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jquery dataTable loads data in the background and paging

2018-01-10 10:26:294658browse

This article mainly introduces the jquery dataTable background loading data and paging example code, which has certain reference value. If you are interested, you can learn about it. I hope it can help everyone.

Use dataTable to load data in the background and paginate. There are many online versions, but many of them are unusable or not detailed. Here are the ones that have been verified.

Reference js file

<script src="static/ace/js/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script>

<script src="static/ace/js/jquery.dataTables.min.js"></script> 
<script src="static/ace/js/jquery.dataTables.bootstrap.js"></script>

Add a table tag, 92cee25da80fac49f6fb6eec5fd2c22ae067cb307e7ced06402413ceff3b500b You can not use it, you can dynamically load

<table id="sample-table-2" class="table table-striped table-bordered table-hover"> 
        <th class="center"><label> 
            <input type="checkbox" class="ace" /> 
            <span class="lbl"></span> 
        <th><i class="icon-time bigger-110 hidden-480"></i> 创建时间</th> 
        <th class="hidden-480">Status</th> 

Key JS code:

<script type="text/javascript"> 
  jQuery(function($) { 
    var oTable1 = $(&#39;#sample-table-2&#39;) 
              "bPaginate" : true,//分页工具条显示 
              //"sPaginationType" : "full_numbers",//分页工具条样式 
              "bStateSave" : true, //是否打开客户端状态记录功能,此功能在ajax刷新纪录的时候不会将个性化设定回复为初始化状态  
              "bScrollCollapse" : true, //当显示的数据不足以支撑表格的默认的高度 
              "bLengthChange" : true, //每页显示的记录数 
              "bFilter" : false, //搜索栏 
              "bSort" : true, //是否支持排序功能 
              "bInfo" : true, //显示表格信息 
              "bAutoWidth" : true, //自适应宽度 
              "bJQueryUI" : false,//是否开启主题 
              "bDestroy" : true, 
              "bProcessing" : true, //开启读取服务器数据时显示正在加载中……特别是大数据量的时候,开启此功能比较好 
              "bServerSide" : true,//服务器处理分页,默认是false,需要服务器处理,必须true 
              "sAjaxDataProp" : "aData",//是服务器分页的标志,必须有  
              "sAjaxSource" : "${basePath}pushEntity/getTableData",//通过ajax实现分页的url路径。  
              "aoColumns" : [//初始化要显示的列 
                    "mDataProp" : "id",//获取列数据,跟服务器返回字段一致 
                    "sClass" : "center",//显示样式 
                    "mRender" : function(data, type, full) {//返回自定义的样式 
                      return "<label><input type=&#39;checkbox&#39; class=&#39;ace&#39; /><span class=&#39;lbl&#39;></span></label>" 
                    "mDataProp" : "appName" 
                    "mDataProp" : "apiKey" 
                    "mDataProp" : "secretKey" 
                    "mDataProp" : "createTime", 
                    "mRender" : function(data, type, full) { 
                      return new Date(data)//处理时间显示 
                    "mDataProp" : "createTime", 
                    "mRender" : function(data, type, full) { 
                      return "<span class=&#39;label label-sm label-info arrowed arrowed-righ&#39;>Sold</span>" 
                    "mDataProp" : "createTime", 
                    "mRender" : function(data, type, full) { 
                      return "<p class=&#39;visible-md visible-lg hidden-sm hidden-xs action-buttons&#39;><a class=&#39;blue&#39; href=&#39;#&#39;><i class=&#39;icon-zoom-in bigger-130&#39;></i></a><a class=&#39;green&#39; href=&#39;#&#39;><i class=&#39;icon-pencil bigger-130&#39;></i></a><a class=&#39;red&#39; href=&#39;#&#39;><i class=&#39;icon-trash bigger-130&#39;></i></a></p>" 
                  } ], 
              "aoColumnDefs" : [ {//用来设置列一些特殊列的属性 
                "bSortable" : false, 
                "aTargets" : [ 0 ] 
              }, { 
                "bSortable" : false, 
                "aTargets" : [ 5 ] 
              }, { 
                "bSortable" : false, 
                "aTargets" : [ 6 ] 
              } ], 
              "oLanguage" : {//语言设置 
                "sProcessing" : "处理中...", 
                "sLengthMenu" : "显示 _MENU_ 项结果", 
                "sZeroRecords" : "没有匹配结果", 
                "sInfo" : "显示第 _START_ 至 _END_ 项结果,共 _TOTAL_ 项", 
                "sInfoEmpty" : "显示第 0 至 0 项结果,共 0 项", 
                "sInfoFiltered" : "(由 _MAX_ 项结果过滤)", 
                "sInfoPostFix" : "", 
                "sSearch" : "搜索:", 
                "sUrl" : "", 
                "sEmptyTable" : "表中数据为空", 
                "sLoadingRecords" : "载入中...", 
                "sInfoThousands" : ",", 
                "oPaginate" : { 
                  "sFirst" : "首页", 
                  "sPrevious" : "上页", 
                  "sNext" : "下页", 
                  "sLast" : "末页" 
                "oAria" : { 
                  "sSortAscending" : ": 以升序排列此列", 
                  "sSortDescending" : ": 以降序排列此列" 
    $(&#39;table th input:checkbox&#39;).on( 
        function() { 
          var that = this; 
              &#39;tr > td:first-child input:checkbox&#39;).each( 
              function() { 
                this.checked = that.checked; 

Backend code:

   // 获取前端过来的参数,下面三个参数是 dataTable默认的,不要随便更改 
    Integer sEcho = Integer.valueOf(params.get("sEcho"));// 记录操作的次数 每次加1 
    Integer iDisplayStart = Integer.valueOf(params.get("iDisplayStart"));// 起始 
    Integer iDisplayLength = Integer.valueOf(params.get("iDisplayLength"));// 每页显示的size 
    Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 
    try { 
      // 查询数据,分页的话我这边使用的是 PageHelper,这边不介绍了 
      PagedResult<PushEntity> list = pushEntityService.findByUserId( 
          pushUser.getId(), iDisplayStart, iDisplayLength); 
      // 为操作次数加1,必须这样做 
      int initEcho = sEcho + 1;

      map.put("sEcho", initEcho); 
      map.put("iTotalRecords", list.getTotal());//数据总条数 
      map.put("iTotalDisplayRecords", list.getTotal());//显示的条数 
      map.put("aData", list.getDataList());//数据集合 
    } catch (Exception e) { 
    return map;

Related recommendations:

JQuery.dataTables table plug-in jumps to the specified page instance sharing

jquery DataTable front and backend dynamic paging implementation method sharing

About jQuery Datatable multiple query conditions custom submission event example sharing

The above is the detailed content of jquery dataTable loads data in the background and paging. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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