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C# reflection technology concept functions and key points

2017-04-17 16:45:581191browse

Reflection is an important mechanism in .NET. Through radiation, every type in .NET (including classes, structures, delegates, etc.) can be obtained at runtime. Interface and enumeration, etc.) members, including methods, properties, Events, and Constructors, etc. You can also get the name, qualifier, and parameters of each member. With reflection, you can get each type. Know everything. If you get the constructor information, you can create the object even if the type of the object is not known at compile time. 1. .NET executable application structure#.
## The program code generates an executable application after compilation. We must first understand the structure of this executable application.

The application structure is divided into application domain-assembly-module-type. —Members of several levels, the common language runtime loader manages the application domain. This management includes loading each assembly into the corresponding application domain and controlling the memory layout of the type hierarchy in each assembly
Assemblies contain modules, modules contain types, and types contain members. Reflection provides objects that encapsulate assemblies, modules, and types. We can use reflection to dynamically create instances of types and bind types to existing ones. Object or get the type from an existing object, and then call the type's method or access its fields and properties.

 (1) Use Assembly to define and load the assembly, load it in the assembly manifest. List the module in, and find the type from this assembly and create an instance of the type.

 (2) Use
to understand the assembly containing the module and the classes in the module, etc. You can get all global methods or other specific non-global methods defined on the module
(3) Use ConstructorInfo to understand the name, parameters, and access modifiers of the constructor (such as pulic). or private) and implementation details (such as abstract or virtual), etc. Use the Type's GetConstructors or GetConstructor method to call a specific constructor.
 (4) Use MethodInfo to understand the method name, return type, parameters, access modifiers (such as pulic or private) and implementation details (such as abstract or virtual), etc. Use the GetMethods or GetMethod method of Type to call a specific method.

 (5) Use FiedInfo to understand the name of the field, access modifiers (such as public or private) and implementation details (such as
), etc., and get or set the field value.
 (6) Use EventInfo to understand the name of the event, Event processing
Data type, custom properties, declaration type and reflection type, etc., add or Remove event handler.  (7) Use PropertyInfo to understand the name, data type, declaration type, reflection type and read-only or writable status
of the property, etc., to get or set the property value.
 (8) Use ParameterInfo to understand the parameter name, data type, whether it is an input parameter or an output parameter, and the position of the parameter in the method signature, etc.
Classes in namespace
provide a special form of reflection that can construct types at runtime.
Reflection can also be used to create applications called type browsers that enable users to select a type and then view information about the selected type.
In addition, language compilers such as Jscript use reflection to construct symbol tables. Classes in the System.Runtime.Serialization namespace use reflection to access data and determine which fields to persist, and classes in the System.Runtime.Remoting namespace use reflection indirectly through serialization.

using System;
using System.Reflection;
namespace ReflectionExample
class Class1
   static void Main(string[] args)
    Assembly a = Assembly.LoadFrom("ReflectionExample.exe");
    Type[] mytypes = a.GetTypes();
    foreach(Type t in mytypes)
     System.Console.WriteLine ( t.Name );
    Type ht = typeof(HelloWorld);
    MethodInfo [] mif = ht.GetMethods ();
    foreach(MethodInfo mf in mif)
    Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(ht);
    string [] s = {"ZhenLei"};
    Object objName = Activator.CreateInstance(ht,s);
    //BindingFlags flags = (BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Public | 
    // BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.DeclaredOnly);
    MethodInfo msayhello = ht.GetMethod("SayHello");
using System;
namespace ReflectionExample
/// <summary>
/// HelloWorld 的摘要说明。
/// </summary>
public class HelloWorld
   string myName = null;
   public HelloWorld(string name)
    myName = name;
   public HelloWorld() : this(null)
   public string Name
     {return myName;}
   public void SayHello()
    if (myName==null)
     System.Console.WriteLine ("Hello World");
     System.Console.WriteLine("Hello," + myName);

Copy code












   1. 可以使用反射动态地创建类型的实例,将类型绑定到现有对象,或从现 有对象中获取类型   
   2. 应用程序需要在运行时从某个特定的程序集中载入一个特定的类型,以便实现某个任务时可以用到反射。   
   3. 反射主要应用与类库,这些类库需要知道一个类型的定义,以便提供更多的功能。   

   1. 现实应用程序中很少有应用程序需要使用反射类型   
   2. 使用反射动态绑定需要牺牲性能   
   3. 有些元数据信息是不能通过反射获取的   
   4. 某些反射类型是专门为那些clr 开发编译器的开发使用的,所以你要意识到不是所有的反射类型都是适合每个人的。
   反射appDomain 的程序集   
    当你需要反射AppDomain 中包含的所有程序集,示例如下:

static void Main    
    //通过GetAssemblies 调用appDomain的所有程序集    
   foreach (Assembly assem in Appdomain.currentDomain.GetAssemblies())    

   说明:调用AppDomain 对象的GetAssemblies 方法 将返回一个由System.Reflection.Assembly元素组成的数组。   
   上面的方法讲的是反射AppDomain的所有程序集,我们可以显示的调用其中的一个程序集,system.reflecton.assembly 类型提供了下面三种方法:
   1. Load 方法:极力推荐的一种方法,Load 方法带有一个程序集标志并载入它,Load 将引起CLR把策略应用到程序集上,先后在全局程序集缓冲区,应用程序基目录和私有路径下面查找该程序集,如果找不到该程序集系统抛出异常   

   2. LoadFrom 方法:传递一个程序集文件的路径名(包括扩展名),CLR会载入您指定的这个程序集,传递的这个参数不能包含任何关于版本号的信息,区域性,和公钥信息,如果在指定路径找不到程序集抛出异常。   

   3. LoadWithPartialName:永远不要使用这个方法,因为应用程序不能确定再在载入的程序集的版本。该方法的唯一用途是帮助那些在.Net框架的测试环节使用.net 框架提供的某种行为的客户,这个方法将最终被抛弃不用。   
   注意:system.AppDomain 也提供了一种Load 方法,他和Assembly的静态Load 方法不一样,AppDomain的load 方法是一种实例方法,返回的是一个对程序集的引用,Assembly的静态Load 方发将程序集按值封装发回给发出调用的AppDomain.尽量避免使用AppDomain的load 方法      



using system;    
2    using sytem.reflection;    
3    class reflecting    
4    {    
5     static void Main(string[]args)    
6    {    
7     reflecting reflect=new reflecting();//定义一个新的自身类    
8     //调用一个reflecting.exe程序集    
9     assembly myAssembly =assembly.loadfrom(“reflecting.exe”)    
10     reflect.getreflectioninfo(myAssembly);//获取反射信息    
11    }   
12    //定义一个获取反射内容的方法    
13    void getreflectioninfo(assembly myassembly)    
14    {    
15     type[] typearr=myassemby.Gettypes();//获取类型    
16     foreach (type type in typearr)//针对每个类型获取详细信息   
17     {    
18     //获取类型的结构信息     http://www.cnblogs.com/sosoft/
19     constructorinfo[] myconstructors=type.GetConstructors;    
20     //获取类型的字段信息   
21     fieldinfo[] myfields=type.GetFiedls()    
22     //获取方法信息    
23     MethodInfo myMethodInfo=type.GetMethods();    
24     //获取属性信息    
25     propertyInfo[] myproperties=type.GetProperties    
26     //获取事件信息    
27     EventInfo[] Myevents=type.GetEvents;   
28    }    
29   }    
30 }


   1. System.type 参数为字符串类型,该字符串必须指定类型的完整名称(包括其命名空间)   
   2. System.type 提供了两个实例方法:GetNestedType,GetNestedTypes   
   3. Syetem.Reflection.Assembly 类型提供的实例方法是:GetType,GetTypes,GetExporedTypes   
   4. System.Reflection.Moudle 提供了这些实例方法:GetType,GetTypes,FindTypes  
    反射类型的成员就是反射层次模型中最下面的一层数据。我们可以通过type对象的GetMembers 方法取得一个类型的成员。如果我们使用的是不带参数的GetMembers,它只返回该类型的公共定义的静态变量和实例成员,我们也可以通过使用带参数的GetMembers通过参数设置来返回指定的类型成员。具体参数参考msdn 中system.reflection.bindingflags 枚举类型的详细说明。

 bindingFlags bf=bingdingFlags.DeclaredOnly|bingdingFlags.Nonpublic|BingdingFlags.Public;  
   foreach (MemberInfo mi int t.getmembers(bf))    
    writeline(mi.membertype) //输出指定的类型成员    



   1. System.Activator 的CreateInstance方法。该方法返回新对象的引用。具体使用方法参见msnd   
   2. System.Activator 的createInstanceFrom 与上一个方法类似,不过需要指定类型及其程序集   
   3. System.Appdomain 的方法:createInstance,CreateInstanceAndUnwrap,CreateInstranceFrom和CreateInstraceFromAndUnwrap   
   4. System.type的InvokeMember实例方法:这个方法返回一个与传入参数相符的构造函数,并构造该类型。   
   5. System.reflection.constructinfo 的Invoke实例方法  

   如果你想要获得一个类型继承的所有接口集合,可以调用Type的FindInterfaces GetInterface或者GetInterfaces。所有这些方法只能返回该类型直接继承的接口,他们不会返回从一个接口继承下来的接口。要想返回接口的基础接口必须再次调用上述方法。   


   使用反射来调用类型或者触发方法,或者访问一个字段或者属性时clr 需 要做更多的工作:校验参数,检查权限等等,所以速度是非常慢的。所以尽量不要使用反射进行编程,对于打算编写一个动态构造类型(晚绑定)的应用程序,可以采取以下的几种方式进行代替:   

1. through class inheritance. Have the type derive from a compile-time-known base type, create an instance of the type at runtime, put a reference to it in a variable of the base type, and then call the base type's virtual method.

2. Implemented through interfaces. At run time, you construct an instance of the type, place a reference to it in a variable of its interface type, and then call the virtual methods defined by the interface.

3. Achieved through delegation. Have the type implement a method whose name and prototype match a delegate known at compile time. Construct an instance of the type at runtime, then use the object and name of the method to construct an instance of the delegate, and then call the method you want through the delegate. Compared with the previous two methods, this method does more work and is less efficient. .

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