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Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit

2017-05-03 12:05:162730browse

Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit<HTML>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
<META http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html;charset=gb2312'>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkittd{width:
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit.n1{font
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit.n2{font
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit.n3{font
-size:18px;font-family:wingdings 2}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit.n4{font
-size:18px;font-family:wingdings 3}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit.n5{font
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit.n6{font
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit.n7{font
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
<BODY onselectstart='if(event.srcElement.tagName!="INPUT")return false' scroll=no style='margin:0;border:1 solid menu' bgcolor='menu'>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
<table style='border-Collapse:collapse;border:2 solid white;' cellpadding=2 rules=all><tr><td style='width:100%'>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
<select onchange='change1(this.selectedIndex)' id='sel1' style='width:150'><Optgroup label='特殊符号与字符集' style='color:red'>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
<option>Chinese special symbols<option >Assic entity comparison<option>HTML named entity <option>HTML Append Named Entity<option>Words and symbols from other countriesOptgroup><Optgroup label ='Commonly used color preview table' style='color:green'><option>W3C16 color comparison table<option>Windows system color paletteOptgroup><Optgroup label= 'Graphic font set' style='color:blue'><option >Wingdings font<option>Wingdings 2 font< option>Wingdings 3Font<option> Webdings font<option>Marlett font< option>华文彩云fontOptgroup>< Optgroup label='Data Detection and Calculation' style='color:purple'>< option>Keyboard Key Detector<option>Simple Calculator<option>Hexadecimal Conversion Toolselect><input style='width:80' id='txt' value='Enter value'>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
td>tr><tr><td style='padding:0'>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
<p style='scrollbar-shadow-color:white;scrollbar-base-color:menu;scrollbar-arrow-color:black;overflow-Y:scroll;word-Break:break-all;width:240;height:250' id='a'>p>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
var str1="",toolcolor="bbbbbb",movecolor="#ffffff"
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
function write1(){
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkita.innerHTML
=""TD\")txt.value=event.srcElement.innerText' onmouseover='if(event.srcElement.tagName==\"TD\"&&event.srcElement.bgColor==\"\")event.srcElement.bgColor=movecolor' onmouseout='if(event.srcElement.tagName==\"TD\"&&event.srcElement.bgColor==movecolor.toLowerCase())event.srcElement.bgColor=\"\"'>"+str1+""
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitdocument.title
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
function write2(strs1,strs2){
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstrs1
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr1
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
function change1(changeindex){
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr1
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 0:    //中文特殊符号
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr1
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
for(j=0;j<7;j++){str1+="< td>"+str0.charAt(i)+"< /td>";i++}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr1
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 4:     //Other national characters and symbols
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
str0="##абвгдеёжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяАБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧ A ǖǘǚǜüêɑńňɡㄅㄆㄇㄈㄉㄊㄋㄌㄍㄎ ㄦㄧㄨㄩAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Bepe almost pomamimumeyayuyoyorarirururo waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa "
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit+=
""Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitfor(j=0;j<7;j++){str1+=""+str0.charAt(i)+"";i++}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr1
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 1:    //Assic实体对照
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 7:    //wingdings字体
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 8:    //wingdings 2字体
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 9:    //wingdings 3字体
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 10:    //webdings字体
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 11:    //Marlett字体
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 12:    //华文彩云字体
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 2:    //HTML已命名实体
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
var str0="iexcl;¢£¤¥¦§¨©ª«¬­®¯°±²³´µ¶·¸¹º»¼½¾¿ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö&pide;øùúûüýþÿ".split('&')
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr1
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitwrite2(
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 3:    //HTML附加命名实体
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitwrite2(
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
var str0="Alpha;ΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΠΡ".split('&')
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr0
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr0
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitwrite2(
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitwrite2(
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr0
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitwrite2(
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr0
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitwrite2(
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 5:    //W3C16色对照表
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr0
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr00
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 6:    //Windows系统色盘
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr0
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
for(i=0;i<str0.length;i++){str1+="Lshdic"+ str0[i]+"" }
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
case 13 : ​ //Keyboard key value detector
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit


Now please press any key on your keyboard

Its key value will be displayed in the input box above
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitcase
14: //Simple Calculator
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr1

Please click below Enter the formula to be calculated in the input box

Formula such as 12+64 20/5 100+(77*44)

< ;input id='txt2'>
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitbreak
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitcase
15:​​ //Hexadecimal conversion toolRecommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitfor(i=2;i<129;i++){str0+=""+i;i++}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitstr1

Please enter a set of numbers in the input box below

< ;center>
Convert to: hexadecimal
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
# break;
}Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
write1()Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
}Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
function document.onkeydown(){ ​ //When the page key is pressed
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
if(sel1 .selectedIndex==13){ //Detect whether the keyboard key value detector is turned on
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
}}Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
temp1Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
=location.href //Initialization startup part (additional URL parameters can control the pre-selected list, form For example, xxx.htm?xxx=*, where * should be a number between 0-12, used to match the default startup call of the Lshdic2005 software accessory tool)
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
try{Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitsel1.options[temp1.substr(temp1.indexOf('=')+1)].selected=true;sel1.onchange()
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkitsel1.onchange()
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit}
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
//this The plug-in program can be run directly in the WEB browser
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit
Recommend a commonly used WEB development toolkit##BODY>
# #

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