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10 recommended articles about php array_values() function

2017-06-10 14:07:231652browse

php array_values php array_values 函数用于返回数组中所有的值,注意该函数将为新数组建立数组索引,原来的文字索引将不存在。本文章向大家讲解array_values函数的基本语法及使用实例。array_values 返回数组中所有的值基本语法:array array_values ( array $input )array_values() 返回 input 数组中所有的值并给其建立数字索引。参数介绍:参数描述input必需。规定数组。返回值: 返回含所有值的索引数组。注意:返回的新数组的所有将使用数字索引,从0开始。实例: "php 

1. php array_values 返回数组的所有值详解及实例

10 recommended articles about php array_values() function

简介:php array_values php array_values 函数用于返回数组中所有的值,注意该函数将为新数组建立数组索引,原来的文字索引将不存在。本文章向大家讲解array_values函数的基本语法及使用实例。array_values 返回数组中所有的值基本语法:array array_values ( array $input )array_values()

2. php数组函数序列之array_values() 获取数组元素值的函数与方法

10 recommended articles about php array_values() function

简介:array_keys() 函数返回包含数组中所有键名的一个新数组。如果提供了第二个参数,则只返回键值为该值的键名

3. php array_values 返回数组的值实例详解

10 recommended articles about php array_values() function

简介:php array_values 返回数组的值实例详解

4. 生成无限分类的结构

10 recommended articles about php array_values() function

简介:生成无限分类的结构  public function get_tree_1(array $list = array()){$root = array();$node = array();foreach ($list as $k => $v) {list($id, $pid, $name, $path) = array_values($v);$node[$id] = $v;if(isset($ ...

5. php精确判断是否为索引数组

10 recommended articles about php array_values() function

简介:function is_assoc($arr){      return array_keys($arr) !== range(0, count($arr) - 1);   // array_values($arr) !== $arr  }  function is_assoc2($array) {    return (bool)count(array_filter(array_keys($a ...

6. php精确判断是否为索引数组

10 recommended articles about php array_values() function

简介:function is_assoc($arr){      return array_keys($arr) !== range(0, count($arr) - 1);   // array_values($arr) !== $arr  }  function is_assoc2($array) {    return (bool)count(array_filter(array_keys($a ...

7. PHP学习(十四)--数组的相关处理函数 php从入门到精通 php学习网站 php100

Introduction: PHP learning: PHP learning (14)--array related processing functions: 1. Array key value operation function (1) function array_values()array_values() The function of the array_values() function is to return the array The value of all elements, specified in the given array, returns an array containing all the values ​​in the given array, but does not retain the key names. The returned array will be re-indexed using the familiar numeric keys, starting from 0 and ending with Increasing by 1, it is suitable for arrays with mixed element subscripts, or can convert an associative array into an index array. (2) Function array_keys() array_keys() function is to return

8. Teaching

Introduction: PHP introductory tutorial, array function: PHP introductory tutorial - a complete list of array function operations: Today I compiled a complete list of array operations in PHP development, including array operations Basic functions, array segmentation and filling, arrays and stacks, arrays and queues, callback functions, sorting, calculations, and other array functions, a total of 8 knowledge points. It is very suitable for beginners who are learning PHP. Welcome to collect and take away . 1. Basic functions of array operations: array key names and array_values($arr); get array_keys($arr); get array key names array_flip($arr); swap with key names in the array (if there are duplicates

9. value PHP array function sequence array_values ​​Functions and methods for obtaining array element values

Introduction: value: Value PHP array function sequence array_values ​​Functions and methods for obtaining array element values: array_values() Definition and usage array_keys() function returns a new array containing all the key names in the array. If the second parameter is provided, only the keys are returned. The value is the key name of the value. If the strict parameter is specified as true, PHP will use equality comparison (===) to strictly check the data type of the key value. Syntax array_keys(array,value) Parameter Description array Required. Array. value is optional. The index of the specified value


sports.sina.com.cn Sorting Array Values ​​in PHP array sorting

Introduction: sports.sina.com.cn: sports.sina.com.cn Sorting Array Values ​​in PHP Array sorting: Copy the code The code is as follows: $full_name = array(); $full_name["Roger" ] = "Waters"; $full_name["Richard"] = "Wright"; $full_name["Nick"] = "Mason"; $full_name["David"] = "Gilmour"; To sort this array,

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