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ASP.NET2.0 WebRource, developing spinner control

2017-05-21 11:54:071153browse

Now. Many developers are already using the WebResource functionality of ASP.NET 2.0. WebResource allows us to embed resources into assemblies. Includes images, text, etc.

When introducing WebResource, we have to introduce WebResource.axd. Let’s take a look.

script language="javascript" src="WebResource.axd?a=s&r=WebUIValidation.js&t=631944362841472848 " type="text/javascript">Currently I found that the parameters of webResource.axd are different from the current version. In an earlier article, attributes were introduced:
a Assembly name
r Resource file name
t Assembly last modified time

webResource.axd is just one in ISAPI mapping. You can also use IhttpHandler. webResource.axd uses the AssemblyResourceLoader class to customize processing of HTTP requests, and is identified according to the program passed by the query Which resource is obtained from which assembly.

The following uses the fine-tuning control as an example.

Usage steps:
Add the resources to be embedded (such as images) to the item
In the resource manager, click the file, select embedded resource in the build action in the property window (property window) (embedded resource).
Add the following files to your assessbly.cs file
[assembly: WebResource("Obies.Web.UI.WebControls.NumericTextBox.js", "application/x-javascript")]
[ assembly: WebResource("Obies.Web.UI.WebControls.NumericTextBox_Silver_BtnUp.gif", "image/gif")] Please note the WebResourceAttribute format:
[assembly: WebResourceAttribute("MyNameSpaces.Resources.MyImage.gif", "image /gif")]
is in the CONTROL source code. You need to use the following code to get the images
// get WebResource URLs for the embedded gif images
String BtnUpImgSrc = this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl(typeof(NumericTextBox),
"Obies.Web.UI. WebControls.NumericTextBox_" + this.ImageSet.ToString() + "_BtnUp.gif");GetWebResourceUrl method:Gets a URL reference to a server-side resource.(Gets a URL reference to a server-side resource)
I found that in in earlier versions. Its usage is: this.page.GetWebResourceUrl

The above code gets the image name from the specified assembly: Obies.Web.UI.WebControls.NumericTextBox_" + this.ImageSet.ToString() + "_BtnUp.gif, which returns the URL reference address of a server-side resource. Similar to:

In addition, MS provides a Header class. The Header class mainly operates on in HTML pages. Including Title etc.
Haha. It will be very easy to modify the title of a page in the future.
this.Header.Title = "This is the new page title.";
Add CSS style (style attribute) Style style = new Style();
style.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color. Navy;
style.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray;

// Add the style to the header for the body of the page
this.Header.StyleSheet.CreateStyleRule(style, null, "body");

protected override void OnPreRender (EventArgs e) {
            // get a WebResource URL for the core JS script and register it
            // get a WebResource URL for the embedded CSS
            String css = this.Page.ClientScript.GetWebResourceUrl (typeof(NumericTextBox),
 "Obies.Web.UI.WebControls.NumericTextBox_" + this.ImageSet + ".css");
            // register the CSS
           // this.Page.StyleSheetTheme = css;
            //this.Page.Header.LinkedStyleSheets.Add (css); 
            HtmlLink link = new HtmlLink();
            link.Attributes.Add("type", "text/css");
            link.Attributes.Add("rel", "stylesheet");
            link.Attributes.Add("href", css);


<%@ register tagprefix="cc" namespace="Obies.Web.UI.WebControls" assembly="Obies.Web.UI.WebControls" %>

maxvalue="10" minvalue="0">
maxvalue="10" minvalue="0">



The above is the detailed content of ASP.NET2.0 WebRource, developing spinner control. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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