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Introduction to JS reference types

2017-10-26 09:37:441445browse

1. Introduction

  • Yes, this is the fifth article. When it comes to citation types, this time it will be divided into two blog posts. There is too much content. This is The first part is very long and contains a lot of code. It mainly talks about reference types and commonly used reference types. I have tested the code and found that there is nothing wrong with it.

  • Keep reading and writing. It’s not easy. I hope everyone can learn something from this blog. It’s great to be able to share it with everyone. Moreover, I want to gain some personal insights through my own understanding and thinking, so that everyone can easily understand the boring words in the book. If everyone feels that this guy wrote well after reading it, then I will be satisfied. Hey hey hey

No more nonsense, let’s get to the point...

2. Reference type

Reference type? If you have studied languages ​​​​such as Java, you can think of it as a class. The book also says that this description is inaccurate. . . Don't say anything else, we understand the reference type as object definition.

Sometimes I find that language is really magical. You may not understand reference types, but you may understand them when I talk about object definitions.

Reference type (object definition): describes the properties and methods of a type of object.
Listen to me:

Introduction to JS reference types

##1. Reference type (object definition): Human It is a reference type, which describes the properties and methods common to human objects. Human attributes, such as having eyes, head, hands, etc.; human methods (can be said to be behaviors): walking, eating, etc. Each reference type has only one definition: it is a collective pointer.

2. Value of reference type: It is every new object (instance of reference type). There are many objects, just like hundreds of millions of us people. Objects of the same reference type have common properties and methods, but we can dynamically add and change properties, just like everyone has different places.

3.js built-in reference types: object type, Array type, Function type, Date type, RegExp type, etc. Of course, we can also customize reference types.

After looking at the created objects in the picture, let’s look at the objects created in the code:

var obj = new Object();
var arr = new Array();
var arr1 = new Array();
var arr2 = new Array();

In layman’s terms: If I talk about humans, in your brain There is a rough model of a person in it. Yes, I said an array. Your brain has a rough idea of ​​what an array looks like, but you don’t know what it looks like specifically. Specific things can only be revealed by the object. For example, I said Xiao Ming (if you know Xiao Ming), then you know what kind of person Xiao Ming is.

You should have almost a complete understanding of reference types at this point. Let’s talk about the built-in reference types in js.

3. Js built-in reference types

Why do we need to introduce the built-in reference types of js? The main reason is that we use them a lot. It’s like we learn about a thing from childhood, such as fish. We didn’t know this thing at first, but later our mother always told us that this is a fish, baby, and told you what a fish looks like, and then we have a certain understanding of this type. Basic understanding.

In the world of js, we don’t have so many things in the world. Let’s first understand the commonly used built-in reference types: Object, Array, Date, RegExp, and Function.

1.Object type

The Object type is the most commonly used type. Although Object instances do not have many functions, they are good for applications to store and transmit data. s Choice.

1.1 Create Object object:

Let’s talk about it first. There are two ways to create an Object object:

1. Direct new. Syntax: new operator and Object constructor

var o = new Obeject();
o.name = "yuan";

2. Object literal Syntax: curly braces, the properties inside are in the form of key-value pairs, Each attribute is separated by a comma, and the last attribute is not comma-separated.

var p = {
var x = {};  //创建一个空对象和new Object() 相同

1.2 Access properties

1. Through dot notation

var p = new Object();
p.name = '渊源远愿';
console.log(p.name);  //渊源远愿

2. Through square bracket method

var o = new Object();
o.age = 22;
console.log(o["age"]);  //22
var otherAge = "age";
console.log(o[otherAge]);  //22

Generally speaking, the dot method is used More of them.

1.3 Properties and methods of Object:

I won’t go into details: take a look at the third article in the same series

2. Array type

2.1 Creation Array

Two methods:

1.new Array();

var arr1 = new Array();
var arr2 = new Array(10);
var arr3 = new Array("good");

Special note: When there is only one value passed in the brackets, and this value is a numeric value, An array with a length of this value will be created; if it is any other value, it will be an array containing an array of this value.

2. Array literal, use square brackets:

// 创建空的
 var fish = [];
 var cars = ["BMW","BenZ","Ferrari"];
 var nums = [1,2,];

2.2 Access the values ​​in the array

Same as other languages ​​for subscript access (subscript starts from 0 Start):

var cars = ["BMW","BenZ","Ferrari"];
console.log(cars[0]);  //BMW
console.log(cars[2]);  //Ferrari

cars[0]  = "lala";

2.3 Commonly used attributes and methods

Commonly used attributes and methods are given here, and more details are in the js documentation.

1.length property: Returns the length of the array.

var num = [1,2,3,4,5]
console.log(arr.length);  //5
arr.length = 10;  //现在num 数组长度为10了
console.log(num); //[1,2,3,4,5,,,,,]  后面5个值是空的

2.Array.isArray() method: Determine whether the object is an array

var arr = [];
console.log(Array.isArray(arr));   //true
console.log(Array.isArray("s");    //false

3.join() method: Change the array separation method, returns the new delimiter string

var arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
console.log((arr.join("|"));  //'1|2|3|4|5'
console.log(arr);  //[1,2,3,4,5]  还是一样用逗号的


//push() :从数组最后添加数据
var stack = new Array();
console.log(stack);   //[10,5,100]

//pop() :从数组最后删除并返回该数据
stack.pop();  //100  100被删除
console.log(stack);   //[10,5]  剩下两数




var arr = [5,12,18,1];
console.log(arr.sort());  //[1,12,18,5]
function comp(a,b){
    return a-b;
console.log(arr);  //[1,5,12,18]  这次正确了

console.log(arr);  //[18,12,5,1]

7.合并和剪切:concat() , slice()

//1.concat() 在该数组的基础上添加元素,返回一个新数组(不会改变原数组)
var arr1 = [1,2,3];
var arr2 = arr1.concat(4,5,6);
console.log(arr2);  //[1,2,3,4,5,6]

//2.slice() 通过传入开始和终点值来剪切数组,并返回新数组
var  arr3  = arr2.slice(1,5);
console.log(arr3);  //[2,3,4,5]


var arr = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7];
var del_arr = arr.splice(0,4);  //从0位开始删除4项,即前4项
console.log(del_arr);  //[1,2,3,4]
console.log(arr);  //[5,6,7]  arr数组剩下后面3项了


var arr1 = [1,2,3,4,5,6];
console.log(arr1);  //[1,2,3,100,4,5,6];


var arr2 = [1,2,3,4,5];
arr2.splice(2,1,100);  //起始位是2,删除1项(就是3了),载插入100,ok
console.log(arr2); //[1,2,100,4,5]


//indexOf() 只传一个参数时默认从0开始找数值,找到返回这个数的数组位置,没有返回-1
var arr = [100,12,123,1234];
console.log(arr.indexOf(123));  //2  数组的位置2

//lastIndexOf()  和indexOf查找顺序正好相反,它从数组末尾开始找起
console.log(arr.lastIndexOf(100));  //0


var arr = [1,2,3,4,5];
arr.forEach(function(item, index){
    console.log(item + 1);

//输出 2,3,4,5,6  每一项都加1了


3.1 创建对象

var n = new Date();

3.2 常用方法

var now = new Date();
//getDate() 返回当前天数,一个月的某天(0-31)
console.log(now.getDate());  //20
//getMonth()  //返回月份
console.log(now.getMonth());  //9,这里的9表示10月 (0-11)
console.log(now.getFullYear());  //2017



ES通过RegExg类型来支持正则表达式,语法:var e = /pattern/flag


flags 说明
g 全局模式,该模式应用于所有的字符串
i 不区分大小写模式,确定匹配项时忽略模式与字符串的大小写
m 多行模式,一行文本到尾后还会查下一行的字符串,如果有的话

4.1 创建RegExg对象


var p1 = /at/g;  //匹配所有"at" 的实例
var p2 = /[bc]at/i  //匹配第一个bat或cat,不区分大小写
var p3 = /.at/gi  //匹配所有at结尾的组合,不区分大小写

var p4 = /\.at/gi;  //这里的意思是匹配所有的".at",不区分大小写。

2.使用new RegExg构造函数

//RegExg() 接受两个参数,一个是正则表达式,一个是标志
var pattern1 = new RegExg("at","gi");
var pattern2 = /at/gi;

4.2 RegExp的实例属性


var p = /hello/i;
console.log(p.global);  //false
console.log(p.ignoreCase);  //true
console.log(p.multiline);  //false
console.log(p.lastIndex);  //0
console.log(p.source); //"hello"

4.3 RegExp常用方法


var p = /p/;
var str = "happy";
var arr = p.exec(str);
console.log(arr); // ["p",index:2,input:"happy"]  返回这个数组,第一个值表示匹配到的字符,index表示字符所在的位置,input表示应用的字符串

2. test() 方法:用于知道这个字符串与模式是否匹配,接受一个字符串参数,返回布尔值

var p1 = /ry/g;
console.log(p1.test("ryuan")); //true,字符串中有ry这字符串,所以返回true



5.1 定义函数


function getName(){
    var name = 'ry-yuan';
    return name;
var getAge = function(){
    var age = 100;
    return age;
var sum = new Function("num","return num");

5.2 函数声明和函数表达式的区别


sayHello();  //hello everyone
function sayHello(){
    console.log("hello everyone");

sayBey();  //报错 TypeError: sayBye is not a function
var sayBye = function(){
    console.log("bye bye");

5.3 函数名是指向函数的指针


var sum = funtion(num1,num2){
    return num1+num2;

otherSum = sum;

otherSum(100,420);  //520
sum(1300+14); //1314

sum  = null;

otherSum(1,9); //10

5.4 函数没有重载


function fn(num1, num2){
    return num1+ num2;
function fn(num){
    return num;

fn(1,43);  //1

5.5 函数像值一样传递


function fn1(fn,value){
    return (fn(value));
function fn2(val){
fn1(fn2,24);  //1024

5.6 函数内部对象



function fn(num1,num2){
fn(100,200);  //{'0':100,'1':200}

function factorial(num){
        return 1;
        return num*arguments.callee(num-1);


var hi = &#39;hi&#39;;
var obj = { hi = "obj hi"};
function say(){

say();  //hi  

obj.say = say;
obj.say();  //obj hi



function fn(n,m){};
alert(fn.length); //2



var color = "red";
var obj = {color: "green"};
function fn(){
fn.call(window);  //red
fn.call(obj);   //green


function add(num1,num2){
    return num1+num2;
function otherAdd(n1,n2){
    return add.call(this,n1,n2);
function otherAdd(n1,n2){
    return add.apply(this,[n1,n2]);

The above is the detailed content of Introduction to JS reference types. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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