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1. Try to be as static as possible:
If a method can be static, declare it as static, and the speed can be increased by 1/4. Even when I tested, this increased by nearly 1/4. three times.
Of course, this test method needs to be executed at level 100,000 or above for the effect to be obvious.
In fact, the main difference in the efficiency of static methods and non-static methods is memory: static methods generate memory when the program starts, and instance methods generate memory while the program is running, so static methods can be called directly, and instance methods must first generate instances. Calling methods through instances is very fast statically, but will take up more memory.
Any language operates on memory and disk. As for whether it is object-oriented, it is just a question of the software layer. The bottom layer is the same, but the implementation method is different. Static memory is continuous because it is generated at the beginning of the program, while the instance applies for discrete space, so of course it is not as fast as the static method.
Static methods always call the same memory. The disadvantage is that they cannot be destroyed automatically, but can be destroyed by instantiation.
2. Echo is more efficient than print because echo has no return value and print returns an integer;
Echo 0.000929 - 0.001255 s (平均 0.001092 seconds) Print 0.000980 - 0.001396 seconds (平均 0.001188 seconds)
The difference is about 8%. In general, echo is relatively fast.
Note that when echoing a large string, performance will be seriously affected if no adjustments are made. Use mod_deflate to open apached for compression or open ob_start to put the content into the buffer first.
3. Set the maximum number of loops before the loop, not during the loop;
Every fool understands this.
4. Destroy variables to release memory, especially large arrays;
Arrays and objects occupy special memory in PHP. This is caused by the underlying zend engine of PHP.
Generally speaking, the memory utilization of PHP arrays is only 1/10. In other words, an array with 100M of memory in C language requires 1G in PHP.
Especially in systems where PHP is used as a backend server, the problem of excessive memory consumption often occurs.
5. Avoid using magic methods like get, set, autoload, etc.;
Name the functions at the beginning as magic functions. Such functions are accessed for the first time under specific conditions. In general, there are the following magic functions
In fact, if autoload cannot efficiently compare the class name with the actual disk file (note, this refers to the actual disk file, not just the file name), the system will have to make a lot of judgments about whether files exist (which need to be searched in the paths included in each include path), and judging whether files exist requires disk I/O operations. As we all know, disk I/O The efficiency of the O operation is very low, so this is the reason why the autoload mechanism is less efficient.
Therefore, when we design the system, we need to define a clear mechanism for mapping class names to actual disk files. The simpler and clearer this rule is, the more efficient the autoload mechanism will be.
Conclusion: The autoload mechanism is not inherently inefficient. Only abuse of autoload and poorly designed autoload functions will lead to a reduction in efficiency.
So try to avoid using the autoload magic method. , remains to be discussed.
6.requiere_once() consumes more resources;
This is because requirere_once needs to determine whether the file has been referenced), so it should be used as little as possible. Commonly used require/include methods to avoid.
7. Use absolute paths in includes and requires.
If a relative path is included, PHP will traverse the include_path to find the file.
Using absolute paths will avoid such problems, so it will take less time to resolve the operating system path.
8. If you need to get the time when the script is executed, $_SERVER['REQUSET_TIME'] is better than time();As you can imagine. One is ready-made and can be used directly, and the other requires the result obtained by the function.
9. If you can use PHP's internal string manipulation functions, try to use them instead of regular expressions; because its efficiency is higher than regular expressions;
It goes without saying that regular expressions consume the most performance.
Are there any useful functions that you missed? For example: strpbrk() strncasecmp() strpos()/strrpos()/stripos()/strripos() speed up strtr. If all you need to convert is a single character,
use a string instead of an array. strtr:
<?php $addr = strtr($addr, "abcd", "efgh"); // good $addr = strtr($addr, array('a' => 'e', )); // bad ?>
效率提升:10 倍。
另外不要做无谓的替换即使没有替换,str_replace 也会为其参数分配内存。很慢!解决办法:
用 strpos 先查找(非常快),看是否需要替换,如果需要,再替换效率:- 如果需要替换:效率几乎相等,差别在 0.1% 左右。
如果不需要替换:用 strpos 快 200%。
如果一个函数既能接受数组又能接受简单字符做为参数,例如字符替换函数,并且参数列表不是太长,可以考虑额外写一段替换代码,使得每次传递参数都是一 个字符,而不是接受数组做为查找和替换参数。大事化小,1+1>2;
用@实际上后台有很多操作。用@比起不用@,效率差距:3 倍。特别不要在循环中使用@,在 5 次循环的测试中,即使是先用 error_reporting(0) 关掉错误,在循环完成后再打开,都比用@快。
例如For($x=0; $x fb5af5a716b5edf92660ff0fa4b28686prop++)比局部变量要慢3倍;
24 用单引号代替双引号来包含字符串,这样做会更快一些。
PHP 引擎允许使用单引号和双引号来封装字符串变量,但是这个是有很大的差别的!使用双引号的字符串告诉 PHP 引擎首先去读取字符串内容,查找其中的变 量,并改为变量对应的值。一般来说字符串是没有变量的,所以使用双引号会导致性能不佳。最好是使用字
BAD: $output = "This is a plain string"; GOOD: $output = 'This is a plain string'; BAD: $type = "mixed"; $output = "This is a $type string"; GOOD: $type = 'mixed'; $output = 'This is a ' . $type .' string'
例如echo $str1,$str2。
也对运算码 (OP code)的缓存很有用,使得脚本不必为每个请求做重新编译。
36.使用 gzcompress() 和gzuncompress()对容量大的字符串进行压缩(解压)在存进(取出)数据库时。
38. 完全理解魔术引用和SQL注入的危险。
Fully understand “magic quotes” and the dangers of SQL injection. I'm hoping that most developers reading this are already familiar with SQL injection. However, I list it here because it's absolutely critical to understand. If you've never heard the term before, spend the entire rest of the day googling and reading.
当操作字符串并需要检验其长度是否满足某种要求时,你想当然地会使用strlen()函数。此函数执行起来相当快,因为它不做任何计算,只返回在zval 结构(C的内置数据结构,用于存储PHP变量)中存储的已知字符串长度。但是,由于strlen()是函数,多多少少会有些慢,因为函数调用会经过诸多步骤,如字母小写化(译注:指函数名小写化,PHP不区分函数名大小写)、哈希查找,会跟随被调用的函数一起执行。在某些情况下,你可以使用isset() 技巧加速执行你的代码。
if (strlen($foo) < 5) { echo “Foo is too short”$$ }
if (!isset($foo{5})) { echo “Foo is too short”$$ }
When incrementing or decrementing the value of the variable $i++ happens to be a tad slower then ++$i. This is something PHP specific and does not apply to other languages, so don't go modifying your C or Java code thinking it'll suddenly become faster, it won't. ++$i happens to be faster in PHP because instead of 4 opcodes used for $i++ you only need 3. Post incrementation actually causes in the creation of a temporary var that is then incremented. While preincrementation increases the original value directly. This is one of the optimization that opcode optimized like Zend's PHP optimizer. It is a still a good idea to keep in mind since not all opcode optimizers perform this optimization and there are plenty of ISPs and servers running without an opcode optimizer.
40. 不要随便就复制变量
有时候为了使 PHP 代码更加整洁,一些 PHP 新手(包括我)会把预定义好的变量复制到一个名字更简短的变量中,其实这样做的结果是增加了一倍的内存消耗,只会使程序更加慢。试想一下,在下面的例子中,如果用户恶意插入 512KB 字节的文字到文本输入框中,这样就会导致 1MB 的内存被消耗!
BAD: $description = $_POST['description']; echo $description; GOOD: echo $_POST['description'];
41 使用选择分支语句
switch case好于使用多个if,else if语句,并且代码更加容易阅读和维护。
44.优化Select SQL语句,在可能的情况下尽量少的进行Insert、Update操作(在update上,我被恶批过);
51 并不是事必面向对象(OOP),面向对象往往开销很大,每个方法和对象调用都会消耗很多内存。
52 不要把方法细分得过多,仔细想想你真正打算重用的是哪些代码?
53 如果在代码中存在大量耗时的函数,你可以考虑用C扩展的方式实现它们。
(提到过echo 大变量的问题)
split() 0.001813 - 0.002271 seconds (avg 0.002042 seconds) explode() 0.001678 - 0.003626 seconds (avg 0.002652 seconds) Split can take regular expressions as delimiters, and runs faster too. ~23% on average
The above is the detailed content of PHP optimization and precautions. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!