Home >Backend Development >C#.Net Tutorial >Code example for developing WeChat custom menu editing tool through asp.net mvc
This article mainly introduces the use of asp.net mvc, boostrap and knockout.js to develop WeChat custom menu editing tools. It is very good and has reference value. Friends in need can refer to it
WeChat’s interface debugging tool can edit custom menus, but it only requires submitting json format data to create menus, which is very inconvenient and error-prone. The online tools are not easy to use, so I wrote one myself.
First use bootstrap to arrange the page frame and call the custom menu The interface needs to use AccessToken, put an input box to enter AccessToken. Users who want to directly enter AppId and AppSecret to obtain AccessToken are not excluded, so they also need Drop-down menu to choose whether to enter AccessToken or obtain AccessToken directly. In order to take into account the WeChat enterprise account application creation menu, AgentId, CorpId, suite permanent authorization code, SuiteId, SuiteSecret, SuiteTicket, and the parameter input boxes are roughly these.
Use knockout to define observables monitoring attributes. And bind it to the input box.
button is displayed on the right side.
The submenus of each parent menu are not configured. When full, an add menu button is displayed above. When the configuration is not full, a blank p will be used to occupy the place. Define afunction Generate a custom length array
menu functions for{ "button": [ { "name": "父级菜单1", "sub_button": [ { "type": "view", "name": "子菜单1", "url": "" } ] }, { "name": "父级菜单1", "sub_button": [ { "type": "view", "name": "子菜单2", "url": "" }, { "type": "view", "name": "子菜单1", "url": "" } ] } ] }, define the temporary monitoring properties when adding an edit menu, and define the monitoring properties of the current edit menu index.
function MenuFormValidate() { $("#MenuForm").validate({ rules: { name: { required: true }, value: { required: false } }, messages: { name: { required: "请输入名称" }, value: { required: $("#txtMenuButtonValue").attr("placeholder") } } }); } MenusReset:function () { var menus = JSON.stringify(model.Menus()); model.Menus(undefined); model.Menus(JSON.parse(menus));//刷新菜单对象 MenuFormValidate();//重新绑定验证方法 }, MenuIndex: ko.observable(), //父级菜单索引 isEditMenu: ko.observable(false), //是否是编辑菜单 BottonIndex: ko.observable(-1), //编辑菜单的父级菜单索引 SubBottonIndex: ko.observable(-1), //编辑菜单的子菜单索引 Menu: ko.observable(),//编辑菜单时临时监控属性 CopyMenu: ko.observable(),//复制的菜单对象 Copy: function () { //复制 if (model.Menu() != undefined) { var menu = JSON.stringify(model.Menu()); model.CopyMenu(JSON.parse(menu)); model.Menu(undefined); } }, Paste: function () {//粘贴 if (model.CopyMenu() != undefined) { var menu = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(model.CopyMenu())); if (model.SubBottonIndex() !== -1 && menu.sub_button != undefined || (!model.isEditMenu() && model.MenuIndex() != undefined)) { delete menu.sub_button; } model.Menu(menu); MenuFormValidate(); } }, Up: function () {//向上移动 var bottonIndex = model.BottonIndex(); var subBottonIndex = model.SubBottonIndex(); var newSubBottonIndex = subBottonIndex - 1; model.Menus().button[bottonIndex].sub_button[subBottonIndex] = model.Menus().button[bottonIndex].sub_button[newSubBottonIndex]; model.Menus().button[bottonIndex].sub_button[newSubBottonIndex] = model.Menu(); model.MenusReset(); model.SubBottonIndex(newSubBottonIndex); }, Down: function () {//向下移动 var bottonIndex = model.BottonIndex(); var subBottonIndex = model.SubBottonIndex(); var newSubBottonIndex = subBottonIndex + 1; model.Menus().button[bottonIndex].sub_button[subBottonIndex] = model.Menus().button[bottonIndex].sub_button[newSubBottonIndex]; model.Menus().button[bottonIndex].sub_button[newSubBottonIndex] = model.Menu(); model.MenusReset(); model.SubBottonIndex(newSubBottonIndex); }, Left: function () {//向左移动 var bottonIndex = model.BottonIndex(); var subBottonIndex = model.SubBottonIndex(); if (subBottonIndex === -1) { var newBottonIndex = bottonIndex - 1; model.Menus().button[bottonIndex] = model.Menus().button[newBottonIndex]; model.Menus().button[newBottonIndex] = model.Menu(); model.MenusReset(); model.BottonIndex(newBottonIndex); } }, Right: function () {//向右移动 var bottonIndex = model.BottonIndex(); var subBottonIndex = model.SubBottonIndex(); if (subBottonIndex === -1) { var newBottonIndex = bottonIndex + 1; model.Menus().button[bottonIndex] = model.Menus().button[newBottonIndex]; model.Menus().button[newBottonIndex] = model.Menu(); model.MenusReset(); model.BottonIndex(newBottonIndex); } }, EditMenu: function (obj, bottonindex, subbottonindex) {//编辑菜单 model.BottonIndex(bottonindex); model.SubBottonIndex(subbottonindex); model.isEditMenu(true); var data = JSON.stringify(obj); model.Menu(JSON.parse(data)); MenuFormValidate(); }, AddMenu: function (index) {//添加菜单 model.BottonIndex(-1); model.SubBottonIndex(-1); model.isEditMenu(false); model.MenuIndex(index); var menu = { type: "view", name: "", value: "" }; model.Menu(menu); MenuFormValidate(); }, DeleteMenu: function () {//删除菜单 $(model.Menus().button).each(function (index, item) { if (index === model.BottonIndex() && model.SubBottonIndex() === -1) { model.Menus().button.splice(index, 1); } if (item.sub_button instanceof Array) { $(item.sub_button).each(function (index1) { if (index === model.BottonIndex() && index1 === model.SubBottonIndex()) { item.sub_button.splice(index1, 1); } }); } }); model.Menu(undefined); model.MenuIndex(undefined); model.BottonIndex(-1); model.SubBottonIndex(-1); model.MenusReset(); }, CancelMenuSave: function () {//取消编辑,重置参数 model.Menu(undefined); model.MenuIndex(undefined); model.BottonIndex(-1); model.SubBottonIndex(-1); }, MenuSave: function () {//保存编辑的菜单 if (!$("#MenuForm").data("validator").form()) { return; } if (model.isEditMenu()) { var menuIndex = model.BottonIndex(); var subMenuIndex = model.SubBottonIndex(); if (subMenuIndex === -1) { model.Menus().button[menuIndex] = model.Menu(); } else { model.Menus().button[menuIndex].sub_button[subMenuIndex] = model.Menu(); } } else { if (model.MenuIndex() != undefined) { if (model.Menus().button[model.MenuIndex()].sub_button == undefined) { model.Menus().button[model.MenuIndex()].sub_button = new Array(); } model.Menus().button[model.MenuIndex()].sub_button.unshift(model.Menu()); } else { model.Menus().button.push(model.Menu()); } } model.Menu(undefined); model.MenuIndex(undefined); model.BottonIndex(-1); model.SubBottonIndex(-1); model.MenusReset(); },Bind the monitoring attributes and generate menu layout
<p class="panel-body" data-bind="with:Menus" id="pMenu" style="display: none;"> <p style="height: 200px;" data-bind="foreach:newArray(3)"> <p class="list-group col-xs-4 clearFill bn"> <!--ko if:($parent.button.length>0 && $parent.button[$index()]!=undefined && $parent.button[$index()].sub_button!=undefined ) --> <!--ko foreach:newArray((4-$parent.button[$index()].sub_button.length)) --> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <!--/ko--> <!--ko if:$parent.button[$index()].sub_button.length<5 --> <p class="list-group-item" data-bind="click:function (){$root.AddMenu($index())}"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> </p> <!--/ko--> <!--ko foreach:($parent.button[$index()].sub_button) --> <p class="list-group-item" data-bind="text:name,attr:{'bottonIndex':$parent.value,'subbottonIndex':$index()},click:function (){$root.EditMenu($data,$parent.value,$index())}"></p> <!--/ko--> <!--/ko --> <!--ko if: $parent.button[$index()]!=undefined && $parent.button[$index()].sub_button==undefined --> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <p class="list-group-item" data-bind="click:function (){$root.AddMenu($index())}"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> </p> <!--/ko--> <!--ko if: $parent.button[$index()]==undefined --> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <p class="list-group-item bn"></p> <!--/ko--> </p> </p> <!--ko foreach:button --> <p class="col-xs-4 list-group-item list-group-item-danger" data-bind="text:name,attr:{'bottonindex':$index()},click:function (){$root.EditMenu($data,$index(),-1)}"></p> <!--/ko--> <!--ko if:button.length < 3 --> <p class="col-xs-4 list-group-item" data-bind="click:function (){$root.AddMenu();}"><i class="fa fa-plus"></i> </p> <!--/ko--> <p class="clearfix"></p> <p class="col-xs-12" style="border: 1px solid #EEEEEE; padding-top: 15px; margin-top: 15px;" data-bind="with:$root.Menu,visible:($root.Menu()!=undefined)"> <form id="MenuForm" onsubmit="return false;"> <p class="form-group col-xs-4"> <input type="text" class="form-control" name="name" placeholder="请输入名称" data-bind="value:name"> </p> <p class="form-group col-xs-4"> <select class="form-control" onchange="$('#txtMenuButtonValue') .attr('placeholder', $(this).find('option:selected').attr('pl'))" data-bind="value:type"> <option value="view" pl="请输入Url">跳转URL</option> <option value="click" pl="请输入Key">点击推事件</option> <option value="scancode_push" pl="请输入Key">扫码推事件</option> <option value="scancode_waitmsg" pl="请输入Key">扫码推事件且弹出“消息接收中”提示框</option> <option value="pic_sysphoto" pl="请输入Key">弹出系统拍照发图</option> <option value="pic_photo_or_album" pl="请输入Key">弹出拍照或者相册发图</option> <option value="pic_weixin" pl="请输入Key"> 弹出微信相册发图器</option> <option value="location_select" pl="请输入Key">弹出地理位置选择器</option> </select> </p> <p class="form-group col-xs-8"> <input type="text" id="txtMenuButtonValue" name="value" class="form-control" placeholder="请输入Url" data-bind="value:value"> </p> <p class="form-group col-xs-12"> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary" data-bind="click:$root.MenuSave">确定</button> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-danger" data-bind="visible:$root.isEditMenu,click:$root.DeleteMenu">删除</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" title="上移" data-bind="visible:$root.isEditMenu(),disable:!$root.IsUp(),click:$root.Up"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-up" aria-hidden="true"></i></button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" title="下移" data-bind="visible:$root.isEditMenu(),disable:!$root.IsDown(),click:$root.Down"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-down" aria-hidden="true"></i></button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" title="左移" data-bind="visible:$root.isEditMenu(),disable:!$root.IsLeft(),click:$root.Left"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-left" aria-hidden="true"></i></button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" title="右移" data-bind="visible:$root.isEditMenu(),disable:!$root.IsRight(),click:$root.Right"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-right" aria-hidden="true"></i></button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" title="复制菜单" data-bind="visible:$root.isEditMenu(),click:$root.Copy">复制</button> <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" title="粘贴菜单" data-bind="click:$root.Paste">粘贴</button> <button type="submit" class="btn btn-default" data-bind="click:$root.CancelMenuSave">关闭</button> </p> </form> </p> <p class="clearfix"></p> </p>Finally add the
EditMenus: function (isQuery) { if (isQuery == undefined) { var menu = {}; menu.button = new Array(); model.Menus(menu); } else { var appId = model.AppId(); var appSecret = model.AppSecret(); var accessToken = model.AccessToken(); var type = model.Type(); var tokenType = model.TokenType(); var corpId = model.CorpId(); var permanentCode = model.PermanentCode(); var agentId = model.AgentId(); var suiteId = model.SuiteId(); var suiteSecret = model.SuiteSecret(); var suiteTicket = model.SuiteTicket(); if (type === "1" && tokenType === "2") { if (appId == undefined || $.trim(appId).length === 0) { alert("请输入AppId"); return; } if (appSecret == undefined || $.trim(appSecret).length === 0) { alert("请输入AppSecret"); return; } } else if (type === "2" && tokenType === "2") { if (corpId == undefined || $.trim(corpId).length === 0) { alert("请输入CorpId"); return; } if (permanentCode == undefined || $.trim(permanentCode).length === 0) { alert("请输入永久授权码"); return; } if (agentId == undefined || $.trim(agentId).length === 0) { alert("请输入AgentId"); return; } if (suiteId == undefined || $.trim(suiteId).length === 0) { alert("请输入SuiteId"); return; } if (suiteSecret == undefined || $.trim(suiteSecret).length === 0) { alert("请输入SuiteSecret"); return; } if (suiteTicket == undefined || $.trim(suiteTicket).length === 0) { alert("请输入SuiteTicket"); return; } } else if (tokenType === "1") { if (accessToken == undefined || $.trim(accessToken).length === 0) { alert("请输入AccessToken"); return; } } $("#btnQueryMenu").button("查询中..."); $.ajax({ url: "", datatype: "JSON", type: "POST", async: true, data: JSON.stringify({ appId: appId, appSecret: appSecret, accessToken: accessToken, type: type, tokenType: tokenType, corpId: corpId, permanentCode: permanentCode, agentId: agentId, suiteId: suiteId, suiteSecret: suiteSecret, suiteTicket: suiteTicket }), contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", success: function (obj) { $("#btnQueryMenu").button("reset"); if (obj.Success) { var data = obj.Data; var menus = JSON.parse(data).menu; $(menus.button).each(function (index, item) { if (item.type === "view") { item.value = item.url; delete item.url; } else { item.value = item.key; delete item.key; } if (item.type == undefined) { item.type = "view"; item.value = ""; } if (item.sub_button instanceof Array) { $(item.sub_button).each(function (index1, item2) { if (item2.type === "view") { item2.value = item2.url; delete item2.url; } else { item2.value = item2.key; delete item2.key; } }); } }); model.Menu(undefined); model.MenuIndex(undefined); model.BottonIndex(-1); model.SubBottonIndex(-1); model.Menus(undefined); model.Menus(menus); } else { alert(obj.Messages); } }, error: function (xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#btnQueryMenu").button("reset"); console.error(errorThrown); } }); } }, SaveMenus: function () { var menus = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(model.Menus())); $(menus.button).each(function (index, item) { if (item.type === "view") { item.url = item.value; delete item.value; } else { item.key = item.value; delete item.value; } if (item.sub_button instanceof Array) { $(item.sub_button).each(function (index1, item2) { if (item2.type === "view") { item2.url = item2.value; delete item2.value; } else { item2.key = item2.value; delete item2.value; } }); if (item.sub_button.length > 0) { delete item.key; delete item.url; delete item.type; } else { delete item.sub_button; } } }); console.log(JSON.stringify(menus)); var appId = model.AppId(); var appSecret = model.AppSecret(); var accessToken = model.AccessToken(); var type = model.Type(); var tokenType = model.TokenType(); var agentId = model.AgentId(); var suiteId = model.SuiteId(); var suiteSecret = model.SuiteSecret(); var suiteTicket = model.SuiteTicket(); if (type === "1" && tokenType === "2") { if (appId == undefined || $.trim(appId).length === 0) { alert("请输入AppId"); return; } if (appSecret == undefined || $.trim(appSecret).length === 0) { alert("请输入AppSecret"); return; } } else if (type === "2" && tokenType === "2") { if (agentId == undefined || $.trim(agentId).length === 0) { alert("请输入AgentId"); return; } if (suiteId == undefined || $.trim(suiteId).length === 0) { alert("请输入SuiteId"); return; } if (suiteSecret == undefined || $.trim(suiteSecret).length === 0) { alert("请输入SuiteSecret"); return; } if (suiteTicket == undefined || $.trim(suiteTicket).length === 0) { alert("请输入SuiteTicket"); return; } } else if (tokenType === "1") { if (accessToken == undefined || $.trim(accessToken).length === 0) { alert("请输入AccessToken"); return; } } $("#btnSubmitMenu").button("发布中..."); $.ajax({ url: "", datatype: "JSON", type: "POST", async: true, data: JSON.stringify({ appId: appId, appSecret: appSecret, accessToken: accessToken, type: type, tokenType: tokenType, agentId: agentId, suiteId: suiteId, suiteSecret: suiteSecret, suiteTicket: suiteTicket, menu: JSON.stringify(menus) }), contentType: "application/json; charset=UTF-8", success: function (obj) { $("#btnSubmitMenu").button("reset"); if (obj.Success) { alert("发布成功"); } else { alert(obj.Messages); } }, error: function (xmlHttpRequest, textStatus, errorThrown) { $("#btnSubmitMenu").button("reset"); console.error(errorThrown); } }); }The final effect is as follows
Geek Academy ASP.NET Video Tutorial
4.What is ASP.NET MVC? Summary of ASP.NET MVC
5.Detailed introduction to ASP.NET MVC--controller
6.Detailed introduction to ASP. NET MVC--View
7.Detailed introduction to ASP.NET MVC--Routing
8.In-depth understanding of ASP.NET MVC and WebForm The difference
The above is the detailed content of Code example for developing WeChat custom menu editing tool through asp.net mvc. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!