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Learn JavaScript design patterns (interfaces)_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:29:301253browse

1. Interface overview

1) What is an interface?

Interface provides a means to describe what methods an object should have. Although it can indicate the semantics of these methods, it does not dictate how these methods should be implemented.

2), Advantages of interface

  • Promote code reuse.

Interfaces can tell programmers which methods a class implements, thereby helping them use this class.

  • Helps stabilize communication methods between different categories.
  • Testing and debugging become easier as a result.

In a weakly typed language like JavaScript, type mismatch errors are difficult to track. Using interfaces can make finding this kind of error a little easier, because if an object doesn't look like the required type, or doesn't implement the necessary methods, you'll get a clear error message with useful information. In this way, logical errors can be limited to the method itself, rather than in the object composition.

  • Interfaces can also make the code more stable.

Because any changes to the interface must be reflected in all classes that implement it. If an interface adds an operation and one of the classes that implements it doesn't add the corresponding operation, you're bound to see an error immediately.

3) Disadvantages of interfaces

Javascript is a language that has a strong ability to express images, mainly due to its weak type characteristics. The use of interfaces certainly strengthens the role of types programmatically. This reduces the flexibility of the language. JavaScript does not provide built-in support for interfaces, and there is always some risk in trying to imitate the built-in functionality of other languages.

The biggest problem with using interfaces in js is that you cannot force other programmers to comply with the interfaces you define. In other languages, the concept of interfaces is built-in. If someone defines a class that implements an interface, the compiler will ensure that the class actually implements the interface. In JavaScript, you must use manual methods to ensure that a certain class implements an interface. Coding conventions and helper classes can provide some help, but they won't completely eradicate the problem. If other programmers on the project do not take the interfaces seriously, then the use of these interfaces cannot be enforced. Unless everyone on the project agrees to use the interface and inspects it, much of the value of the interface will not be realized.

2. Imitate the interface in javascript

Three methods to imitate interfaces in JavaScript: annotation description method, attribute inspection method, and duck type identification method.

No single technique is perfect, but a combination of the three is generally satisfactory.

1), annotation description method implementation interface

Using annotations to imitate interfaces is the simplest method, but the effect is the worst. This approach mimics what is done in other page object languages, using the interface and implements keywords, but placing them in comments to avoid syntax errors. As follows:


  * interface Composite{
* function add(obj);
* function remove(obj);
* function update(obj);


// Implement of interface Composite
var CompositeImpl =function(){

 /*this.add = function(obj){

  this.remove = function(obj){

  CompositeImpl.prototype.add = function(obj){

  CompositeImpl.prototype.remove = function(obj){

  CompositeImpl.prototype.update = function(obj){

var c1 = new CompositeImpl();
var c2 = new CompositeImpl()

alert(c1.add == c2.add)

This imitation is not very good. It does not check to ensure that the Composite actually implements the correct set of methods, nor does it throw errors to inform the programmer of problems in the program. After all, it mainly belongs to the category of program documentation. In this approach, compliance with interface conventions relies entirely on conscious effort.

2), attribute detection method implementation interface

This method is more rigorous. All classes explicitly declare which interfaces they implement, and objects that want to deal with these classes may check these declarations. The interfaces themselves are still just annotations, but now you can tell what interface a class claims to implement by inspecting a property.

  * interface Composite{
 *   function add(obj);
 *   function remove(obj);
 *   function update(obj);
 * }

 * interface FormItem{
 *   function select(obj);
 * }

  // CompositeImpl implements interface Composite,FormItem
  var CompositeImpl =function(){
    // 我们项目经理:在内部类定义一个数组,名字要固定

    this.interfaceImplments = ['Composite','FormItem'];
    CompositeImpl.prototype.add = function(obj){
  CompositeImpl.prototype.remove = function(obj){

  CompositeImpl.prototype.update = function(obj){

  /*CompositeImpl.prototype.select = function(obj){


  function checkCompositeImpl (instance){
    if (!isImplments(instance,'Composite','FormItem')) {
      throw new Error('Object cannot implements all the interface');

  function isImplments(object){
    //arguments 对象会的函数的实际对象
    for (var i = 1, len = arguments.length; i < len; i++) { //注意这里从1开始,逐个方法判断。
      var interfaceName = arguments[i];      //接收实现每一个接口的名字
      var interfaceFound = false;//判断此方法到底是实现了还是失败了?规范里定义了interfaceImplments.

      for (var j = 0;j < object.interfaceImplments.length; j++) {
        if(object.interfaceImplments[j] == interfaceName){
          interfaceFound = true;
       if (!interfaceFound) {
          return false;

     return true;

var c1 = new CompositeImpl();


这个例子中,CompositeImpl 宣称自己实现了Composite接口,其做法是把这两个接口名称加入一个名为implementsInterfaces的数组。类显式声明自己支持什么接口。任何一个要求基于参数属于特定类型的函数都可以对这个属性进行检查,并在所需接口未在声明之列时抛出一个错误。




其实,类是否声明自己支持哪些接口并不重要,只要它具有这些接口中的方法就行。鸭式辨型(这个名称来自James Whitomb Riley的名言:“像鸭子一样走路并且嘎嘎叫的就是鸭子”)正是基于这样的认识。它把对象实现的方法集作作为判断它是不是某个类的实例的唯一标准。这种技术在检查一个类是否实现了某个接口时也可大显向身手。这种方法背后的观点很简单:如果对象具有与接口定义的方法同名的所有方法,那么就可以认为它实现了这个接口。你可以用一个辅助函数来确保对象具有所有必需的方法:

/* 实现接口的第三种方式:鸭式辨型发实现接口,(较为完美的实现方法)
   完全面向对象 代码实现统一,实现解耦*/

//1、接口类---Class Interface ===>实例化N多个接口

 * 参数1:接口名
 * 参数2:接收方法的集合(数组)
var Interface = function(name , methods){
   if (arguments.length !=2) {
     throw new Error('the instance interface constructor arguments should be 2');
   this.name =name;
   //this.methods = methods;
   this.methods = [];
   for (var i = 0, len = methods.length; i <len; i++) {
     if (typeof methods[i] !== "string"){
        throw new Error('the name of method is wrong');


var CompositeInterface = new Interface('CompositeInterface',['add','delete']);
var FormItemInterface = new Interface('FormItemInterface',['update','select']);

//CompositeImpl implments CompositionIterface FormItemIterface
var CompositeImpl = function(){


//(3)实现接口的方法 implements methods
CompositeImpl.prototype.add = function(obj){
CompositeImpl.prototype.delete = function(obj){
CompositeImpl.prototype.update = function(obj){
/*CompositeImpl.prototype.select = function(obj){

//这个方法的目的就是 检测方法的

Interface.ensureImplements =function(object){
   //如果接受参数长度小于2 ,证明还有任何实现的接口
   if (arguments.length < 2) {
     throw new Error('The Interface has no implement class');

  for (var i = 1, len= arguments.length; i < len; i++) {
     var instanceInterface =arguments[i];
     //判断参数是否为 接口类的类型
     if (instanceInterface.constructor !==Interface) {
        throw new Error('The arguments constructor is not Interface Class');

     for (var j = 0, len2 =instanceInterface.methods.length ; j <len2; j++ ) {
        //用一个临时变量 ,接收每个方法的名字(注意为字符串类型)
        var methodName = instanceInterface.methods[j];
        //object[key] 获得方法
        if (!object[methodName] || typeof object[methodName] !== 'function')
          throw new Error('the method"'+ methodName+'"is not found');

var c1 =new CompositeImpl();






1)、 将Interface类纳入HTML文件。
2)、 逐一检查代码中所有以对象为参数的方法。搞清代码正常运转要求的这些对象参数具有哪些方法
3)、 为你需要的每一个不同的方法集创建一个Interface对象。
4)、 剔除所有针对构造器显式检查。因为我们使用是鸭式辨型,所以对象的类型不再重要。
5)、 以Interface.ensureImplements取代原来的构造器检查。


 var ResultFormatter =function(resultsObject){
    if(!(resultsObject instanceof TestResult)){
      throw newError("ResultsFormatter:constructor requires an instance of TestResult asan argument.")
    this.resultsObject = resultsObject;
  ResultFormatter.prototype.renderResults =function(){
    var dateOfTest = this.resultsObject.getDate();
    var resultsArray =this.resultsObject.getResults();
    var resultsContainer =document.createElement('div');
    var resultsHeader =document.createElement("h3");
    resultsHeader.innerHTML = "TestResults from "+dateOfTest.toUTCString();
    var resultList =document.createElement("ul");
    for(var i=0,len=resultsArray.length;i<len;i++){
      var listItem=document.createElement('li');
      listItem.innerHTML =resultsArray[i];
    return resultsContainer;



var ResultSet =new Interface(“ResultSet”,[‘getDate','getResults']);


var ResultFormatter = function(resultsObject){
 this.resultsObject = resultsObject;
ResultFormatter.prototype.renderResults= function(){



  • 工厂模式
  • 组合模式
  • 装饰模式
  • 命令模式


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