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Code tutorial for completing file upload in asp.net

2017-05-16 10:25:361394browse

This article mainly introduces the example of asp.net core mvc to implement file upload, which has certain reference value. Interested friends can refer to it.

The file upload function is used in my work. In this sharing~~


public class PictureController : Controller
    private IHostingEnvironment hostingEnv;

    public PictureController(IHostingEnvironment env)
      this.hostingEnv = env;
    // GET: //
    public IActionResult Index()
      return View();
    public IActionResult UploadFiles()
      return View();
    public IActionResult UploadFiles(IList files)
      long size = 0;
      foreach (var file in files)
        var filename = ContentDispositionHeaderValue
        filename = hostingEnv.WebRootPath + $@"\{filename}";
        size += file.Length;
        using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filename))
      ViewBag.Message = $"{files.Count} file(s) /{ size}bytes uploaded successfully!";
       return View();



The file is uploaded to the wwwroot directory It’s under the file. I can’t quite understand it and I’m still learning. Everyone is welcome to communicate~~

------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------

The following is jquery ajax upload The z parameter of the

post action is useless because there is only one post action that will cause a 404 error, so I added another get action


    public IActionResult UploadFilesAjax()
      return View();
    public IActionResult UploadFilesAjax(string z) 
      long size = 0;
      var files = Request.Form.Files;
      foreach (var file in files)
        var filename = ContentDispositionHeaderValue
        filename = @"C:\Users\lg.HL\Desktop" + $@"\{filename}";    
        size += file.Length;
        using (FileStream fs = System.IO.File.Create(filename))
      string message = $"{files.Count} file(s) / { size}bytes uploaded successfully!";
        return Json(message);



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1. Special recommendation:"php programmer toolbox "V0.1 version recommended

2. ASP free video tutorial

3. Li Yanhui ASP basic video tutorial

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