Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >The mintui picker selector in vue realizes the second-level linkage of provinces and cities
This article mainly introduces the example of mintui picker selector in vue learning to realize the second-level linkage of provinces and cities. It is of great practical value. Friends in need can refer to it. I hope it can help everyone.
This article introduces the example of using the mintui picker selector in vue learning to realize the second-level linkage of provinces and cities. I would like to share it with you. The details are as follows:
Mint UI usage documentation: https://mint -ui.github.io/docs/#/zh-cn2
Popup popup box introduction: https://mint-ui.github.io/docs/#/zh-cn2/popup
Picker selector introduction: https://mint-ui.github.io/docs/#/zh-cn2/picker
Datetime picker date picker introduction: https://mint-ui.github.io/docs/#/zh-cn2/datetime-picker
The code is as follows:
<!-- 页面模版 --> <template> <p> <!--header--> <com-header :title="headerData.title" :toLink="headerData.toLink"></com-header> <!--header end--> <!--container--> <p class="ybb-yuyue"> <p class="yy-item-box mine-me"> <a class="mint-cell mint-field"> <p class="mint-cell-left"></p> <p class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <p class="mint-cell-title"> <span class="mint-cell-text">头像</span> </p> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <p class="mint-cell-value"></p> <img v-bind:src="data.photo" :onerror="headImg" class="img-box5"> </p> </p> </a> </p> <p class="yy-item-box mine-me"> <a class="mint-cell mint-field"> <p class="mint-cell-left"></p> <p class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <p class="mint-cell-title"> <span class="mint-cell-text">姓名</span> </p> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <input placeholder="请输入姓名" type="text" class="mint-field-core text-right" v-model="data.userName"> <p class="mint-field-clear" style="display: none;"><i class="mintui mintui-field-error"></i></p> </p> </p> </p> </a> <a class="mint-cell mint-field"> <p class="mint-cell-left"></p> <p class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <p class="mint-cell-title"> <span class="mint-cell-text">性别</span> </p> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <p class="mint-cell-value is-link" @click="sexVisible = true"> <input placeholder="请选择性别" type="text" class="mint-field-core text-right" readonly="readonly" v-model="data.sexText"> <p class="mint-field-clear" style="display: none;"><i class="mintui mintui-field-error"></i></p> </p> </p> <i class="mint-cell-allow-right"></i> <mt-actionsheet :actions="sexs" v-model="sexVisible" cancel-text="取消"></mt-actionsheet> </p> </a> <a class="mint-cell mint-field"> <p class="mint-cell-left"></p> <p class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <p class="mint-cell-title"> <span class="mint-cell-text">出生日期</span> </p> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <p class="mint-cell-value is-link" @click="open('datePicker')"> <input placeholder="请选择日期" type="text" class="mint-field-core text-right" readonly="readonly" v-model="data.birthday"> <p class="mint-field-clear" style="display: none;"><i class="mintui mintui-field-error"></i></p> </p> </p> <i class="mint-cell-allow-right"></i> <mt-datetime-picker ref="datePicker" type="date" :startDate="startDate" :endDate="endDate" v-model="dateValue" @confirm="handleChange"> </mt-datetime-picker> </p> </a> </p> <p class="yy-item-box mine-me"> <a class="mint-cell mint-field"> <p class="mint-cell-left"></p> <p class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <p class="mint-cell-title"> <span class="mint-cell-text">电话号码</span> </p> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <input placeholder="请输入电话号码" type="text" readonly="readonly" class="mint-field-core text-right gray" v-model="data.mobile"> <p class="mint-field-clear" style="display: none;"><i class="mintui mintui-field-error"></i></p> </p> </p> </p> </a> <a class="mint-cell mint-field"> <p class="mint-cell-left"></p> <p class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <p class="mint-cell-title"> <span class="mint-cell-text">所在地区</span> </p> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <p class="mint-cell-value is-link" @click="choiceArea"> <input placeholder="请选择省市" type="text" class="mint-field-core text-right" readonly="readonly" v-model="data.areaText"> <p class="mint-field-clear" style="display: none;"><i class="mintui mintui-field-error"></i></p> </p> </p> <i class="mint-cell-allow-right"></i> <mt-popup v-model="popupVisible" position="bottom" class="mint-popup-4"> <p class="picker-toolbar"> <span class="mint-datetime-action mint-datetime-cancel" @click="cancleaddress">取消</span> <span class="mint-datetime-action mint-datetime-confirm" @click="selectaddress">确定</span> </p> <mt-picker :slots="citySlots" @change="onCityChange" :visible-item-count="3"></mt-picker> </mt-popup> </p> </a> <a class="mint-cell mint-field"> <p class="mint-cell-left"></p> <p class="mint-cell-wrapper"> <p class="mint-cell-title"> <span class="mint-cell-text">详细地址</span> </p> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <p class="mint-cell-value"> <input placeholder="街道、楼牌号等" type="text" class="mint-field-core text-right" v-model="data.address"> <p class="mint-field-clear" style="display: none;"><i class="mintui mintui-field-error"></i></p> </p> </p> </p> </a> </p> </p> <p class="yuyue-submit"> <button class="mint-button mint-button--default mint-button--large ybb-btn" @click="infoSave"><label class="mint-button-text title-1">保存</label></button> </p> <!--container end--> </p> </template> <script> import {Toast} from 'mint-ui' import validators from '../utils/validators' import comHeader from 'components/comHeader' import mineInfoService from 'SERVICES/mineInfoService' export default { components: { comHeader }, data: () => ({ headImg: 'this.src="' + require('../assets/img.png') + '"', headerData: { title: '我的资料', toLink: '/Mine' }, popupVisible: false, sexVisible: false, areaPicker: '', areaList: [], data: { photo: '', userName: '', sex: '', sexText: '', mobile: '', birthday: '', privinceName: '', provinceId: '', cityName: '', cityId: '', address: '', areaText: '' }, sexs: [], citySlots: [ { flex: 1, values: Object.keys(address), className: 'slot1', textAlign: 'center' }, { pider: true, content: '-', className: 'slot2' }, { flex: 1, values: Object.values(address)[0], className: 'slot3', textAlign: 'center' } ], addressProvince: '', addressProvinceId: '', addressCity: '', addressCityId: '', dateValue: new Date(), startDate: new Date('1900-01-01'), endDate: new Date() }), created () { this.loadMineInfo() this.loadAreaList() }, mounted () { this.sexs = [{ name: '男', method: this.selectMan }, { name: '女', method: this.selectWoman }] }, methods: { loadAreaList: function () { mineInfoService.loadAreaList().then(res => { if (res.t) { this.areaList = res.t address = this.areaList.areaList[0] provinceCodeList = this.areaList.provinceCodeList[0] cityCodeList = this.areaList.cityCodeList[0] this.citySlots[0].values = Object.keys(address) this.citySlots[2].values = Object.values(address)[0] } else { Toast('地区数据异常') } }) }, choiceArea: function () { this.popupVisible = true // 设置默认选中 if (this.data.privinceName !== '' && this.data.cityName !== '') { this.areaPicker.setSlotValue(0, this.data.privinceName) this.areaPicker.setSlotValue(1, this.data.cityName) console.log(this.data.privinceName + '-' + this.data.cityName) } }, cancleaddress: function () { this.popupVisible = false this.areaPicker.setSlotValue(0, this.data.privinceName) this.areaPicker.setSlotValue(1, this.data.cityName) }, selectaddress: function () { this.popupVisible = false this.data.privinceName = this.addressProvince this.data.cityName = this.addressCity this.data.provinceId = this.addressProvinceId this.data.cityId = this.addressCityId this.data.areaText = this.data.privinceName + this.data.cityName }, infoSave: function () { if (this.data.userName.trim() === '') { Toast('请输入姓名') } else if (this.data.userName.trim().length > 12) { Toast('姓名不能超过12个字符') } else if (this.data.sex.toString().trim() === '') { Toast('请选择性别') } else if (this.data.birthday.trim() === '') { Toast('请选择出生日期') } else if (this.data.mobile.trim() === '') { Toast('请输入电话号码') } else if (!validators.mobile(this.data.mobile.trim())) { Toast('电话号码不正确') } else if (this.data.areaText.toString().trim() === '') { Toast('请选择所在地区') } else if (this.data.address.trim() === '') { Toast('请输入详细地址') } else if (this.data.address.trim().length > 50) { Toast('详细地址不能超过50个字符') } else { this.doAdd() } }, doAdd: function () { mineInfoService.updateAccount(this.data).then(res => { Toast('修改成功') this.$router.push('/Mine') }) }, loadMineInfo: function () { mineInfoService.loadMineInfo().then(res => { this.data.photo = res.t.member.photo || '' this.data.userName = res.t.member.userName || '' this.data.sex = res.t.member.sex || '' this.data.sexText = res.t.member.sex === '1' ? '男' : (res.t.member.sex === '0' ? '女' : '') this.data.mobile = res.t.member.mobile || '' this.data.birthday = res.t.member.birthday || '' this.data.area = res.t.member.area || '' this.data.address = res.t.member.address || '' this.dateValue = this.data.birthday this.data.privinceName = res.t.member.priviceName || '' this.data.cityName = res.t.member.cityName || '' this.data.provinceId = res.t.member.provinceId || '' this.data.cityId = res.t.member.cityId || '' this.data.areaText = this.data.privinceName + this.data.cityName }) }, onCityChange: function (picker, values) { this.areaPicker = picker /* 此处不直接使用this.data.privinceName、this.data.cityName、this.data.provinceId、this.data.cityId,由于在加载地区信息之后,我又重新设置了绑定到slots属性的值,此时也会触发@change事件,所以在nCityChange方法里需要用四个变量替代上述四个变量来记录当前选中的值,然后在点击确定之后的方法里将这四个值赋给上述四个变量。如果直接在该方法里使用上述四个变量来获取当前选中的值,可能导致数据错乱 */ picker.setSlotValues(1, address[values[0]]) this.addressProvince = values[0] this.addressCity = values[1] this.addressProvinceId = provinceCodeList[this.addressProvince] + '' this.addressCityId = cityCodeList[this.addressCity] + '' }, open: function (picker) { this.dateValue = this.data.birthday this.$refs[picker].open() }, handleChange: function (value) { this.data.birthday = window.moment(value).format('YYYY-MM-DD') }, selectMan: function () { this.data.sex = '1' this.data.sexText = '男' }, selectWoman: function () { this.data.sex = '0' this.data.sexText = '女' } } } let address = {} let provinceCodeList = {} let cityCodeList = {} </script> <style scoped> .mint-popup-4 { width: 100%; } .mint-popup-4 .picker-slot-wrapper, .page-popup .mint-popup-4 .picker-item { -webkit-backface-visibility: hidden; backface-visibility: hidden; } </style>
The regional data format is as follows:
{ "code": 200, "msg": "获取区域信息成功!", "t": { "areaList": [ { "上海": [ "上海" ], "北京": [ "北京" ], "广东": [ "广州", "深圳" ], "江苏": [ "徐州", "南京" ], "福建": [ "福州" ] } ], "provinceCodeList": [ { "上海": [ "120001" ], "北京": [ "110001" ], "广东": [ "130001" ], "江苏": [ "130007" ], "福建": [ "0100" ] } ], "cityCodeList": [ { "上海": [ "120002" ], "北京": [ "110002" ], "广州": [ "130002" ], "南京": [ "130006" ], "深圳": [ "518000" ], "福州": [ "0200" ], "徐州": [ "130009" ] } ] } }
Related recommendations:
Detailed explanation of a self-made city and county secondary linkage component in Angular4
Ajax combined with php to achieve secondary linkage instance method
js implements Select secondary linkage instance sharing in HTML
The above is the detailed content of The mintui picker selector in vue realizes the second-level linkage of provinces and cities. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!