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How to use Python crawler to crawl JS loaded data web pages

2018-03-06 11:39:185292browse

This time I will show you how to use Python crawlers to crawl JS loaded data web pages, and what are the precautions for using Python crawlers to crawl JS loaded data web pages. The following are practical cases. , let’s take a look. For example, Jianshu: Paste_Image.png Let’s write a program to crawl all the articles of any author on the Jianshu website, and then perform word segmentation statistics on all articles. The results of running the statistics program can be found in the article: I made statistics. The words used in Peng Xiaoliu's 360 articles require

Python package

Package name role selenium is used to cooperate with phantomjs to simulate browser access to web pages lxml is used to parse html pages and extract data jieba is used To parse the url with word segmentation tld in the body of the article, for example, to extract the domain, you need to download phantomjs, selenium and Paste_Image.png
Let’s write a program to crawl all the articles of any author on the Jianshu website, and then Perform word segmentation statistics on all articles

The results of program operation statistics can be found in the article:

I counted the words used in 360 articles in Peng Xiaoliu's Jianshu

Required Python package


selenium Used to cooperate with phantomjs to simulate browser access to web pages

lxml Used to parse html pages and extract data

jieba Used to segment article text

tld Parsing url, such as extracting domain

You also need to download phantomjs, which is reflected in the code for using selenium with phantomjs

Download address: http://phantomjs.org/

In the following code, because files are used to save data instead of databases, the amount of code is relatively large, and there are not many main codes.

Go directly to the code

# -*-coding:utf-8-*- 
import json 
import os, sys 
from random import randint 
from collections import Counter 
import jieba 
from lxml import etree 
from selenium import webdriver 
import time 
from tld import get_tld 
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(file)) 
class Spider(): 
def init(self, start_url):'''我这里使用文件保存数据,没有使用数据库保存数据所有需要初始化文件保存路径使用本程序的你可以把文件保存改成数据库保存,建议使用nosql方便保存start_url:作者文章列表页面,比如http://www.jianshu.com/u/65fd4e5d930d:return:'''self.start_url = start_urlres = get_tld(self.start_url, as_object=True, fix_protocol=True)self.domain = "{}.{}".format(res.subdomain, res.tld)self.user_id = self.start_url.split("/")[-1]# 保存作者文章列表html页面post_list_dir = '{}/post-list'.format(path)self.post_lists_html = '{}/post_list_{}.html'.format(post_list_dir, self.user_id)# 保存作者所有文章的urlself.post_lists_urls = '{}/urls_{}.dat'.format(post_list_dir, self.user_id)# 保存文章原始网页:self.posts_html_dir = '{}/post-html/{}'.format(path, self.user_id)# 保存文章解析后的内容:self.posts_data_dir = '{}/post-data/{}'.format(path,self.user_id)# 保存文章统计后的结果:self.result_dir = '{}/result'.format(path)self.executable_path='{}/phantomjs-2.1.1-linux-x86_64/bin/phantomjs'.format(path)# mkdirif not os.path.exists(self.posts_html_dir): os.makedirs(self.posts_html_dir)if not os.path.exists(self.posts_data_dir): os.makedirs(self.posts_data_dir)if not os.path.exists(post_list_dir): os.makedirs(post_list_dir)if not os.path.exists(self.result_dir): os.makedirs(self.result_dir)# 网上随笔找的免费代理ipself.ips = ['','', '', ''] 
def post_list_page(self):'''获取文章列表页面,以及文章链接:return:'''obj = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path=self.executable_path)obj.set_page_load_timeout(30)obj.maximize_window()# 随机一个代理ipip_num = len(self.ips)ip = self.ips[randint(0,ip_num-1)]obj.http_proxy = ipobj.get(self.start_url)# 文章总数量sel = etree.HTML(obj.page_source)r = sel.xpath("//div[@class='main-top']//div[@class='info']//li[3]//p//text()")if r: crawl_post_n = int(r[0])else: print("[Error] 提取文章总书的xpath不正确") sys.exit()n = crawl_post_n/9i = 1while n: t = randint(2,5) time.sleep(t) js = "var q=document.body.scrollTop=100000" # 页面一直下滚 obj.execute_script(js) n -= 1 i += 1# 然后把作者文章列表页面的html(保存到数据库,或文本保存)of = open(self.post_lists_html, "w")of.write(obj.page_source)of.close()# 我们也顺便把作者所有的文章链接提取出来(保存到数据库,或文本保存)of = open(self.post_lists_urls, "w")sel = etree.HTML(obj.page_source)results = sel.xpath("//div[@id='list-container']//li//a[@class='title']/@href")for result in results: of.write("http://{}{}".format(self.domain, result.strip())) of.write("/n")of.close() 
def posts_html(self):'''获取文章页面html:return:'''of = open(self.post_lists_urls)urls = of.readlines()ip_num = len(self.ips)obj = webdriver.PhantomJS(executable_path=self.executable_path)obj.set_page_load_timeout(10)obj.maximize_window()for url in urls: # 随机一个代理ip ip = self.ips[randint(0,ip_num-1)] obj.http_proxy = ip url = url.strip() print("代理ip:{}".format(ip)) print("网页:{}".format(url)) try: obj.get(url) except: print("Error:{}".format(url)) post_id = url.split("/")[-1] of = open("{}/{}_{}.html".format(self.posts_html_dir, obj.title, post_id), "w") of.write(obj.page_source) of.close() t = randint(1,5) time.sleep(t) 
def page_parsing(self):'''html解析:return:'''# 只获取匹配的第一个xpath_rule_0 ={ "author":"//div[@class='author']//span[@class='name']//text()", # 作者名字 "author_tag":"//div[@class='author']//span[@class='tag']//text()",# 作者标签 "postdate":"//div[@class='author']//span[@class='publish-time']//text()", # 发布时间 "word_num":"//div[@class='author']//span[@class='wordage']//text()",#字数 "notebook":"//div[@class='show-foot']//a[@class='notebook']/span/text()",#文章属于的目录 "title":"//div[@class='article']/h1[@class='title']//text()",#文章标题}# 获取匹配的所有,并拼接成一个字符串的xpath_rule_all_tostr ={ "content":"//div[@class='show-content']//text()",#正文}# 获取匹配的所有,保存数组形式xpath_rule_all ={ "collection":"//div[@class='include-collection']//a[@class='item']//text()",#收入文章的专题}# 遍历所有文章的html文件,如果保存在数据库的则直接查询出来list_dir = os.listdir(self.posts_html_dir)for file in list_dir: file = "{}/{}".format(self.posts_html_dir, file) if os.path.isfile(file): of = open(file) html = of.read() sel = etree.HTML(html) of.close() # 解析 post_id = file.split("_")[-1].strip(".html") doc = {'url':'http://{}/p/{}'.format(self.domain,post_id)} for k,rule in xpath_rule_0.items(): results = sel.xpath(rule) if results: doc[k] = results[0] else: doc[k] = None for k,rule in xpath_rule_all_tostr.items(): results = sel.xpath(rule) if results: doc[k] = "" for result in results: if result.strip(): doc[k] = "{}{}".format(doc[k], result) else: doc[k] = None for k,rule in xpath_rule_all.items(): results = sel.xpath(rule) if results: doc[k] = results else: doc[k] = None if doc["word_num"]: doc["word_num"] = int(doc["word_num"].strip('字数').strip()) else: doc["word_num"] = 0 # 保存到数据库或者文件中 of = open("{}/{}.json".format(self.posts_data_dir, post_id), "w") of.write(json.dumps(doc)) of.close() 
def statistics(self):&#39;&#39;&#39;分开对每篇文章的进行分词统计,也统计全部文章分词:return: &#39;&#39;&#39;# 遍历所有文章的html文件,如果保存在数据库的则直接查询出来word_sum = {} #正文全部词语统计title_word_sum = {} #标题全部词语统计post_word_cnt_list = [] #每篇文章使用的词汇数量# 正文统计数据保存list_dir = os.listdir(self.posts_data_dir)for file in list_dir: file = "{}/{}".format(self.posts_data_dir, file) if os.path.isfile(file): of = open(file) str = of.read() doc = json.loads(str) # 正文统计:精确模式,默认hi精确模式,所以可以不指定cut_all=False words = jieba.cut(doc["content"], cut_all=False) data = dict(Counter(words)) data = sorted(data.iteritems(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True) word_cnt = 0 for w in data: # 只统计超过1个字的词语 if len(w[0]) < 2: continue # 统计到全部文章词语中 if w[0] in word_sum: word_sum[w[0]]["cnt"] += w[1] word_sum[w[0]]["post_cnt"] += 1 else: word_sum[w[0]] = {} word_sum[w[0]]["cnt"] = w[1] word_sum[w[0]]["post_cnt"] = 1 word_cnt += 1 post_word_cnt_list.append((word_cnt, doc["postdate"], doc["title"], doc["url"])) # 标题统计:精确模式,默认hi精确模式,所以可以不指定cut_all=False words = jieba.cut(doc["title"], cut_all=False) data = dict(Counter(words)) data = sorted(data.iteritems(), key=lambda d: d[1], reverse=True) for w in data: # 只统计超过1个字的词语 if len(w[0]) < 2: continue # 统计到全部文章词语中 if w[0] in title_word_sum: title_word_sum[w[0]]["cnt"] += w[1] title_word_sum[w[0]]["post_cnt"] += 1 else: title_word_sum[w[0]] = {} title_word_sum[w[0]]["cnt"] = w[1] title_word_sum[w[0]]["post_cnt"] = 1 post_word_cnt_list = sorted(post_word_cnt_list, key=lambda d: d[0], reverse=True)wf = open("{}/content_statis_{}.dat".format(self.result_dir, self.user_id), "w")wf.write("| 词语 | 发布日期 | 标题 | 链接 |/n")for pw in post_word_cnt_list: wf.write("| {} | {} | {}| {}|/n".format(pw[0],pw[1],pw[2],pw[3]))wf.close()# 全部文章正文各词语 按使用次数 统计结果wf = open("{}/content_statis_sum_use-num_{}.dat".format(self.result_dir, self.user_id), "w")word_sum_t = sorted(word_sum.iteritems(), key=lambda d: d[1][&#39;cnt&#39;], reverse=True)wf.write("| 分词 | 使用次数 | 使用的文章数量|/n")for w in word_sum_t: wf.write("| {} | {} | {}|/n".format(w[0], w[1]["cnt"], w[1]["post_cnt"]))wf.close()# 全部文章正文各词语 按使用文章篇数 统计结果wf = open("{}/content_statis_sum_post-num_{}.dat".format(self.result_dir, self.user_id), "w")word_sum_t = sorted(word_sum.iteritems(), key=lambda d: d[1][&#39;post_cnt&#39;], reverse=True)wf.write("| 分词 | 使用的文章数量 | 使用次数 |/n")for w in word_sum_t: wf.write("| {} | {} | {}|/n".format(w[0], w[1]["post_cnt"], w[1]["cnt"]))wf.close() 
# 全部文章title各词语 按使用次数 统计结果wf = open("{}/title_statis_sum_use-num_{}.dat".format(self.result_dir,self.user_id), "w")title_word_sum_t = sorted(title_word_sum.iteritems(), key=lambda d: d[1][&#39;cnt&#39;], reverse=True)wf.write("| 分词 | 使用次数 | 使用的文章数量|/n")for w in title_word_sum_t: wf.write("| {} | {} | {}|/n".format(w[0], w[1]["cnt"], w[1]["post_cnt"]))wf.close()# 全部文章title各词语 按使用次数 统计结果wf = open("{}/title_statis_sum_post-num_{}.dat".format(self.result_dir, self.user_id), "w")title_word_sum_t = sorted(title_word_sum.iteritems(), key=lambda d: d[1][&#39;post_cnt&#39;], reverse=True)wf.write("| 分词 | 使用的文章数量 | 使用次数 |/n")for w in title_word_sum_t: wf.write("| {} | {} | {}|/n".format(w[0], w[1]["post_cnt"], w[1]["cnt"]))wf.close()print("一共统计文章:{} 篇".format(len(list_dir)))print("所有正文-使用了2字及以上词语:{} 个".format(len(word_sum_t)))print("所有标题-使用了2字及以上词语:{} 个".format(len(title_word_sum_t))) 
if name == &#39;main&#39;: 
sp = Spider(start_url="http://www.jianshu.com/u/65fd4e5d930d") 

The results of program operation statistics can be found in the article: I counted the words used in 360 articles in Peng Xiaoliu's Jianshu

I believe you have mastered the method after reading these cases. For more exciting information, please pay attention to other related topics on the PHP Chinese website article!

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The above is the detailed content of How to use Python crawler to crawl JS loaded data web pages. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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