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JavaScript implements drag-and-drop effect_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:25:311448browse

The example in this article shares with you a drag-and-drop effect. The reference code is refactored below for understanding and learning.

First let’s look at the effect:

Drag div


Drag and drop status: Not started

【Procedure Description】

Drag principle: In fact, the mousedown event is monitored on the drag block. When the mouse is clicked, the corresponding coordinate parameters are obtained through the event object. Then when the mouse moves, listen to the mousemove event on the document, obtain the clientX and clientY coordinates of the mouse, and then set the left and top of the drag block.

The first is to listen to the mousedown event

Copy code The code is as follows:
EventUtil.addEventHandler(this.Drag, "mousedown", BindAsEventListener(this , this.Start));

Then add mousemove and mouseup events on Start
//监听mousemove 和 mouseup事件
EventUtil.addEventHandler(document, "mousemove", this._fM);
EventUtil.addEventHandler(document, "mouseup", this._fS);

When the mouse moves, set the left and top attributes of the drag block:

if(!this.LockX)this.Drag.style.left = iLeft + "px";
 if(!this.LockY)this.Drag.style.top = iTop + "px"; 

Horizontal and vertical locking: Limit the top and left attributes by judging the LockX and lockY attributes.

Range limit locking: Set the maximum left and top values ​​by calculating the difference between the width and height of the container and the width and height of the dragging block to limit the left and top values ​​of the dragging block to a certain range.

Full DEMO:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
 <meta charset="UTF-8">
 <style type="text/css">
 <div id="drag-wrap" style="height: 300px;margin:10px;border:5px solid #FF8000;background:#8080C0;position: relative;">
   <div class="draggable" id="drag" style="width:100px;height: 100px;position: absolute;top: 100px;left:100px;background:#eee;border:1px solid #aceaac;cursor: move;">拖动div</div>
 <input id="idReset" type="button" value="复位" />
 <input id="idLock" type="button" value="锁定全部" />
 <input id="idLockX" type="button" value="锁定水平" />
 <input id="idLockY" type="button" value="锁定垂直" />
 <input id="idLimit" type="button" value="范围锁定" />
 <input id="idLimitOff" type="button" value="取消范围锁定" />
 <br />拖放状态:<span id="idShow">未开始</span>
 <script type="text/javascript">
   var isIE = (document.all) &#63; true : false ;
   var $$ = function(id){
    return "string" == typeof id &#63; document.getElementById(id) : id;
   var Class = {
   create: function() {
    return function() { this.initialize.apply(this, arguments); }
  var Extend = function(destination,source){
   for(var property in source){
    destination[property] = source[property];
  var BindAsEventListener = function(object,func){
   return function(event){
    return func.call(object,event || window.event);
  var Bind = function(object,func){
   return function(){
    return func.apply(object,arguments);
  var EventUtil = {
     }else if(oTarget.attachEvent){
      oTarget["on"+sEventType] = fnHandler;
     }else if(oTarget.detachEvent){
      oTarget["on"+sEventType] = null;
     return event &#63; event : window.event;
     return event.target || event.srcElement;
   var Drag= Class.create();
   Drag.prototype = {
     this.Drag = $$(drag);//拖放对象
     this._x = this._y = 0;//记录鼠标相对于拖放对象的位置
     this._fM = BindAsEventListener(this, this.Move);
    this._fS = Bind(this, this.Stop);
    this.Drag.style.position = "absolute";
    this.marginLeft = this.marginTop = 0;//记录margin
    this.Limit = !!this.options.Limit;//转换为布尔型
    this.mxLeft = parseInt(this.options.mxLeft);
    this.mxRight = parseInt(this.options.mxRight);
    this.mxTop = parseInt(this.options.mxTop);
    this.mxBottom = parseInt(this.options.mxBottom);
    this.Lock = !!this.options.Lock;
    this.LockX = !!this.options.LockX;
    this.LockY = !!this.options.LockY;
    this.onStart = this.options.onStart;
    this.onMove = this.options.onMove;
    this.onStop = this.options.onStop;
    this._Handle = $$(this.options.Handle) || this.Drag;
    this._mxContainer = $$(this.options.mxContainer) || null;
    EventUtil.addEventHandler(this.Drag, "mousedown", BindAsEventListener(this, this.Start));
     this._x = oEvent.clientX - this.Drag.offsetLeft;
    this._y = oEvent.clientY - this.Drag.offsetTop;
    //监听mousemove 和 mouseup事件
    EventUtil.addEventHandler(document, "mousemove", this._fM);
    EventUtil.addEventHandler(document, "mouseup", this._fS);
     var iLeft = oEvent.clientX - this._x , iTop = oEvent.clientY - this._y;
     var mxLeft = this.mxLeft, mxRight = this.mxRight, mxTop = this.mxTop, mxBottom = this.mxBottom;
      mxLeft = Math.max(mxLeft, 0);
      mxTop = Math.max(mxTop, 0);
      mxRight = Math.min(mxRight, this._mxContainer.clientWidth);
      mxBottom = Math.min(mxBottom, this._mxContainer.clientHeight);
     iLeft = Math.max(Math.min(iLeft, mxRight - this.Drag.offsetWidth), mxLeft);
     iTop = Math.max(Math.min(iTop, mxBottom - this.Drag.offsetHeight), mxTop);
     if(!this.LockX)this.Drag.style.left = iLeft + "px";
    if(!this.LockY)this.Drag.style.top = iTop + "px";
    EventUtil.removeEventHandler(document, "mousemove", this._fM);
    EventUtil.removeEventHandler(document, "mouseup", this._fS);
     this.options = {//默认值
     Handle:   "",//设置触发对象(不设置则使用拖放对象)
     Limit:   false,//是否设置范围限制(为true时下面参数有用,可以是负数)
     mxLeft:   0,//左边限制
     mxRight:  9999,//右边限制
     mxTop:   0,//上边限制
     mxBottom:  9999,//下边限制
     mxContainer: "",//指定限制在容器内
     LockX:   false,//是否锁定水平方向拖放
     LockY:   false,//是否锁定垂直方向拖放
     Lock:   false,//是否锁定
     Transparent: false,//是否透明
     onStart:  function(){},//开始移动时执行
     onMove:   function(){},//移动时执行
     onStop:   function(){}//结束移动时执行
    Extend(this.options, options || {});
  var drag = new Drag('drag',{mxContainer:'drag-wrap',Limit:true,
    onStart: function(){ $$("idShow").innerHTML = "开始拖放"; },
    onMove: function(){ $$("idShow").innerHTML = "left:"+this.Drag.offsetLeft+";top:"+this.Drag.offsetTop; },
    onStop: function(){ $$("idShow").innerHTML = "结束拖放"; }
  $$("idReset").onclick = function(){
   drag.Limit = true;
   drag.mxLeft = drag.mxTop = 0;
   drag.mxRight = drag.mxBottom = 9999;
   drag.LockX = drag.LockY = drag.Lock = false;
   $$("idShow").innerHTML = "复位";
  $$("idLock").onclick = function(){ drag.Lock = true;$$("idShow").innerHTML = "锁定全部";}
  $$("idLockX").onclick = function(){ drag.LockX = true; $$("idShow").innerHTML = "锁定水平";}
  $$("idLockY").onclick = function(){ drag.LockY = true; $$("idShow").innerHTML = "锁定垂直";}
  $$("idLimit").onclick = function(){  drag.mxRight = drag.mxBottom = 200;drag.Limit = true;$$("idShow").innerHTML = "范围锁定"; }
  $$("idLimitOff").onclick = function(){ drag.Limit = false; $$("idShow").innerHTML = "取消范围锁定";}

The above is the code to implement the drag-and-drop effect in JavaScript. I hope it will be helpful to everyone's learning.

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