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Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

2017-07-26 11:34:371769browse

The writing-mode attribute that changes the vertical and horizontal rules of the CSS world

writing-modeThis CSS attribute is rarely seen or used by us! We often call uncommon things "uncommon", just like uncommon text we call "uncommon characters", so uncommon CSS attributes can be called "uncommon attributes", writing-mode It gives us the feeling that it is an "uncommon attribute", very weak and dispensable.

But, in fact, we were all wrong, very wrong, writing-mode is weak? Damn it, stop kidding, writing-mode can be said to be the most outrageous CSS property in the CSS world, directly subverting many rules in the CSS world.

And there is a reason why writing-mode feels "unknown" to people.

Actuallywriting-modeThis CSS property was born in ancient times, and the IE5.5 browser already supports it:
Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

Then That’s weird! writing-modeSince it’s such a no-brainer, it’s early, and it’s senior, why has it been silent for almost 20 years?

That’s because, for a long time, modern browsers such as FireFox and Chrome did not support writing-mode, writing-mode is basically IE As a proprietary product of the browser, everyone has never had a good impression of IE, right? Aiwujiwu has moved from here to there, so naturally they don’t like writing-mode either.

However, just when we are blinded by popular front-end technology, major modern browsers have implemented more standard support for writing-mode (mainly thanks to FireFox browsing (active follow-up of the device), that is to say, I don’t know when, the compatibility of writing-mode is no longer a problem. In addition, the properties of this property are incredible. When I went, I seemed to see a The rising star is, no, it is a new moon, and it is a full moon.

2. The original function of writing-mode

is somewhat similar to the float attribute. writing-mode was originally designed to control the display of inline elements ( That is the so-called text layout-Text Layout). Because in Asia, especially East Asian countries like China, the layout of text is not horizontal but vertical, such as Chinese ancient poetry and prose.

Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

Therefore, writing-mode is used to realize that text can be presented vertically.

You can click here: CSS writing-mode and vertical text layout demo

Taken from IE11 browser IE8 mode:
Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

writing-mode syntax
writing-modeThe syntax learning is higher than other CSS properties, because we need to remember two different sets of syntax. One is an IE private property, and the second is a CSS3 specification property.

Let’s first look at the CSS3 syntax required in the future:

/* 关键字值 */ 
writing-mode: horizontal-tb;    
/* 默认值 */ 
writing-mode: vertical-rl; writing-mode: vertical-lr; 
 /* 全局值-关键字inherit IE8+,initial和unset IE13才支持 */ 
 writing-mode: inherit; writing-mode: initial; writing-mode: unset;

The meaning of each keyword attribute value, we can know its approximate meaning through transparent names, for example, the default valuehorizontal -tb means that the text flow is horizontal (horizontal) and the elements are stacked from top to bottom (tb:top-bottom).

vertical-rl means that the text is displayed vertically (vertical), and the reading order is from right to left (rl:right-l eft), which is consistent with the reading order of our ancient poems.
vertical-lr means that the text is displayed vertically, and the reading order is still from left to right by default (lr:left-right), that is, it only changes from horizontal to vertical.

The following is a comparison of Chinese and English performance under each value (referenced from MDN):
Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

//zxx: You will find that the English characters are turned over. You can try using text-orientation:upright to make it upright. IE does not support it, but FireFox and Chrome support it.

Let’s take a look at the syntax of the old IE browser. Due to historical reasons, it seems quite complicated. The official IE document shows as follows:

-ms-writing-mode: lr-tb | rl-tb | tb-rl | bt-rl | tb-lr | bt-lr | lr-bt | rl-bt | lr | rl | tb


Windows Internet Explorer 7. The rl-tb, and bt-rl values are available to the -ms-writing-mode



  • lr-tb

  • IE7+浏览器支持。初始值。内容从左往右(left-right),从上往下(top-bottom)水平流动,以及下一行水平元素在上一行元素的下面,所有符号都是直立定位。大部分的书写系统都是使用这种布局。

  • rl-tb

  • IE7+浏览器支持。内容从右往左(right-left,从上往下(top-bottom)水平流动,以及下一行水平元素在上一行元素的下面,所有符号都是直立定位。这种布局适合从右往左书写的语言,例如阿拉伯语,希伯来语,塔安那文,和叙利亚语。

  • tb-rl

  • IE7+浏览器支持。内容从上往下(top-bottom),从右往左(right-left)垂直流动, 下一个垂直行定位于前一个垂直行的左边,全角符号直立定位,非全角符号(也可以被称作窄拉丁文或者窄假名符号)顺时针方向旋转90°。这种布局多见于东亚排版。

  • bt-rl

  • IE7+浏览器支持。内容从下往上(bottom-top),从右往左(right-left)垂直流动, 下一个垂直行定位于前一个垂直行的左边,全角符号直立定位,非全角符号(也可以被称作窄拉丁文或者窄假名符号)顺时针方向旋转90°。此布局多见于在东亚垂直排版从右往左的文本块上。

  • tb-lr

  • IE8+浏览器支持。 内容从上往下(top-bottom),从左往右(left-right)垂直流动。下一个垂直行在前一个的右边。

  • bt-lr

  • IE8+浏览器支持。 内容从下往上(bottom-top),从左往右(left-right)垂直流动。

  • lr-bt

  • IE8+浏览器支持。 内容从下往上(bottom-top),从左往右(left-right)水平流动。下一个水平行在前一行的上面。

  • rl-bt

  • IE8+浏览器支持。内容从下往上(bottom-top), 从右往左(right-left)水平流动。

  • lr

  • IE9+浏览器支持。在SVG和HTML元素上使用。等同于lr-tb.

  • rl

  • IE9+ browser support. Used on SVG and HTML elements. Equivalent to rl-tb.

  • tb

  • IE9+ browser support. Used on SVG and HTML elements. Equivalent to tb-rl.

The performance of each attribute value is as follows (form Microsoft official website)

Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

Some notes:

  • The same writing-mode attribute values ​​will not be accumulated. For example, both father and son have set writing-mode :tb-rl will only be rendered once, and the child elements will not be "rotated" twice.

  • Under IE browser, if an element with its own layout (not a plain text element) has the writing-mode attribute value different from the parent element, the child When an element's layout flow changes, the available space in its parent element's coordinate system is fully utilized. The text on the left is too jargony, and you may not understand it. Let me explain it: under IE browser, when the layout element changes from horizontal to vertical (for example), you can imagine that the element is 100% adaptive in the vertical direction. The height of the parent element. Therefore, under IE browser (excluding IE13+), when elements are vertically flowing, you will find that the height is scary, and the layout is different from other modern browsers. This is the reason.

  • The Chrome browser currently still requires the -webkit- private prefix, although Chrome and Opera recognize old IE properties such as tb-rl It's worth it, but it's just acknowledgment. It's not a bird at all, it has no effect, it's just a decoration for the ears of the deaf!

Writing-mode attribute values ​​that need attention
From the perspective of direct development, although IE supports up to 11 private attribute values , but there are only a few that we need to pay attention to, so which ones are they?

If your project needs to be compatible with IE7, you can only pay attention to these two values: the initial value lr-tb and tb-rl, corresponding to CSS3 horizontal-tb and vertical-rl in the specification! The other 9 attribute values ​​​​just let them play every game.



writing-mode: lr-tb | tb-rl | tb-lr (IE8+); writing-mode: horizontal-tb | vertical-rl | vertical-lr;

对,大家只要记住上面几个就可以了,enough! 因为所谓的垂直排版,实际web开发是很少很少遇到的。





1. 水平方向也能margin重叠

The bottom margin of an in-flow block-level element always collapses with the top margin of its next in-flow block-level sibling, unless that sibling has clearance.

清清楚楚写的bottom margin和top margin会重叠;然而,这是CSS2文档中的描述,在CSS3的世界中,由于writing-mode的存在,这种说法就不严谨了,应该是对立流方向的margin值会发生重叠。换句话说,如果元素是默认的水平流,则垂直margin会重叠;如果元素是垂直流,则水平margin会重叠。

您眼见为实,您可以狠狠地点击这里:CSS writing-mode与margin水平重叠demo

Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

2. 可以使用margin:auto实现垂直居中

  • 图片元素
    我们先来看下,图片元素margin:auto实现垂直居中,您可以狠狠地点击这里:CSS writing-mode与图片margin:auto垂直居中demo

  • 其中图片:

img { display: block; margin-top: auto; margin-bottom: auto; }

Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS


Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS


  • 普通块状元素
    您可以狠狠地点击这里:CSS writing-mode与普通block元素margin:auto垂直居中demo

    此时,不仅IE11 edge,甚至IE8浏览器也都垂直居中了!

    Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

3. 可以使用text-align:center实现图片垂直居中
前面提过,auto无法实现IE浏览器下的图片垂直居中,如果我们非要让图片垂直居中,可以使用text-align:center,您可以狠狠地点击这里:CSS writing-mode与图片text-align:center垂直居中demo

Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS


.verticle-mode {     writing-mode: tb-rl;     -webkit-writing-mode: vertical-rl;           writing-mode: vertical-rl;     *writing-mode: tb-rl; }

4. 可以使用text-indent实现文字下沉效果

您可以狠狠地点击这里:CSS writing-mode与text-indent文字下沉效果demo

Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS




5. 可以实现全兼容的icon fonts图标的旋转效果


You may have noticed before that when writing-mode turns the document into a vertical flow, our English and numerical symbols will be displayed "lying", which is a natural 90° rotation. At this point, we might as well open our minds. If we use icon fonts technology to let these characters directly map to a small icon, wouldn't it be easy to realize the rotation of small icons? The key is that even if it is browsed by IE6 and IE7 that have been killed for thousands of years, The filter is also supported, which is much simpler than filters and so on!

Seeing is believing, you can click here: writing-mode to achieve icon fonts icon rotation effect demo

Even the IE7 browser is very powerful!

Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

#6. Make full use of height-adaptive layout
Damn it, it doesn’t work, there’s too much content, I didn’t even write it before May Day It’s endless...

Let’s skip the following 7, 8, 9, and 10~~

In short, let go of your brain. In theory, you have writing-mode, we can do 50% more things than before, just because you can’t think of it, or because you can’t do it.

4. The relationship between writing-mode and direction

We just introduced the CSS direction attribute last month, which is also a good thing. For details, see "Introduction to CSS direction attribute and Practical application", it can change the direction of text, so what is its relationship with writing-mode?

writing-mode, direction, unicode-bidi (MDN document) are the three major properties in the CSS world that can change the flow direction of text layout . Among them, direction and unicode-bidi are close relatives and are often used together. They are also the only two CSS properties that are not affected by the CSS3 all property. They are basically used together with inline elements. , and it is said that it seems to be designed with Arabic characters.

At first glance, writing-mode seems to include direction, unicode-bidicertain features and behaviors, such as vertical-rl# The rl of ## and the rtl value of direction are similar, both are from right to left. However, in reality, the two have no intersection. Because vertical-rl the document flow at this time is in the vertical direction, rl represents the horizontal direction, then set direction:rtl at this time, the actual value is rtl changes the text direction of vertical inline elements, one horizontally and one vertically, without intersection. Moreover, writing-mode can have an impact on block elements, directly changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the CSS world, which is much more powerful and weird than direction. And it is said that it seems to be designed with East Asian characters.

However, the wonder of CSS is that some features may have originally been used for certain graphics and text layout designs, but we can use the features it brings to exert our creativity and realize many other ideas. Unexpected effects. Therefore, the Three Musketeers presented above are all very good resources.

5. Streaming mechanism of writing-mode and *-start attributes

There are many *-start/*-end attributes (also known as are CSS logical properties), for example: margin-start/margin-end, border-start/border-end, padding-start/padding-end, and text-align:start/text-align:end statements.

The next question is, why are there so many *-start/*-end ghosts popping up?

That’s because modern browsers have strengthened their support for streaming, including Laojianghudirection, and writing-mode that have followed in recent years.

A long time ago, in our understanding, web page layout has one flow direction, that is, from left to right, top to bottom, so we use margin-left/margin-rightNo problem. However, if our flow can change, for example, a picture is 20 pixels away from the left edge, and we want the document flow to be from right to left, and at the same time, it is 20 pixels away from the right edge, what should we do?

At this time, margin-left:20px will be invalid after the image direction changes; however, margin-start will not have this problem , the so-called start, refers to the direction in which the document flow starts. In other words, if the page is the default document flow, then margin-start is equivalent to margin-left, if it is horizontal From right to left document flow, margin-start is equivalent to margin-right. margin-end is similar.

Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS

Webkit-based browsers also support *-before and *-end, and margin- is streamed by default. before is similar to margin-top, margin-after is similar to margin-bottom, however, the specification does not seem to mention it, and FireFox does not support it. *-before and *-after don’t have many opportunities to appear. Why? Because in fact, with writing-mode, *-start/*-end can already meet our needs for logical position. Both horizontal and vertical directions can be controlled, and the opposite direction is suitable for the old of*-top/*-bottom.

For example, we set the writing-mode value to vertical-rl, then margin-start is equivalent to margin-top , if margin-start and margin-top exist at the same time, they will overwrite each other according to the weight and the last-come-first-served principle.

As you can see, the scene is different, and the function of margin-start is also different. It can go up or down, left or right, and it is like a star king in this world.

About*-start/*-end I will discuss it in detail when I have the opportunity in the future, so I will stop here. It is estimated that it will not be used in actual projects at present. used in.

The above is the detailed content of Detailed introduction to changing the vertical and horizontal rules of the writing-mode attribute in CSS. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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