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Improve the ajax list request experience based on h5 history

2018-05-24 14:47:541537browse

This article mainly introduces the relevant information based on h5 history to improve the ajax list request experience. Friends who need it can refer to it

Websites with rich information are usually displayed in paging. Click "Next" page", many websites use dynamic requests to avoid page refreshes. Although everyone is ajax, you can still distinguish the pros and cons from some small details. A small detail is the ability to support the browser's "back" and "forward" keys. This article discusses two methods that allow the browser to go back and forward, or let ajax have the ability to return to the previous page or advance to the next page just like redirecting to a new page.

The simplest way to display data in paging is to add multiple page numbers after the URL, and when you click "Next Page", the web page will be redirected to the new address of page 1. For example, Sina's news network does this by changing the URL: index_1, index_2, index_3... But if this list is not the main part of the page, or there are many pictures and other rich elements in other parts of the page, for example, the navigation is a large slider, and if you use this method, the entire page will flicker violently, and many resources will have to be re- load. So use ajax request to dynamically change the DOM.

But ordinary dynamic requests will not change the URL. When the user clicks on the next page, or clicks on a few pages, and wants to return to the previous page, he may click the return button of the browser. key, this will cause the return not to the page originally viewed, but to the previous URL. For example, CCTV’s news network is like this. Let's start with the ajax request and analyze it with a complete case.

Made a demo

First, write a request:

  var pageIndex = 0;
  function makeRequest(pageIndex){
    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
    request.onreadystatechange = stateChange;
    request.open("GET", "/getBook?page=" + pageIndex + "&limit=4", true);
    function stateChange(){
      if(request.readyState !== 4 ){
      if(request.status >= 200 && request.status < 300 || request.status === 304){
        var books = JSON.parse(request.responseText);

Render after getting the data:

  function renderPage(books){
    var bookHtml = 
      "<table>" +
      "  <tr>" +
      "    <th>书名</th>" +
      "    <th>作者</th>" +
      "    <th>版本</th>" +
      "  </tr>";
    for(var i in books){
      bookHtml += 
        "<tr>" +
        "  <td>" + books[i].book_name + "</td>" +
        "  <td>" + books[i].author + "</td>" +
        "  <td>" + books[i].edition + "</td>" +
    bookHtml += "</table>";
    bookHtml += 
      "<button>上一页</button>" + 
      "<button onclick=&#39;nextPage();&#39;>下一页</button>";
    var section = document.createElement("section");
    section.innerHtml = bookHtml;

Such a basic ajax request is set up, and then responds to the "next page" button:

  function nextPage(){

At this point, if no processing is done, the browser's return and forward buttons cannot be used. role.

If you can detect when the user clicks the back and forward buttons, you can write some articles. h5 adds such an event window.onpopstate. This event will be triggered when the user clicks those two buttons. But it is not enough to detect this event. You must also be able to pass some parameters. That is to say, when returning to the previous page, you must know the pageIndex of that page. This purpose can be achieved through the pushState method of history. pushState(pageIndex) stores the pageIndex of the current page, and then obtains the pageIndex when returning to this page. The parameters of pushState are as follows:

window.history.pushState(state, title, url);

where state is an object{}, used to store the data of the current page, and the title is not very big The role of url is the url of the current page. Once this url is changed, the address in the browser address bar will also change accordingly.

Therefore, in the nextPage function that requests the next page data, add one more step:

  function nextPage(){
    window.history.pushState({page: pageIndex}, null, window.location.href); 

Then listen to the popstate event:

  window.addEventListener("popstate", function(event){
    var page = 0;
    if(event.state !== null){
      page = event.state.page;
    pageIndex = page;

The state data is passed in through the event. This way you can get the pageIndex.

However, there are still problems with this implementation. If you refresh the page on the second page, confusion will occur, as shown below: First, click the next page to go to the second page. page, and then refresh the page, the first page appears, then click the next page, and the second page appears. When I click Return, a problem occurs. The second page is still displayed, not the expected first page. It is the first page until I click Return again. Page:

From the toolbar on the right, you can find that the pageIndex obtained when you click Return for the first time is still 1. For this situation, the history model needs to be analyzed, as shown below:

# can be understood as the operation of history. The browser has a queue to store access records. Including each visited URL and state data. At the beginning, the first pointer of the queue points to the position of page = 0. When the next page is clicked, pushState is executed, an element is inserted into the queue, and the url and state data of this element are recorded through the pushState operation. It can be seen here that the most important function of the pushState operation is to insert elements into the history queue so that the browser's back button is not in a grayed out state, followed by the storage of data mentioned above. When you click back, the head pointer moves back one step to point to the position of page = 0, and when you click forward, it moves forward to point to the position of page = 1.

如果在page = 1的位置刷新页面,模型是这个样子的:

在第2步刷新的时候,页面的pageIndex又恢复成默认值0,所以page = 0,显示第一页数据,但是history所用的队列并没有改变。然后再点下一页时,又给这个队列push了一个元素,这个队列就有两个pageIndex 为1的元素,所以必须得两次返回才能回到page = 0的位置,也就是上面说的错乱的情况。

根据上面的分析,这样的实现是有问题的,一但用户不是在page = 0的位置刷新页面,就会出现需要点多次返回按钮才能够回到原先的页面。


window.history.replaceState({page: pageIndex /*此处为0*/}, null, window.location.href);


var pageIndex = window.history.state === null ? 0 : window.history.state.page;



  var pageIndex = window.localStorage.pageIndex || 0;

  function nextPage(){
    window.localStorage.pageIndex = ++pageIndex;
    window.history.pushState({page: pageIndex}, null, window.location.href); 

  window.addEventListener("popstate", function(event){
    var page = 0;
    if(event.state !== null){
      page = event.state.page;
    window.localStorage.pageIndex = page;



   var pageIndex = window.location.search.replace("?page=", "") || ;
   function nextPage(){
     window.history.pushState(null, null, "?page=" + pageIndex);





   var pageIndex = window.location.hash.replace("#page=", "") || ;
   function nextPage(){ 
     window.location.hash = "#page=" + pageIndex;
   window.addEventListener("hashchange", function(){
     var page = window.location.hash.replace("#page=", "") || ;

      关于支持性,参考caniuse网站:history IE10及以上支持,hashchange的支持性较好,IE8及以上都支持。





AJAX XMLHttpRequest对象详解



The above is the detailed content of Improve the ajax list request experience based on h5 history. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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