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Basic usage of Yii framework in PHP

2018-06-07 14:34:113858browse

This article mainly introduces the basic usage of Yii framework in PHP. Interested friends can refer to it. I hope it will be helpful to everyone.

In the code automatically generated by Yii, we can always see CGridView in the admin interface. This is a very useful table control for displaying data. If used well, it can significantly speed up the development progress. Let's explore the basic use of CGridView:

drop table if exists `tbl_user`; 
CREATE TABLE tbl_user 
  `user_id` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT comment '主键', 
  `username` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL comment '用户名', 
  `nickname` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL comment '昵称', 
  `password` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL comment '密码', 
  `email` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL comment '邮箱', 
  `is_delete` tinyint not null default 0 comment '删除标志', 
  unique key(`username`), 
  primary key (`user_id`) 
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 comment='用户表'; 
drop table if exists `tbl_post`; 
CREATE TABLE tbl_post 
  `post_id` INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT comment '主键', 
  `title` VARCHAR(128) NOT NULL comment '标题', 
  `content` TEXT NOT NULL comment '文章内容', 
  `tags` TEXT comment '标签', 
  `status` INTEGER NOT NULL comment '状态,0 = 草稿,1 = 审核通过,-1 = 审核不通过,2 = 发布', 
  `create_time` INTEGER comment '创建时间', 
  `update_time` INTEGER comment '更新时间', 
  `author_id` INTEGER NOT NULL comment '作者', 
  `is_delete` tinyint not null default 0 comment '删除标志', 
  CONSTRAINT `post_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (author_id) 
  primary key (`post_id`) 
) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 comment='日志表';

Two tables, one storing author information and the other storing logs, where the logs have a foreign key associated with the user. The is_delete field in the two tables marks whether the record has been deleted, 0 means not deleted, and 1 means deleted. Let's take a look at the relation method of the Post class generated with gii:

 * @return array relational rules. 
public function relations() 
  // NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related 
  // class name for the relations automatically generated below. 
  return array( 
    'comments' => array(self::HAS_MANY, 'Comment', 'post_id'), 
    'author' => array(self::BELONGS_TO, 'User', 'author_id'), 

The author foreign key exists as a BELONGS_TO relationship, which is in line with our expectations.
Having said so much, let’s take a look at the code of CGridView in admin.php in the automatically generated Post:

<?php $this->widget(&#39;zii.widgets.grid.CGridView&#39;, array( 
)); ?>

Look! Although we haven't written anything, this is the most basic use of this control. dataProvider is the data provided by the search function in the model. Filter... I can’t see the role here for the time being. Columns control each column displayed. The last item of CButtonColumn shows us three buttons, namely View Update and delete.
Next we will transform it bit by bit.

Use CGridView to display the data form we really want: Many times, the things in the database are not suitable to be displayed directly to the user. We need It is suitable for reading only after certain processing. But without modification here, CGridView will only present the database value unchanged, so we should modify it in the corresponding field. For example, in the is_delete field, 0 and 1 are stored in the database, but it is not very good to read here. We should change it to 1 to display 'yes' and 0 to display 'no'. Take a look at the code below. We use an array. The two keys are name and value. Name corresponds to the fields owned by the model, and value is the data you want to display. It can be written as a php statement as code executed. Seeing this, do you think we can do a lot with this value? Some students may ask, if the code I want to execute is very long, is it all written in value? . . . I said classmate, wouldn’t you write a function somewhere else and then call it here? ?

<?php $this->widget(&#39;zii.widgets.grid.CGridView&#39;, array( 
      &#39;value&#39;=>&#39;is_delete?"是":"否"&#39; //value 是可以执行 php 语句的哦 
)); ?>

In addition, there are some commonly used options, which can be filled in the array. The following is the more common usage (other parts of the code are omitted):

  &#39;value&#39;=>&#39;is_delete?"是":"否"&#39; //value 是可以执行 php 语句的哦 
  &#39;filter&#39; => array(0=>&#39;否&#39;,1=>&#39;是&#39;), //自己定义搜索过滤的方式,这里为 是 和 否 的下拉菜单 
  &#39;htmlOptions&#39;=>array(&#39;class&#39;=>&#39;delete&#39;), //可以定义 html 选项,这里是定义了带一个 delete 的类 

Above we use As for name, it is an original field in the model. If we want to display the new content defined by ourselves, use header:

  &#39;value&#39;=> &#39;display your data&#39; 

to add CCheckBoxColumn: Sometimes we may need a check box box to select each row. At this time, we can add a column and use the CCheckBoxColumn class:

<?php $this->widget(&#39;zii.widgets.grid.CGridView&#39;, array( 
      &#39;selectableRows&#39; => 2, //允许多选,改为 0 时代表不允许修改,1 的话为单选 
      &#39;class&#39; => &#39;CCheckBoxColumn&#39;,//复选框 
      &#39;headerHtmlOptions&#39; => array(&#39;width&#39;=>&#39;18px&#39;),//头部的 html 选项 
      &#39;checkBoxHtmlOptions&#39; => array(&#39;name&#39; => &#39;myname&#39;,&#39;class&#39;=>&#39;myclass&#39;), //复选框的 html 选项 
      &#39;value&#39;=>&#39;is_delete?"是":"否"&#39;, //value 是可以执行 php 语句的哦 
      &#39;filter&#39; => array(0=>&#39;否&#39;,1=>&#39;是&#39;), //自己定义搜索过滤的方式,这里为 是 和 否 的下拉菜单 
      &#39;htmlOptions&#39;=>array(&#39;class&#39;=>&#39;delete&#39;), //可以定义 html 选项,这里是定义了带一个 delete 的类 

to modify the ButtonColumn: Did you notice the last three small icons of each item in the list? ? Of course, if you don’t need them, just delete them directly. But what if you only want a few of them? You can add a template parameter:

     &#39;template&#39;=>"{view} {update}", 

You can also customize the button:

  &#39;template&#39;=>"{view} {update} {print}", 
          &#39;url&#39;=>&#39;Yii::app()->controller->createUrl("print", array("id"=>$data->post_id))&#39;, 

Trigger Javascript when refreshing: If you want to trigger some Javascript after each search, Yii This option is also provided. You just need to write it as a function and set afterAjaxUpdate. Remember that this is only called after the ajax request is completed. If you want to call it as soon as the page is loaded, you need to add additional Javascript## to the page. #

  $js = <<<_JS_ 
  alert(&#39;The ajax finish&#39;); 
$this->widget(&#39;zii.widgets.grid.CGridView&#39;, array( 
  &#39;afterAjaxUpdate&#39;=>$js, //看这里,ajax 之后调用的 javascript 在这里.... 
      &#39;selectableRows&#39; => 2, //允许多选,改为 0 时代表不允许修改,1 的话为单选 
      &#39;class&#39; => &#39;CCheckBoxColumn&#39;,//复选框 
      &#39;headerHtmlOptions&#39; => array(&#39;width&#39;=>&#39;18px&#39;), 
      &#39;checkBoxHtmlOptions&#39; => array(&#39;name&#39; => &#39;myname&#39;,&#39;class&#39;=>&#39;myclass&#39;), 

Add search for related fields of related tables: Let me start by saying that we only talk about "one-to-many" related searches here. First of all, don't forget our database. If you forget, please ask Click here: Here, you can see that there is a foreign key in tbl_post associated with the tbl_user table to find author-related information. After building the database, take a look at the POST Model of the Yii code we generated. The realtion inside is as follows (ignore the comment):

 * @return array relational rules. 
public function relations() 
  // NOTE: you may need to adjust the relation name and the related 
  // class name for the relations automatically generated below. 
  return array( 
    &#39;comments&#39; => array(self::HAS_MANY, &#39;Comment&#39;, &#39;post_id&#39;), 
    &#39;author&#39; => array(self::BELONGS_TO, &#39;User&#39;, &#39;author_id&#39;), 

You can see that the POST and USER tables can be accessed through the author key, for example: $model->author->nickname, and here is the BELONGS_TO relationship.

Having said so much, what exactly are our needs? ....

The product manager pushed up his glasses: "We want to add a function to the backend management interface of the log, which allows you to search for corresponding articles by author name. This is urgent and will be completed tonight." "

    其实很简单的,不就是在 POST 的 admin 界面中增加一列作者名称,然后可以通过作者名的 模糊搜索 去找到对应日志吗?看看代码,要是通过 作者 id 去搜索不就简单了吗?不过这样确实不太友好...如果是展示作者名字而已不也是很简单吗?加一个 header 然后 value 是 $data->author->username, 问题是这样只能展示,不能进行搜索...哎,好苦恼。

    首先,我们进入 POST 的 model,在一开始的地方添加一个属性:

class Post extends CActiveRecord 
  public $name; //添加一个 public 属性,代表作者名 
  然后改一下 Model 里面 search 的代码,改动部分都已经加了注释:
public function search() 
  // @todo Please modify the following code to remove attributes that should not be searched. 
  $criteria=new CDbCriteria; 
  $criteria->with = array(&#39;author&#39;); //添加了和 author 的渴求式加载 
  //这里添加了一个 compare, username 是 User 表的字段,$this->name 是我们添加的属性,true 为模糊搜索 
  return new CActiveDataProvider($this, array( 

    然后在 view 里面,就是 post 文件夹的 admin.php ,CGridView 改为下面代码:

<?php $this->widget(&#39;zii.widgets.grid.CGridView&#39;, array( 
      &#39;value&#39;=>&#39;$data->author->username&#39;, //定义展示的 value 值 
      &#39;filter&#39;=>CHtml::activeTextField($model,&#39;name&#39;), //添加搜索 filter 
)); ?>

    你是不是发现现在有了搜索框但是不起作用呢?哈哈,所以我们说文章要坚持看到最后。我们要做的最后一步,就是在 rule 里面,把 name 属性加入到安全搜索字段中,要不然会被 Yii 认为是不安全字段而过滤掉的。看,就在下面函数的最后一行,safe 前面多了个 name ....

public function rules() 
  // NOTE: you should only define rules for those attributes that 
  // will receive user inputs. 
  return array( 
    array(&#39;title, content, status, author_id&#39;, &#39;required&#39;), 
    array(&#39;status, create_time, update_time, author_id&#39;, &#39;numerical&#39;, &#39;integerOnly&#39;=>true), 
    array(&#39;title&#39;, &#39;length&#39;, &#39;max&#39;=>128), 
    array(&#39;tags&#39;, &#39;safe&#39;), 
    // The following rule is used by search(). 
    // @todo Please remove those attributes that should not be searched. 
    array(&#39;post_id, title, content, tags, status, create_time, update_time, author_id, name&#39;, &#39;safe&#39;, &#39;on&#39;=>&#39;search&#39;), 






The above is the detailed content of Basic usage of Yii framework in PHP. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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