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Analysis of loadmore component in vue mint-ui

2018-01-25 10:33:032551browse

This article mainly introduces the loadmore component of vue mint-ui source code analysis. The editor thinks it is quite good. Now I will share it with you and give it a reference. Let’s follow the editor to take a look, I hope it can help everyone.


Official access document mint-ui loadmore document

Access using Example


<p id="app">
  <mt-loadmore :top-method="loadTop" :bottom-method="loadBottom" :bottom-all-loaded="allLoaded" :max-distance="150"
         @top-status-change="handleTopChange" ref="loadmore">

    <p slot="top" class="mint-loadmore-top">
      <span v-show="topStatus === &#39;pull&#39;" :class="{ &#39;rotate&#39;: topStatus === &#39;drop&#39; }">↓</span>
      <span v-show="topStatus === &#39;loading&#39;">Loading...</span>
      <span v-show="topStatus === &#39;drop&#39;">释放更新</span>

    <ul class="scroll-wrapper">
      <li v-for="item in list" @click="itemClick(item)">{{ item }}</li>



<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/mint-ui/lib/style.css" rel="external nofollow" >
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
html, body{
  height: 100%;


  height: 100%;
  overflow: scroll;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  list-style: none;

.scroll-wrapper li{
  line-height: 120px;
  font-size: 60px;
  text-align: center;


<!-- 先引入 Vue -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/vue/dist/vue.js"></script>
<!-- 引入组件库 -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/mint-ui/lib/index.js"></script>
  new Vue({
    el: &#39;#app&#39;,
    data: {
      list: [],
      allLoaded: false,
      topStatus: &#39;&#39;
    created: function () {
      var i =0, len=20;
      for (; i< len; i++){
        this.list.push(&#39;demo&#39; + i);

    methods: {
      loadTop: function () { // 刷新数据的操作
        var self = this;
        setTimeout(function () {
          self.list.splice(0, self.list.length);
          var i =0, len=20;
          for (; i< len; i++){
            self.list.push(&#39;demo&#39; + i);
        }, 2000);
      loadBottom: function () { // 加载更多数据的操作
        //load data

        //this.allLoaded = true;// 若数据已全部获取完毕
        var self = this;
        setTimeout(function () {
          var i =0; len = 10;
          for (; i< len; i++){
            self.list.push(&#39;dddd&#39; + i);
        }, 2000);

      handleTopChange: function (status) {
        this.topStatus = status;
      itemClick: function (data) {
        console.log(&#39;item click, msg : &#39; + data);

Implementation principle analysis

Layout principle

  • The loadmore component is composed of three slots, namely name=top, name=bottom, default;

  • top is used to display the content displayed in different states by pull-down refresh. The margin-top is initially set to the height of -top to hide itself

  • bottom is the same as top, used to display pull-up loading to display more content in different states

  • default fills in scrolling details

Implementation principle

  • Mainly implemented through the monitoring of js touch events

  • In the touchmove event, if it is sliding down And the scrollTop of the scrolling dom is 0, then the entire component is offset downward (sliding distance/ratio) to display the content of the top solt

  • At touchmove time, if it is sliding upward and Slide to the bottom, and then continue to slide the entire component upward (sliding distance/ratio) to display the content of bottom sold

Source code analysis

Component template html

 <p class="mint-loadmore">
  <p class="mint-loadmore-content" :class="{ &#39;is-dropped&#39;: topDropped || bottomDropped}" :style="{ &#39;transform&#39;: &#39;translate3d(0, &#39; + translate + &#39;px, 0)&#39; }">
   <slot name="top">
    <p class="mint-loadmore-top" v-if="topMethod">
     <spinner v-if="topStatus === &#39;loading&#39;" class="mint-loadmore-spinner" :size="20" type="fading-circle"></spinner>
     <span class="mint-loadmore-text">{{ topText }}</span>
   <slot name="bottom">
    <p class="mint-loadmore-bottom" v-if="bottomMethod">
     <spinner v-if="bottomStatus === &#39;loading&#39;" class="mint-loadmore-spinner" :size="20" type="fading-circle"></spinner>
     <span class="mint-loadmore-text">{{ bottomText }}</span>

Regarding the spinner tag above, it is a component and will not be introduced in detail here. The content in the top soldt and bottom slot is the displayed content and can be passed in through external customization.

In fact, its implementation has a very serious drawback, that is, the height of the top solder and bottom slot is programmed to 50px, and the processing in js is also logically processed using 50px. Therefore, it meets the needs of customizing top slot and bottom slot in our development.

js core analysis

  • props analysis: For the analysis of props, you can refer to the official documentation of mint-ui

  • data Analysis

data() {
 return {
  translate: 0, // 此变量决定当前组件上下移动,
  scrollEventTarget: null, // 滚动的dom节点
  containerFilled: false, // 当前滚动的内容是否填充完整,不完成会调用 loadmore的回调函数
  topText: &#39;&#39;, // 下拉刷新,显示的文本
  topDropped: false, // 记录当前drop状态,用给组件dom添加is-dropped class(添加回到原点的动画)
  bottomText: &#39;&#39;, // 上拉加载更多 显示的文本
  bottomDropped: false, // 同topDropped
  bottomReached: false, // 当前滚动是否滚动到了底部
  direction: &#39;&#39;, // touch-move过程中, 当前滑动的方向
  startY: 0, // touch-start 起始的y的坐标值
  startScrollTop: 0, // touch-start 起始的滚动dom的 scrollTop
  currentY: 0, // touch-move 过程中的 y的坐标
  topStatus: &#39;&#39;, // 下拉刷新的状态: pull(下拉) drop(释放) loading(正在加载数据)
  bottomStatus: &#39;&#39; // 上拉加载更多的状态: 状态同上

The above specific functions of each data data are explained in detail through comments.

watch analysis

watch: {
 topStatus(val) {
  this.$emit(&#39;top-status-change&#39;, val);
  switch (val) {
   case &#39;pull&#39;:
    this.topText = this.topPullText;
   case &#39;drop&#39;:
    this.topText = this.topDropText;
   case &#39;loading&#39;:
    this.topText = this.topLoadingText;

 bottomStatus(val) {
  this.$emit(&#39;bottom-status-change&#39;, val);
  switch (val) {
   case &#39;pull&#39;:
    this.bottomText = this.bottomPullText;
   case &#39;drop&#39;:
    this.bottomText = this.bottomDropText;
   case &#39;loading&#39;:
    this.bottomText = this.bottomLoadingText;

The above are the two variables that the component monitors through watch. Later we can see that their changes are processed in the touchmove event. changed. Its function is to change the text content of the top slot and bottom slot through its changes;

At the same time, the status-change event is issued for external use, because the contents of the top slot and bottom slot may be customized externally. , use this event to notify the outside of the current status for external processing.

Analysis of core functions

I won’t list all the methods here. The following will analyze the corresponding ones according to the processing. method function.

First of all, the entry point is to execute the init function in the hook callback of the component's mounted life cycle

mounted() {
 this.init();// 当前 vue component挂载完成之后, 执行init()函数

init function:

init() {
  this.topStatus = &#39;pull&#39;;
  this.bottomStatus = &#39;pull&#39;;
  this.topText = this.topPullText;
  this.scrollEventTarget = this.getScrollEventTarget(this.$el); // 获取滚动的dom节点
  if (typeof this.bottomMethod === &#39;function&#39;) {
   this.fillContainer(); // 判断当前滚动内容是否填满,没有执行外部传入的loadmore回调函数加载数据
   this.bindTouchEvents(); // 为当前组件dom注册touch事件
  if (typeof this.topMethod === &#39;function&#39;) {

 fillContainer() {
  if (this.autoFill) {
   this.$nextTick(() => {
    if (this.scrollEventTarget === window) {
     this.containerFilled = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >=
    } else {
     this.containerFilled = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom >=
    if (!this.containerFilled) { // 如果没有填满内容, 执行loadmore的操作
     this.bottomStatus = &#39;loading&#39;;
     this.bottomMethod();// 调用外部的loadmore函数,加载更多数据

The init function mainly performs some operations on initialization status and events. The following focuses on the processing of the callback function of the touch event.

First, the touchstart event callback processing function

 handleTouchStart(event) {
  this.startY = event.touches[0].clientY; // 手指按下的位置, 用于下面move事件计算手指移动的距离
  this.startScrollTop = this.getScrollTop(this.scrollEventTarget); // 起始scroll dom的 scrollTop(滚动的距离)
  this.bottomReached = false;
  if (this.topStatus !== &#39;loading&#39;) {
   this.topStatus = &#39;pull&#39;;
   this.topDropped = false;
  if (this.bottomStatus !== &#39;loading&#39;) {
   this.bottomStatus = &#39;pull&#39;;
   this.bottomDropped = false;

is mainly used to record the initial position and reset state variables.

Let’s continue with touchmove’s callback processing function

 handleTouchMove(event) {
  if (this.startY < this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().top && this.startY > this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom) {
  this.currentY = event.touches[0].clientY;
  let distance = (this.currentY - this.startY) / this.distanceIndex;
  this.direction = distance > 0 ? &#39;down&#39; : &#39;up&#39;;
  // 下拉刷新,条件(1.外部传入了刷新的回调函数 2.滑动方向是向下的 3.当前滚动节点的scrollTop为0 4.当前topStatus不是loading)
  if (typeof this.topMethod === &#39;function&#39; && this.direction === &#39;down&#39; &&
   this.getScrollTop(this.scrollEventTarget) === 0 && this.topStatus !== &#39;loading&#39;) {
   //计算translate(将要平移的距离), 如果当前移动的距离大于设置的最大距离,那么此次这次移动就不起作用了
   if (this.maxDistance > 0) {
    this.translate = distance <= this.maxDistance ? distance - this.startScrollTop : this.translate;
   } else {
    this.translate = distance - this.startScrollTop;
   if (this.translate < 0) {
    this.translate = 0;
   this.topStatus = this.translate >= this.topDistance ? &#39;drop&#39; : &#39;pull&#39;;// drop: 到达指定的阈值,可以执行刷新操作了

  // 上拉操作, 判断当前scroll dom是否滚动到了底部
  if (this.direction === &#39;up&#39;) {
   this.bottomReached = this.bottomReached || this.checkBottomReached();
  if (typeof this.bottomMethod === &#39;function&#39; && this.direction === &#39;up&#39; &&
   this.bottomReached && this.bottomStatus !== &#39;loading&#39; && !this.bottomAllLoaded) {
   // 判断的逻辑思路同上
   if (this.maxDistance > 0) {
    this.translate = Math.abs(distance) <= this.maxDistance
     ? this.getScrollTop(this.scrollEventTarget) - this.startScrollTop + distance : this.translate;
   } else {
    this.translate = this.getScrollTop(this.scrollEventTarget) - this.startScrollTop + distance;
   if (this.translate > 0) {
    this.translate = 0;
   this.bottomStatus = -this.translate >= this.bottomDistance ? &#39;drop&#39; : &#39;pull&#39;;
  this.$emit(&#39;translate-change&#39;, this.translate);

The logic of the above code is quite simple, and there are relatively few comments.

Let’s focus on the checkBottomReached() function, which is used to determine whether the current scroll dom has scrolled to the bottom.

 checkBottomReached() {
  if (this.scrollEventTarget === window) {
   return document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.clientHeight >= document.body.scrollHeight;
  } else {
   return this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().bottom <= this.scrollEventTarget.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + 1;

After my testing, there is a problem with the above code:

When the scrollEventTarget is window, the above judgment is incorrect. of. Because document.body.scrollTop is always 1 smaller than the normal value, it cannot meet the condition of reaching the bottom;

When scrollEventTarget is not window, the above judgment condition does not need to be in this Add 1 after .scrollEventTarget.getBoundingClientRect().bottom, but adding 1 will not have much visual impact.

Finally let’s look at the handler function of the moveend event callback

 handleTouchEnd() {
  if (this.direction === &#39;down&#39; && this.getScrollTop(this.scrollEventTarget) === 0 && this.translate > 0) {
   this.topDropped = true; // 为当前组件添加 is-dropped class(也就是添加动画处理)
   if (this.topStatus === &#39;drop&#39;) { // 到达了loading的状态
    this.translate = &#39;50&#39;; // top slot的高度
    this.topStatus = &#39;loading&#39;;
    this.topMethod(); // 执行回调函数
   } else { // 没有到达,回调原点
    this.translate = &#39;0&#39;;
    this.topStatus = &#39;pull&#39;;
  // 处理逻辑同上
  if (this.direction === &#39;up&#39; && this.bottomReached && this.translate < 0) {
   this.bottomDropped = true;
   this.bottomReached = false;
   if (this.bottomStatus === &#39;drop&#39;) {
    this.translate = &#39;-50&#39;;
    this.bottomStatus = &#39;loading&#39;;
   } else {
    this.translate = &#39;0&#39;;
    this.bottomStatus = &#39;pull&#39;;
  this.$emit(&#39;translate-change&#39;, this.translate);
  this.direction = &#39;&#39;;


  1. More implementation principles of pull-down refresh and pull-up loading can be learned from

  2. getScrollEventTarget() to obtain the scrolling object, getScrollTop() to obtain the scrolling distance, and checkBottomReached() to determine whether to scroll to the end These three methods can be used for reference

  3. Disadvantages: The height of the top slot and bottom slot is hard-coded, which is too inflexible; this place can be optimized

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The above is the detailed content of Analysis of loadmore component in vue mint-ui. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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