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How to implement asynchronous loading of datatable

2018-04-14 14:19:201930browse

This time I will show you how to implement asynchronous loading of datatable. What are the precautions for implementing asynchronous loading of datatable? The following is a practical case, let's take a look.

table part code

<table class="table table-bordered table-striped" id="table-main">
Asynchronously load data and implement customization

The following is a simple example, where the initialization element of table-main is the id of the table.

$('#select-game').select2(); // 初始化搜索下拉框
       // 表格汉化列表
  var table_lang = {
    "sProcessing": "处理中...",
    "sLengthMenu": "每页 _MENU_ 项",
    "sZeroRecords": "没有匹配结果",
    "sInfo": "当前显示第 _START_ 至 _END_ 项,共 _TOTAL_ 项。",
    "sInfoEmpty": "当前显示第 0 至 0 项,共 0 项",
    "sInfoFiltered": "(由 _MAX_ 项结果过滤)",
    "sInfoPostFix": "",
    "sSearch": "搜索:",
    "sUrl": "",
    "sEmptyTable": "表中数据为空",
    "sLoadingRecords": "载入中...",
    "sInfoThousands": ",",
    "oPaginate": {
      "sFirst": "首页",
      "sPrevious": "上页",
      "sNext": "下页",
      "sLast": "末页",
      "sJump": "跳转"
    "oAria": {
      "sSortAscending": ": 以升序排列此列",
      "sSortDescending": ": 以降序排列此列"
  var table_main = $("#table-main").dataTable({
    language:table_lang,  // 提示信息
    autoWidth: false,   // 禁用自动调整列宽
    lengthMenu: [25, 50, 100],
    stripeClasses: ["odd", "even"], // 为奇偶行加上样式,兼容不支持CSS伪类的场合
    processing: false,   // 隐藏加载提示,自行处理
    serverSide: true,   // 启用服务器端分页
    searching: true,    // 启用原生搜索
    orderMulti: true,   // 启用多列排序
    order: [],       // 取消默认排序查询,否则复选框一列会出现小箭头
    renderer: "bootstrap", // 渲染样式:Bootstrap和jquery-ui
    pagingType: "simple_numbers", //分页样式:simple,simple_numbers,full,full_numbers
    columnDefs: [{
      "targets": 'nosort', // 列的样式名
      "orderable": false  // 包含上样式名‘nosort'的禁止排序
    ajax: function (data, callback, settings) {
      var param = {};
      param.limit = data.length; // 页面显示记录条数,在页面显示每页显示多少项的时候
      param.start = data.start; // 开始的记录序号
      param.page = (data.start / data.length)+1; // 当前页码
        type: "GET",
        url: "getRecodeList",
        cache: true, // 开启缓存
        data: param, // 传入组装的参数
        dataType: "json",
        success: function (result) {
//              console.log(result);
          setTimeout(function () {
            var returnData = {};
            returnData.draw = data.draw;       // 这里直接自行返回了draw计数器,应该由后台返回
            returnData.recordsTotal = result.total;  // 返回数据全部记录
            returnData.recordsFiltered = result.total;// 后台不实现过滤功能,每次查询均视作全部结果
            returnData.data = result.data;      // 返回的数据列表
            // 调用DataTables提供的callback方法,代表数据已封装完成并传回DataTables进行渲染
            // 此时的数据需确保正确无误,异常判断应在执行此回调前自行处理完毕
            cut_td($("#table-main"), 40); // 表格截断
          }, 200);
    columns: [
      { "data": "user_name" },
      { "data": "channel" },
      { "data": "game" },
      { "data": "status",
        "render": function(data){
          var status_name = '';
            case 0: status_name = '未完成'; break;
            case 1: status_name = '脚本错误'; break;
            case 2: status_name = '成功'; break;
            case 3: status_name = '测试通过'; break;
            default : status_name = '未知'; break;
          return status_name;
      { "data": "cast_time",
        "render" : function(data){
          if (data)
            return data + 's';
            return '废弃';
      { "data": "format_created_at" },
Background data return format

 "total": 234,
 "per_page": "25",
 "current_page": 1,
 "last_page": 10,
 "next_page_url": "http://local.dgc_sdkops.com/monitor/log_pack/getRecodeList?page=2",
 "prev_page_url": null,
 "from": 1,
 "to": 25,
 "data": [
   "id": 128,
   "user_id": 1,
   "task_id": "package_128_113",
   "channel_version_id": 128,
   "game_version_id": 113,
   "extend_id": 0,
   "type": "pack",
   "status": 2,
   "remark": "",
   "cast_time": 93475,
   "created_at": "1500365068",
   "updated_at": "1500458543",
   "user_name": "admin",
   "format_created_at": "2017-07-18 16:04:28",
   "format_updated_at": "2017-07-18 16:04:28",
   "game": "x",
   "channel": "y",
   "game_id": 11290,
   "channel_id": 67
   "id": 240,
   "user_id": 1,
   "task_id": "package_128_113",
   "channel_version_id": 128,
   "game_version_id": 113,
   "extend_id": 0,
   "type": "pack",
   "status": 0,
   "remark": "",
   "cast_time": 0,
   "created_at": "1500458454",
   "updated_at": "1500458454",
   "user_name": "admin",
   "format_created_at": "2017-07-19 18:00:54",
   "format_updated_at": "2017-07-19 18:00:54",
   "game": "x",
   "channel": "y",
   "game_id": 11290,
   "channel_id": 67
I believe you have mastered the method after reading the case in this article. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

Recommended reading:

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The above is the detailed content of How to implement asynchronous loading of datatable. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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