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Example sharing of js development database

2018-03-31 16:57:171854browse

The front-end often needs to save some data, and the saving here refers to long-term storage. The previous idea was to save the data in the cookie, or save the key in the cookie, and save other data on the server. These scenes have many uses and are very mature and easy to use. But I still want data that can be stored locally for a long time, similar to a database or web sql.

The new generation of browsers basically support local databases. Just use it directly when you need it. If it doesn't work, you can still use Storage to make do.

What if I need the functionality of a database and there is no compatible storage method? Do I need to encrypt and store these things locally? I want to save a lot of things?

Currently I did encounter this situation when using ReactNative. I need to store a lot of data locally. Someone said, wouldn't it be better to use SQLite directly?

Okay, absolutely fine. I am just developing it from a front-end attitude here. What if some students don’t need SQLite, but just need a simple way to store a large amount of data?

There may be many usage scenarios, the bottom layer of the implementation can be replaced at will, and even the implementation method can be written at will. Here I am building an informal, front-end-friendly data repository based on the attitude of the front-end creating the world.

Underlying Storage

The usage scenario here is ReactNative, so I use RN's AsyncStorage.

Convert all data to be saved into objects and into strings. The core idea here is serialization. Store all data as strings.

import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';

exports.setItem = async (key, value) => {    let item = JSON.stringify({
        v: value
    });    return await AsyncStorage.setItem(key, item);

When reading, a conversion is also required to convert the string into the originally stored data.

exports.getItem = async (key) => {    let item = await AsyncStorage.getItem(key);    if (!item) {        return null;
    }    return JSON.parse(item).v || null;

What needs special treatment is the acquisition of the list. RN has an API that returns multiple pieces of data based on multiple keys. It returns an array object. Array number 0 is the key value of data storage, and sequence number 1 is the specific string of data storage.

exports.getlist = async (keys) => {    let list = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys);
    list = list.map(item => JSON.parse(item[1]).v || null);    return list;

Let’s also take out a few other methods used. Nest one more layer here, keeping the same formation as above.

exports.removeItem = async (key) => await AsyncStorage.removeItem(key);

exports.removeItems = async (keys) => await AsyncStorage.multiRemove(keys);

exports.allKeys = async () => await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys();

Underlying Optimization

The above is just a simple implementation. If there are no special requirements, it will be almost the same. However, those who want to go further can consider starting to optimize.

For example, optimize the speed of json conversion. When we use the JSON object method to convert, there is actually a process of determining the numerical type. If we define the data type in advance. There is no need to judge again when converting.

You can define a model object and pre-define the fields required by this table. You can check how Sequelize is defined. It is very simple to do this according to the way of relational row database.

//用户对象const users = db.define('t_users', {
    id: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true,
    },    //用户名
    username: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    },    //密码
    pwd: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    },    //状态
    status: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER
    },    //昵称
    nickname: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    },    //token
    token: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    create_time: {
        type: Sequelize.TIME
}, {
    freezeTableName: true,
    timestamps: false,

Implementing storage

Let’s refer to the implementation of relational database here.

First you need to divide the tables and databases. In this way, you can pay less attention to this information when storing data, and focus on data operations.

constructor(tableName = "table", db = "db") {        //检查库,表是否存在
        this.db = db;        this.tableName = tableName;        this.tableKey = db + "_" + tableName;        this.init();

Store them separately inside the current object. When creating the object, you can create different operation methods based on different libraries and tables. Class is used here, and each table corresponds to a separate object.

Since we are using the storage method provided by RN, the addition and update here are actually the same method. When adding, a unique ID will be created based on the current timestamp, and this ID will be used as the key to store it in the database. Therefore, there is no need to store the ID separately when using it. However, if you feel that the ID is different from what you need, you can also define an ID yourself to store the key value.

    async add(data = {}) {        if (data.constructor !== Object) return;        if (!data._id)data._id = uuid();
        await setItem(this.tableKey + "_" + data._id, data);        return data;

A separate method of obtaining based on ID is provided when obtaining. What is considered here is that it is very simple and convenient to obtain by ID. Some data can be read quickly, and there is no need to query line by line.

 * 通过id查询
 * @param {*} id 
 */async getById(id) {    if (!id) return {};    return await getItem(this.tableKey + "_" + id);

Compared to querying based on id, fuzzy query is indeed very slow. If it is not really needed, it is better not to use this fuzzy query. Here is a custom query method that can determine whether this row of data is needed based on the returned object. You can also add the top parameter to limit the number returned. Using this parameter can also improve performance when there is a lot of data.

 * 通过过滤方法查询
 * @param {*} fn 
 */async get(fn, top = 0) {    let keys = await allKeys();    if (keys.length == 0) return [];    if (top > 0 && keys.length > top) keys.length = top;    const listkey = keys.filter(item => item.indexOf(this.tableKey + "_") === 0);    if (listkey.length == 0) return [];    let list = await getlist(listkey);
    list = list.filter(item => fn(item));    return list;

Finally, add the deletion and clearing methods, and a simple deletion library is completed.

 * 删除
 * @param {*} id 
 */async delete(id) {    if (!id) return {};
    await removeItem(this.tableKey + "_" + id);
 * 清空表
 */async clear() {    let keys = await allKeys();    const listkey = keys.filter(item => item.indexOf(this.tableKey + "_") === 0);    if (listkey.length == 0) return;

When using it, you only need to create the object and then call it where needed. It is simple and convenient to use, and after optimization, it can even be used as client-side redis.

//初始化数据库let db=new JSDB();//添加一个自定义数据db.add({name:"test",key:"abc"});//根据id获取数据db.getById("1223467890");//根据条件查询数据db.get(d=>d.name==="test");//删除对应的数据db.delete("1223467890");//情况所有数据db.clear()

Optimize creation

The first thing to optimize is the creation of objects. Each object creation actually consumes a lot of money. Wouldn't it be great if this consumption could be reduced?

Here we draw on the concept of database pool and implement an object pool method. There is no direct return after the object is created, it has to go through the pool operation.

Put the object into the pool and reset it to an empty object when the page is destroyed. You don't have to create a new one the next time you request one. You can use it by directly assigning the name of the table or library. The memory is unchanged and makes me laugh a bit.

Optimizing Query

It is still very troublesome to read Stroage every time you query, especially this operation is an asynchronous operation and requires sending a message to the native side.

We can store the last read data in a variable. If we need to use this line of data next time, there is no need to read it again. This can easily provide reading speed.

This method can continue to be optimized. Limit the amount of data saved in variables to prevent the amount from exceeding the APP limit. You can also make a logical judgment on the storage time limit, put frequently used data in it, and find opportunities to delete data that are not commonly used.

Using this method can also optimize the effectiveness of data in variables and reduce the memory size occupied by variables. However, try not to use a timer in the implementation method. You can consider using a trigger type. The deletion action is triggered when the conditions are met.

Optimize writing

As mentioned above, variables need to be put in when reading to increase the reading speed. By the way, we thought, can the writing speed also be improved?

We put the data to be stored in a temporary variable. If the time we set or the data length is checked and the amount we set is checked, a save operation will be triggered.

It should be noted here that the variables used to save data and the variables used when saving should be used interchangeably to prevent data loss.

For example: use variable 1 when saving. Before writing to the database, change the object to be saved to variable 2, then read the data of variable 1 and store it in the database. This is double buffered writing.

Of course, you still need to determine the exit event of the APP. If the APP exits, please be sure to save the content in the variable once, otherwise all your hard work will be lost.

Okay, a simple database is completed. If you want to use it, you can first search for the react-native-jsdb library on npm. I have put the first part of the implementation on npm, and subsequent optimizations will be fully open sourced.

npm warehouse address

Article address

The front-end still needs to save some data in many cases, and the storage here refers to long-term storage. The previous idea was to save the data in the cookie, or save the key in the cookie, and save other data on the server.

These scenes have many uses and are very mature and easy to use. But I still want data that can be stored locally for a long time, similar to a database or web sql.

The new generation of browsers basically support local databases. Just use it directly when you need it. If it doesn't work, you can still use Storage to make do.

What if I need the functionality of a database and there is no compatible storage method? Do I need to encrypt and store these things locally? I want to save a lot of things?

Currently I did encounter this situation when using ReactNative. I need to store a lot of data locally. Someone said, wouldn't it be better to use SQLite directly?

Okay, absolutely fine. I am just developing it from a front-end attitude here. What if some students don’t need SQLite, but just need a simple way to store a large amount of data?

There may be many usage scenarios, the bottom layer of the implementation can be replaced at will, and even the implementation method can be written at will. Here I am building an informal, front-end-friendly data repository based on the attitude of the front-end creating the world.

Underlying Storage

The usage scenario here is ReactNative, so I use RN's AsyncStorage.

Convert all data to be saved into objects and into strings. The core idea here is serialization. Store all data as strings.

import { AsyncStorage } from 'react-native';

exports.setItem = async (key, value) => {    let item = JSON.stringify({
        v: value
    });    return await AsyncStorage.setItem(key, item);

When reading, a conversion is also required to convert the string into the originally stored data.

exports.getItem = async (key) => {    let item = await AsyncStorage.getItem(key);    if (!item) {        return null;
    }    return JSON.parse(item).v || null;

What needs special treatment is the acquisition of the list. RN has an API that returns multiple pieces of data based on multiple keys. It returns an array object. Array number 0 is the key value of data storage, and sequence number 1 is the specific string of data storage.

exports.getlist = async (keys) => {    let list = await AsyncStorage.multiGet(keys);
    list = list.map(item => JSON.parse(item[1]).v || null);    return list;

Let’s also take out a few other methods used. Nest one more layer here, keeping the same formation as above.

exports.removeItem = async (key) => await AsyncStorage.removeItem(key);

exports.removeItems = async (keys) => await AsyncStorage.multiRemove(keys);

exports.allKeys = async () => await AsyncStorage.getAllKeys();

Underlying Optimization

The above is just a simple implementation. If there are no special requirements, it will be almost the same. However, those who want to go further can consider starting to optimize.

For example, optimize the speed of json conversion. When we use the JSON object method to convert, there is actually a process of determining the numerical type. If we define the data type in advance. There is no need to judge again when converting.

You can define a model object and pre-define the fields required by this table. You can check how Sequelize is defined. It is very simple to do this according to the way of relational row database.

//用户对象const users = db.define('t_users', {
    id: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
        primaryKey: true,
    },    //用户名
    username: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    },    //密码
    pwd: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    },    //状态
    status: {
        type: Sequelize.INTEGER
    },    //昵称
    nickname: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    },    //token
    token: {
        type: Sequelize.STRING
    create_time: {
        type: Sequelize.TIME
}, {
    freezeTableName: true,
    timestamps: false,

Implementing storage

Let’s refer to the implementation of relational database here.

First you need to divide the tables and databases. In this way, you can pay less attention to this information when storing data, and focus on data operations.

constructor(tableName = "table", db = "db") {        //检查库,表是否存在
        this.db = db;        this.tableName = tableName;        this.tableKey = db + "_" + tableName;        this.init();



    async add(data = {}) {        if (data.constructor !== Object) return;        if (!data._id)data._id = uuid();
        await setItem(this.tableKey + "_" + data._id, data);        return data;


 * 通过id查询
 * @param {*} id 
 */async getById(id) {    if (!id) return {};    return await getItem(this.tableKey + "_" + id);


 * 通过过滤方法查询
 * @param {*} fn 
 */async get(fn, top = 0) {    let keys = await allKeys();    if (keys.length == 0) return [];    if (top > 0 && keys.length > top) keys.length = top;    const listkey = keys.filter(item => item.indexOf(this.tableKey + "_") === 0);    if (listkey.length == 0) return [];    let list = await getlist(listkey);
    list = list.filter(item => fn(item));    return list;


 * 删除
 * @param {*} id 
 */async delete(id) {    if (!id) return {};
    await removeItem(this.tableKey + "_" + id);
 * 清空表
 */async clear() {    let keys = await allKeys();    const listkey = keys.filter(item => item.indexOf(this.tableKey + "_") === 0);    if (listkey.length == 0) return;


//初始化数据库let db=new JSDB();//添加一个自定义数据db.add({name:"test",key:"abc"});//根据id获取数据db.getById("1223467890");//根据条件查询数据db.get(d=>d.name==="test");//删除对应的数据db.delete("1223467890");//情况所有数据db.clear()

















The above is the detailed content of Example sharing of js development database. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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