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Laravel Service Container Instance Tutorial: In-depth understanding of Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI)

2018-04-18 09:21:431704browse

This article introduces the in-depth understanding of Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (DI) about Laravel Service Container Instance Tutorial. It has certain reference value. Now I share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it.

Friendly reminder: This article is a bit long, but it is definitely full of useful information. Please be patient and read it to the end. You will definitely gain something!

Container, literally means a thing that holds things. Common variables, object properties, etc. can be regarded as containers. What a container can hold depends entirely on how you define the container. Of course, there is such a container, which does not store text or values, but objects, object descriptions (classes, interfaces) or provides callbacks for objects. Through this container, we can implement many advanced functions, the most important of which is What is often mentioned is "decoupling" and "dependency injection (DI)". This article starts here.

IoC container - the core of Laravel

The core of Laravel is an IoC container. According to the documentation, it is called a "service container". As the name suggests, this container provides one of the functions needed in the entire framework. Series services. As beginners, many people will have trouble with this concept. Therefore, I plan to start with some basic content and gradually uncover the veil of "dependency injection" by understanding the generation and solution of dependencies in object-oriented development. Gradually understand this magical design concept.

Most of this article uses examples to let readers understand what IoC (Inversion of Control) and DI (Dependency Injection) are. By understanding these concepts, you can go deeper. For more information about the usage of laravel service container, please read the documentation.

The Story of the Birth of IoC Containers

There are many articles explaining IoC containers, and I have written them before. But now I’m going to use the inspiration of the moment to start over, so here we go.

Superman and superpowers, the emergence of dependence

Object-oriented programming, there are the following things that come into contact all the time: interfaces, classes and objects. Among them, the interface is the prototype of the class, and a class must comply with the interface it implements; the object is the product of a class instantiation, which we call an instance. Of course, saying this is definitely not conducive to understanding. Let's actually write some code that we don't think is useful to assist learning.

In a world where monsters are rampant, some super characters are always needed to smooth things over.

We take a "Superman" as a class,

class Superman {}

We can imagine that a Superman must have at least one super power when he is born. This super power can also be abstracted into an object, for This object defines a class that describes it. A superpower must have multiple attributes and (operation) methods. You can imagine this freely, but for now we will roughly define a "superpower" that only has attributes. As for what it can do, we will enrich it later:

class Power {
    * 能力值
   protected $ability;

    * 能力范围或距离
   protected $range;

   public function __construct($ability, $range)
       $this->ability = $ability;
       $this->range = $range;

At this time we go back and modify the previous "Superman" class so that a "Superman" is given a super power when it is created:

class Superman
   protected $power;

   public function __construct()
       $this->power = new Power(999, 100);

In this case, when we create a "Superman" instance , and also created an instance of "super power". However, we have seen that there is an inevitable dependence between "superman" and "super power".

The so-called "dependence" means "if I rely on you, I can't leave you."

In a project that implements object-oriented programming, such dependencies can be seen everywhere. A small amount of dependence does not have a very intuitive impact. As we gradually unfold this example, we will gradually realize what a nightmare experience it is when dependence reaches a certain level. Of course, I will also naturally explain how to solve the problem.

A bunch of mess——terrible dependence

In the previous example, the superpower class is a specific superpower after instantiation, but we know that Superman’s superpowers are diverse. , the methods and attributes of each superpower are quite different, and cannot be completely described by one class. Let's make modifications now. Let's assume that Superman can have the following superpowers:

Flight, attributes are: flight speed, duration of flight

Brute force, attributes are: strength value

Energy bombs, attributes include: damage value, shooting distance, number of simultaneous shots

We created the following class:

class Flight
   protected $speed;
   protected $holdtime;
   public function __construct($speed, $holdtime) {}

class Force
   protected $force;
   public function __construct($force) {}

class Shot
   protected $atk;
   protected $range;
   protected $limit;
   public function __construct($atk, $range, $limit) {}

To save trouble, I did not write out __construct() in detail The entire constructor only contains the parameters that need to be passed.

Okay, now our Superman is a little "busy". When Superman is initialized, will we instantiate the superpowers he possesses as needed? It is roughly as follows:

class Superman
   protected $power;

   public function __construct()
       $this->power = new Fight(9, 100);
       // $this->power = new Force(45);
       // $this->power = new Shot(99, 50, 2);
       $this->power = array(
           new Force(45),
           new Shot(99, 50, 2)

We need to manually instantiate a series of needs in the constructor (or other methods) class, this is not good. It is conceivable that if the needs change (different monsters run rampant on the earth), more targeted new superpowers are needed, or the method of superpowers needs to be changed, we must reinvent Superman. In other words, while changing my superpowers, I also have to create a new superman. The efficiency is too low! The world had already been destroyed before the new Superman was created.



我们不应该手动在 “超人” 类中固化了他的 “超能力” 初始化的行为,而转由外部负责,由外部创造超能力模组、装置或者芯片等(我们后面统一称为 “模组”),植入超人体内的某一个接口,这个接口是一个既定的,只要这个 “模组” 满足这个接口的装置都可以被超人所利用,可以提升、增加超人的某一种能力。这种由外部负责其依赖需求的行为,我们可以称其为 “控制反转(IoC)”。



我们可以想到,组件、工具(或者超人的模组),是一种可被生产的玩意儿,生产的地方当然是 “工厂(Factory)”,于是有人就提出了这样一种模式: 工厂模式。

工厂模式,顾名思义,就是一个类所依赖的外部事物的实例,都可以被一个或多个 “工厂” 创建的这样一种开发模式,就是 “工厂模式”。


class SuperModuleFactory
   public function makeModule($moduleName, $options)
       switch ($moduleName) {
           case 'Fight': 
               return new Fight($options[0], $options[1]);
           case 'Force': 
               return new Force($options[0]);
           case 'Shot': 
               return new Shot($options[0], $options[1], $options[2]);

这时候,超人 创建之初就可以使用这个工厂!

class Superman
   protected $power;

   public function __construct()
       // 初始化工厂
       $factory = new SuperModuleFactory;

       // 通过工厂提供的方法制造需要的模块
       $this->power = $factory->makeModule('Fight', [9, 100]);
       // $this->power = $factory->makeModule('Force', [45]);
       // $this->power = $factory->makeModule('Shot', [99, 50, 2]);
       $this->power = array(
           $factory->makeModule('Force', [45]),
           $factory->makeModule('Shot', [99, 50, 2])

可以看得出,我们不再需要在超人初始化之初,去初始化许多第三方类,只需初始化一个工厂类,即可满足需求。但这样似乎和以前区别不大,只是没有那么多 new 关键字。其实我们稍微改造一下这个类,你就明白,工厂类的真正意义和价值了。

class Superman
   protected $power;

   public function __construct(array $modules)
       // 初始化工厂
       $factory = new SuperModuleFactory;

       // 通过工厂提供的方法制造需要的模块
       foreach ($modules as $moduleName => $moduleOptions) {
           $this->power[] = $factory->makeModule($moduleName, $moduleOptions);

// 创建超人
$superman = new Superman([
   'Fight' => [9, 100],
   'Shot' => [99, 50, 2]

现在修改的结果令人满意。现在,“超人” 的创建不再依赖任何一个 “超能力” 的类,我们如若修改了或者增加了新的超能力,只需要针对修改 SuperModuleFactory 即可。扩充超能力的同时不再需要重新编辑超人的类文件,使得我们变得很轻松。但是,这才刚刚开始。

IoC 容器的重要组成 —— 依赖注入

由 “超人” 对 “超能力” 的依赖变成 “超人” 对 “超能力模组工厂” 的依赖后,对付小怪兽们变得更加得心应手。但这也正如你所看到的,依赖并未解除,只是由原来对多个外部的依赖变成了对一个 “工厂” 的依赖。假如工厂出了点麻烦,问题变得就很棘手。

其实大多数情况下,工厂模式已经足够了。工厂模式的缺点就是:接口未知(即没有一个很好的契约模型,关于这个我马上会有解释)、产生对象类型单一。总之就是,还是不够灵活。虽然如此,工厂模式依旧十分优秀,并且适用于绝大多数情况。不过我们为了讲解后面的依赖注入 ,这里就先夸大一下工厂模式的缺陷咯。


事实上,我之前说谎了,不仅仅只有一堆小怪兽,还有更多的大怪兽。嘿嘿。额,这时候似乎工厂的生产能力显得有些不足 —— 由于工厂模式下,所有的模组都已经在工厂类中安排好了,如果有新的、高级的模组加入,我们必须修改工厂类(好比增加新的生产线):

class SuperModuleFactory
   public function makeModule($moduleName, $options)
       switch ($moduleName) {
           case 'Fight': 
               return new Fight($options[0], $options[1]);
           case 'Force': 
               return new Force($options[0]);
           case 'Shot': 
               return new Shot($options[0], $options[1], $options[2]);
           // case 'more': .......
           // case 'and more': .......
           // case 'and more': .......
           // case 'oh no! its too many!': .......


其实灵感就差一步!你可能会想到更为灵活的办法!对,下一步就是我们今天的主要配角 —— DI (依赖注入)


interface SuperModuleInterface
    * 超能力激活方法
    * 任何一个超能力都得有该方法,并拥有一个参数
    *@param array $target 针对目标,可以是一个或多个,自己或他人
   public function activate(array $target);

上文中,我们定下了一个接口 (超能力模组的规范、契约),所有被创造的模组必须遵守该规范,才能被生产。

其实,这就是 php 中接口( interface )的用处和意义!很多人觉得,为什么 php 需要接口这种东西?难道不是 java 、 C# 之类的语言才有的吗?这么说,只要是一个正常的面向对象编程语言(虽然 php 可以面向过程),都应该具备这一特性。因为一个 对象(object) 本身是由他的模板或者原型 —— 类 (class) ,经过实例化后产生的一个具体事物,而有时候,实现统一种方法且不同功能(或特性)的时候,会存在很多的类(class),这时候就需要有一个契约,让大家编写出可以被随时替换却不会产生影响的接口。这种由编程语言本身提出的硬性规范,会增加更多优秀的特性。



* X-超能量
class XPower implements SuperModuleInterface
   public function activate(array $target)
       // 这只是个例子。。具体自行脑补

* 终极* (就这么俗)
class UltraBomb implements SuperModuleInterface
   public function activate(array $target)
       // 这只是个例子。。具体自行脑补

同时,为了防止有些 “砖家” 自作聪明,或者一些叛徒恶意捣蛋,不遵守契约胡乱制造模组,影响超人,我们对超人初始化的方法进行改造:

class Superman
   protected $module;

   public function __construct(SuperModuleInterface $module)
       $this->module = $module;

改造完毕!现在,当我们初始化 “超人” 类的时候,提供的模组实例必须是一个 SuperModuleInterface 接口的实现。否则就会提示错误。





本文从开头到现在提到的一系列依赖,只要不是由内部生产(比如初始化、构造函数 __construct 中通过工厂方法、自行手动 new 的),而是由外部以参数或其他形式注入的,都属于依赖注入(DI) 。是不是豁然开朗?事实上,就是这么简单。下面就是一个典型的依赖注入:

// 超能力模组
$superModule = new XPower;
// 初始化一个超人,并注入一个超能力模组依赖
$superMan = new Superman($superModule);


更为先进的工厂 —— IoC 容器


$superModule = new XPower;
$superMan = new Superman($superModule);



一群怪兽来了,如此低效率产出超人是不现实,我们需要自动化 —— 最多一条指令,千军万马来相见。我们需要一种高级的生产车间,我们只需要向生产车间提交一个脚本,工厂便能够通过指令自动化生产。这种更为高级的工厂,就是工厂模式的升华 —— IoC 容器。

class Container
   protected $binds;

   protected $instances;

   public function bind($abstract, $concrete)
       if ($concrete instanceof Closure) {
           $this->binds[$abstract] = $concrete;
       } else {
           $this->instances[$abstract] = $concrete;

   public function make($abstract, $parameters = [])
       if (isset($this->instances[$abstract])) {
           return $this->instances[$abstract];

       array_unshift($parameters, $this);

       return call_user_func_array($this->binds[$abstract], $parameters);


// 创建一个容器(后面称作超级工厂)
$container = new Container;

// 向该 超级工厂添加超人的生产脚本
$container->bind('superman', function($container, $moduleName) {
   return new Superman($container->make($moduleName));

// 向该 超级工厂添加超能力模组的生产脚本
$container->bind('xpower', function($container) {
   return new XPower;

// 同上
$container->bind('ultrabomb', function($container) {
   return new UltraBomb;

// ****************** 华丽丽的分割线 **********************
// 开始启动生产
$superman_1 = $container->make('superman', 'xpower');
$superman_2 = $container->make('superman', 'ultrabomb');
$superman_3 = $container->make('superman', 'xpower');
// ...随意添加

看到没?通过最初的 绑定(bind) 操作,我们向 超级工厂 注册了一些生产脚本,这些生产脚本在生产指令下达之时便会执行。发现没有?我们彻底的解除了 超人 与 超能力模组 的依赖关系,更重要的是,容器类也丝毫没有和他们产生任何依赖!我们通过注册、绑定的方式向容器中添加一段可以被执行的回调(可以是匿名函数、非匿名函数、类的方法)作为生产一个类的实例的 脚本 ,只有在真正的 生产(make) 操作被调用执行时,才会触发。


实际上,真正的 IoC 容器更为高级。我们现在的例子中,还是需要手动提供超人所需要的模组参数,但真正的 IoC 容器会根据类的依赖需求,自动在注册、绑定的一堆实例中搜寻符合的依赖需求,并自动注入到构造函数参数中去。Laravel 框架的服务容器正是这么做的。实现这种功能其实理论上并不麻烦,但我并不会在本文中写出,因为……我懒得写。

不过我告诉大家,这种自动搜寻依赖需求的功能,是通过反射(Reflection)实现的,恰好的,php 完美的支持反射机制!关于反射,php 官方文档有详细的资料,并且中文翻译基本覆盖,足够学习和研究:



重新审视 Laravel 的核心

现在,我们开始慢慢解读 Laravel 的核心。其实,Laravel 的核心就是一个 IoC 容器,也恰好是我之前所说的高级的 IoC 容器。

可以说,Laravel 的核心本身十分轻量,并没有什么很神奇很实质性的应用功能。很多人用到的各种功能模块比如 Route(路由)、Eloquent ORM(数据库 ORM 组件)、Request(请求)以及 Response(响应)等等等等,实际上都是与核心无关的类模块提供的,这些类从注册到实例化,最终被你所使用,其实都是 Laravel 的服务容器负责的。

我们以大家最常见的 Route 类作为例子。大家可能经常见到路由定义是这样的:

Route::get('/', function() {
   // bla bla bla...

实际上, Route 类被定义在这个命名空间:Illuminate\Routing\Router,文件 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Routing/Router.php。

我们通过打开发现,这个类的这一系列方法,如 get,post,any 等都不是静态(static)方法,这是怎么一回事儿?不要急,我们继续。


我们在前文介绍 IoC 容器的部分中,提到了,一个类需要绑定、注册至容器中,才能被“制造”。

对,一个类要被容器所能够提取,必须要先注册至这个容器。既然 Laravel 称这个容器叫做服务容器,那么我们需要某个服务,就得先注册、绑定这个服务到容器,那么提供服务并绑定服务至容器的东西,就是服务提供者(Service Provider)。


但是,我们知道,有时候我们的类、模块会有需要其他类和组件的情况,为了保证初始化阶段不会出现所需要的模块和组件没有注册的情况,Laravel 将注册和初始化行为进行拆分,注册的时候就只能注册,初始化的时候就是初始化。拆分后的产物就是现在的服务提供者。

服务提供者主要分为两个部分,register(注册) 和 boot(引导、初始化),具体参考文档。register 负责进行向容器注册“脚本”,但要注意注册部分不要有对未知事物的依赖,如果有,就要移步至 boot 部分。


我们现在解答之前关于 Route 的方法为何能以静态方法访问的问题。实际上这个问题文档上有写,简单说来就是模拟一个类,提供一个静态魔术方法__callStatic,并将该静态方法映射到真正的方法上。

我们使用的 Route 类实际上是 Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route 通过 class_alias() 函数创造的别名而已,这个类被定义在文件 vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Support/Facades/Route.php 。


   namespace Illuminate\Support\Facades;

    * @see \Illuminate\Routing\Router
   class Route extends Facade {

        * Get the registered name of the component.
        * @return string
       protected static function getFacadeAccessor()
           return &#39;router&#39;;


其实仔细看,会发现这个类继承了一个叫做 Facade 的类,到这里谜底差不多要解开了。

上述简单的定义中,我们看到了 getFacadeAccessor 方法返回了一个 route,这是什么意思呢?事实上,这个值被一个 ServiceProvider 注册过,大家应该知道注册了个什么,当然是那个真正的路由类!

有人会问,Facade 是怎么实现的。我并不想说得太细,一个是我懒,另一个原因就是,自己发现一些东西更容易理解,并不容易忘记。很多细节我已经说了,建议大家自行去研究。




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