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Use the beforeEnter hook function (code attached)

2018-06-06 11:34:282044browse

This time I will bring you the use of the beforeEnter hook function (with code) and what are the precautions for using the beforeEnter hook function (the following is a practical case, let’s take a look.

Why create your own beforeEnter hook function?

Let’s look at the problem scenario: there is a word list page in the project, and each cell will note whether the word has been mastered. Click on the cell to enter the details page. You can learn the word and mark whether the word is mastered, and you can also learn other words by clicking the forward and back buttons on the details page. So when I click return, the word list should show the latest status of all words mastered by the user.

The final page relationship is like this:

wordListPage ——> wordDetail (learn a series of words, exit) ——> wordListPage (refresh the word list )

For the above scenario, it is not possible to use Vue life cycle functions, because Vue’s life cycle functions such as: beforeCreate, created, beforeMounted, mounted, etc. will only be called when the component is initialized, but When the component (VM instance) comes from the cache (such as $route.go(-1), keep-alive), the life cycle function will no longer be called. Therefore, when I return to the list page from the word details page , cannot find an appropriate period to initiate data update. Therefore, the above scenario cannot be processed well.

Of course, there are relatively few scenarios for the above, but the existence of the beforeEnter hook function It is still necessary.

Construct the beforeEnter hook function

Dependent knowledge points:

  1. Routing : vue-router

  2. Mix in: mixin

  3. Central event bus

1 .Create a central event bus

For the central event bus, a simple understanding is to create a public Vue instance (EventBus) and use the same instance in different places to trigger EventBus.$emit('demo') Message, use a public Vue instance to listen to EventBus.$on('demo',() => {}) at the location where you want to listen to the event. To put it more plainly, there is such a public component, and it will be different in different places It sends messages and monitors them in different places. So it implements the sending and receiving of messages by itself, so we call it the central event bus.

The code is as follows: libs/EventBus. js

import Vue from 'vue';
const EventBus = new Vue();
export default EventBus;

Let’s see how to use it

2. Routing hook function beforeEach

Through the beforeEach hook function, the corresponding component is triggered when routing switching beforeEnter event.

The code is as follows: router/index.js

import EventBus from '@/libs/EventBus';
router.beforeEach((to, from, next) => {
  EventBus.$emit(to.name + 'BeforeEnter'); 
  if (to.matched.some(route => route.meta.isAuth)) {
  } else {

3. Create a global mix-in object

Here to implement the monitoring of route switching events and component instance hooks Triggering of function beforeEnter.


import EventBus from './EventBus';
export default {
  beforeCreate() {
    let vmName = this.$route.name;
    if (!vmName) {
    // 当组件初始化时,先触发一次,后续将不再调用
    const beforeEnter = vmName + 'BeforeEnter';
    EventBus.$on(beforeEnter, this.$options.beforeEnter);
  beforeEnter() {}

For this mixin object, it is feasible to use global or local mixin.

Global mixing: main.js

import beforeEnterMixin from '@/libs/beforeEnterMixin';

4. Use in components

For example: home.vue

At this point, our beforeEnter is complete. You can make a demo to test it yourself. Currently, I use it in many projects.

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

Recommended reading:

How to use vue webpack to make asynchronous loading

##vue router dynamic routing operation sub-routing

The above is the detailed content of Use the beforeEnter hook function (code attached). For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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