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Detailed explanation of Karma+Mocha in Vue unit testing

2018-06-08 16:56:331887browse

This article mainly introduces the detailed Vue unit test Karma Mocha study notes. Now I share them with you and give them a reference.

When using vue-cli to create a project, you will be prompted whether to install unit testing and e2e testing. Since we are officially recommended to use these two testing frameworks, let’s learn and practice them.



Karma is a JavaScript test execution process management tool (Test Runner) based on Node.js . The main function of this tool in Vue is to run the project in various mainstream web browsers for testing.

In other words, it is a testing tool that allows your code to be tested in a browser environment. The reason why it is needed is that your code may be designed to be executed on the browser side, and some bugs may not be exposed when tested in the node environment. In addition, if the browser has compatibility issues, karma provides a means to automatically run your code on multiple browsers. Run in a browser (chrome, firefox, ie, etc.) environment. If your code will only run on the node side, then you don't need to use karma.


Mocha is a testing framework that implements unit testing in vue-cli with the chai assertion library.

As for the Chai assertion library, you can see the Chai.js assertion library API Chinese documentation. It is very simple. You can quickly master it by checking and using it.

My understanding of the testing framework

npm run unit execution process

  1. Execute npm run unit command

  2. Open the Karma running environment

  3. Use Mocha to test test cases written with Chai assertions one by one

  4. Display test results in the terminal

  5. If the test is successful, karma-coverage will generate a web page with test coverage results in the ./test/unit/coverage folder.


For Karma, I just learned about its configuration options.

The following is Vue’s karma configuration, briefly commented:

var webpackConfig = require('../../build/webpack.test.conf')

module.exports = function (config) {
  // 浏览器
  browsers: ['PhantomJS'],
  // 测试框架
  frameworks: ['mocha', 'sinon-chai', 'phantomjs-shim'],
  // 测试报告
  reporters: ['spec', 'coverage'],
  // 测试入口文件
  files: ['./index.js'],
  // 预处理器 karma-webpack
  preprocessors: {
   './index.js': ['webpack', 'sourcemap']
  // Webpack配置
  webpack: webpackConfig,
  // Webpack中间件
  webpackMiddleware: {
   noInfo: true
  // 测试覆盖率报告
  // https://github.com/karma-runner/karma-coverage/blob/master/docs/configuration.md
  coverageReporter: {
   dir: './coverage',
   reporters: [
    { type: 'lcov', subdir: '.' },
    { type: 'text-summary' }

Mocha and chai

Let’s take a look at the official examples (all commented To explain the meaning of the code):

import Vue from 'vue' // 导入Vue用于生成Vue实例
import Hello from '@/components/Hello' // 导入组件
// 测试脚本里面应该包括一个或多个describe块,称为测试套件(test suite)
describe('Hello.vue', () => {
 // 每个describe块应该包括一个或多个it块,称为测试用例(test case)
 it('should render correct contents', () => {
  const Constructor = Vue.extend(Hello) // 获得Hello组件实例
  const vm = new Constructor().$mount() // 将组件挂在到DOM上
  //断言:DOM中class为hello的元素中的h1元素的文本内容为Welcome to Your Vue.js App
  expect(vm.$el.querySelector('.hello h1').textContent)
   .to.equal('Welcome to Your Vue.js App') 

Knowledge points you need to know:

  1. The test scripts must be placed in the test/unit/specs/ directory.

  2. The script naming method is [component name].spec.js.

  3. The so-called assertion is to perform some operations on the component and predict the result. The test passes if the test result is the same as the assertion.

  4. Unit testing defaults to testing all files in the src directory except main.js, which can be modified in the test/unit/index.js file.

  5. In the Chai assertion library, to be been is that which and has have with at of the same. These language chains are meaningless and are just for ease of understanding.

  6. The test script is composed of multiple descibes, and each describe is composed of multiple its.

  7. Understand asynchronous testing

it('异步请求应该返回一个对象', done => {
  .end(function(err, res){

Understand the hook (life cycle) of describe

describe('hooks', function() {

 before(function() {
  // 在本区块的所有测试用例之前执行

 after(function() {
  // 在本区块的所有测试用例之后执行

 beforeEach(function() {
  // 在本区块的每个测试用例之前执行

 afterEach(function() {
  // 在本区块的每个测试用例之后执行

 // test cases


The above briefly introduces the usage of unit testing, let’s start unit testing in Vue!


As can be seen from the official Vue demo, for Vue unit testing we need to instantiate the component into a Vue instance, and sometimes need to hang Loaded into DOM.

 const Constructor = Vue.extend(Hello) // 获得Hello组件实例
 const vm = new Constructor().$mount() // 将组件挂载到DOM上

The above writing method is just to get the component. Sometimes we need to pass props attributes, custom methods, etc., and maybe we need to use a third-party UI framework. So the above writing method is very troublesome.

Here we recommend Element’s unit testing tool script Util.js, which encapsulates commonly used methods in Vue unit testing. The following demo is also written based on the Util.js.
Here is a brief comment on the purpose of each method.

 * 回收 vm,一般在每个测试脚本测试完成后执行回收vm。
 * @param {Object} vm
exports.destroyVM = function (vm) {}

 * 创建一个 Vue 的实例对象
 * @param {Object|String} Compo   - 组件配置,可直接传 template
 * @param {Boolean=false} mounted  - 是否添加到 DOM 上
 * @return {Object} vm
exports.createVue = function (Compo, mounted = false) {}

 * 创建一个测试组件实例
 * @param {Object} Compo     - 组件对象
 * @param {Object} propsData   - props 数据
 * @param {Boolean=false} mounted - 是否添加到 DOM 上
 * @return {Object} vm
exports.createTest = function (Compo, propsData = {}, mounted = false) {}

 * 触发一个事件
 * 注: 一般在触发事件后使用 vm.$nextTick 方法确定事件触发完成。
 * mouseenter, mouseleave, mouseover, keyup, change, click 等
 * @param {Element} elm   - 元素
 * @param {String} name   - 事件名称
 * @param {*} opts      - 配置项
exports.triggerEvent = function (elm, name, ...opts) {}

 * 触发 “mouseup” 和 “mousedown” 事件,既触发点击事件。
 * @param {Element} elm   - 元素
 * @param {*} opts     - 配置选项
exports.triggerClick = function (elm, ...opts) {}

Example 1

In Example 1 we tested the data of various elements of the Hello component and learned the usage of the destroyVM and createTest methods of util.js and how to obtain them The target element is tested. For how to obtain DOM elements, see the DOM object tutorial.


 <p class="hello">
  <h1 class="hello-title">{{ msg }}</h1>
  <h2 class="hello-content">{{ content }}</h2>

export default {
 name: &#39;hello&#39;,
 props: {
  content: String
 data () {
  return {
   msg: &#39;Welcome!&#39;


import { destroyVM, createTest } from &#39;../util&#39;
import Hello from &#39;@/components/Hello&#39;

describe(&#39;Hello.vue&#39;, () => {
 let vm

 afterEach(() => {

 it(&#39;测试获取元素内容&#39;, () => {
  vm = createTest(Hello, { content: &#39;Hello World&#39; }, true)
  expect(vm.$el.querySelector(&#39;.hello h1&#39;).textContent).to.equal(&#39;Welcome!&#39;)
  expect(vm.$el.querySelector(&#39;.hello h2&#39;).textContent).to.have.be.equal(&#39;Hello World&#39;)

 it(&#39;测试获取Vue对象中数据&#39;, () => {
  vm = createTest(Hello, { content: &#39;Hello World&#39; }, true)
  // Chai的语言链是无意义的,可以随便写。如下:
  expect(vm.content).which.have.to.be.that.equal(&#39;Hello World&#39;) 

 it(&#39;测试获取DOM中是否存在某个class&#39;, () => {
  vm = createTest(Hello, { content: &#39;Hello World&#39; }, true)
  const title = vm.$el.querySelector(&#39;.hello h1&#39;)
  const content = vm.$el.querySelector(&#39;.hello-content&#39;)

Output result

√ Test to get the element content
√ Test to get the data in the Vue object
√ Test to get whether a certain class exists in the DOM

Example 2

In the second example we use createTest to create a test component test For click events, use createVue to create a Vue sample object to test the use of the Click component. Here you can mainly see the use of createVue method.


  <span class="init-num">初始值为{{ InitNum }}</span><br>
  <span class="click-num">点击了{{ ClickNum }}次</span><br>
  <span class="result-num">最终结果为{{ ResultNum }}</span><br>
  <button @click="add">累加{{ AddNum }}</button>

export default {
 name: &#39;Click&#39;,
 props: {
  AddNum: {
   type: Number,
   default: 1
  InitNum: {
   type: Number,
   default: 1
 data () {
  return {
   ClickNum: 0,
   ResultNum: 0
 mounted () {
  this.ResultNum = this.InitNum
 methods: {
  add () {
   this.ResultNum += this.AddNum
   this.$emit(&#39;result&#39;, {
    ClickNum: this.ClickNum,
    ResultNum: this.ResultNum


import { destroyVM, createTest, createVue } from &#39;../util&#39;
import Click from &#39;@/components/Click&#39;

describe(&#39;click.vue&#39;, () => {
 let vm

 afterEach(() => {

 it(&#39;测试按钮点击事件&#39;, () => {
  vm = createTest(Click, {
   AddNum: 10,
   InitNum: 11
  }, true)
  let buttonElm = vm.$el.querySelector(&#39;button&#39;)
  // setTimeout 的原因
  // 在数据改变之后,界面的变化会有一定延时。不用timeout有时候会发现界面没有变化
  setTimeout(done => {
  }, 100)

 it(&#39;测试创建Vue对象&#39;, () => {
  let result
  vm = createVue({
   template: `
    <click @click="handleClick"></click>
   props: {
    AddNum: 10,
    InitNum: 11
   methods: {
    handleClick (obj) {
     result = obj
   components: {
  }, true)
  vm.$nextTick(done => {

Output result

√ Test button click event
√ Test creation of Vue objects


All sample codes are placed in the Github repository for easy viewing. If you want to see more good test cases, it is recommended to use Util.js to take a look at how to write Element's unit test scripts. There are many test scripts for us to learn. As a UI component library used by the majority of Vue users, the test scripts must be very well written~ You can even copy these scripts. I believe this will be of great help in learning the unit testing of Vue components.

The following are my notes from reading the Element unit test for reference.

Util.js 方法包含了大多数Vue组件化的测试需求。

vm.$el vm.$nextTick 和 vm.$ref 都是在测试过程中比较常用的一些Vue语法糖。

需要注意: vm.$nextTick 方法是异步的,所以需要在里面使用done方法。

异步断言,方法参数需要是 _ 或者 done

大多数时候查询元素通过 querySelector 方法查询class获得


大多数情况下查询是否存在某个Class通过 classList.contains 方法获得,查找的结果为 true 或 false

vm.$el .classList.contains(&#39;el-button--primary&#39;)

异步测试必须以 done() 方法结尾。setTimeout 和 vm.$nextTick 是常用的异步测试。

实现按钮点击:通过获取按钮元素 btn,执行 btn.click() 方法实现。

由于 Vue 进行异步更新DOM 的情况,一些依赖DOM更新结果的断言必须在 Vue.nextTick 回调中进行。

triggerEvent(vm.$refs.cascader.$el, &#39;mouseenter&#39;);
vm.$nextTick(_ => {
   vm.$nextTick(_ => {






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