Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Multi-image ajax upload image under thinkphp
This article mainly introduces the multi-image ajax upload image under thinkphp. It has a certain reference value. Now I share it with everyone. Friends in need can refer to it.
When I encounter a project, there is a comparison There are 6 ajax uploads with tedious functions. Basically, the logic of each upload is different. Record the view page of
id is convenient for finding this element. The name must be added [ ]
<div class="btns"> <a href="javascript:;" class="a-upload"> <input type="file" id="fileaq" name="fileaq[]" data-filesType="words" class="uploadInput" multiple="multiple" /> <i class="iconfont icon-shangchuan"></i>上传附件 </a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="submit" id="aq_sub">发布</a> </div>
Click Publish to determine first, and then pass the required parameters to the doUploadFiles function
//发布案情 $('#aq_sub').click(function() { var guanxi = 'many_one'; var type_file = 'file'; var type_name = 'fileaq'; var anqing = $('#anqing').val(); if ($.trim(anqing).length == 0) { layer.alert('请输入内容!\n'); $('#anqing').focus(); return false; } else { var cate_id = 3; doUploadFiles(cate_id, type_file, type_name, guanxi, anqing); } })
Parameter description
cate_id: identification id for multiple uploads
type_file: Determine whether it is a picture or a file upload (nofiley: some files do not need to be uploaded)
type_name: the id of the uploaded file
guanxi: relationship project requirements The parameters are divided into many_one, many_many, one_one (one data for each user, multiple data for each user, one data for each user)
content: content
function doUploadFiles(cate_id, type_file, type_name, guanxi, content) { var guanxi = arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : 'many_one'; //设置关系 var formData = new FormData(); var fangchan_id = $('#fangchan_id').val(); formData.append("fangchan_id", fangchan_id); formData.append("cate_id", cate_id); formData.append("guanxi", guanxi); formData.append("content", content); if(type_file !='nofile'){ formData.append("type_file", type_file); formData.append("file_length", $("#"+type_name)[0].files.length); for(var i=0; i<$("#"+type_name)[0].files.length;i++){ formData.append('file[]',$("#"+type_name)[0].files[i]); } } $.ajax({ url: '/Property/jindiaoHandle', type: 'POST', data: formData, dataType: "json", async: false, cache: false, contentType: false, processData: false, success: function(data) { console.log('上传:',data) if (data.status == 200) { layer.msg(data.msg, { icon: 1 }); window.location.reload(); } else { layer.msg(data.msg, { icon: 1 }); return false; } } }); }
php The code is relatively long
/** * 提交房源尽调 */ public function jindiaoHandle() { $user_id = session('user_id'); $fangchan_id = I('post.fangchan_id'); $cate_id = I('post.cate_id'); $cate_arr = array('6','7','8'); $content = I('post.content'); $type_file = I('post.type_file'); $file_length = I('post.file_length'); //判断是否上传文件 //many_one 多个用户存在一条 many_many 多个用户存在多条 one_one 只能催在一条数据 $guanxi = I('post.guanxi'); $guanxi?$guanxi:'many_one'; $content?$content:'0'; if(empty($user_id)){ $ret = ['status' => '1001', 'msg' => '请先登录!'.$user_id, 'data' => '']; $this->ajaxReturn($ret, 'json'); }else{ $level = M('users')->where(['user_id' => $user_id])->getField('level'); //判断是不是法拍经理 if ($level != 2) { $ret = ['status' => '1002', 'msg' => '您没有权限填写!', 'data' => '']; $this->ajaxReturn($ret); } } if(empty($fangchan_id)) { $ret = ['status' => '1003', 'msg' => '找不到此房源!', 'data' => '']; $this->ajaxReturn($ret); } if(empty($cate_id)) { $ret = ['status' => '1004', 'msg' => '找不到此尽调类型!', 'data' => '']; $this->ajaxReturn($ret); } if(empty($content)) { $ret = ['status' => '1005', 'msg' => '内容不能为空!', 'data' => '']; $this->ajaxReturn($ret); } $fc_user_id = M('fangchan')->where(['fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id])->getField('user_id'); //判断是不是该房产的法拍经理 if ($fc_user_id == $user_id) { $data = [ 'fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'cate_id' => $cate_id, 'content' => $content, 'res_num' => $file_length, 'add_time' => time(), 'is_user' => 1, 'is_show' => '1', ]; } else { if(!in_array($cate_id,$cate_arr)) { $fc_add_time = M('fangchan')->where(['fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id])->getField('add_time'); //获取添加时间 if ((time() - $fc_add_time) < (12 * 60 * 60)) { $arr = ['status' => '1006', 'msg' => '请于24小时候后来发布!', 'data' => '']; $this->ajaxReturn($arr, 'json'); } } $data = [ 'fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'cate_id' => $cate_id, 'content' => $content, 'res_num' => $file_length, 'add_time' => time(), 'is_user' => 0, 'is_show' => '1', ]; } if($guanxi=='many_one') { $fc_jindiao_data = M('fangchan_jindiao') ->where(['fangchan_id'=>$fangchan_id,'user_id'=>$user_id,'cate_id'=>$cate_id]) ->getField('jindiao_id'); //判断房产尽调是修改还是添加 if($fc_jindiao_data){ $res_edit = M('fangchan_jindiao')->where('jindiao_id='.$fc_jindiao_data)->save($data); }else{ $res_add = M('fangchan_jindiao')->add($data); } }elseif($guanxi=='one_one') { $fc_jindiao_data = M('fangchan_jindiao') ->where(['fangchan_id'=>$fangchan_id,'cate_id'=>$cate_id]) ->getField('jindiao_id'); //判断房产尽调是修改还是添加 if($fc_jindiao_data){ $res_edit = M('fangchan_jindiao')->where('jindiao_id='.$fc_jindiao_data)->save($data); }else{ $res_add = M('fangchan_jindiao')->add($data); } }elseif($guanxi=='many_many') { $res_add = M('fangchan_jindiao')->add($data); } //判断是否有文件 if(!empty($file_length) || $file_length!=0) { $result = self::uploadFile($type_file); if($result['status'] == -1){ exit(json_encode(array("status"=>-1,"msg"=>$result['msg'],'result'=>''))); } $add_time = time(); if(!empty($res_edit)) { $where=array('user_id' => $user_id,'fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id,'cate_id'=> $cate_id); $r_info = M('fangchan_jindiao')->where($where) ->getField('jindiao_id'); if($r_info) { foreach ($result['result'] as $v) { if($type_file=='file') { $data=array('user_id' => $user_id,'fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id,'cate_id'=> $cate_id,'add_time'=> $add_time,'jindiao_id'=> $r_info,'file'=>$v); $ziyuan_info = M("fangchan_jdresources")->data($data)->add(); }elseif($type_file=='image') { $data=array('user_id' => $user_id,'fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id,'cate_id'=> $cate_id,'add_time'=> $add_time,'jindiao_id'=> $r_info,'images'=>$v); $ziyuan_info = M("fangchan_jdresources")->data($data)->add(); } } if($ziyuan_info) { $ret =[ 'status'=>200, 'msg'=>'上传成功', 'data'=> $data ]; }else{ $ret =[ 'status'=>1009, 'msg'=>'上传资源失败', 'data'=> '' ]; } }else{ $ret =[ 'status'=>1008, 'msg'=>'上传资源失败', 'data'=> '' ]; } }elseif(!empty($res_add)) { foreach ($result['result'] as $v) { if($type_file=='file') { $data=array('user_id' => $user_id,'fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id,'cate_id'=> $cate_id,'add_time'=> $add_time,'jindiao_id'=> $res_add,'file'=>$v); $ziyuan_info = M("fangchan_jdresources")->data($data)->add(); }elseif($type_file=='image') { $data=array('user_id' => $user_id,'fangchan_id' => $fangchan_id,'cate_id'=> $cate_id,'add_time'=> $add_time,'jindiao_id'=> $res_add,'images'=>$v); $ziyuan_info = M("fangchan_jdresources")->data($data)->add(); } } if($ziyuan_info) { $ret =[ 'status'=>200, 'msg'=>'上传成功', 'data'=> $data ]; }else{ $ret =[ 'status'=>1010, 'msg'=>'上传资源失败', 'data'=> '' ]; } }else{ $ret =[ 'status'=>1011, 'msg'=>'上传资源失败', 'data'=> '' ]; } }elseif(empty($res_add) && empty($res_edit)){ $ret =[ 'status'=>1007, 'msg'=>'上传失败', 'data'=> '' ]; }else{ $ret =[ 'status'=>200, 'msg'=>'上传成功', 'data'=> '' ]; } $this->ajaxReturn($ret); } /* *多图上传 */ public function uploadFile($type='file'){ if($type=='file') { $type_info = array('doc', 'docx', 'xls', 'xlsx','zip','rar'); $type_path = '/Public/upload/jidiao/files/'; }elseif($type=='image'){ $type_info = array('jpg', 'gif', 'png', 'jpeg'); $type_path = '/Public/upload/jidiao/images/'; } $upload = new \Think\Upload();// 实例化上传类 $upload->maxSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;// 设置附件上传大小 $upload->exts = $type_info;// 设置附件上传类型 $upload->rootPath = '.'.$type_path; // 设置附件上传根目录 $upload->savePath = ''; // 设置附件上传(子)目录 $upload->subName = array('date','Y/m-d'); //上传文件 $info = $upload->upload(); $picurl = array(); if(!$info) {// 上传错误提示错误信息 return array('status'=>-1,'msg'=>$upload->getError(),'result'=>''); }else{// 上传成功 获取上传文件信息 foreach($info as $file){ $picurl[] = $type_path.$file['savepath'].$file['savename']; } return array("status"=>1,"msg"=>'上传成功','result'=>$picurl); } }
The above is the entire content of this article. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's study. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website!
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The above is the detailed content of Multi-image ajax upload image under thinkphp. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!