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Strength analysis: how to implement PHP's autoload mechanism

2017-07-01 09:40:50915browse




/* Person.class.php */ 
class Person { 
var $name, $age; 
function construct ($name, $age) 
$this->name = $name; 
$this->age = $age; 
/* no_autoload.php */ 
$person = new Person("Altair", 6); 
var_dump ($person);

PHP5为这个问题提供了一个解决方案,这就是类的自动装载(autoload)机制。autoload机制可以使得PHP程序有可能在使用类时才自动包含类文件,而不是一开始就将所有的类文件include进来,这种机制也称为lazy loading。


/* autoload.php */ 
function autoload($classname) { 
require_once ($classname . "class.php"); 
$person = new Person("Altair", 6); 
var_dump ($person); 


因此,当有大量的类文件要包含的时候,我们只要确定相应的规则,然后在autoload()函数中,将类名与实际的磁盘文件对应起来,就可以实现lazy loading的效果。从这里我们也可以看出autoload()函数的实现中最重要的是类名与实际的磁盘文件映射规则的实现。

但现在问题来了,如果在一个系统的实现中,如果需要使用很多其它的类库,这些类库可能是由不同的开发人员编写的,其类名与实际的磁盘文件的映射规则不尽相同。这时如果要实现类库文件的自动加载,就必须在autoload()函数中将所有的映射规则全部实现,这样的话autoload()函数有可能会非常复杂,甚至无法实现。最后可能会导致autoload()函数十分臃肿,这时即便能够实现,也会给将来的维护和系统效率带来很大的负面影响。在这种情况下,难道就没有更简单清晰的解决办法了吧?答案当然是:NO! 在看进一步的解决方法之前,我们先来看一下PHP中的autoload机制是如何实现的。




/* autoload.php 编译后的OPCODE列表,是使用作者开发的OPDUMP工具 
* 生成的结果,可以到网站 http://www.phpinternals.com/ 下载该软件。 
// require_once ("Person.php"); 
function autoload ($classname) { 
0 NOP 
0 RECV 1 
if (!class_exists($classname)) { 
1 SEND_VAR !0 
2 DO_FCALL &#39;class_exists&#39; [extval:1] 
3 BOOL_NOT $0 =>RES[~1] 
4 JMPZ ~1, ->8 
require_once ($classname. ".class.php"); 
5 CONCAT !0, &#39;.class.php&#39; =>RES[~2] 
7 JMP ->8 
8 RETURN null 

$p = new Person(&#39;Fred&#39;, 35); 
1 FETCH_CLASS &#39;Person&#39; =>RES[:0] 
2 NEW :0 =>RES[$1] 
3 SEND_VAL &#39;Fred&#39; 
4 SEND_VAL 35 
5 DO_FCALL_BY_NAME [extval:2] 
6 ASSIGN !0, $1 

var_dump ($p); 
7 SEND_VAR !0 
8 DO_FCALL &#39;var_dump&#39; [extval:1] 


通过查阅PHP的源代码(我使用的是PHP 5.3alpha2版本)可以发现如下的调用序列:


ZEND_VM_HANDLER(109, ZEND_FETCH_CLASS, ...) (zend_vm_def.h 1864行) 
=> zend_fetch_class (zend_execute_API.c 1434行) 
=>zend_lookup_class_ex (zend_execute_API.c 964行) 
=> zend_call_function(&fcall_info, &fcall_cache) (zend_execute_API.c 1040行)



/* 设置autoload_function变量值为"autoload" */ 
fcall_info.function_name = &autoload_function; // Ooops, 终于发现"autoload"了 
fcall_cache.function_handler = EG(autoload_func); // autoload_func !

zend_call_function是Zend Engine中最重要的函数之一,其主要功能是执行用户在PHP程序中自定义的函数或者PHP本身的库函数。zend_call_function有两个重要的指针形参数fcall_info, fcall_cache,它们分别指向两个重要的结构,一个是zend_fcall_info, 另一个是zend_fcall_info_cache。zend_call_function主要工作流程如下:如果fcall_cache.function_handler指针为NULL,则尝试查找函数名为fcall_info.function_name的函数,如果存在的话,则执行之;如果fcall_cache.function_handler不为NULL,则直接执行fcall_cache.function_handler指向的函数。


(1) 检查执行器全局变量函数指针autoload_func是否为NULL。
(2) 如果autoload_func==NULL, 则查找系统中是否定义有autoload()函数,如果没有,则报告错误并退出。
(3) 如果定义了autoload()函数,则执行autoload()尝试加载类,并返回加载结果。
(4) 如果autoload_func不为NULL,则直接执行autoload_func指针指向的函数用来加载类。注意此时并不检查autoload()函数是否定义。

三、SPL autoload机制的实现
SPL是Standard PHP Library(标准PHP库)的缩写。它是PHP5引入的一个扩展库,其主要功能包括autoload机制的实现及包括各种Iterator接口或类。SPL autoload机制的实现是通过将函数指针autoload_func指向自己实现的具有自动装载功能的函数来实现的。SPL有两个不同的函数spl_autoload, spl_autoload_call,通过将autoload_func指向这两个不同的函数地址来实现不同的自动加载机制。
spl_autoload是SPL实现的默认的自动加载函数,它的功能比较简单。它可以接收两个参数,第一个参数是$class_name,表示类名,第二个参数$file_extensions是可选的,表示类文件的扩展名,可以在$file_extensions中指定多个扩展名,护展名之间用分号隔开即可;如果不指定的话,它将使用默认的扩展名.inc或.php。spl_autoload首先将$class_name变为小写,然后在所有的include path中搜索$class_name.inc或$class_name.php文件(如果不指定$file_extensions参数的话),如果找到,就加载该类文件。你可以手动使用spl_autoload(“Person”, “.class.php”)来加载Person类。实际上,它跟require/include差不多,不同的它可以指定多个扩展名。




So who maintains the automatic loading function list autoload_functions? It is the spl_autoload_register function mentioned earlier. It can register the user-defined autoloading function into this linked list, and point the autoload_func function pointer to the spl_autoload_call function (note that there is an exception, and the specific situation is left to everyone to think about). We can also delete registered functions from the autoload_functions linked list through the spl_autoload_unregister function.

As mentioned in the previous section, when the autoload_func pointer is non-null, the autoload() function will not be automatically executed. Now autoload_func has pointed to spl_autoload_call. What should we do if we still want the autoload() function to work? Woolen cloth? Of course, still use the spl_autoload_register(autoload) call to register it in the autoload_functions linked list.

Now back to the last question in the first section, we have a solution: implement their own autoloading functions according to the different naming mechanisms of each class library, and then use spl_autoload_register to register them to the SPL autoloading function respectively. Just put it in the queue. This way we don't have to maintain a very complex autoload function.

4. Autoload efficiency issues and countermeasures

When using the autoload mechanism, the first reaction of many people is that using autoload will reduce system efficiency. Some people even suggest not to use autoload for the sake of efficiency. After we understand the principle of autoload implementation, we know that the autoload mechanism itself is not the reason for affecting system efficiency. It may even improve system efficiency because it will not load unnecessary classes into the system.

So why do many people have the impression that using autoload will reduce system efficiency? In fact, it is precisely the user-designed autoloading function that affects the efficiency of the autoload mechanism. If it cannot efficiently match the class name to the actual disk file (note, this refers to the actual disk file, not just the file name), the system will have to do a lot of file existence verification (requiring in each include path to search in the path included in ), and determining whether the file exists requires disk I/O operations. As we all know, the efficiency of disk I/O operations is very low, so this is the culprit that reduces the efficiency of the autoload mechanism!

Therefore, when we design the system, we need to define a clear mechanism for mapping class names to actual disk files. The simpler and clearer this rule is, the more efficient the autoload mechanism will be. The autoload mechanism is not inherently inefficient. Only abuse of autoload and poorly designed autoload functions will lead to a decrease in efficiency.

The above is the detailed content of Strength analysis: how to implement PHP's autoload mechanism. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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