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Basic learning about php

2018-04-13 10:04:091715browse

The content introduced in this article is about the basic learning of PHP. Now I would like to share it with you. Friends in need can refer to it

1. PHP script with # It starts with ##1fbea7a5a3f54594f31194bdd5a957a9

// 此处是 PHP 代码


PHP supports three types of comments:

// 这是单行注释

# 这也是单行注释


3. PHP is case sensitive

3.1 All user-defined Functions, classes and keywords (such as if, else, echo, etc.) are not case-sensitive


All variables are case-sensitive

##4. PHP variables

PHP variable rules:

Variables start with the $ symbol, followed by the name of the variable
  • Variable names must begin with a letter or underscore
  • Variable names cannot begin with a number
  • Variables Names can only contain alphanumeric characters and underscores (A-z, 0-9, and _)
  • Variable names are case-sensitive ($y and $Y are two different variables)


PHP 有三种不同的变量作用域

  • local(局部)

  • global(全局)

  • static(静态)

函数之外声明的变量拥有 Global 作用域,只能在函数以外进行访问。

函数内部声明的变量拥有 LOCAL 作用域,只能在函数内部进行访问。

PHP global 关键词

global 关键词用于访问函数内的全局变量。请在(函数内部)变量前面使用 global 关键词。


function myTest() {
  global $x,$y;

echo $y; // 输出 15

PHP 同时在名为 $GLOBALS[index] 的数组中存储了所有的全局变量。下标存有变量名。这个数组在函数内也可以访问,并能够用于直接更新全局变量。


function myTest() {

echo $y; // 输出 15

PHP static 关键词

当函数完成/执行后,会删除所有变量。如果不想删除某个局部变量,首次声明变量时使用 static 关键词:


function myTest() {
  static $x=0;
  echo $x;

myTest(); //0
myTest(); //1
myTest(); //2


5、echo 和 print 语句

  • echo - 能够输出一个以上的字符串

  • print - 只能输出一个字符串,并始终返回 1

echo 比 print 稍快,因为它不返回任何值。

echo print is a language structure and can be used with or without parentheses: echo or echo() print or print().

6、var_dump() will return variables The data types and values ​​of

7. Constants

有效的常量名以字符或下划线开头(常量名称前面没有 $ 符号);与变量不同,常量贯穿整个脚本是自动全局的。

使用 define() 函数 - 它使用三个参数:

  1. 首个参数定义常量的名称

  2. 第二个参数定义常量的值

  3. 可选的第三个参数规定常量名是否对大小写不敏感。默认是 false。


foreach 循环只适用于数组,并用于遍历数组中的每个键/值对

$colors = array("red","green","blue","yellow"); 

foreach ($colors as $value) {
  echo "$value <br>";


用户定义的函数声明以关单 "function" 开头。




 array() 函数用于创建数组

  • 索引数组 - 带有数字索引的数组

  • 关联数组 - 带有指定键的数组

  • 多维数组 - 包含一个或多个数组的数组



foreach($age as $x=>$x_value) {
  echo "Key=" . $x . ", Value=" . $x_value;
  echo "<br>";


  • sort() - 以升序对数组排序

  • rsort() - 以降序对数组排序

  • asort() - 根据值,以升序对关联数组进行排序

  • ksort() - 根据键,以升序对关联数组进行排序

  • arsort() - 根据值,以降序对关联数组进行排序

  • krsort() - 根据键,以降序对关联数组进行排序

12、全局变量 - 超全局变量

$GLOBALS — References all variables available in the global scope

PHP stores this in an array named $GLOBALS[index] All global variables. The name of the variable is the key of the array.

$_SERVER This superglobal variable holds information about headers, paths, and script locations.

#$_REQUEST is used for collection HTML form submitted data.

#$_POST Widely used to collect form data after submitting an HTML form with method="post". $_POST is also commonly used to pass variables.


can also be used to collect and submit HTML forms (method=" form data after get").

$_GET can also collect data sent in the URL.

Related recommendations:

Detailed explanation of basic knowledge of PHP

Basic introduction to Php Knowledge

The above is the detailed content of Basic learning about php. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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