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Detailed explanation of php output cache function example

2017-06-24 13:50:541277browse

The Output Control function allows you to freely control the output of data in the script. It is very useful, especially when you want to output the file header after the data has been output.

The output control function does not affect the file header information sent using header() or setcookie(), but only affects data blocks similar to echo() and PHP code.
Let’s give a simple example first to give everyone a general impression of Output Control:
Example 1.

ob_start(); //打开缓冲区 
echo \"Hellon\"; //输出 
header(“location:index.php”); //把浏览器重定向到index.php 

Everyone who knows the header() function knows that , this function will send a file header to the browser, but if there is any output (including empty output, such as spaces, carriage returns, and line feeds) before using this function, an error will be prompted. If we remove ob_start() in the first line and then execute this program, we will find that we get an error message: "Header had all ready send by"! But with ob_start, there will be no error message. The reason is that when the buffer is opened, the characters after echo will not be output to the browser, but will be retained on the server. They will not be output until you use flush or ob_end_flush, so it will not Any file header output errors!
1. Introduction to related functions:
1. Flush: refresh the contents of the buffer and output.
Function format: flush()
Description: This function is frequently used and is very efficient.
2. ob_start: Open the output buffer
Function format: void ob_start(void)
Description: When the buffer is activated, all non-file header information from the PHP program will not will be sent, but saved in the internal buffer. In order to output the contents of the buffer, you can use ob_end_flush() or flush() to output the contents of the buffer.
3, ob_get_contents: Return the contents of the internal buffer.
Usage: string ob_get_contents(void)
Description: This function will return the contents of the current buffer. If the output buffer is not activated, it will return FALSE.
4, ob_get_length: Returns the length of the internal buffer.
Usage: int ob_get_length(void)
Description: This function will return the length in the current buffer; the same as ob_get_contents, if the output buffer is not activated. then returns FALSE.
5. ob_end_flush: Send the contents of the internal buffer to the browser and close the output buffer.
Usage: void ob_end_flush(void)
Description: This function sends the contents of the output buffer (if any).
6, ob_end_clean: Delete the contents of the internal buffer and close the internal buffer
Usage method: void ob_end_clean(void)
Description: This function does not Will output the contents of the internal buffer but delete it!
7, ob_implicit_flush: Turn on or off absolute refresh
Usage method: void ob_implicit_flush ([int flag])
Description: Anyone who has used Perl knows this The meaning of $|=x, this string can open/close the buffer, and the ob_implicit_flush function is the same as that. The default is to close the buffer. After turning on absolute output, each script output is sent directly to the browser, no longer needed. Call flush()
2. In-depth understanding:
1. About the Flush function:
This function is a very efficient function. It has a very useful function which is to refresh the browser. cache. Let’s give an example with a very obvious operating effect to illustrate flush.
Example 2.

for($i = 1; $i <= 300; $i++ ) print(“ “); 
// 这一句话非常关键,cache的结构使得它的内容只有达到一定的大小才能从浏览器里输出 
// 换言之,如果cache的内容不达到一定的大小,它是不会在程序执行完毕前输出的。经 
// 过测试,我发现这个大小的底限是256个字符长。这意味着cache以后接收的内容都会 
// 源源不断的被发送出去。 
For($j = 1; $j <= 20; $j++) { 
echo $j.” 
flush(); //这一部会使cache新增的内容被挤出去,显示到浏览器上 
sleep(1); //让程序“睡”一秒钟,会让你把效果看得更清楚 

PHP2000’s latest PHP chat room uses this technology. Unfortunately, the source code has not been made public.
Note: If you add ob_implicit_flush() at the beginning of the program to turn on absolute refresh, you can no longer use flush() in the program. The advantage of this is: improve efficiency!
2. About ob series functions:
Example 3.
For example, you can use the setting information of the server and the client, but this information will be different due to different clients. If you want What should I do to save the output of the phpinfo() function? Before there was no buffer control, it can be said that there was no way at all, but with buffer control, we can easily solve it:

ob_start(); //打开缓冲区 
phpinfo(); //使用phpinfo函数 
$info=ob_get_contents(); //得到缓冲区的内容并且赋值给$info 
$file=fopen(\&#39;info.txt\&#39;,\&#39;w\&#39;); //打开文件info.txt 
fwrite($file,$info); //写入信息到info.txt 
fclose($file); //关闭文件info.txt 

或许有人会问:“难道就这个样子吗?还有没有其他用途?”当然有了,比如笔者论坛的PHP 语法加亮显示就和这个有关(PHP默认的语法加亮显示函数会直接输出,不能保存结果,如果在每次调用都显示恐怕会很浪费CPU,笔者的论坛就把语法加亮函数显示的结果用控制缓冲区的方法保留了),大家如果感兴趣的话可以来看看http://www.zphp.com/bbs/!
2cc198a1d5eb0d3eb508d858c9f5cbdb.现在的你应该知道你所拥有的优势:可以在任何输出内容后面使用header,setcookie以及session,这是 ob_start一个很大的特点;也可以使用ob_start的参数,在cache被写入后,然后自动运行命令,比如 ob_start(\"ob_gzhandler\");而我们最常用的做法是用ob_get_contents()得到cache中的内容,然后再进行处理……
一、 静态模版技术
Example 4.



$content = ob_get_contents();//取得php页面输出的全部内容 
$fp = fopen(“output00001.html”, “w”); //创建一个文件,并打开,准备写入 
fwrite($fp, $content); //把php页面的内容全部写入output00001.html,然后…… 

二、 捕捉输出
以上的Example 4.是一种最简单的情况,你还可以在写入前对$content进行操作……
你可以设法捕捉一些关键字,然后去对它进行再处理,比如Example 3.所述的PHP语法高亮显示。个人认为,这个功能是此函数最大的精华所在,它可以解决各种各样的问题,但需要你有足够的想象力……
Example 5.

Function run_code($code) { 
If($code) { 
$contents = ob_get_contents(); 
}else { 
echo “错误!没有输出”; 
return $contents; 

Example 6. 加快传输

** Title.........: PHP4 HTTP Compression Speeds up the Web 
** Version.......: 1.20 
** Author........: catoc <catoc@163.net> 
** Filename......: gzdoc.php 
** Last changed..: 18/10/2000 
** Requirments...: PHP4 >= 4.0.1 
** PHP was configured with --with-zlib[=DIR] 
** Notes.........: Dynamic Content Acceleration compresses 
** the data transmission data on the fly 
** code by sun jin hu (catoc) <catoc@163.net> 
** Most newer browsers since 1998/1999 have 
** been equipped to support the HTTP 1.1 
** standard known as \"content-encoding.\" 
** Essentially the browser indicates to the 
** server that it can accept \"content encoding\" 
** and if the server is capable it will then 
** compress the data and transmit it. The 
** browser decompresses it and then renders 
** the page. 
** Modified by John Lim (jlim@natsoft.com.my) 
** based on ideas by Sandy McArthur, Jr 
** Usage........: 
** No space before the beginning of the first \&#39;<?\&#39; tag. 
** ------------Start of file---------- 
** |<? 
** | include(\&#39;gzdoc.php\&#39;); 
** |? > 
** |<HTML> 
** |... the page ... 
** |</HTML> 
** |<? 
** | gzdocout(); 
** |? > 
** -------------End of file----------- 
function CheckCanGzip(){ 
if (headers_sent() || connection_timeout() || connection_aborted()){ 
return 0; 
if (strpos($HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING, \&#39;x-gzip\&#39;) !== false) return \"x-gzip\"; 
if (strpos($HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING,\&#39;gzip\&#39;) !== false) return \"gzip\"; 
return 0; 
/* $level = compression level 0-9, 0=none, 9=max */ 
function GzDocOut($level=1,$debug=0){ 
$ENCODING = CheckCanGzip(); 
if ($ENCODING){ 
print \"n<!-- Use compress $ENCODING -->n\"; 
$Contents = ob_get_contents(); 
if ($debug){ 
$s = \"<p>Not compress length: \".strlen($Contents); 
$s .= \" 
Compressed length: \".strlen(gzcompress($Contents,$level)); 
$Contents .= $s; 
header(\"Content-Encoding: $ENCODING\"); 
print \"x1fx8bx08x00x00x00x00x00\"; 
$Size = strlen($Contents); 
$Crc = crc32($Contents); 
$Contents = gzcompress($Contents,$level); 
$Contents = substr($Contents, 0, strlen($Contents) - 4); 
print $Contents; 
print pack(\&#39;V\&#39;,$Crc); 
print pack(\&#39;V\&#39;,$Size); 


The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of php output cache function example. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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