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How to use iframe elements in vue components

2018-06-20 18:26:524355browse

This article mainly introduces the sample code for using iframe elements in vue components. The editor thinks it is quite good. Now I will share it with you and give it as a reference. Let’s follow the editor and take a look.

This article introduces the sample code for using iframe elements in the vue component and shares it with everyone. The details are as follows:

Need to display the vue component in this page Methods to keep hyperlinks and address bars from changing:

You need to prevent elements at the same level from being overwritten. You can add

, but HTML5 has a new dialog element for dialog boxes.

Some methods of iframe:

Get iframe content:

 var iframe = document.getElementById("iframe1");
 var iwindow = iframe.contentWindow;
 var idoc = iwindow.document;
  console.log("document",idoc); //获取iframe的document
  console.log("head",idoc.head); //获取head
  console.log("body",idoc.body); //获取body

Adaptive iframe:

That is, 1 remove the scroll bar, 2 set the width and height

var iwindow = iframe.contentWindow;
var idoc = iwindow.document;
iframe.height = idoc.body.offsetHeight;


The above is what I compiled for everyone. I hope it will be helpful to everyone in the future.

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The above is the detailed content of How to use iframe elements in vue components. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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