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Initial experience with jQuery Validate (1)_jquery

2016-05-16 15:26:081306browse

jQuery 是一個快速、簡單的JavaScript library, 它簡化了HTML 檔案的traversing,事件處理、動畫、Ajax 互動,從而方便了網頁製作的快速發展。 jQuery 是為改變你編寫JavaScript 的方式而設計的。

jQuery Validate 外掛程式為表單提供了強大的驗證功能,讓客戶端表單驗證變得更簡單。

但是在學習的過程中,我也遇到了疑惑,網上的許多例子似乎都是依賴jquery.metadata.js這個庫,然後在標籤裡寫成class=”required remote” 這樣的形式,class本身是呈現樣式的,現在被附上各種校驗的規則,看起來有些亂。那如果不依賴jquery.metadata.js,又該怎麼寫。


<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.validate.js"></script>
 $().ready(function() {
 <form id="registerForm" method="get" action="">
  <label for="cusername">用户名</label> 
  <input id="cusername" name="username" type="text" required="true" rangelength="[2,10]">
  <label for="cpassword">密码</label>
  <input id="cpassword" name="password" type="password" required="true" minlength="6">
  <label for="cconfirmpassword">确认密码</label> 
  <input id="cconfirmpassword" name="confirmpassword" type="password" required="true" equalTo="#cpassword">
  <label for="cemail">邮箱</label> 
  <input id="cemail" name="email" required="true" email="true"> </input>
  <input type="submit" value="提交">




<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.validate.js"></script>
 $().ready(function() {
  rules : {
  username : {
   required : true,
  password : {
   required : true,
  confirmpassword : {
   required : true,
  email : {
   required : true,
   email : true
  messages : {
  username : {
   required : '请输入姓名',
   rangelength:'长度在 {0} 到 {1} 之间'
  password : {
   required : '请输入密码',
   minlength:'密码不能少于 {0}位'
  confirmpassword : {
   required : '请再次输入密码',
  email : {
   required :'请输入邮箱',
   email : '请输入有效的电子邮件地址'
 <form id="registerForm" method="get" action="">
  <label for="cusername">用户名</label> 
  <input id="cusername" name="username" type="text"/>
  <label for="cpassword">密码</label> 
  <input id="cpassword" name="password" type="password"/>
  <label for="cconfirmpassword">确认密码</label> 
  <input id="cconfirmpassword" name="confirmpassword" type="password"/>
  <label for="cemail">邮箱</label>
  <input id="cemail" name="email" type="email"/>
  <input type="submit" value="提交">

首先這裡有一個方法呼叫: $("#registerForm").validate([options]) ,這是用來驗證選擇的表單,方法的參數是可選項,可以輸入0個或多個鍵值對(key/value),這個方法是為了處理例如:submit , focus ,  keyup , blur, click 觸發驗證的,物件是整個表單的元素,或是單一元素,使用rules 和messages 定義驗證的元素,使用errorClass , errorElement, wrapper, errorLabelContainer, errorContainer, showErrors, success, errorPlacement, highlight, unhighlight, ignoreTitle去控制非法元素的錯誤訊息顯示。其中rules裡也可以輸入0個或多個鍵值對,他的key對應的是元素的name屬性值,例如username,confirmpassword等等。而他的value裡則是一些驗證規則。 messages同rules一樣可以輸入0個或多個鍵值對,他的key也是對應的元素的name屬性值,而他的value裡則是驗證錯誤的提示訊息。簡而言之,rules{}中定義驗證規則的方法。 messages{}中定義錯誤輸出。

上面有一點要注意的就是  equalTo:"#cpassword",這個鍵值對裡的value是元素的ID值(如果注意到#號就應該能察覺到)。

透過上面的寫法,你就可以自訂提示訊息了。或許你會有疑問了,難道我每次驗證表單的時候都要重新自訂提示訊息嗎?當然不是了,你還可以Ctrl C+Ctrl V。這當然是個玩笑。 。 。不過,接下來的方法二會解決你的疑問。


(function( factory ) {
 if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd ) {
 define( ["jquery", "../jquery.validate"], factory );
 } else {
 factory( jQuery );
}(function( $ ) {
 * Translated default messages for the jQuery validation plugin.
 * Locale: ZH (Chinese, 中文 (Zhōngwén), 汉语, 漢語)
$.extend($.validator.messages, {
 required: "这是必填字段",
 remote: "请修正此字段",
 email: "请输入有效的电子邮件地址",
 url: "请输入有效的网址",
 date: "请输入有效的日期",
 dateISO: "请输入有效的日期 (YYYY-MM-DD)",
 number: "请输入有效的数字",
 digits: "只能输入数字",
 creditcard: "请输入有效的信用卡号码",
 equalTo: "你的输入不相同",
 extension: "请输入有效的后缀",
 maxlength: $.validator.format("最多可以输入 {0} 个字符"),
 minlength: $.validator.format("最少要输入 {0} 个字符"),
 rangelength: $.validator.format("请输入长度在 {0} 到 {1} 之间的字符串"),
 range: $.validator.format("请输入范围在 {0} 到 {1} 之间的数值"),
 max: $.validator.format("请输入不大于 {0} 的数值"),
 min: $.validator.format("请输入不小于 {0} 的数值")


<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="js/jquery.validate.js"></script>
<script src="js/messages_zh.js"></script> 
 $().ready(function() {
 <form id="registerForm" method="get" action="">
  <label for="cusername">用户名</label> 
  <input id="cusername" name="username" type="text" required="true" rangelength="[2,10]">
  <label for="cpassword">密码</label>
  <input id="cpassword" name="password" type="password" required="true" minlength="6">
  <label for="cconfirmpassword">确认密码</label> 
  <input id="cconfirmpassword" name="confirmpassword" type="password" required="true" equalTo="#cpassword">
  <label for="cemail">邮箱</label> 
  <input id="cemail" name="email" required="true" email="true"> </input>
  <input type="submit" value="提交">

Method 1 and 2 are not mutually exclusive and can be used in combination. You can first use method two to save a more general template, and then use method one to customize prompts according to specific situations.

The above is what I learned this afternoon. It is said that in the new version, there is a new way of writing. There is no need to rely on the jquery.metadata.js library mentioned above, nor to customize prompt information through javascript. Instead, the data-rule-verification rule is used in the tag. , data-msg-prompt information to redefine it in this format. Excited to try...

The following are the default verification rules provided by the official website.

(1)required:true required field
(2)remote:"check.php" Use the ajax method to call check.php to verify the input value
(3)email:true You must enter an email in the correct format
(4)url:true You must enter the URL in the correct format
(5)date:true You must enter the date in the correct format
(6)dateISO:true You must enter the date (ISO) in the correct format, for example: 2009-06-23, 1998/01/22 Only the format is verified, not the validity
(7)number:true You must enter a legal number (negative number, decimal)
(8)digits:true must enter an integer
(9)creditcard: You must enter a legal credit card number
(10)equalTo:"#field" The input value must be the same as #field
(11)accept: Enter a string with a legal suffix (the suffix of the uploaded file)
(12)maxlength:5 Enter a string with a maximum length of 5 (Chinese characters count as one character)
(13)minlength:10 Enter a string with a minimum length of 10 (Chinese characters count as one character)
(14)rangelength:[5,10] The input length must be a string between 5 and 10") (Chinese characters count as one character)
(15)range:[5,10] The input value must be between 5 and 10
(16)max:5 The input value cannot be greater than 5
(17)min:10 The input value cannot be less than 10

Okay, after fumbling for nearly two hours, my first essay is now complete. At the same time, I hope it can bring inspiration to everyone.

The next article will introduce you to jQuery Validate preliminary experience (2), Let’s learn together.

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