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Function expressions, recursion and closure functions in javascript advanced programming_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:28:591324browse

There are two ways to define function expressions: function declaration and function expression.

The function is declared as follows:

function functionName(arg0,arg1,arg2){

First is the function keyword, then the name of the function.

FF, Safrai, Chrome and Opera all define a non-standard name attribute for functions, through which the name specified by the function can be accessed. The value of this function is always equal to the identifier following the function keyword.


The characteristic of function declaration is function declaration hoisting, which means that the function declaration is read before executing the code. This means that the function declaration can be placed after the statement that calls it.

function sayHi(){

This example will not throw an error because the function declaration will be read before the code is executed.

The second type is function expression.

var functionName=function(arg0,arg0,arg2){

This form looks like a regular variable assignment statement, that is, creating a function and assigning it to the variable functionName. The function created in this case is called an anonymous function because there is no identifier after the function keyword symbol. (Anonymous functions are sometimes also called lambda functions.) The name attribute of the anonymous function is an empty string.

Function expressions, like other expressions, must be assigned a value before use.

The following code will cause an error:

syaHi();//Uncaught ReferenceError: syaHi is not defined
var sayHi=function(){

Do not write code like the following. This is invalid syntax in ECMAScript. The JavaScript engine will try to correct the error, but different browsers will modify it differently.

 function sayHi(){
 function sayHi(){

If you use function expressions, there will be no problem.

var sayHi;

You can create a function and assign it to a variable, and you can also return the function as the value of other functions.

function creatComparisonFunction(propertyName){
 return function(object1,object2){
  var value1=object1[propertyName];
  var value2=object2[propertyName];
   return -1;
  }else if(value1>value2){
   return 1;
   return 0;

creatComparisonFunction() returns an anonymous function. The returned function may be assigned to a variable or called in other ways; however, inside the creatComparisonFunction() function, it is anonymous. When treating the function as a value In any case, you can use anonymous functions.

7.1 Recursion

A recursive function is constructed when a function calls itself by name.

function factorial(num){
  return 1;
  return num*factorial(num-1);

The above is a classic recursive factorial function. The following code may cause it to go wrong.

var anotherFactorial=factorial;
alert(anotherFactorial(4));//Uncaught TypeError: factorial is not a function

The above code first saves the factorial() function in the variable anotherFactorial, and then sets the factorial variable to null. As a result, there is only one original reference left. When anotherFactorial() is called next, since factorial() must be executed, And factorial() is no longer a function, so it will cause an error.

In this case, using arguments.callee can solve the problem.

arguments.callee is a pointer to the function being executed, so it can be used to implement recursive calls to the function.

function factorial(num){
  return 1;
  return num*arguments.callee(num-1);

When writing recursive functions, using arguments.callee is always safer than using function names, because it ensures that no matter how the function is called, there will be no problems.

But in strict mode, arguments.callee cannot be accessed through scripts.

However, you can use function expressions to achieve the same result.

var factorial=(function f(num){
  return 1;
  return num*f(num-1);

7.2 Closure

A closure is a function that has access to a variable in the scope of another function. A common way to create a closure is to create another function inside a function.

function creatComparisonFunction(propertyName){
 return function(object1,object2){
  var value1=object1[propertyName];
  var value2=object2[propertyName];
   return -1;
  }else if(value1>value2){
   return 1;
   return 0;

The two lines of code in bold are the code in the internal function (an anonymous function). These two lines of code access the variable propertyName in the external function. Even if the internal function is returned and called elsewhere , but it can still access the variable propertyName. The reason why it can still access this variable is because the scope chain of the internal function contains the scope of creatComparisonFunction().

When a function is called, an execution context and corresponding scope chain are created. Then, the activation object of the function is initialized using the values ​​of arguments and other named parameters. But in In the scope chain, the active object of the external function is always in the second place, and the active object of the external function of the external function is in the third place... until the global execution environment as the end point of the scope chain.

During function execution, in order to read and write the value of a variable, you need to find the variable in the scope chain.

function compare(value1,value2){
   return -1;
  }else if(value1>value2){
   return 1;
   return 0;
 var result=compare(5,10)






var compare=creatComparisonFunction("name");
var result=comapre({name:"Nicholas"},{name:"Greg"});



 var compare=creatComparisonFunction("name");
 var result=comapre({name:"Nicholas"},{name:"Greg"});



7.2.1 闭包和变量



function createFunctions(){
 var result=new Array();

 for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
   return i;
 return result;



function createFunctions(){
 var result=new Array();

 for(var i=0;i<10;i++){
   return function(){
    return num;
 return result;


7.2.2 关于this对象


var name="the window";
var object={
 name:"my object",

  return function(){
   return this.name;
alert(object.getNameFunc()());//the window(在非严格模式下)



var name="the window";
var object={
 name:"my object",

  var that=this;
  return function(){
   return that.name;
alert(object.getNameFunc()());//my object

在定义匿名函数之前,我们把this对象赋值给了一个名叫that的变量.而在定义了闭包之后,闭包也可以访问这个变量,因为它是我们在包含函数中特意声明的一个变量.即使在函数返回之后,that也仍然引用着object,所以调用object.getNameFunc()()就返回了my object.


var name="the window";

var object={
 name:"my object",

  return this.name;
console.log(object.getName());//my object
console.log((object.getName)());//my object
console.log((object.getName=object.getName)());//the window

最后一行代码先执行了一条赋值语句,然后再调用赋值后的结果.因为这个赋值表达式的值是函数本身,所以this的值不能得到维持,结果就返回了"this window".

7.2.3 内存泄露


function assignHandlet(){
 var element=document.getElementById("someElement");


function assignHandlet(){
 var element=document.getElementById("someElement");
 var id=element.id;


In the above code, the circular reference is eliminated by saving a copy of element.id in a variable and referencing the variable in the closure.

Script Home would like to remind everyone: the closure will reference the entire active object containing the function, which contains element. Even if the closure does not directly reference element, the active object containing the function will still save a reference. Therefore, there are It is necessary to set the element variable to null. In this way, the reference to the DOM object can be released, the number of references can be successfully reduced, and the memory occupied by it can be properly recycled.

Let me introduce function expressions to you.

In JavaScript programming, function expressions are a very useful technique. Using function expressions eliminates the need to name functions, thereby enabling dynamic programming. Anonymous functions, also known as lambda functions, are a powerful way to use JavaScript functions. The following summarizes the characteristics of function expressions.

Function expressions are different from function declarations. Function declarations require names, but function expressions do not. Function expressions without names are also called anonymous functions.

Recursive functions become more complicated when you are not sure how to reference the function; recursive functions should always use arguments.callee to call themselves recursively, and never use the function name - the function name may change.

A closure is created when other functions are defined inside a function. Closures have access to all variables inside the containing function, principle
as follows.

In the background execution environment, the closure's scope chain includes its own scope, the scope of the containing function, and the global scope. Normally, the scope of a function and all its variables are destroyed after the function execution ends.

However, when a function returns a closure, the scope of this function will be saved in memory until the closure no longer exists.

Using closures can imitate block-level scope in JavaScript (JavaScript itself has no concept of block-level scope). The key points are as follows.

Create and call a function immediately so that the code in it can be executed without leaving a reference to the function in memory.
The result is that all variables inside the function are destroyed immediately - unless some variables are assigned to variables in the containing scope (that is, the outer scope).
Closures can also be used to create private variables in objects. The related concepts and key points are as follows. Even though there is no formal concept of private object properties in JavaScript, closures can be used to implement public methods that provide access to variables defined in the containing scope.
Public methods that have access to private variables are called privileged methods.

You can use constructor mode and prototype mode to implement custom type privileged methods, and you can also use module mode and enhanced module mode to implement singleton privileged methods.

Function expressions and closures in JavaScript are extremely useful features, and you can use them to achieve many functions. However, because creating closures must maintain additional scope, overusing them can take up a lot of memory.

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