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Solution to the duplicate names of Python modules and packages

2017-05-13 13:43:299061browse

This article mainly introduces you to the method of handling modules and packages with the same name in Python. The introduction in the article is very detailed and has certain reference and learning value for everyone. Friends who need it can take a look below.


In programming development, I personally feel that as long as you follow the specifications, there will be few problems. . When you first start learning a technology, you will indeed encounter many pitfalls. It’s a good thing that you’ve stepped on more pitfalls. You’ll learn more, and you’ll feel more and more the importance of following the rules. The rules are formulated to avoid problems. Sometimes you really should listen to the advice of experienced people and don't go your own way. This does not seem to be the focus of this article. In fact, my focus is to express that we should try our best to do things according to the standards, so that we will avoid many detours.

The main programming language I use now is Python. After being exposed to Python so far, I feel that I have encountered very few pitfalls, and basically I have not encountered any strange problems. In fact, this is not a good thing. If you don’t step into the trap, you won’t understand many knowledge points lying in the dark, so it will be difficult to grow. Fortunately, there are some colleagues who know how to step into the trap.

A colleague asked me, in Python, if a module and a package have the same name, can only the package be imported? What should I do if I want to import the module? What he probably means is that in the same directory of the project, there is a foo.py file and a foo/ directory. If import foo is imported, the contents of foo/ will be imported instead of the contents of foo.py.

When I was asked this question, the first thing I felt was surprise. There was obviously ambiguity. If it were me, I would definitely not design the module name and package name to be the same, because essentially there is no way to distinguish who to import when importing. Unless the system has special provisions, for example, it is stipulated that only packages can be imported in this case.

I subconsciously think that an error should be reported here, because the Python interpreter does not know who to import. However, a colleague told me that other people's code is written like this, and in this case the package will be imported by default. That's possible, and the interpreter has stipulated that the package will always be imported in this case.

In order to verify this, I wrote a simple project with the following project structure:

├── main.py
└── same
 ├── api
 │ └── init.py
 ├── auth
 │ └── init.py
 ├── auth.py
 └── init.py

Among them:

same/api/init/py content:


from .. import auth

same/auth/init.py content:

auth_str = "This is str in package!"

Contents of same/auth.py: Contents of

auth_str = "This is str in module!"

main.py :

from future import print_function

from same.api import auth

# Script starts from here

if name == "main":

It’s a little complicated, haha, mainly because the general structure of my colleagues is like this, here it is for better simulation. I defined an

auth_str string in the same.auth package, and another in the same.auth module with the same name auth_str string with the same name, then try to import auth in the same.api package, and finally try to output same.api.auth.auth_str in main.py to see which string will is printed. At the same time, we tried to execute main.py with Python2 and Python3, and the results we got were:

This is str in package!

This verified that our conjecture was correct, and the interpreter did only import the package. content. However, I don't know if there is any official information stating that this is the case, so I am not sure if this is just a coincidence.

So, I started looking up information to verify this conclusion. Let me be honest. For someone whose English is so bad that you can’t even imagine it, I can only try to search for the answer on Baidu first. The fact is that using Baidu is often a pity. After a while, to no avail, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and try searching in English. So, I found the following question on stackoverflow:

How python deals with module and package having the same name?

One of them answered that the official Python documentation mentions when describing the module search path At this point: docs.python.org/3/tutorial/modules.html#the-module-search-path.

The document has the following description:

After initialization, Python programs can modify sys.path. The directory containing the script being run is placed at the beginning of the search path, ahead of the standard library path. This means that scripts in that directory will be loaded instead of modules of the same name in the library directory. This is an error unless the replacement is intended. See section Standard Modules for more information.

That is to say, the directory will be searched first under the search path of the library, which means that the directory Will be loaded instead of the module with the same name.

I am finally relieved now, and my previous conclusion has been confirmed. In Python, if you try to import a module and package with the same name, the package will be imported. In this case, if you want to import the module, you may need to use some 'hack' methods. There are some examples in the stackoverflow post mentioned above. Of course, the best way is to avoid such a design, so that you won't spend so long looking up information, and you won't spend so long writing articles similar to this article.


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