Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >Implementation method of saving templates to database in TP3.0 framework

Implementation method of saving templates to database in TP3.0 framework

2017-08-23 09:23:441933browse

This article mainly introduces the method of saving templates to the database in the thinkPHP3.0 framework, and analyzes the specific implementation steps and related operating techniques of saving templates to the database in the process of developing CMS systems using the thinkPHP3.0 framework in the form of examples. Friends who need it can refer to

. The example in this article describes the method of saving templates to the database in the thinkPHP3.0 framework. Share it with everyone for your reference, the details are as follows:

When developing cms, it is used to save the template file into the database and display it on the page

Since thinkphp3.0 is directly from If you read and then parse the template file, you can only develop it yourself for storing the template in the database. There is also a mode function in thinkphp3.0. We can define our own mode to achieve the goal. So how to extend our own What about mode? As follows:

1. Enter


in your entry file. "Ey" is the name of your own extended mode. Please add it to your entry file. Create the Ey folder under the thinkphp/Extend/Mode file

2. Modify

in the Ey directory and add the tags.php file content as follows:

return array(
    'ReadHtmlCache', // 读取静态缓存
    'CheckRoute', // 路由检测
    'ExtensionTemplate', // 自动定位模板文件(手动添加)
    'ContentReplace', // 模板输出替换
    'TokenBuild',  // 表单令牌
    'WriteHtmlCache', // 写入静态缓存
    'ShowRuntime', // 运行时间显示
    'ShowPageTrace', // 页面Trace显示

The following comments in the file were added manually for my modifications. I just modified the behavior of finding templates and parsing templates in the default tags in thinkphp

Copy the system default action and view classes Go to the directory of Ey (due to parsing the content, you need to modify the action and view classes), modify the fetch method in action.class.php:

protected function fetch($templateFile='',$templateContent='' ){
    return $this->view->fetch($templateFile,$templateContent);

view.class. The modification in the php file is:

public function fetch($templateFile='',$templateContent = NULL) {
    $params['templateFile'] = $templateFile;
    $params['cacheFlag'] = true;
    if(isset($templateContent)) {
      $params['templateContent'] = $templateContent;
    // 页面缓存
    if('php' == strtolower(C('TMPL_ENGINE_TYPE'))) { // 使用PHP原生模板
      // 模板阵列变量分解成为独立变量
      extract($this->tVar, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
      // 直接载入PHP模板
      include $templateFile;
      // 视图解析标签
      $params = array('var'=>$this->tVar,'content'=>$params['templateContent'],'file'=>$params['templateFile'],'cacheFlag'=>$params['cacheFlag']);
    // 获取并清空缓存
    $content = ob_get_clean();
    // 内容过滤标签
    // 输出模板文件
    return $content;

3. Expand your own search template class (let’s put our own extended behavior tp in thinkphp\Extend\Behavior)
Add the ExtensionTemplateBehavior.class.php class in thinkphp\Extend\Behavior, the content is as follows:

class ExtensionTemplateBehavior extends Behavior {
  // 行为扩展的执行入口必须是run
  public function run(&$params){
    if( is_array($params) ){
      if( array_key_exists('templateFile', $params) ){
        $params  = $this->parseTemplateFile($params);
      // 自动定位模板文件
        $params  = $this->parseTemplateFile($params);
  private function parseTemplateFile($params) {
    if( is_array($params) ) {
      $templateFile = $params['templateFile'];
      $templateFile = $params;
    if(!isset($params['templateContent'])) { // 是否设置 templateContent 参数
      if('' == $templateFile){
        // 如果模板文件名为空 按照默认规则定位
        $templateFile = C('TEMPLATE_NAME');
      } elseif(false === strpos($templateFile,C('TMPL_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX'))) {
        $path  = explode(':',$templateFile);
        if($path[0] == 'Ext') {
          $templateFile = str_replace(array('Ext:',$path[1] . ':',$path[2] . ':'),'',$templateFile);
          $templateFile = SITE_ROOT . '/Ext/extensions/' . strtolower($path[1]) . '/' . $path[2] . '/Tpl/' . $templateFile . C('TMPL_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX');
        } else {
          // 解析规则为 模板主题:模块:操作 不支持 跨项目和跨分组调用
          $action = array_pop($path);
          $module = !empty($path)?array_pop($path):MODULE_NAME;
          if(!empty($path)) {// 设置模板主题
            $path = dirname(THEME_PATH).'/'.array_pop($path).'/';
            $path = THEME_PATH;
          $depr = defined('GROUP_NAME')?C('TMPL_FILE_DEPR'):'/';
          $templateFile = $path.$module.$depr.$action.C('TMPL_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX');
    } else {
      if('' == $templateFile){
        $depr = defined('GROUP_NAME')?C('TMPL_FILE_DEPR'):'/';
        $params['cacheFlag'] = false;
      } else {
        $path  = explode(':',$templateFile);
        if($path[0] == 'Ext') {
          $templateFile = str_replace(array('Ext:',$path[1] . ':',$path[2] . ':'),'',$templateFile);
          $templateFile = SITE_ROOT . '/Ext/extensions/' . strtolower($path[1]) . '/' . $path[2] . '/Tpl/' . $templateFile . C('TMPL_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX');
        } else {
          // 解析规则为 模板主题:模块:操作 不支持 跨项目和跨分组调用
          $action = array_pop($path);
          $module = !empty($path)?array_pop($path):MODULE_NAME;
          if(!empty($path)) {// 设置模板主题
            $path = dirname(THEME_PATH).'/'.array_pop($path).'/';
            $path = THEME_PATH;
          $depr = defined('GROUP_NAME')?C('TMPL_FILE_DEPR'):'/';
          $templateFile = $path.$module.$depr.$action.C('TMPL_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX');
    if( is_array($params) ){
      $params['templateFile'] = $templateFile;
      return $params;
      return $templateFile;

4. Add a behavior class that parses your own template (this is the same as thinkphp3 .0The default ParseTemplateBehavior.class.php is similar)

class ParseContentBehavior extends Behavior {
  protected $options  = array(
    // 布局设置
    'TMPL_ENGINE_TYPE'   => 'Ey',   // 默认模板引擎 以下设置仅对使用Ey模板引擎有效
    'TMPL_CACHFILE_SUFFIX' => '.php',   // 默认模板缓存后缀
    'TMPL_DENY_FUNC_LIST'  => 'echo,exit', // 模板引擎禁用函数
    'TMPL_DENY_PHP' =>false, // 默认模板引擎是否禁用PHP原生代码
    'TMPL_L_DELIM'     => '{',     // 模板引擎普通标签开始标记
    'TMPL_R_DELIM'     => '}',     // 模板引擎普通标签结束标记
    'TMPL_VAR_IDENTIFY'   => 'array',   // 模板变量识别。留空自动判断,参数为'obj'则表示对象
    'TMPL_STRIP_SPACE'   => true,    // 是否去除模板文件里面的html空格与换行
    'TMPL_CACHE_ON'     => true,    // 是否开启模板编译缓存,设为false则每次都会重新编译
    'TMPL_CACHE_TIME'    =>  0,     // 模板缓存有效期 0 为永久,(以数字为值,单位:秒)
    'TMPL_LAYOUT_ITEM'  =>  '{__CONTENT__}', // 布局模板的内容替换标识
    'LAYOUT_ON'      => false, // 是否启用布局
    'LAYOUT_NAME'    => 'layout', // 当前布局名称 默认为layout
    // Think模板引擎标签库相关设定
    &#39;TAGLIB_BEGIN&#39;     => &#39;<&#39;, // 标签库标签开始标记
    &#39;TAGLIB_END&#39;      => &#39;>&#39;, // 标签库标签结束标记
    &#39;TAGLIB_LOAD&#39;      => true, // 是否使用内置标签库之外的其它标签库,默认自动检测
    &#39;TAGLIB_BUILD_IN&#39;    => &#39;cx&#39;, // 内置标签库名称(标签使用不必指定标签库名称),以逗号分隔 注意解析顺序
    &#39;TAGLIB_PRE_LOAD&#39;    => &#39;&#39;,  // 需要额外加载的标签库(须指定标签库名称),多个以逗号分隔
  public function run(&$_data){
    $engine = strtolower(C(&#39;TMPL_ENGINE_TYPE&#39;));
      if($this->checkCache($_data[&#39;file&#39;])) { // 缓存有效
        // 分解变量并载入模板缓存
        extract($_data[&#39;var&#39;], EXTR_OVERWRITE);
        include C(&#39;CACHE_PATH&#39;).md5($_data[&#39;file&#39;]).C(&#39;TMPL_CACHFILE_SUFFIX&#39;);
        $tpl = Think::instance(&#39;ThinkTemplate&#39;);
        // 编译并加载模板文件
    } else if(&#39;ey&#39; == $engine) {
      if( !$_data[&#39;cacheFlag&#39;] ){
        $class  = &#39;Template&#39;.ucwords($engine);
        if(is_file(CORE_PATH.&#39;Driver/Template/&#39;.$class.&#39;.class.php&#39;)) {
          // 内置驱动
          $path = CORE_PATH;
        } else {
          // 扩展驱动
          $path = EXTEND_PATH;
        if(require_cache($path.&#39;Driver/Template/&#39;.$class.&#39;.class.php&#39;)) {
          $tpl  = new $class;
        } else { // 类没有定义
          throw_exception(L(&#39;_NOT_SUPPERT_&#39;).&#39;: &#39; . $class);
        $cache_flag = true;
        if(isset($_data[&#39;content&#39;])){ //如果指定内容
          if ($_data[&#39;file&#39;]){ //指定缓存KEY
            $_data[&#39;file&#39;] = &#39;custom_&#39; . $_data[&#39;file&#39;];
          } else { //未指定缓存KEY,则不缓存
            $cache_flag = false;
        } else {
          if (is_file($_data[&#39;file&#39;])){ //如果指定文件存在
            $_data[&#39;content&#39;] = file_get_contents($_data[&#39;file&#39;]);
          } else {
        if($cache_flag && $this->checkCache($_data[&#39;file&#39;],$_data[&#39;content&#39;]) ) { // 缓存有效
          // 分解变量并载入模板缓存
          extract($_data[&#39;var&#39;], EXTR_OVERWRITE);
          include C(&#39;CACHE_PATH&#39;).md5($_data[&#39;file&#39;]).C(&#39;TMPL_CACHFILE_SUFFIX&#39;);
        } else {
          $class  = &#39;Template&#39;.ucwords($engine);
          if(is_file(CORE_PATH.&#39;Driver/Template/&#39;.$class.&#39;.class.php&#39;)) {
            // 内置驱动
            $path = CORE_PATH;
          } else {
            // 扩展驱动
            $path = EXTEND_PATH;
          if(require_cache($path.&#39;Driver/Template/&#39;.$class.&#39;.class.php&#39;)) {
            $tpl  = new $class;
          } else { // 类没有定义
            throw_exception(L(&#39;_NOT_SUPPERT_&#39;).&#39;: &#39; . $class);
    } else {
      $class  = &#39;Template&#39;.ucwords($engine);
      if(is_file(CORE_PATH.&#39;Driver/Template/&#39;.$class.&#39;.class.php&#39;)) {
        // 内置驱动
        $path = CORE_PATH;
      }else{ // 扩展驱动
        $path = EXTEND_PATH;
      if(require_cache($path.&#39;Driver/Template/&#39;.$class.&#39;.class.php&#39;)) {
        $tpl  = new $class;
      }else { // 类没有定义
        throw_exception(L(&#39;_NOT_SUPPERT_&#39;).&#39;: &#39; . $class);
  protected function checkCache($tmplTemplateFile = &#39;&#39;,$tmplTemplateContent=&#39;&#39;) {
    if (!C(&#39;TMPL_CACHE_ON&#39;))// 优先对配置设定检测
      return false;
    $tmplCacheFile = C(&#39;CACHE_PATH&#39;).md5($tmplTemplateFile).C(&#39;TMPL_CACHFILE_SUFFIX&#39;);
      return false;
    }elseif (filemtime($tmplTemplateFile) > filemtime($tmplCacheFile)) {
      // 模板文件如果有更新则缓存需要更新
      return false;
    }elseif (C(&#39;TMPL_CACHE_TIME&#39;) != 0 && time() > filemtime($tmplCacheFile)+C(&#39;TMPL_CACHE_TIME&#39;)) {
      // 缓存是否在有效期
      return false;
    // 开启布局模板
    if(C(&#39;LAYOUT_ON&#39;)) {
      $layoutFile = THEME_PATH.C(&#39;LAYOUT_NAME&#39;).C(&#39;TMPL_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX&#39;);
      if(filemtime($layoutFile) > filemtime($tmplCacheFile)) {
        return false;
    // 缓存有效
    return true;

5. Add your own class to parse the template content TemplateEy.class.php (this is placed in thinkphp\Extend\Driver \Template directory)
Just modify the system default ThinkTemplate.class.php class and modify the fetch method to modify the code as follows:


// 加载模板
public function fetch($templateFile,$templateContent,$templateVar) {
    $this->tVar = $templateVar;
    if($templateContent && !$templateFile) { //不缓存
      if(C(&#39;LAYOUT_ON&#39;)) {
        if(false !== strpos($templateContent,&#39;{__NOLAYOUT__}&#39;)) { // 可以单独定义不使用布局
          $templateContent = str_replace(&#39;{__NOLAYOUT__}&#39;,&#39;&#39;,$templateContent);
        }else{ // 替换布局的主体内容
          $layoutFile = THEME_PATH.C(&#39;LAYOUT_NAME&#39;).$this->config[&#39;template_suffix&#39;];
          $templateContent = str_replace($this->config[&#39;layout_item&#39;],$templateContent,file_get_contents($layoutFile));
      $templateContent = $this->compiler($templateContent);
      extract($templateVar, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
      echo $templateContent;
    } else {
      $templateCacheFile = $this->loadTemplate($templateFile,$templateContent);
      // 模板阵列变量分解成为独立变量
      extract($templateVar, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
      include $templateCacheFile;

6. Call if the template in the database The content does not exist, then we still read the content in the database:

if( array_key_exists( $display_mode, $params[&#39;tpl&#39;] ) && strlen($params[&#39;tpl&#39;][$display_mode]) > 0 ){
return $this->fetch("Ext:New:Frontend:show",$params[&#39;tpl&#39;][$display_mode]);
return $this->fetch("Ext:New:Frontend:show");

The above is the detailed content of Implementation method of saving templates to database in TP3.0 framework. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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