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Detailed explanation of front-end framework Heng.js

2018-03-10 14:58:463809browse

Framework description: Based on object-oriented programming ideas and implemented in native js language, it does not rely on any third-party js library, and does not reference any external code fragments! Fully consider different application scenarios to ensure the flexibility and robustness of the framework.
* Implementation function: It implements the architecture and internal details that are completely consistent with jQuery. The internal loop of the setting operation can set all matching nodes, and the method can be called in a chain.
* Method classification: Static methods are used within the framework for data logic, DOM preprocessing and other global non-DOM operations; instance methods call corresponding UI components.
* Parameter configuration: Configure different parameters according to actual needs and call them flexibly. If there are no parameters, use the default configuration.
* Selector supports: id, class, label, descendant selector, dom node, instantiated object H ("css selector").
* Compatibility: All methods are fully cross-browser compatible and compatible with most current browsers (IE6/7/8/9/10/11, chrome, firefox, Safari, etc.).
* Variable safety: In a closure environment, ensure the safety of the framework's own variables and avoid variable conflicts
* Framework performance: Optimize the code to improve performance and minimize browser rearrangements and redraws. Release memory by assigning a null value; avoid island communication between DOM, BOM, and ECMAScript; perform DOM operations based on document fragments; bubbling delegates to process collection events...
* [Call]
* Static method: H.Method(value)
* Instance method: H("css selector").Method(value), H("css selector").Method({key:value})
* H(sel).Method({property event configuration}), H(sel).Method(component method, method parameter)
* Chain call: H("css selector").Method({key :value}).Method()
* Execution after the DOM tree is loaded: H(fn) is equivalent to $(fn)===$(document).ready(fn)
in the jQuery library * Internal Loop: The instance method performs an internal loop on the set of nodes matched by H ("css selector"), and can operate all matching nodes at the same time
* Attribute method: opts sets the component attribute event; component method Method (component method, parameter) ;
* Gesture touch: Encapsulates touch gesture events (Tap, Pinch, Hold, Swipe) for the mobile terminal, and reports the status of the corresponding gesture through e.data. Such as pinch zoom coefficient, sliding direction, sliding distance, etc.
* Author: wheng

* Date: 2015-07-25

* Framework source code http://whwheng.gitee. io/csdn


*[Brief description of structure]

* The main body of the framework ensures its own safety in the closure environment and avoids variable conflicts; outward through H or Heng Reference base class.

 *内部已做了Heng基础类实例化处理new Heng(sel);实际使用时H(sel)即为创建对象,若sel为函数内嵌代码在形成完整DOM树时立即执行。


var H=function (sel){ 
    if(typeof sel=="function"){ H.ready(sel) }
    else{ return new Heng(sel); }
H(function(){ H(sel).Method();});//DOM树加载完毕H(fn)等价于jqyuey库中的$(fn)===$(document).ready(fn)

*The constructor implements the "css selector" function to obtain DOM nodes and store the nodes on the nodes attribute, following the rules of "public data attribution".

function Heng(sel) {
    this.sel = sel;
    this.nodes = []; //选择器匹配的节点数组
    if (typeof sel == 'string') {
        if (sel.indexOf(' ') != -1) {
            var nodes = sel.split(' ');
            var childElements = [];
            var node = []; //实时祖先节点数组
            for (var i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) {
                if (node.length == 0)
                switch (nodes[i].charAt(0)) {
                case &#39;#&#39;:
                    childElements = []; //清除上一组值再更新
                    node = childElements;
                case &#39;.&#39;:
                    childElements = [];
                    for (var j = 0; j < node.length; j++) {
                        var temps = this.getClass(nodes[i].substring(1), node[j]);
                        for (var k = 0; k < temps.length; k++) {
                    node = childElements;
                    childElements = [];
                    for (var j = 0; j < node.length; j++) {
                        var temps = this.getTagName(nodes[i], node[j]);
                        for (var k = 0; k < temps.length; k++) {
                    node = childElements;
            this.nodes = childElements;
        } else { //sel为无空格选择器字符串
            switch (sel.charAt(0)) {
            case &#39;#&#39;:
            case &#39;.&#39;:
                this.nodes = this.getClass(sel.substring(1));
                this.nodes = this.getTagName(sel);
    } else if (typeof sel == &#39;object&#39;) { //sel为dom节点
        if (sel != undefined) {
            this.nodes[0] = sel;

*Static methods do not require instantiation and are used for data logic and DOM preprocessing or other global non-DOM operations within the framework; instance methods are combined with DOM nodes to complete the requirements. If the sel matching component entry is a collection, Then all nodes can implement the logic and functions of the method.

H.Method() = function (arg) {

Heng.prototype.Method = function (opts) {
    var nodes = this.nodes[i]; //sel匹配的的节点数组
    for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {//内部循环
        var op = this.nodes[i];
        var aUl = op.getElementsByTagName(&#39;ul&#39;);

*Object-oriented programming will inevitably lead to confusion of this pointer. For all similar problems, declare var This=this outside the function through closure; correct this pointer.

Heng.prototype.slide = function (opts) {
    var This = this;
    node = function (opts) { //node为dom节点
        This.getClass(classString, parrent);

Heng.prototype.dialog = function (opts) {
    var def = {
        "animate" : false,
        "enterDir" : "top",
        "maskbg" : "#000000",
        "maskopa" : 0.5,
        "warncount" : 5,
        "content" : "<h1>Hello World</h1>"
    opts = H.extend(def, opts);//数据合并


*[Instance method case]

H("form").formCheck(); One line of code completes all form verification on the page, and the functions are as follows:

*All form elements of any type within the form matched by H("form") will be verified.

*Each form element will be independently verified when it loses focus.

*When the form is submitted, all internal elements are uniformly verified, divided into "one-by-one verification (interrupting subsequent checks when encountering elements that fail verification)" and "one-time verification (checking all elements at once)" Two modes, switch between the two modes by configuring opts["submitCheck"]=true/false.

*Whether the verification passes or not, there will be a prompt message indicating the success or failure of the corresponding verification type. You can configure the opts parameter to customize the content and style information of the prompt.

*Built-in verification of common data types, and the verification type can also be extended through opts["customType"] and opts["customReg"], which greatly improves the flexibility of form verification.

Heng.prototype.formCheck = function (opts) {
    var def = {
        "user" : "*请输入3-16位字母数字",
        "password" : "*请输入5-17位以字母开头的字符数字组合",
        "email" : "*请输入正确邮箱地址",
        "Mobilephone" : "*请输入正确手机号",
        "radioBox" : "请选择",
        "ch" : "请输入中文字符",
        "wrongStyle" : "font-size:12px; color:#F00;",
        "passContent" : "成功",
        "passStyle" : "font-size:12px; color:#0C0;",
        "submitCheck" : false //提交时逐条验证还是一次验证显示所有错误信息。默认一次校验
    opts = H.extend(def, opts);
    var dataType = ["formCheck-user", "formCheck-password", "formCheck-email", "formCheck-mobilePhone", "formCheck-ch", "formCheck-radioBox"];
    var Reg = {
        "user" : "^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,16}$",
        "password" : "^[a-zA-Z]+\w{5,17}$",
        "email" : "^([a-zA-Z0-9]+[_|\_|\.]?)*[a-zA-Z0-9]+@([a-zA-Z0-9]+[_|\_|\.]?)*[a-zA-Z0-9]+\.[a-zA-Z]{2,3}$",
        "mobilePhone" : "^(13+\d{9})|(159+\d{8})|(153+\d{8})$",
        "ch" : "[\u4e00-\u9fa5]"
    if (opts["customType"]) {
        Reg[opts["customType"]] = opts["customReg"];
        opts[opts["customType"]] = opts["customTip"];
        dataType.splice((dataType.length - 2), 1, ("formCheck-" + opts["customType"]));
    var This = this;
    for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
        var form = this.nodes[i];
        form.nodes = []; //dataType匹配的表单元素集合的超集,保存在每个form下
        for (var j = 0; j < dataType.length; j++) { //表单元素超集_二维数组;
            var resultArr = this.getClass(dataType[j], form);
            if (resultArr.length != 0) {
                resultArr.dataClass = dataType[j]; //将对应class值绑定在子数组上
        for (var k = 0; k < form.nodes.length; k++) { //绑定blur事件
            (function () {
                if (form.nodes[k].dataClass != "formCheck-radioBox") {
                    var regoptsKEY = form.nodes[k].dataClass.slice(form.nodes[k].dataClass.indexOf("-") + 1);
                    var regTest = new RegExp(Reg[regoptsKEY]);
                    for (var l = 0; l < form.nodes[k].length; l++) {
                        form.nodes[k][l].onblur = function () {
                            var wrongSpan = This.getClass("formCheck-wrong", this.parentNode)[0];
                            if (!regTest.test(this.value)) {
                                wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts[regoptsKEY];
                                wrongSpan.style.cssText = def["wrongStyle"];
                            } else {
                                wrongSpan.innerHTML = def["passContent"];
                                wrongSpan.style.cssText = def["passStyle"];
                } else {
                    if (form.nodes[k].dataClass == "formCheck-radioBox") {
                        for (var m = 0; m < form.nodes[k].length; m++) {
                            var RBA = form.nodes[k][m];
                            (function (RBA) {
                                form.nodes[k][m].radioBoxArr = form.nodes[k][m].parentNode.getElementsByTagName("input");
                                for (var n = 0; n < form.nodes[k][m].radioBoxArr.length; n++) {
                                    if (form.nodes[k][m].radioBoxArr[n].checked) {
                                        var statePre = true;
                                    } else {
                                        var statePre = false;
                                    form.nodes[k][m].state = statePre;
                                    form.nodes[k][m].radioBoxArr[n].onclick = function () {
                                        for (var n = 0; n < RBA.radioBoxArr.length; n++) {
                                            if (RBA.radioBoxArr[n].checked) {
                                                var statePre = true;
                                            } else {
                                                var statePre = false;
                                        RBA.state = statePre;
                                        var wrongSpan = This.getClass("formCheck-wrong", this.parentNode)[0];
                                        if (RBA.state) {
                                            wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts["passContent"];
                                            wrongSpan.style.cssText = opts["passStyle"];
                                        } else {
                                            wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts["radioBox"];
                                            wrongSpan.style.cssText = opts["wrongStyle"];
        (function (form) {
            form.onsubmit = function (e) {
                var e = e || window.event;
                for (var k = 0; k < form.nodes.length; k++) {
                    var regoptsKEY = form.nodes[k].dataClass.slice(form.nodes[k].dataClass.indexOf("-") + 1);
                    var regTest = new RegExp(Reg[regoptsKEY]);
                    for (var l = 0; l < form.nodes[k].length; l++) {
                        if (def["submitCheck"]) {
                            if (form.nodes[k].dataClass != "formCheck-radioBox") {
                                var wrongSpan = This.getClass("formCheck-wrong", form.nodes[k][l].parentNode)[0];
                                if (!regTest.test(form.nodes[k][l].value)) {
                                    wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts[regoptsKEY];
                                    wrongSpan.style.cssText = def["wrongStyle"];
                                    return false; //停止执行中断循环,阻止默认
                                } else {
                                    wrongSpan.innerHTML = def["passContent"];
                                    wrongSpan.style.cssText = def["passStyle"];
                            } else if (form.nodes[k].dataClass == "formCheck-radioBox") {
                                var wrongSpan = This.getClass("formCheck-wrong", form.nodes[k][l].parentNode)[0];
                                if (form.nodes[k][l].state) {
                                    wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts["passContent"];
                                    wrongSpan.style.cssText = opts["passStyle"];
                                } else {
                                    wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts["radioBox"];
                                    wrongSpan.style.cssText = opts["wrongStyle"];
                                    return false;
                        } else {
                            if (form.nodes[k].dataClass != "formCheck-radioBox") {
                                var wrongSpan = This.getClass("formCheck-wrong", form.nodes[k][l].parentNode)[0];
                                if (!regTest.test(form.nodes[k][l].value)) {
                                    wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts[regoptsKEY];
                                    wrongSpan.style.cssText = opts["wrongStyle"];
                                    e.returnValue = false;
                                } else {
                                    wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts["passContent"];
                                    wrongSpan.style.cssText = opts["passStyle"];
                            } else if (form.nodes[k].dataClass == "formCheck-radioBox") {
                                var wrongSpan = This.getClass("formCheck-wrong", form.nodes[k][l].parentNode)[0];
                                if (form.nodes[k][l].state) {
                                    wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts["passContent"];
                                    wrongSpan.style.cssText = opts["passStyle"];
                                } else {
                                    wrongSpan.innerHTML = opts["radioBox"];
                                    wrongSpan.style.cssText = opts["wrongStyle"];
                                    e.returnValue = false;


H(".wrap").page(opts); The page container passes in the required parameter page to instantiate the paging control:

*Total Number of pages pageSize = total number of data items in totalData ÷ number of data items per page in pageItems (the quotient is rounded up). Necessary configuration data is returned by the server during initialization.


*6≤pageSize<10 The page number is generated based on nowPage, forcibly delete the up and down page buttons, define pageBtns=6, and distinguish three situations of nowPage at the beginning, end and middle.

*pageSize≥10 The page number is generated based on nowPage. Considering whether there are upper and lower pages, nowPage is at the beginning, end and middle 2*3=6 situations.





Heng.prototype.page = function (opts) {
    /*总页数=总数据条数÷每页数据条数并向上取整 && pageSize>=6基于nowPage生成页码时有上下页pageBtns>=10最佳 && 无上下页pageBtns>= 6最佳 && pageSize<6时基于pageSize生成页码强制pageSize==pageBtns*/
    var def = {
        "pageSize" : Math.ceil(opts["totalData"] / opts["pageItems"]),
        "preNext" : true,
        "preText" : "上一页",
        "nextText" : "下一页",
        "nowPage" : 1,
        "headText" : "1",
        "endText" : opts["pageSize"],
        "pageBtns" : 10
    opts = H.extend(def, opts);
    var isHead,
    frag = document.createDocumentFragment();
    for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
        var wrap = this.nodes[i];
        wrap.onclick = function (e) { //点击更新页码,确定当前页,执行回调函数
            var e = e || window.event;
            var target = e.target || e.srcElement;
            if (target.getAttribute("data-page") && target.getAttribute("data-page") != opts["nowPage"]) {
                opts["nowPage"] = parseInt(target.getAttribute("data-page"));
            } else if (target.getAttribute("data-page") && target.getAttribute("data-page") == opts["nowPage"]) {
                opts["cb"] && opts["cb"](opts["nowPage"]);
            } else if (!target.getAttribute("data-page")) {
                return false
        wrap.onselectstart = function () {
            return false
    function int() {
        wrap.innerHTML && (wrap.innerHTML = null);
        if (opts["pageSize"] < 10 && opts["pageSize"] >= 6) {
            opts["preNext"] = false;
            opts["pageBtns"] = 6;
        } else if (opts["pageSize"] < 6) {
        if (opts["preNext"]) { //循环外判断一次即可
            if (opts["pageBtns"] % 2 == 1) {
                isHeadPN = opts["nowPage"] <= (opts["pageBtns"] + 1) / 2;
                isEndPN = opts["nowPage"] >= opts["pageSize"] + 1 - (opts["pageBtns"] - 1) / 2;
            if (opts["pageBtns"] % 2 == 0) {
                isHeadPN = opts["nowPage"] <= opts["pageBtns"] / 2;
                isEndPN = opts["nowPage"] >= [opts["pageSize"] + 1 - (opts["pageBtns"] / 2)]
        } else {
            if (opts["pageBtns"] % 2 == 1) {
                isHead = opts["nowPage"] <= (opts["pageBtns"] + 1) / 2;
                isEnd = opts["nowPage"] >= [opts["pageSize"] - (opts["pageBtns"] - 1) / 2];
            if (opts["pageBtns"] % 2 == 0) {
                isHead = opts["nowPage"] <= (opts["pageBtns"] / 2);
                isEnd = opts["nowPage"] >= [opts["pageSize"] - opts["pageBtns"] / 2]
        if (opts["pageSize"] >= 6) {
            for (var j = 1; j <= opts["pageBtns"]; j++) {
                var oSp = document.createElement("span");
                if (opts["preNext"] && (opts["pageSize"] >= 10)) {
                    if (opts["pageBtns"] < 10) {
                        opts["pageBtns"] = 10;
                    if (isHeadPN) { //nowPage靠近头部
                        oSp.innerHTML = j - 1;
                        oSp.setAttribute("data-page", j - 1);
                        if (j == opts["pageBtns"] - 2) {
                            oSp.innerHTML = "…"; //重写倒数第三项
                    } else if (isEndPN) { //nowPage靠近尾部
                        oSp.innerHTML = opts["pageSize"] - opts["pageBtns"] + j + 1;
                        oSp.setAttribute("data-page", opts["pageSize"] - opts["pageBtns"] + j + 1)
                        if (j == 3) {
                            oSp.innerHTML = "…"; //重写第三项
                    } else { //nowPage中间,页码基于nowPage生成
                        if (j == opts["pageBtns"] - 2 || j == 3) {
                            oSp.innerHTML = "…"; //重写第三项和倒数第三项
                    if (j == 1) {
                        oSp.innerHTML = opts["preText"];
                        if (opts["nowPage"] == 1) {
                            oSp.setAttribute("class", opts["disable"]);
                        } else {
                            oSp.setAttribute("data-page", opts["nowPage"] - 1);
                    } else if (j == opts["pageBtns"]) {
                        oSp.innerHTML = opts["nextText"];
                        if (opts["nowPage"] == opts["pageSize"]) {
                            oSp.setAttribute("class", opts["disable"]);
                        } else {
                            oSp.setAttribute("data-page", opts["nowPage"] + 1);
                    if (j == 2) {
                        oSp.innerHTML = opts["headText"];
                        oSp.setAttribute("data-page", 1)
                    } else if (j == opts["pageBtns"] - 1) {
                        oSp.innerHTML = opts["endText"];
                        oSp.setAttribute("data-page", opts["pageSize"])
                } else if (!opts["preNext"] && (opts["pageSize"] >= 6)) {
                    if (opts["pageBtns"] < 6) {
                        opts["pageBtns"] = 6
                    if (isHead) {
                        oSp.innerHTML = j;
                        oSp.setAttribute("data-page", j);
                        if (j == opts["pageBtns"] - 1) {
                            oSp.innerHTML = "…";
                    } else if (isEnd) {
                        oSp.innerHTML = opts["pageSize"] - opts["pageBtns"] + j;
                        oSp.setAttribute("data-page", opts["pageSize"] - opts["pageBtns"] + j)
                        if (j == 2) {
                            oSp.innerHTML = "…";
                    } else {
                        if (j == opts["pageBtns"] - 1 || j == 2) {
                            oSp.innerHTML = "…";
                    if (j == 1) {
                        oSp.innerHTML = opts["headText"];
                        oSp.setAttribute("data-page", 1)
                    } else if (j == opts["pageBtns"]) {
                        oSp.innerHTML = opts["endText"];
                        oSp.setAttribute("data-page", opts["pageSize"])
                if (oSp.getAttribute("data-page") === opts["nowPage"].toString()) {
                    oSp.setAttribute("class", opts["active"]);
                oSp.style.cursor = "pointer";
                (!oSp.getAttribute("data-page")) && (oSp.style.cursor = "auto");
            } //for
        function middle() {
            if (opts["pageBtns"] % 2 == 1) {
                oSp.innerHTML = opts["nowPage"] - [(opts["pageBtns"] + 1) / 2] + j;
                oSp.setAttribute("data-page", opts["nowPage"] - [(opts["pageBtns"] + 1) / 2] + j)
            } else if (opts["pageBtns"] % 2 == 0) {
                oSp.innerHTML = opts["nowPage"] - (opts["pageBtns"] / 2) + j;
                oSp.setAttribute("data-page", opts["nowPage"] - (opts["pageBtns"] / 2) + j)
        function static() {
            for (var k = 1; k <= opts["pageSize"]; k++) {
                var oSp = document.createElement("span");
                oSp.innerHTML = k;
                oSp.setAttribute("data-page", k);
                if (oSp.getAttribute("data-page") === opts["nowPage"].toString()) {
                    oSp.setAttribute("class", opts["active"]);
        opts["cb"] && opts["cb"](opts["nowPage"]) //报告当前页发送请求用
    } //int


 H("p").on ("Tap",fn/{"Tap":fn,"Hold":fn});自定义事件处理程序实现触控手势操作:







H.addEvent = function (type, handler) {
    this.handlers = {}; //{type1:[fn],type2:[fn]}
    if (typeof this.handlers[type] == "undefined") {
        this.handlers[type] = [];
H.fireEvent = function (type, data) {//调用对应类型函数触发事件
    if (this.handlers[type]instanceof Array) {
        var arrayEvent = this.handlers[type];
        for (var i = 0, len = arrayEvent.length; i < len; i++) {
            if (typeof arrayEvent[i] === "function") {
H.removeEvent = function (type, handler) {
    if (this.handlers[type]instanceof Array) {
        var arrayEvent = this.handlers[type];
        for (var i = 0, len = arrayEvent.length; i < len; i++) {
            if (arrayEvent[i] === handler) {
                arrayEvent.splice(i, 1);
Heng.prototype.on = function (handle, fn) { //调用方式(type,fn) 或 ({type1:fn1,type2:fn2})
    for (var i = 0; i < this.nodes.length; i++) {
        var node = this.nodes[i];
        var iStouch = false;
        var hasTap = false,
        hasPinch = false,
        hasHold = false,
        hasSwipeLeft = false,
        hasSwipeRight = false;
        left = true,
        right = true,
        up = true,
        down = true;
        var inTime,
        if (arguments.length == 1) {
            for (var k in handle) {
                if ((k === "Tap") || (k === "Pinch") || (k === "Hold") || (k === "Swipe")) {
                    iStouch = true; //触控和鼠标事件不和共用
                    this.iStouch = iStouch;
        } else {
            iStouch = (handle === "Tap") || (handle === "Pinch") || (handle === "Hold") || (handle === "Swipe");
            this.iStouch = iStouch;
        if (iStouch) {
            H.bind(node, "touchstart", tsFn);
            H.bind(node, "touchend", teFn);
            if (!hasTap) {
                H.bind(node, "touchmove", tmFn);
            if (arguments.length == 1) {
                for (var j in handle) {
                    H.addEvent(j, handle[j]);
            } else {
                H.addEvent(handle, fn);
        } else {
            if (arguments.length == 1) {
                for (var j in handle) {
                    H.bind(node, j, handle[j]);
            } else {
                H.bind(node, handle, fn)
    function checkType(x) {
        switch (x) {
        case "Tap":
            hasTap = true;
        case "Pinch":
            hasPinch = true;
        case "Hold":
            hasHold = true;
        case "swipeLeft":
            hasSwipe = true;
    function tsFn(e) {
        touchID = e.changedTouches[0].identifier;
        inTime = new Date().getTime();
        inX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
        inY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
        if (e.changedTouches[1]) {
            touchID1 = e.changedTouches[1].identifier;
            inX1 = e.changedTouches[1].clientX;
            inY1 = e.changedTouches[1].clientY;
        if (hasHold) {
            if (e.targetTouches.length === 1 && e.changedTouches[0].identifier === touchID) {
                t = window.setTimeout(function () {
                        H.fireEvent("Hold", e);
                    }, 500)
    function tmFn(e) {
        if (hasHold) {
            if ([Math.abs(moveY - inY) >= 5] && [Math.abs(moveX - inX) >= 10]) {
        } else if (hasPinch && e.targetTouches.length === 2 && e.changedTouches[1].identifier === touchID1 && e.changedTouches[0].identifier === touchID) {
            disX = Math.abs(inX1 - inX);
            disY = Math.abs(inY1 - inY);
            disX1 = Math.abs(moveX1 - moveX);
            disY1 = Math.abs(moveY1 - moveY);
            if ((Math.abs(disX - disX1) >= 10) || (Math.abs(disY - disY1) >= 10)) {
                e.data.k = (Math.abs(disX - disX1) > Math.abs(disY - disY1)) ? (disX1 / disX) : (disY1 / disY); //缩放因子
                H.fireEvent("Pinch", e);
        } else if (hasSwipe && e.targetTouches.length === 2) {
            if (e.changedTouches[0].clientX >= moveX) {
                left = true
            } //对比相邻两次的移动判断是否中途反向
            else {
                right = false
            if (e.changedTouches[0].clientY >= moveY) {
                up = true
            } else {
                down = false
        moveX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
        moveY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
        if (e.changedTouches[1]) {
            moveX1 = e.changedTouches[1].clientX;
            moveY1 = e.changedTouches[1].clientY;
    function teFn(e) {
        outTime = new Date().getTime();
        outX = e.changedTouches[0].clientX;
        outY = e.changedTouches[0].clientY;
        if (hasTap && e.targetTouches.length === 1 && e.changedTouches[0].identifier === touchID) {
            if ([(outTime - inTime) <= 250] && [Math.abs(outY - inY) <= 5] && [Math.abs(outX - inX) <= 10]) {
                H.fireEvent("Tap", e);
        } else if (hasHold && (outTime - inTime) <= 500) {
        } else if (hasSwipe && e.targetTouches.length === 1 && e.changedTouches[0].identifier === touchID) {
            if (Math.abs(outX - inX) >= Math.abs(outY - inY)) {
                e.data.dis = Math.abs(outX - inX);
                if (outX >= inX) {
                    e.data.direction = "right"
                } else {
                    e.data.direction = "left"
            } else {
                e.data.dis = Math.abs(outY - inY);
                if (outY >= inY) {
                    e.data.direction = "down"
                } else {
                    e.data.direction = "up"
            if ((outTime - inTime) <= 1000 && (Math.abs(outY - inY) >= 30 || Math.abs(outX - inX) >= 30)) {
                if ((left && right) || (up && down)) { //保证中途连续不反向
                    H.fireEvent("swipe", e);
    return this;








 *若opts['dataType']=jsonp将切换为jsonp 请求,其它值为ajax,opts['data']自动拼接到get请求地址或推入send()后post数据。


/*ajax and jsonp*/
H.ajaxJsonp = function (opts) {
    "success":fn(response)与jsonp请求共用回调函数,"error":fn(status, statusText),"progress":fn,"complete":fn}*/
    var def = {
        "method" : "POST",
        "async" : true,
        "data" : null,
        "cache" : true,
        "time" : 800,
        "dataType" : "text",
        "contentType" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
        "jsonp" : "callback"
    for (var p in opts) {
        def[p] = opts[p];
    opts = def;
    var dataStr = "";
    if (opts[&#39;data&#39;]) {
        dataType = Object.prototype.toString.call(opts[&#39;data&#39;]).toLowerCase();
        if (dataType == "[object array]") {
            for (var i = 0; i < opts[&#39;data&#39;].length; i++) {
                opts[&#39;data&#39;][i] = "" + i + "=" + encodeURIComponent(opts[&#39;data&#39;][i]);
            dataStr = opts[&#39;data&#39;].join("&");
        } else if (dataType == "[object object]") {
            for (x in opts[&#39;data&#39;]) {
                dataStr += "&" + x + "=" + encodeURIComponent(opts[&#39;data&#39;][x]);
        } else if (dataType == "[object string]") {
            dataStr = opts[&#39;data&#39;];
    if (opts[&#39;dataType&#39;] == &#39;jsonp&#39;) { //jsonp请求
        var a = Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + "a".charCodeAt(0);
        var b = Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + "a".charCodeAt(0);
        var c = Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + "a".charCodeAt(0);
        var d = Math.floor(Math.random() * 26) + "a".charCodeAt(0);
        opts["jsonpCBname"] = opts["jsonpCBname"] || String.fromCharCode(a, b, c, d);
        if (opts[&#39;url&#39;].indexOf(&#39;?&#39;) === -1) {
            opts[&#39;url&#39;] += &#39;?&#39; + opts[&#39;jsonp&#39;] + &#39;=&#39; + opts[&#39;jsonpCBname&#39;] + &#39;&&#39; + dataStr;
        } else {
            opts[&#39;url&#39;] += &#39;&&#39; + opts[&#39;jsonp&#39;] + &#39;=&#39; + opts[&#39;jsonpCBname&#39;] + &#39;&&#39; + dataStr;
        if (opts[&#39;cache&#39;]) {
            opts[&#39;url&#39;] += &#39;&cache=&#39; + Date.now();
        var script = document.createElement(&#39;script&#39;);
        script.id = "" + opts["jsonpCBname"];
        script.src = opts[&#39;url&#39;];
        window[opts["jsonpCBname"]] = function (response) { //服务器调用的函数
            opts[&#39;success&#39;] && opts[&#39;success&#39;](response);
            window[opts["jsonpCBname"]] = null;

    } else { //Ajax请求
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        if (opts.method === &#39;get&#39;) {
            opts.url += opts.url.indexOf(&#39;?&#39;) == -1 ? &#39;?&#39; + dataStr : &#39;&&#39; + dataStr;
        if (opts.async === true) {
            xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
                if (xhr.readyState == 0) {
                } else if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
        xhr.open(opts.method, opts.url, opts.async);
        if (opts["cache"]) {
            xhr.setRequestHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
            xhr.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", "0");
        xhr.responseType = opts["dataType"];
        xhr.timeout && (xhr.timeout = opts["time"])
        if (opts.method === &#39;post&#39;) { //实际发送文件类型POST必须
            xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", opts["contentType"]);
        } else {
        if (opts.async === false) {
        function callback() {
            var response;
            if (xhr.status == 200) {
                try {
                    response = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
                } catch (er) {
                    response = eval("(" + xhr.responseText + ")");
            } else {
                opts.error(xhr.status, xhr.statusText);
    } //ajax End





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