use webpack4 to build a react project framework
This article mainly introduces how to use webpack4 to build a react project framework. It has certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it.
Framework Introduction, a react single-page application built with webpac and integrated with antd. Use webpack-dev-server to start local services and add hot updates to facilitate development and debugging. Use bundle-loader for code cutting and lazy loading
Manually built, without using cli, a large number of comments are suitable for beginners to understand and learn webpack, and have an in-depth understanding of react projects
git clone https://gitee.com/wjj0720/react-demo.git cd react-demo yarn yarn start
yarn build
+node_modules -src +asset +Layout +pages +redux +utils +app.js +index.html +index.js .babelrc package.json postcss.config.js webpack.config.js //webpack 配置
// webpack.config.js 配置 module: { rules: [ { test: /\.bundle\.js$/, use: { loader: 'bundle-loader', options: { name: '[name]', lazy: true } } } ] } // 页面引入组件 import Home from "bundle-loader?lazy&name=[name]!./Home"; // 组件使用 因为组件懒加载 是通过异步的形式引入 所以不能再页面直接以标签的形式使用 需要做使用封装 import React, {Component} from 'react' import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom' class LazyLoad extends Component { state = { LoadOver: null } componentWillMount() { this.props.Loading(c => { this.setState({ LoadOver: withRouter(c.default) }) }) } render() { let {LoadOver} = this.state; return ( LoadOver ? <LoadOver/> : <p>加载动画</p> ) } } export default LazyLoad // 通过封装的懒加载组件过度 增加加载动画 <LazyLoad Loading={Home} />
The framework is divided according to modules, and there is route under the pages folder. js is a module
// 通过require.context读取模块下路由文件 const files = require.context('./pages', true, /route\.js$/) let routers = files.keys().reduce((routers, route) => { let router = files(route).default return routers.concat(router) }, []) // 模块路由文件格式 import User from "bundle-loader?lazy&name=[name]!./User"; export default [ { path: '/user', component: User }, { path: '/user/:id', component: User } ]
// ---------创建 -------- // 为了不免action、reducer 在不同文件 来回切换 对象的形式创建 // createReducer 将书写格式创建成rudex认识的reducer export function createReducer({state: initState, reducer}) { return (state = initState, action) => { return reducer.hasOwnProperty(action.type) ? reducer[action.type](state, action) : state } } // 创建页面级别的store const User_Info_fetch_Memo = 'User_Info_fetch_Memo' const store = { // 初始化数据 state: { memo: 9, test: 0 }, action: { async fetchMemo (params) { return { type: User_Info_fetch_Memo, callAPI: {url: 'http://stage-mapi.yimifudao.com/statistics/cc/kpi', params, config: {}}, payload: params } }, ... }, reducer: { [User_Info_fetch_Memo] (prevState = {}, {payload}) { console.log('reducer--->',payload) return { ...prevState, memo: payload.memo } }, ... } } export default createReducer(store) export const action = store.action // 最终在模块界别组合 [当然模块也有公共的数据(见Home模块下的demo写法)] import {combineReducers} from 'redux' import info from './Info/store' export default combineReducers({ info, 。。。 }) // 最终rudex文件夹下的store.js 会去取所有模块下的store.js 组成一个大的store也就是我们最终仓库 // --------使用------ // 首先在app.js中将store和app关联 import { createStore } from 'redux' import { Provider } from 'react-redux' // reducer即我们最终 import reducer from './redux/store.js' // 用户异步action的中间件 import middleware from './utils/middleware.js' let store = createStore(reducer, middleware) <Provider store={store}> 。。。 </Provider> // 然后组件调用 只需要在组件导出时候 使用connent链接即可 import React, {Component} from 'react' import {connect} from 'react-redux' // 从页面级别的store中导出action import {action} from './store' class Demo extends Component { const handle = () => { // 触发action this.props.dispatch(action.fetchMemo({})) } render () { console.log(this.props.test) return <p onClick={this.handle}>ss</p> } } export default connect(state => ({ test: state.user.memo.test }) )(demo)
// 与其说redux中间件不如说action中间件 // 中间件执行时机 即每个action触发之前执行 // import { applyMiddleware } from 'redux' import fetchProxy from './fetchProxy'; // 中间件 是三个嵌套的函数 第一个入参为整个store 第二个为store.dispatch 第三个为本次触发的action // 简单封装的中间件 没有对请求失败做过多处理 目的在与项错误处理机制给到页面处理 const middleware = ({getState}) => next => async action => { // 此时的aciton还没有被执行 const {type, callAPI, payload} = await action // 没有异步请求直接返回action if (!callAPI) return next({type, payload}) // 请求数据 const res = await fetchProxy(callAPI) // 请求数据失败 提示 if (res.status !== 200) return console.log('网络错误!') // 请求成功 返回data return next({type, payload: res.data}) } export default applyMiddleware(middleware)
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning. More For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!
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The above is the detailed content of How to use webpack4 to build a react project framework. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!