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The principle of Node.js event-driven mechanism

2018-06-30 11:03:581780browse

This article mainly introduces the principles of understanding the event-driven mechanism of Node.js. The content is quite good. I will share it with you now and give it as a reference.

One of the things you must understand when learning Node.js. This article mainly involves the use of EventEmitter and the handling of some asynchronous situations. It is relatively basic and worth reading.

Most Node.js objects rely on the EventEmitter module to listen for and respond to events, such as our commonly used HTTP requests, responses, and streams.

const EventEmitter = require('events');

The simplest form of event-driven mechanism is the callback function that is very popular in Node.js, such as fs.readFile. In the form of a callback function, the callback is triggered every time the event is triggered.

Let’s explore this most basic method first.

Call me when you are ready, Node!

A long time ago, there was no native support for Promise in js, async/await was just a distant dream, and callback functions were the most primitive way to deal with asynchronous problems.

Callbacks are essentially functions passed to other functions. In JavaScript, functions are first-class objects, which also makes the existence of callbacks possible.

It must be understood that the callback in the code does not mean an asynchronous call. Callbacks can be called synchronously or asynchronously.

For example, here is a host function fileSize, which accepts a callback function cb, and can call the callback function synchronously or asynchronously through conditional judgment:

function fileSize (fileName, cb) {
 if (typeof fileName !== 'string') {
  // Sync
  return cb(new TypeError('argument should be string')); 
 fs.stat(fileName, (err, stats) => {
  if (err) {  
   // Async
   return cb(err); 
   // Async
  cb(null, stats.size);

This is actually a counter-example. Writing this way often causes some unexpected errors. When designing the host function, you should use the same style as much as possible, either always using callbacks synchronously, or Always asynchronous.

Let's examine a simple example of a typical asynchronous Node function, written in callback style:

const readFileAsArray = function(file, cb) {
 fs.readFile(file, function(err, data) {
  if (err) {
   return cb(err);
  const lines = data.toString().trim().split('\n');
  cb(null, lines);

The readFileAsArray function accepts two Parameters: a file path and a callback function. It reads the file contents, splits it into an array of lines, and calls the callback function passing the array as an argument to the callback function.

Now design a use case, assuming that our file numbers.txt in the same directory contains the following content:


If we have a requirement , to count the number of odd numbers in the file, we can use readFileAsArray to simplify the code:

readFileAsArray('./numbers.txt', (err, lines) => {
 if (err) throw err;
 const numbers = lines.map(Number);
 const oddNumbers = numbers.filter(n => n%2 === 1);
 console.log('Odd numbers count:', oddNumbers.length);

This code reads the file content into a string array, The callback function parses it as a number and counts the number of odd numbers.

This is the purest Node callback style. The first parameter of the callback must follow the error priority principle, err can be empty, and we need to pass the callback as the last parameter of the host function. You should always design your functions this way because users may make assumptions. Have the host function take the callback as its last argument, and have the callback function take a possibly null error object as its first argument.

Replacement of callbacks in modern JavaScript

In modern JavaScript, we have Promise, which can be used to replace callbacks in asynchronous APIs. The callback function needs to be passed as a parameter of the host function (multiple host callbacks are nested to form a callback hell), and errors and successes can only be handled there. The Promise object allows us to handle success and errors separately, and also allows us to chain call multiple asynchronous events.

If the readFileAsArray function supports Promise, we can use it like this:

 .then(lines => {
  const numbers = lines.map(Number);
  const oddNumbers = numbers.filter(n => n%2 === 1);
  console.log('Odd numbers count:', oddNumbers.length);

We call it on the return value of the host function A function is created to handle our needs. This .then function will pass the row array just in the callback version to the anonymous function here. To handle errors, we add a .catch call on the result, which will catch the error and give us access to it when an error occurs.

Promise objects are already supported in modern JavaScript, so we can easily use them in host functions. The following is the Promise-supported version of the readFileAsArray function (which also supports the old callback function method):

const readFileAsArray = function(file, cb = () => {}) {
 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
  fs.readFile(file, function(err, data) {
   if (err) {
    return cb(err);
   const lines = data.toString().trim().split('\n');
   cb(null, lines);

We make this function return a Promise object, which wraps Asynchronous call to fs.readFile. The Promise object exposes two parameters, a resolve function and a reject function.

When an exception is thrown, we can handle the error by passing error to the callback function, or we can also use the reject function of Promise. Whenever we hand over data to the callback function for processing, we can also use the resolve function of Promise.

In this case where callbacks and Promise can be used at the same time, the only thing we need to do is to set a default value for this callback parameter to prevent it from being executed when no callback function parameters are passed. Error reporting situation. A simple default empty function is used in this example: () => {}.

Using Promise via async/await

当需要连续调用异步函数时,使用 Promise 会让你的代码更容易编写。不断的使用回调会让事情变得越来越复杂,最终陷入回调地狱。

Promise 的出现改善了一点,Generator 的出现又改善了一点。 处理异步问题的最新解决方式是使用 async 函数,它允许我们将异步代码视为同步代码,使其整体上更加可读。

以下是使用 async/await 版本的调用 readFileAsArray 的例子:

async function countOdd () {
 try {
  const lines = await readFileAsArray('./numbers');
  const numbers = lines.map(Number);
  const oddCount = numbers.filter(n => n%2 === 1).length;
  console.log('Odd numbers count:', oddCount);
 } catch(err) {

首先,我们创建了一个 async 函数 —— 就是一个普通的函数声明之前,加了个 async 关键字。在 async 函数内部,我们调用了 readFileAsArray 函数,就像把它的返回值赋值给变量 lines 一样,为了真的拿到 readFileAsArray 处理生成的行数组,我们使用关键字 await。之后,我们继续执行代码,就好像 readFileAsArray 的调用是同步的一样。

要让代码运行,我们可以直接调用 async 函数。这让我们的代码变得更加简单和易读。为了处理异常,我们需要将异步调用包装在一个 try/catch 语句中。

有了 async/await 这个特性,我们不必使用任何特殊的API(如 .then 和 .catch )。我们只是把这种函数标记出来,然后使用纯粹的 JavaScript 写代码。

我们可以把 async/await 这个特性用在支持使用 Promise 处理后续逻辑的函数上。但是,它无法用在只支持回调的异步函数上(例如setTimeout)。

EventEmitter 模块

EventEmitter 是一个处理 Node 中各个对象之间通信的模块。 EventEmitter 是 Node 异步事件驱动架构的核心。 Node 的许多内置模块都继承自 EventEmitter。

它的概念其实很简单:emitter 对象会发出被定义过的事件,导致之前注册的所有监听该事件的函数被调用。所以,emitter 对象基本上有两个主要特征:

  • 触发定义过的事件

  • 注册或者取消注册监听函数

为了使用 EventEmitter,我们需要创建一个继承自 EventEmitter 的类。

class MyEmitter extends EventEmitter {

我们从 EventEmitter 的子类实例化的对象,就是 emitter 对象:

const myEmitter = new MyEmitter();

在这些 emitter 对象的生命周期里,我们可以调用 emit 函数来触发我们想要的触发的任何被命名过的事件。

emit 函数的使用表示发生某种情况发生了,让大家去做该做的事情。 这种情况通常是某些状态变化引起的。

我们可以使用 on 方法添加监听器函数,并且每次 emitter 对象触发其关联的事件时,将执行这些监听器函数。

事件 !== 异步


const EventEmitter = require('events');

class WithLog extends EventEmitter {
 execute(taskFunc) {
  console.log('Before executing');
  console.log('After executing');

const withLog = new WithLog();

withLog.on('begin', () => console.log('About to execute'));
withLog.on('end', () => console.log('Done with execute'));

withLog.execute(() => console.log('*** Executing task ***'));

WithLog 是一个事件触发器,它有一个方法 —— execute,该方法接受一个参数,即具体要处理的任务函数,并在其前后包裹 log 以输出其执行日志。



Before executing
About to execute
*** Executing task ***
Done with execute
After executing


  • 第一行输出了 "Before executing"

  • begin 事件被触发,输出 "About to execute"

  • 真正应该被执行的任务函数被调用,输出 " Executing task "

  • end 事件被触发,输出 "Done with execute"

  • 最后输出 "After executing"



如果我们传递 taskFunc 是一个异步函数,会发生什么呢?

// ...

withLog.execute(() => {
 setImmediate(() => {
  console.log('*** Executing task ***')


Before executing
About to execute
Done with execute
After executing
*** Executing task ***

这样就有问题了,异步函数的调用导致 "Done with execute" 和 "After executing" 的输出并不准确。

要在异步函数完成后发出事件,我们需要将回调(或 Promise)与基于事件的通信相结合。 下面的例子说明了这一点。




const fs = require('fs');
const EventEmitter = require('events');

class WithTime extends EventEmitter {
 execute(asyncFunc, ...args) {
  asyncFunc(...args, (err, data) => {
   if (err) {
    return this.emit('error', err);

   this.emit('data', data);

const withTime = new WithTime();

withTime.on('begin', () => console.log('About to execute'));
withTime.on('end', () => console.log('Done with execute'));

withTime.execute(fs.readFile, __filename);

用 WithTime 类执行 asyncFunc 函数,并通过调用 console.time 和 console.timeEnd 报告该asyncFunc 所花费的时间。它在执行之前和之后都将以正确的顺序触发相应的事件,并且还会发出 error/data 事件作为处理异步调用的信号。

我们传递一个异步的 fs.readFile 函数来测试一下 withTime emitter。 我们现在可以直接通过监听 data 事件来处理读取到的文件数据,而不用把这套处理逻辑写到 fs.readFile 的回调函数中。


About to execute
execute: 4.507ms
Done with execute

请注意,我们是将回调与事件触发器 emitter 相结合实现的这部分功能。 如果 asynFunc 支持Promise,我们可以使用 async/await 函数来做同样的事情:

class WithTime extends EventEmitter {
 async execute(asyncFunc, ...args) {
  try {
   const data = await asyncFunc(...args);
   this.emit('data', data);
  } catch(err) {
   this.emit('error', err);

我认为这段代码比之前的回调风格的代码以及使用 .then/.catch 风格的代码更具可读性。async/await 让我们更加接近 JavaScript 语言本身(不必再使用 .then/.catch 这些 api)。



error 事件被触发时会携带一个 error 对象。

this.emit('error', err);

data 事件被触发时会携带一个 data 对象。

this.emit('data', data);

我们可以在 emit 函数中不断的添加参数,当然第一个参数一定是事件的名称,除去第一个参数之外的所有参数都可以在该事件注册的监听器中使用。

例如,要处理 data 事件,我们注册的监听器函数将访问传递给 emit 函数的 data 参数,而这个 data 也正是由 asyncFunc 返回的数据。

withTime.on('data', (data) => {
 // do something with data

error 事件比较特殊。在我们基于回调的那个示例中,如果不使用监听器处理 error 事件,node 进程将会退出。


class WithTime extends EventEmitter {
 execute(asyncFunc, ...args) {
  asyncFunc(...args, (err, data) => {
   if (err) {
    return this.emit('error', err); // Not Handled


const withTime = new WithTime();

withTime.execute(fs.readFile, ''); // BAD CALL
withTime.execute(fs.readFile, __filename);

第一次调用 execute 将会触发 error 事件,由于没有处理 error ,Node 程序随之崩溃:

   throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event
Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ''


如果我们为这个 error 事件注册一个监听器函数来处理 error,结果将大不相同:

withTime.on('error', (err) => {
 // do something with err, for example log it somewhere

如果我们执行上述操作,将会报告第一次执行 execute 时发送的错误,但是这次 node 进程不会崩溃退出,其他程序的调用也都能正常完成:

{ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '' errno: -2, code: 'ENOENT', syscall: 'open', path: '' }
execute: 4.276ms

需要注意的是,基于 Promise 的函数有些不同,它们暂时只是输出一个警告:

UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection (rejection id: 1): Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open ''

DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.

另一种处理异常的方式是在监听全局的 uncaughtException 进程事件。 然而,使用该事件全局捕获错误并不是一个好办法。

关于 uncaughtException,一般都会建议你避免使用它,但是如果必须用它,你应该让进程退出:

process.on('uncaughtException', (err) => {
 // something went unhandled.
 // Do any cleanup and exit anyway!

 console.error(err); // don't do just that.

 // FORCE exit the process too.

但是,假设在同一时间发生多个错误事件,这意味着上面的 uncaughtException 监听器将被多次触发,这可能会引起一些问题。

EventEmitter 模块暴露了 once 方法,这个方法发出的信号只会调用一次监听器。所以,这个方法常与 uncaughtException 一起使用。



// first
withTime.on('data', (data) => {
 console.log(`Length: ${data.length}`);

// second
withTime.on('data', (data) => {
 console.log(`Characters: ${data.toString().length}`);

withTime.execute(fs.readFile, __filename);

上述代码会先输出 Length 信息,再输出 Characters 信息,执行的顺序与注册的顺序保持一致。

如果你想定义一个新的监听函数,但是希望它能够第一个被执行,你还可以使用 prependListener 方法:

withTime.on('data', (data) => {
 console.log(`Length: ${data.length}`);

withTime.prependListener('data', (data) => {
 console.log(`Characters: ${data.toString().length}`);

withTime.execute(fs.readFile, __filename);

上述代码中,Charaters 信息将首先被输出。

最后,你可以用 removeListener 函数来删除某个监听器函数。



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