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First of all, let’s use a more official text description to explain JavaScript:
JavaScript is a literal scripting language. It is a dynamically typed, weakly typed, prototype-based language with built-in support for types. Its interpreter is called JavaScript engine , which is part of the browser and is widely used in client-side scripting languages. It was first used in HTML (an application under the Standard Universal Markup Language). Used on web pages to add dynamic functions to HTML web pages.
JavaScript has the following characteristics:
JavaScript consists of the following parts:
What data types are there in JavaScript?
The following part of the code proves the above:
String and Number are objects, string and number are different data formats...
var str = "abc"; var Str = new String("abc"); var num = 100; var Num = new Number(100); console.log(typeof str, typeof Str, typeof num, typeof Num); // string object number object
What is the object prototype chain?
When we use new an object (created using the constructor) or create an object using Object.create, then the object will have a prototype and prototype chain.
For example: we create a constructor _obj, and then use _obj to create a new obj. Then the prototype chain at this time is: obj → _obj → Object.prototype → null.
Let’s illustrate it through code:
function _obj(){}; _obj.prototype.name = "野兽"; //每个函数都包含一个prototype属性,这个属性指向一个对象的引用,这个对象就是“原型对象”。 _obj.prototype.age = 21; _obj.prototype.sayHello = function(){ console.log("Hello "+this.name); }; var obj = new _obj(); console.log(obj); //_obj{} 而其的__proto__里包含了_obj里的各个属性,包括name,age,sayHello console.log(obj.__proto__ == _obj.prototype); //true obj.sayHello(); // Hello 野兽 console.log(Object.prototype.__proto__); // null 当我们追究到Object(也就是object的源头时)其指向的是null
It should be noted that the prototype chain of Object.create(null) is directly null, which means that the prototype chain is very short...
How to use scope in JavaScript?
When we use var to declare a variable in JavaScript, we are actually adding an attribute and attribute value to the object pointed to by the scope.
There is no block-level scope in JavaScript. Variables declared in the current scope are only available within the current scope and functions within the current scope. Variables declared within a function are only available within the function (if no operation is performed) ), calling this variable outside the function will report an error not defined.
Let’s run through the code to understand the scope:
var firstNum = 1; ~function(){ var secondNum = 2; console.log("在里面打印:"+firstNum ,secondNum); // 在里面打印:1 2 }(); console.log("在外面打印:"+firstNum ,secondNum); // Uncaught ReferenceError: secondNum is not defined(…)
Scopes also have scope chains:
var firstNum = 1; console.log("在最外层打印:"+firstNum); // 在最外层打印:1 ~function(){ var secondNum = 2; console.log("在中间层打印:"+firstNum,secondNum); // 在中间层打印:1 2 ~function(){ var thirdNum = 3; console.log("在最里层打印:"+firstNum,secondNum,thirdNum); // 在最里层打印:1 2 3 }(); console.log("在中间层打印:"+firstNum,secondNum,thirdNum); // Uncaught ReferenceError: thirdNum is not defined(…) }(); console,log("在最外层打印:"+firstNum,secondNum,thirdNum); // 由于上面已经报错,而浏览器执行JavaScript又是单线程的,所以压根没执行到这句...
In other words, variables declared in the current scope will still be available in its sub-scopes, which is cool, haha...
What is a closure? How to play?
The execution of the function depends on the variable scope. This scope is determined when the function is defined, not when the function is called. In order to achieve this kind of lexical scoping, the internal state of a JavaScript function object not only contains the function's logical code, but must also reference the current scope chain. Function objects can be related to each other through scope chains, and variables inside the function body can be stored in the scope of the function. This feature is actually "closure".
Let’s continue looking at the code:
function counter(){ var num = 0; return { count : function(){ return num++; }, reset : function(){ return num = 0; } } }; var firstNum = counter(); var secondNum = counter(); console.log(firstNum.count()); // 0 console.log(secondNum.count()); // 0 firstNum.reset(); console.log(firstNum.count()); // 0 num已被重置,所以返回的为0 console.log(secondNum.count()); // 1 num未被重置,所以返回的是1 console.log(firstNum,secondNum); // 都为 Object{ count:function(),reset:function(),__proto__} 并且并不能在其中找到counter里var的n,这也实现了函数里的私有变量,只将需要暴露的两个方法给暴露在外。
全局的this → 指向的是Window
函数中的this → 指向的是函数所在的对象
对象中的this → 指向其本身
console.log(this); // Window {external: Object, chrome: Object, document: document, global: Window, cr: Object…} 全局下执行console.log,所以此处指向的是Window ~function seeThis(){ console.log(this); // Window {external: Object, chrome: Object, document: document, global: Window, cr: Object…} 由于我是在全局下写的这个函数,所以此处指向的还是Window }(); var obj = { name:"野兽", showThis:function(){ console.log(this); // Object {name: "野兽",showThis:function(),__proto__} 此处打印的是对象本身 } }; obj.showThis();
function argumentsTest(){ console.log(arguments[0]?arguments[0]:"Hello World",arguments[1]?arguments[1]:"你好 世界") }; argumentsTest(); // Hello World 你好 世界 argumentsTest("This is firstValue => arguments[0].","This is secondValue => arguments[1]."); // This is firstValue => arguments[0]. This is secondValue => arguments[1].