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Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections

2017-06-26 10:42:361626browse

Reading Contents

  • Suggestion 65: Avoid basic type array conversion list trap

  • Suggestion 66: The List object generated by the asList method cannot be changed

  • Recommendation 67: Choose different traversal algorithms for different lists

  • Recommendation 68: Frequent Use LinkList when inserting and deleting

  • Suggestion 69: List equality only cares about element data

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Suggestion 65: Avoid basic type array conversion list traps

In development, we often use Arrays and Collections, two tool classes, to convert between lists, which is very convenient, but sometimes there are some strange things that happen. Question, look at the following code:

Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections##
1 public class Client65 {
2     public static void main(String[] args) {
3         int data [] = {1,2,3,4,5};
4         List list= Arrays.asList(data);
5         System.out.println("列表中的元素数量是:"+list.size());
6     }
7 }
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
Maybe you will say, this is very simple, of course the number of elements in the list variable is 5. But the number of lists printed out after running is 1.

In fact, data is indeed an int type array with 5 elements, but after being converted into a list through asList, there is only one element. Why is this? Where did the other 4 elements go?

Let’s take a closer look at the method description of Arrays.asList: input a variable-length parameter and return a fixed-length list. Note that this is a variable-length parameter. See the source code:

  public static <t> List<t> asList(T... a) {
        return new ArrayList(a);
The input of the asList method is a generic variable-length parameter. We know that basic types cannot be genericized, that is to say The 8 basic types cannot be used as generic parameters. If you want to use them as generic parameters, you must use their corresponding packaging types. Then the previous example passed an array of type int. Why did the program not report a compilation error?

In Java, an array is an object, which can be genericized. That is to say, in our example, an array of type int is used as the type of T, so after conversion, it is in the List. There is only one element of type int array. Let’s print it out and see. The code is as follows:

Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
1 public class Client65 {
2     public static void main(String[] args) {
3         int data [] = {1,2,3,4,5};
4         List list= Arrays.asList(data);
5         System.out.println("元素类型是:"+list.get(0).getClass());
6         System.out.println("前后是否相等:"+data.equals(list.get(0)));    
7     }
8 }
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
The output result is:

The element type is: class [I Whether the front and back are equal: true

Obviously, The element placed in the list is an int array. Someone may ask, why is the class after "Element Type:" "[I"? We did not specify the array type! This is because it is impossible for the JVM to output the Array type, because Array belongs to the java.lang.reflect package, which is a tool class for accessing array elements through reflection. The type of any one-dimensional array in Java is "[I". The reason is that Java does not define an array class. It is generated by the compiler when compiling and is a special class. In the JDK There is no information about array classes in the help either.

I figured out the problem and it’s easy to modify. Just use the wrapper class directly. Part of the code is as follows:

Integer data [] = {1,2,3,4,5};
Replace int with Integer to output elements. The number is 5. It should be noted that not only arrays of int type have this problem, but also arrays of the other seven basic types have similar problems. This requires everyone's attention. When converting basic type arrays into lists, Be especially careful about the pitfalls of the asList method to avoid confusing program logic.


Note: Primitive type arrays cannot be used as input parameters of asList, otherwise it will cause confusion in the program logic.

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Suggestion 66: The List object generated by the asList method cannot be changed

The previous suggestion pointed out that the asList method exists when converting a basic type array question, let’s take a look at what’s special about the list returned by the asList method. The code is as follows:

Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections##
 1 public class Client66 {
 2     public static void main(String[] args) {
 3         // 五天工作制
 4         Week days[] = { Week.Mon, Week.Tue, Week.Wed, Week.Thu, Week.Fri };
 5         // 转换为列表
 6         List<week> list = Arrays.asList(days);
 7         // 增加周六为工作日
 8         list.add(Week.Sat);
 9         /* do something */
10     }
11 }
12 enum Week {
13     Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
14 }</week>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections




 public static <t> List<t> asList(T... a) {
        return new ArrayList(a);


Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 private static class ArrayList<e> extends AbstractList<e>
 2         implements RandomAccess, java.io.Serializable
 3     {
 4         private static final long serialVersionUID = -2764017481108945198L;
 5         private final E[] a;
 7         ArrayList(E[] array) {
 8             if (array==null)
 9                 throw new NullPointerException();
10             a = array;
11         }
12      /*其它方法略*/   
13 }</e></e>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections


Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
1  public boolean add(E e) {
2         add(size(), e);
3         return true;
4     }
6  public void add(int index, E element) {
7         throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
8     }
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections



  1. size:元素数量

  2. get:获得制定元素

  3. set:重置某一元素值

  4. contains:是否包含某元素

  5. toArray:转化为数组,实现了数组的浅拷贝


Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1  //元素数量
 2        public int size() {
 3             return a.length;
 4         }
 6         public Object[] toArray() {
 7             return a.clone();
 8         }
 9         //转化为数组,实现了数组的浅拷贝
10         public <t> T[] toArray(T[] a) {
11             int size = size();
12             if (a.length ) a.getClass());
15             System.arraycopy(this.a, 0, a, 0, size);
16             if (a.length > size)
17                 a[size] = null;
18             return a;
19         }
20         //获得指定元素
21         public E get(int index) {
22             return a[index];
23         }
24         //重置某一元素
25         public E set(int index, E element) {
26             E oldValue = a[index];
27             a[index] = element;
28             return oldValue;
29         }
31         public int indexOf(Object o) {
32             if (o==null) {
33                 for (int i=0; i<a.length><div class="cnblogs_code_toolbar"><span class="cnblogs_code_copy"><img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/001/10e7d93a4ad9e6e22a94ae46c1beee95-12.gif" alt="Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections"></span></div></a.length></t>


    List<string> names= Arrays.asList("张三","李四","王五");</string>





Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 public class Client67 {
 2     public static void main(String[] args) {
 3         // 学生数量 80万
 4         int stuNum = 80 * 10000;
 5         // List集合,记录所有学生的分数
 6         List<integer> scores = new ArrayList<integer>(stuNum);
 7         // 写入分数
 8         for (int i = 0; i  scores) {
19         int sum = 0;
20         // 遍历求和
21         for (int i : scores) {
22             sum += i;
23         }
24         return sum / scores.size();
25     }
26 }</integer></integer>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections





Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
1 public static int average(List<integer> scores) {
2         int sum = 0;
3         // 遍历求和
4         for (int i = 0; i <div class="cnblogs_code_toolbar"><span class="cnblogs_code_copy"><img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/001/10e7d93a4ad9e6e22a94ae46c1beee95-16.gif" alt="Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections"></span></div></integer>




for (Iterator<integer> i = scores.iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
            sum += i.next();



  那是因为有些List的实现类不是随机存取的,而是有序存取的,比如LinkedList类,LinkedList类也是一个列表,但它实现了双向链表,每个数据节点都有三个数据项:前节点的引用(Previous Node)、本节点元素(Node Element)、后继结点的引用(Next Node),这是数据结构的基本知识,不多讲了,也就是说在LinkedList中的两个元素本来就是有关联的,我知道你的存在,你也知道我的存在。那大家想想看,元素之间已经有关联了,使用foreach也就是迭代器方式是不是效率更高呢?我们修改一下例子,代码如下:

Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 public static void main(String[] args) {
 2         // 学生数量 80万
 3         int stuNum = 80 * 10000;
 4         // List集合,记录所有学生的分数
 5         List<integer> scores = new LinkedList<integer>();
 6         // 写入分数
 7         for (int i = 0; i  scores) {
18         int sum = 0;
19         // 遍历求和
20         for (int i : scores) {
21             sum += i;
22         }
23         return sum / scores.size();
24     }</integer></integer>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections

输出结果为:  平均分是:74 执行时间:12ms 。执行效率还好。但是比ArrayList就慢了,但如果LinkedList采用下标方式遍历:效率会如何呢?我告诉你会很慢。直接分析一下源码: 

1 public E get(int index) {
2         checkElementIndex(index);
3         return node(index).item;
4     }


Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 Node<e> node(int index) {
 2         // assert isElementIndex(index);
 4         if (index > 1)) {
 5             Node<e> x = first;
 6             for (int i = 0; i  x = last;
11             for (int i = size - 1; i > index; i--)
12                 x = x.prev;
13             return x;
14         }
15     }</e></e>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections



Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 public static int average(List<integer> scores) {
 2         int sum = 0;
 4         if (scores instanceof RandomAccess) {
 5             // 可以随机存取,则使用下标遍历
 6             for (int i = 0; i <div class="cnblogs_code_toolbar"><span class="cnblogs_code_copy"><img src="https://img.php.cn/upload/article/000/000/001/f643995e92903b9d3b9c1026c06966b3-22.gif" alt="Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections"></span></div></integer>





   上一个建议介绍了列表的遍历方式,也就是“读” 操作,本建议将介绍列表的"写"操作:即插入、删除、修改动作。


Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 public void add(int index, E element) {
 2         //检查下标是否越界
 3         rangeCheckForAdd(index);
 4         //若需要扩容,则增大底层数组的长度
 5         ensureCapacityInternal(size + 1);  // Increments modCount!!
 6         //给index下标之后的元素(包括当前元素)的下标加1,空出index位置
 7         System.arraycopy(elementData, index, elementData, index + 1,
 8                          size - index);
 9         //赋值index位置元素
10         elementData[index] = element;
11         //列表长度加1
12         size++;
13     }
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections




Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
1 public void add(int index, E element) {
2         checkPositionIndex(index);
4         if (index == size)
5             linkLast(element);
6         else
7             linkBefore(element, node(index));
8     }
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1  void linkLast(E e) {
 2         final Node<e> l = last;
 3         final Node<e> newNode = new Node(l, e, null);
 4         last = newNode;
 5         if (l == null)
 6             first = newNode;
 7         else
 8             l.next = newNode;
 9         size++;
10         modCount++;
11     }</e></e>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 void linkBefore(E e, Node<e> succ) {
 2         // assert succ != null;
 3         final Node<e> pred = succ.prev;
 4         final Node<e> newNode = new Node(pred, e, succ);
 5         succ.prev = newNode;
 6         if (pred == null)
 7             first = newNode;
 8         else
 9             pred.next = newNode;
10         size++;
11         modCount++;
12     }</e></e></e>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections



Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 public E remove(int index) {
 2         //下标校验
 3         rangeCheck(index);
 4         //修改计数器加1
 5         modCount++;
 6         //记录要删除的元素
 7         E oldValue = elementData(index);
 8         //有多少个元素向前移动
 9         int numMoved = size - index - 1;
10         if (numMoved > 0)
11             //index后的元素向前移动一位
12             System.arraycopy(elementData, index+1, elementData, index,
13                              numMoved);
14         //列表长度减1
15         elementData[--size] = null; // Let gc do its work
16         //返回删除的值
17         return oldValue;
18     }
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections



 public E remove(int index) {
        return unlink(node(index));
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1  E unlink(Node<e> x) {
 2         // assert x != null;
 3         final E element = x.item;
 4         final Node<e> next = x.next;
 5         final Node<e> prev = x.prev;
 7         if (prev == null) {
 8             first = next;
 9         } else {
10             prev.next = next;
11             x.prev = null;
12         }
14         if (next == null) {
15             last = prev;
16         } else {
17             next.prev = prev;
18             x.next = null;
19         }
21         x.item = null;
22         size--;
23         modCount++;
24         return element;
25     }</e></e></e>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 private static class Node<e> {
 2         E item;
 3         Node<e> next;
 4         Node<e> prev;
 6         Node(Node<e> prev, E element, Node<e> next) {
 7             this.item = element;
 8             this.next = next;
 9             this.prev = prev;
10         }
11     }</e></e></e></e></e>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections



Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
1   public E set(int index, E element) {
2         checkElementIndex(index);
3         //定位节点
4         Node<e> x = node(index);
5         E oldVal = x.item;
6         //节点元素替换
7         x.item = element;
8         return oldVal;
9     }</e>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections








Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 public class Client69 {
 2     public static void main(String[] args) {
 3         ArrayList<string> strs = new ArrayList<string>();
 4         strs.add("A");
 6         Vector<string> strs2 = new Vector<string>();
 7         strs2.add("A");
 9         System.out.println(strs.equals(strs2));
10     }
11 }</string></string></string></string>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections



Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections
 1 public boolean equals(Object o) {
 2             if (o == this)
 3                 return true;
 4             //是否是列表,注意这里:只要实现List接口即可
 5             if (!(o instanceof List))
 6                 return false;
 7             //通过迭代器访问List的所有元素
 8             ListIterator<e> e1 = listIterator();
 9             ListIterator e2 = ((List) o).listIterator();
10             //遍历两个List的元素
11             while (e1.hasNext() && e2.hasNext()) {
12                 E o1 = e1.next();
13                 Object o2 = e2.next();
14                 //只要存在着不相等就退出
15                 if (!(o1==null ? o2==null : o1.equals(o2)))
16                     return false;
17             }
18             //长度是否也相等
19             return !(e1.hasNext() || e2.hasNext());
20         }</e>
Writing efficient code (1) About arrays and collections





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