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Detailed explanation of Angular container deployment steps

2018-04-28 11:37:512045browse

This time I will bring you a detailed explanation of the Angular container deployment steps, what are the precautions for Angular container deployment, the following is a practical case, let's take a look.

Below I will explain the entire process of ng-alain, including Docker, Nginx, Let's Sencrypt certificate, etc. I cannot guarantee that novices can read it well, but you can search through some article keywords The engine gets more information.

We know that Docker has two very important concepts: image and container. Anguar container deployment only needs to write the directory dist generated by the Angular-built production environment (for example: ng build -prod) to a static server image (for example: Nginx), and finally instantiate this image.

1. Build the Angular image

1. Compile Angular

Generally speaking, Angular building is also completed in a container. Create a Dockerfile.compile file in the root directory of the Angular project:

FROM node:8
LABEL authors="cipchk <cipchk@qq.com>"
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
COPY package.json package.json
RUN npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org \
  && npm i
COPY . .
RUN ng build --prod
  1. FROM specifies a node base image. This is the simplest way to build an Angular project. Basic

  2. LABEL image metadata, such as authors author information

  3. WORKDIR specifies the working directory within the image

  4. COPY Copy the project package.json and install the dependent packages

  5. RUN Copy the project file and execute the ng build command

Finally, executeBuild ImageCommand:

docker build -f Dockerfile.build -t ng-app-build .

where ng-app-build represents the image name.

2. Angular runtime environment

We will not build the Angularr runtime environment image based on compiling the Angular image, so it includes many meaningless files, such as npm i generated node_modules. Instead, extract the dist directory from the above image and generate a new image; the Angular runtime environment should be a clean and simple one.

Therefore, extract the dist from the compiled Angular image:

# 运行编译 Angular 镜像
docker run --name ng-app-build ng-app-build
# 将 `dist` 复制到项目根目录下
docker cp ng-app-build:/usr/src/app/dist ./dist/
# 删除编译 Angular 镜像实例
docker rm -f ng-app-build

Note: The container path must be the WORKDIR path compiled by Angular in the previous step

Finally, create a Dockerfile in the root directory of the Angular project .package file:

FROM nginx
COPY _nginx/default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
RUN rm -rf /usr/share/nginx/html/*
COPY /dist /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

The parameters are slightly the same as the previous section, except that the extracted dist is written to the Nginx default running directory in the image.

At the same time, use the _nginx/default.conf of the Angular project as the configuration file of Nginx. Include Nginx configuration in the project, such as when using HTML5 routing strategy, you need to deal with 404 issues, GZip, etc.

But I prefer that the Nginx configuration here should be extremely simple, and some GZip and SSL should be unified on the reverse proxy layer. After all, it is impossible to deploy only one application on a machine after containerization. .

The following is the most simplified configuration information of an Angular application:

server {
  listen    80;
  server_name localhost;
  location / {
    root  /usr/share/nginx/html;
    index index.html index.htm;
    try_files $uri $uri/ /index.html;
  error_page  500 502 503 504 /50x.html;
  location = /50x.html {
    root  /usr/share/nginx/html;

try_files can ensure that when the accessed path does not find the file, the index.html file will be used directly instead. This is the Angular HTML5 routing strategy A very important part.

Finally, build the production environment image:

docker build -f Dockerfile -t ng-app .

Of course, the compiled Angular image at this time has no meaning.

docker rmi -f ng-app-build

2. Run Angular

We can view the existing mirror:

docker images

Of course, the above is configured in Nginx A port 80 is used, so it can be used directly:

docker run -d -p 80:80 \
  --name web \

If your domain name is bound to the host, you can access it directly. So far, everything has been covered after Angular containerization. The following is the part about Nginx reverse proxy Docker application. If you have already done this, just ignore the next chapter.

Nginx reverse proxy

In most cases, a proxy server container will be used to forward multiple sites, so it is rarely directly in an Angular site Use port 80 directly, but forward it through another proxy layer.

在之前我尝试使用jwilder/nginx-proxy 镜像来处理,它真的非常方便,但是在SSL环节让我吃了很多苦头,最后放弃之,而改用直接在主机上安装 Nginx 作为反向代理。
在Angular容器化过程中,我们并未配置任何 SSL、GZip 等,只是保留 Nginx 服务所需的配置项而已,而这一部分我们可以放在反向代理层完成。

这个过程包括三个步骤:安装 Nginx、安装 acme.sh 签发 Let's Sencrypt 证书、配置并运行 Nginx。


以 CenOS7 为例,更多系统请自行Google:

sudo yum install epel-release
sudo yum install nginx
# 启动Nginx
sudo systemctl start nginx


acme.sh 是国内一大牛写的用于简化申请 Let's Sencrypt 证书,并自动续签证书,几乎上第一次安装完全后,后续都无须人工干预。

Let's Sencrypt 不久前发布支持泛域,因此这一次也是申请了 *.ng-alain.com 泛域证书。

安装 acem.sh:

curl https://get.acme.sh | sh


export Ali_Key="aaaaaaaaaaa"
export Ali_Secret="xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
acme.sh --issue --dns dns_ali -d ng-alain.com -d *.ng-alain.com

Ali_Key 和 Ali_Secret 是对应的阿里云的 Access key,注意要给予 DNS 授权。

最后,利用 --installcert 来提取 Nginx 所需要的证书文件。

acme.sh --installcert \
  -d ng-alain.com \
  --key-file $(pwd)/proxy/certs/ng-alain.com.key \
  --fullchain-file $(pwd)/proxy/certs/fullchain.cer \
  --reloadcmd "service nginx force-reload"

acme.sh 会纪录这行命令的所有细节,并且当自动续签触发后再一次执行它们。其中 service nginx force-reload 是指命令执行完成后重启 nginx 使启证书立刻生效。

整个过程我非常顺利,没有任何错误,acme.sh 也有很多说明文档,包括中文,有关更多细节请自行阅读。

3、运行 Nginx

之前在安装 Nginx 时我们就已经启动了,那么,我们只需要对 /etc/nginx/nginx.conf 编写一些 Nginx 配置即可。



ssl_certificate /root/proxy/certs/fullchain.cer;
ssl_certificate_key /root/proxy/certs/ng-alain.com.key;
ssl_session_timeout 30m;
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;
ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;


docker run -d -p 80:80 \
  --name web \


docker kill web
docker run -d -p 8001:80 \
  --name web \

然后在 Nginx 配置相应的代理转化:

server {
  listen 80;
  server_name ng-alain.com www.ng-alain.com;
  return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
server {
  listen 443 ssl http2;
  server_name ng-alain.com www.ng-alain.com;
  location / {
  1. server 这里有两个分别对 80 和 443,前者强制跳转 https,当你不希望用户使用 http 访问你站点时。

  2. server_name 指定监听的域名

  3. proxy_pass 指定代理转发域,8001 端口就是上述 Angular 应用所处容器所映射的端口

配置文件保持后,你可以先执行 nginx -t 来校验配置文件是否正确。

最后,重启 Nginx。

service nginx force-reload


上述有系列的 Docker 命令甚是繁琐,应该把这一切自动化,有个专业名称叫:持续部署(简称:cd);ng-alain.com 现在是使用DaoCloud 完成这项工作。

DaoCloud 提供一种叫【安全镜像】的构建功能,分为三个步骤——编译、提取、打包;等同上述 Angular 项目的编译、提供和发布。

只需要在项目下创建 daocloud.yml;它是 DaoCloud 提供的一种自定义项目流程的定义文件,若你对上述已经了解,再来看它就不会非常陌生。以下是 ng-alain.com 完整的 daocloud.yml 内容:

version: 3
- compile
- deploy
 stage: compile
 job_type: lite_image_build
  - master
 allow_failure: false
  build_dir: /
  cache: false
  dockerfile_path: /Dockerfile.compile
 - /usr/src/app/dist
 - /usr/src/app/_nginx/default.conf
  build_dir: /
  cache: false
  dockerfile_path: /Dockerfile.package
 stage: deploy
 job_type: DCS_deploy
  - master
 allow_failure: false
 - release
 app_name: web
 cluster_id: ""

注意: 其中 extract 务必包含完整路径。


将生产环境容器化已经是一种架构标准,上述只是在部署ng-alain.com 的一些总结,实际可能遇到的问题会更多,大家可以通过以下找到答案:

Docker — 从入门到实践
Docker 问答录(100 问)
DaoCloud Services 文档

当然,未来Angular cli 也将会内置 Docker 部署,这里有一份来自 Angular 的相关ng docker 命令的设计文档。

All the above codes can be found on delon, and personal paths may be different.

I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the php Chinese website!

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The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of Angular container deployment steps. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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