Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >What should you pay attention to when upgrading the jQuery version?
This time I will bring you what are the precautions for upgrading the jQuery version. Precautions What are the precautions for upgrading the jQuery version? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.
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jQuery Every web engineer must be familiar with it, but many websites today still use the very old version of jQuery. In fact, if the earlier versions are used improperly, there may be DOMXSS vulnerabilities. It is highly recommended to upgrade to jQuery 1.9.x or above. I took the lead in this matter some time ago, upgrading the jQuery version of the project our team was responsible for in the company from 1.4.2 to jQuery 1.11.3. jQuery officially also provides the jQuery Migrate plug-in for similar upgrade work.
Back to business.
Where does the pit come from
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jQuery 1.11.3 is the last version of the 1.x era (author’s update: jQuery 1.12.0 was launched on January 8, 2016, jQuery 1.11.3 is no longer the last version of the 1.x era), Since my department project has been around for a certain period of time and was still using jQuery 1.4.2 at the time, this upgrade is a relatively big step. Many jQuery writing methods in the early days have been abandoned in the new version, or there are some non-standard writing methods. The version at that time still supported it, but it is no longer supported. What's worse is that the new version still supports it, but the function is different from before... In this case, even an error will not be reported, and you need to go deep into the code logic to see.
jQuery officially recommends the jQuery Migrate library to solve the jQuery upgrade problem. However, using this library all the time is not a long-term solution. During development, it is recommended to use the development version of jQuery Migrate, which can print out detailed information about incompatibilities on the browser console. It should be noted that you must use the development version of jQuery Migrate during development, because the compressed version will not give a warning in the console... Just quote the jQuery Migrate library immediately after the jQuery library:
db99534a710f711a5502883b79acdbd1/05034471df6398a62d5708f78b78e0ac/jquery-1.11.3.js">2cacc6d41bbb37262a98f745aa00fbf0 db99534a710f711a5502883b79acdbd1/05034471df6398a62d5708f78b78e0ac/jquery-migrate-1.2.1.js">2cacc6d41bbb37262a98f745aa00fbf0
After the upgrade is completed and there is no problem, just remove the jQuery Migrate library. Based on personal experience, I will discuss the pitfalls below into two categories: common pitfalls and rare pitfalls.
Common Pitfalls
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1. The deprecated jQuery.fn.live method is used
The jQuery Migrate library also has corresponding warnings on the console for this error:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery. fn.live() is deprecated
The original function of the live method is to set the event proxy. This method is no longer recommended after jQuery 1.7, and is replaced by the jQuery.fn.on function. Their interfaces are:
$(selector).live('click', function(){/* some code */}); $(selector).on('click', [selector,] function(){/* some code */});
At first glance, the parameters in the square brackets can be omitted. Aren't the two functions exactly the same? So I naively replaced the function name live with on. Most of the time, this didn't seem to cause any exception. But if when you call the on function, the previous $(selector) does not match any element on the current web page (the element may be added to the DOM in later code), then the binding will not be successful. . In fact, the live function proxies $(selector) to the document element. This element definitely exists, so a similar situation will not occur. The correct replacement method should be:
$(selector).live('click', function(){/* some code */}); 替换为 $(document).on('click', selector, function(){/* some code */});
2. The deprecated jQuery.fn.die method is used
jQuery Migrate’s warning for this error is:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.die() is deprecated
This method is just the opposite of the previous live, canceling the binding of the event processing function. The off function should be used instead in the new version, and the replacement method is similar.
3. The deprecated jQuery.fn.toggle function is used
jQuery Migrate’s warning about this error is:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.toggle(handler, handler...) is deprecated
In early jQuery There are two functions named toggle. One is used to control the display and hiding of elements. This function still exists in jQuery; the other is the abandoned toggle function mentioned above, which is used to bind at least two Two functions are assigned to the same element. When the element is clicked, the two functions are executed alternately. The functions of these two functions with the same name are very different. In order not to cause misleading, their use is no longer recommended in jQuery 1.8. The replacement method is to merge the two functions into the if-else sections of one function, and then set a boolean variable yourself to control which section should be executed each time it is clicked.
4. Using the deprecated jQuery.browser property
jQuery Migrate对此错误的警告是:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.browser is deprecated
5. $(html)格式书写错误
在jQuery Migrate中,出现以下三种警告中的任何一种,都是属于这个错误:
JQMIGRATE: $(html) HTML strings must start with '<' character JQMIGRATE: $(html) HTML text after last tag is ignored JQMIGRATE: HTML string cannot start with a '#' character
$(" <p></p>"); //错误,字符串最开头有一个空格,不是以小于号'<'开头的 $("<p></p>test"); //不标准,html标签结束后后面还有多余的"test",它会被忽略 $("#<p></p>); //错误,以井号开头并且后面并不是一个css选择器
6. jQuery.fn.attr方法的错误使用(这是个非常易犯的错误!)
jQuery Migrate中,关于attr方法的警告有以下这些:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr('value', val) no longer sets properties JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr('value') no longer gets properties JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr('checked') may use property instead of attribute JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.attr( props, pass ) is deprecated
实践中我发现,早期写的代码里面,获取一个input输入表单的值时,是怎么获取的呢?$('input').attr('value');又是怎么设置的呢?$('input').attr('value', 'helloworld')。这在新版本中都是不正确的!正确的做法应该是
$('input').val(); //获取input表单现在所输入的值
$('input').val('helloworld'); //设置input表单输入的值
如果你想手动设置单选框(例如70399a5e80bd8088d4fe7a1486dc379b)被选中,应该怎么设置呢?老的代码里面可能会看到这样 $('input').attr('checked', true)或者$('input').attr('checked', 'checked')。这些现在也都是不正确的!正确的做法应该是
$('input').prop('checked', true); //把单选框设为选中状态 $('input').prop('checked'); //获取单选框是不是被选中了,返回true或false
这是从jQuery 1.6版本开始使用的写法。如果设置disabled和selected属性,也是使用prop方法。那到底什么时候使用attr方法呢?两者的区别是:prop设置的是某元素固有的属性,而attr设置的是写在html标签上的自定义属性。举个例子:
45ec6edb2d9d76ce07367010c4d75f57 var v1 = $('input').prop("checked"); //返回true/false,是否被选中,随状态改变而改变 var v2 = $('input').attr("checked"); //返回"checked",这是你设置在标签上的,不会变 var v3 = $('input').attr("haha"); //返回"hello",自定义属性 var v4 = $('input').prop("haha"); //返回undefined,根本没有这个固有属性
上面提到的第四个错误,jQuery.fn.attr(props, pass) is deprecated这个警告在真实项目中从未见到过,看了一下源码,触发该警告的jQuery写法很少见,可忽略。
7. 向$.parseJSON传入了非法的参数
在jQuery Migrate中,该错误产生如下警告
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.parseJSON requires a valid JSON string
jQuery之所以改这个接口,是为了和浏览器自带的JSON.parse接口对齐,从jQuery 1.9开始生效。这个问题常见于AJAX接收服务端返回值的时候。服务端可能返回一个空字符串,这时候调用该接口会产生错误。必须向$.parseJSON传入合法的JSON字符串。修正方法如下:
var v1 = $.parseJSON(str); 替换为 var v1 = $.parseJSON( str ? str : "null" );
8. 使用了被废弃的'hover'事件字符串
在jQuery Migrate中该错误产生如下警告
JQMIGRATE: 'hover' pseudo-event is deprecated, use 'mouseenter mouseleave'
在注册事件处理函数时,'hover'以前可以看作是'mouseenter mouseleave'两个事件的别称。目前已经将该别称去掉了,所以代码中请用'mouseenter mouseleave'替换之。
9. jQuery.fn.andSelf已经被替换,不能再使用
jQuery Migrate中是这样的警告:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.andSelf() replaced by jQuery.fn.addBack()
1. jQuery不兼容浏览器的怪异模式
jQuery Migrate展示的错误警告如下:
2. AJAX全局事件必须绑定到document节点上
jQuery Migrate中的警告如下:
JQMIGRATE: AJAX events should be attached to document: ajaxStart
jQuery中AJAX全局事件包括如下接口ajaxStart, ajaxStop, ajaxSend, ajaxComplete, ajaxError, ajaxSuccess。因为这些事件使用的比较少,所以也归在少见坑当中。从jQuery 1.9开始,这些事件只能绑定到$(document)上。改正方法如下(摘自jQuery官网):
$("#status").ajaxStart(function(){ $(this).text("Ajax started"); }); 修改为 $(document).ajaxStart(function(){ $("#status").text("Ajax started"); });
3. IE6/7/8浏览器不支持修改input表单的type属性
在jQuery Migrate中是这样的警告:
JQMIGRATE: Can't change the 'type' of an input or button in IE 6/7/8
4. 使用了被移除的$.clean, $.event.handle, $.attrFn, $.fn.data('events'), jQuery.event.trigger属性与方法
在jQuery Migrate中是这样的警告:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.clean() is deprecated JQMIGRATE: jQuery.event.handle is undocumented and deprecated JQMIGRATE: jQuery.attrFn is deprecated JQMIGRATE: Use of jQuery.fn.data('events') is deprecated JQMIGRATE: Global events are undocumented and deprecated
5. 使用了过时的$.sub()方法
jQuery Migrate中对本问题的警告如下:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.sub() is deprecated
这个接口非常简单,不接受任何参数。它用来创建一个jQuery的副本。该方法在jQuery 1.7版本开始就已经不再使用。
6. 使用了过时的jQuery.fn.error方法
jQuery Migrate中对本问题的警告如下:
JQMIGRATE: jQuery.fn.error() is deprecated
在jQuery中,error也是和click一样的事件。注册该事件的处理函数,以前是$(selector).error(function(){}),现在已经被废弃,可以使用$(selector).on('error', function(){})来替代。
本文既然自称为“XX大全”,那就应该尽量的全面一些。为了搞明白这些坑是怎么踩进去的,我们最后来写一段js代码,要求是用最少的代码,把jQuery Migration库中所有的坑都踩一遍……也就是让jQuery Migration库打印出来它能打印的所有代码。最终的代码如下所示(博客园竟然没有办法上传附件,只能贴代码了),非常简单易懂。打开index.html文件,然后再按F12键打开控制台,你就可以看到壮观宏伟的控制台警告了^_^
2ecd5497ab3e185051c2e8f4b729bd8d6bcb2e73c7c27ed4e5f30ea75c07bd3c--> //keng0 怪异模式 100db36a723c770d327fc0aef2ce13b1 93f0f5c25f18dab9d176bd4f6de5d30e 8492913265be600fb60cbb94f9489386 b2386ffb911b14667cb8f0f91ea547a7jQuery升级踩坑大全6e916e0f7d1e588d4f442bf645aedb2f a00ff767ab7924c8175b887f7becf7dc2cacc6d41bbb37262a98f745aa00fbf0 8b813f2be3be186aca6635a59bf81c822cacc6d41bbb37262a98f745aa00fbf0 9c3bca370b5104690d9ef395f2c5f8d1 6c04bd5ca3fcae76e30b72ad730ca86d c4a6aa43c5f22940a761fb7454a53467a94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3 07594f6363763abb42a696b9bea48776 642974f256be81137dd77a8ac5f2805d c97f9cbde1fc09cf45a4717cb0fd699ftest94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3 8019067d09615e43c7904885b5246f0a //开始踩坑 //使用被废弃分$.attrFn方法 var keng1 = $.attrFn || {}; //该函数在jQuery内部调用,真实项目中从未见过,可忽略,这里只是为了触发一下错误警告 var keng2 = $.attr($("#a"), "class", "xxx", true); //IE6、7、8中不支持改变输入框的类型 var keng3 = $("input#b").attr("type", "text"); //在该使用prop的地方使用了attr var keng4 = $("input#c").attr("checked", true); //使用attr获取property的值,正确的是应该使用 .val() var keng5 = $("p#d").attr("value"); //使用attr设置property的值,正确的是应该使用 .val('somevalue') var keng6 = $("p#d").attr("value", "abcd"); //html字符串必须以'<'开头(下面这个是以空格开头) var keng7 = $(" e388a4556c0f65e1904146cc1a846bee94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3"); //最后一个tag后面还有多余字符串 var keng8 = $("e388a4556c0f65e1904146cc1a846bee94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3abc"); //html字符串不可以以井号‘#'开头 try{ var keng9 = $("#e388a4556c0f65e1904146cc1a846bee94b3e26ee717c64999d7867364b1b4a3"); }catch(e){ console.error(e); } //$.parseJSON的参数必须是合法的JSON字符串 var keng10 = $.parseJSON(undefined); //使用被废弃的$.browser var keng11 = $.browser; //使用被废弃的$.sub var keng12 = $.sub(); $("#c").on("click", function(){}); var keng13 = $("#c").data("events"); //调用了已经不再使用的函数andSelf,该函数已经被addBack替代 var keng14 = $("#c").nextAll().andSelf(); //使用被废弃的$.clean方法 try{ var keng15 = $.clean(); }catch(e){ console.error(e); } //"hover"字符串注册事件已经被拆成"mouseenter"和"mouseleave"两个 var keng16 = $("#d").on("hover", function(){/*some code*/}); //jQuery.event.handle并没有收录到官方的API中,新版本已经被移除 var keng17 = function(){ $.event.handle.apply(this, arguments); }; //全局AJAX事件处理必须绑定到document对象上 var keng18 = $("#c").ajaxStart(function(){}); //使用了被废弃的error方法 var keng19 = $("#c").error(function(){}); //使用了被废弃的toggle方法 var keng20 = $("#d").toggle(function(){/*some code*/}, function(){/*some code*/}); //使用了被废弃的live方法,应该使用on方法替代之 var keng21 = $("#a").live("click", function(){/*some code*/}); //使用了被废弃的die方法,应该使用off方法替代之 var keng22 = $("#a").die("click"); //使用了全局事件函数,目前全局事件只支持AJAX那几个,其他全局事件都不支持 var keng23 = $.event.trigger("click"); 2cacc6d41bbb37262a98f745aa00fbf0 36cc49f0c466276486e50c850b7e4956 73a6ac4ed44ffec12cee46588e518a5e
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