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Comprehensive analysis of prototypes in JavaScript

2018-05-21 14:53:471351browse

This article mainly introduces the complete analysis of prototype prototype in JavaScript. Prototype is an important support for the "everything is an object" argument in the js world. It explains the __proto__ attribute and prototype chain and other dry information. Friends who need it can refer to it

To understand prototype in JS, you must first understand the following concepts
1. Everything in JS is an object

2. Everything in JS is derived from Object Comes from, that is, the end point of the prototype chain of all things points to Object.prototype

  // ["constructor", "toString", "toLocaleString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", 
   // "propertyIsEnumerable", "__defineGetter__", "__lookupGetter__", "__defineSetter__",
   // "__lookupSetter__"]

3. The subtle relationship between constructors and instances (objects) in JS
The constructor agrees on its instance by defining prototype Specifications, and then use new to construct instances, their role is to produce objects.
And the constructor (method) itself is an instance of the method (Function), so its __proto__ (prototype chain) can also be found

Object / function F() {} This is the constructor, one is provided by JS native API, and the other is customized
new Object() / new F() This is what it looks like Example
An instance can "only" check __proto__ to know what prototype it is based on,
but "cannot" redefine the prototype of the instance to create an instance of the instance.

Practice brings true knowledge, only by observing/thinking yourself can you truly understand:

  // 先来看看构造函数到底是什么
  // function Empty() {}  function Empty() {}
  console.log(Function.prototype, Function.__proto__);
  // Object {}          function Empty() {}
  console.log(Object.prototype, Object.__proto__);
  function F() {}
  // F {}              function Empty() {}
  console.log(F.prototype, F.__proto__);

You may be dizzy, let’s break it down.

prototype The format of prototype output is: constructor name prototype
First, let’s take a look at what Object.prototype outputs?
Object {} -> The previous Object is a constructor The name of the function, the last one represents the prototype, here is a {}, that is, an instance of an Object object (empty object)
Then we will understand what F {} means, F is the name of the constructor, and the prototype is also An empty object

  // 再来看看由构造函数构造出来的实例
  var o = new Object(); // var o = {};
  // undefined       Object {}
  console.log(o.prototype, o.__proto__);
  function F() {}
  var i = new F();
  // undefined       F {}
  console.log(i.prototype, i.__proto__);

Let’s go a little deeper and define the prototype of F to see what happens?

  function F() {}
  F.prototype.a = function() {};
  var i = new F();
  // undefined       F {a: function}
  console.log(i.prototype, i.__proto__);

In this way we can clearly see that i is constructed from F, The prototype is {a: function}, which means that the original empty object prototype has a new a method

Let’s change the situation again, what will happen if we completely cover the prototype of F?

function F() {}
  F.prototype = {
    a: function() {}
  var i = new F();
  // undefined       Object {a: function}
  console.log(i.prototype, i.__proto__);

Why~ Why does it show that i is constructed from Object? No!
Because we completely overwrite the prototype of F, which actually means specifying the prototype as object {a: function}, but this will cause the original The constructor information is lost and becomes the constructor specified by the object {a: function}.
So what is the constructor of the object {a: function}?
Because the object {a: function} is actually relative to

var o = {a: function() {}} // new了一个Object

Then of course the constructor of o is Object

Let’s correct this mistake

  function F() {}
  F.prototype = {
    a: function() {}
  // 重新指定正确的构造函数
  F.prototype.constructor = F;
  var i = new F();
  // undefined       F {a: function, constructor: function}
  console.log(i.prototype, i.__proto__);

Now we can get the correct prototype information again~

Prototype chain

Then let’s take a look at what the prototype chain is?
Simply speaking, it is the same as the inheritance relationship (chain) in OOP. You go up layer by layer. , until the final Object.prototype

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## The most important thing is to figure out which things in JS are (instance) objects. This is simple. Everything in JS is Object!

Another thing to understand is that any object has a prototype!

Then let’s prove it:

  Object // 这是一个函数, 函数是 Function 的实例对象, 那么就是由 Function 构造出来的
  Object.__proto__ == Function.prototype // 那么Object的原型, true
  // 这个是一个普通对象了, 因此属于 Object 的实例
  Function.prototype.__proto__ == Object.prototype // true
  // 这已经是原型链的最顶层了, 因此最终的指向 null
  Object.prototype.__proto__ == null // true

  Function // 这也是一个函数, 没错吧!
  Function.__proto__ == Function.prototype // true
  function A() {} // 这是一个自定义的函数, 终归还是一个函数, 没错吧! 
  A.__proto__ == Function.prototype // 任何函数都是 Function 的实例, 因此A的原型是?
  var a = new A()
  a.__proto__ == A.prototype // 实例a是由A构造函数构造出来的, 因此a的原型是由A的prototype属性定义的
  A.prototype.__proto__ == Object.prototype // 普通对象都是 Object 的示例

Prototype and __proto__Each object contains a __proto__, pointing to the "prototype" of this object. A similar thing is that each function contains a prototype. What does this prototype object do?

Let’s take a look at the following code, using the constructor to create an object (the above is to create an object in the form of a literal).

function Foo(){};
var foo = new Foo();

Just think about it, what does the __proto__ of this foo object point to?

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An object containing a constructor property? It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it well. Just print out the prototype attribute of function Foo and compare it.

function Foo(){};
var foo = new Foo();
console.log(foo.__proto__ === Foo.prototype);

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It turns out that the __proto__ of the new object foo only points to the prototype of the function Foo.

foo.__proto__ --> Foo.prototype

What’s the point of designing JS like this? Recall what was said above, in the world of JS, objects are not created based on classes (molds), but derived from prototypes (another object).

When we perform the new operation to create a new object, we will not go into the specific implementation of the new operation, but one thing we are sure of is that the __proto__ of the new object points to a prototype object.

Just this code

function Foo(){};
var foo = new Foo();



foo.__proto__ --> Foo.prototype


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1. 每个对象中都有一个_proto_属性。


2. 每个函数都有一个prototype属性。


3. 函数也是对象。







The above is the detailed content of Comprehensive analysis of prototypes in JavaScript. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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