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How to use Nginx + UWSGI

2017-04-05 14:56:181410browse

After a lot of experimentation (on disqus.com and getsentry.com), I can definitely say: uwsgi should become the standard in the Python world. Combine it with nginx, and you can get a better performance experience on threads (or non-threads) on Python-based web applications.

Update: Ignore the age old saying "any metric you give is slow", by requests I mean here the backend nodes, they handle incoming events (requests from 20KB to 1MB in size), jumping through various hops in the network Authorization and quota policies, and most form some queue operations. Offload as much workload as possible. (There is a problem with the translation of this paragraph, please refer to the original text, translator’s note)

Service strategy

There are already a number of ways to run Python applications. I'm not going to use mod_wsgi, and most importantly, I'm not trying to explain how the event model works. I don't believe they are still used in the Python world, so the topic of this article is not about traditional threaded (or multi-process) Python applications.

Instead, I will focus on the two most popular solutions that I am most familiar with: gunicorn and uwsgi.

Gunicorn (wsgi server for Python UNIX platform)

Looking back on the past, the solution for Python's web server was basically mod_wsgi. One of the most popular (or considered fashionable) methods lately is Gunicorn.

In fact, I still recommend using gunicorn, which greatly reduces the inconvenience: it embeds Django beautifully and is easy to set up.

It also has 10% of the same configuration options as uwsgi (which is a good thing for some people), but other than that, by comparison, it offers almost the same basic features as uwsgi (or any other Python web server) .


In my opinion this is the only option, from Gunicorn to uwsgi. There will be higher performance, more configuration options that are easy to understand, and the ability to interact with nginx through the protocol also adds advantages.
Its configuration is also quite simple, just find an article related to it, more on it later.
I started using uwsgi to run some applications and used –processes=10 and –threads=10 to test the server’s multi-CPU for two purposes:

  • Support

  • Testing the possibility of reducing memory usage

  • Test thread safety support

(As for whether these tests are worth it, DISQUS runs in a single thread. I want to keep it as streamlined as possible and maximize the capabilities of each node)

Continuous iteration towards success

We have reduced the average API response time to less than 40ms, which I am very proud of. The API response time I am talking about here refers to the time it takes from the request hitting the Python server to the time the server returns the response to the proxy.

Unfortunately, as we started getting more and more traffic and experiencing access spikes, the response time started to go wrong. The fluctuating response times no longer matched what we had initially envisioned, although we still had about 30% of the memory on the service node and 60% of resources are available.

After a lot of adjustments, we deactivated a large number of uwsgi processes and let nginx load balance them (previously we let uwsgi itself load balance).

What this means is, instead of doing uwsgi processes=10, we run 10 separate uwsgi instances instead of --processes=10.

The result is a beautiful, consistent 20ms average response time.

API response time

Put them together

I like to do things rather than talk about them, so here I'll give you some actual setup of our online servers.


The first piece of configuration is Nginx. We need to actually calculate and add the number of uwsgi process backends, so things are a bit complicated.

We first create a configuration list in our web page:

# recipes/web.rb

hosts = (0..(node[:getsentry][:web][:processes] - 1)).to_a.map do |x|
  port = 9000 + x

template "#{node['nginx']['dir']}/sites-available/getsentry.com" do
  source "nginx/getsentry.erb"
  owner "root"
  group "root"
    :hosts => hosts
  mode 0644
  notifies :reload, "service[nginx]"

The configuration of Nginx is very simple:

# templates/getsentry.erb

upstream internal {
<% @hosts.each do |host| %>
  server <%= host %>;
<% end %>

server {
  location / {
    uwsgi_pass         internal;

    uwsgi_param   Host                 $host;
    uwsgi_param   X-Real-IP            $remote_addr;
    uwsgi_param   X-Forwarded-For      $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
    uwsgi_param   X-Forwarded-Proto    $http_x_forwarded_proto;

    include uwsgi_params;

Now, we have set the number of uwsgi hosts and assigned weight values, starting with port 9000, which are the socket addresses used by the uwsgi configuration.


On the other hand, we use supervisor to control the uwsg process, which is also very simple:

# recipes/web.rb

command = "/srv/www/getsentry.com/env/bin/uwsgi -s --need-app --disable-logging --wsgi-file getsentry/wsgi.py --processes 1 --threads #{node[&#39;getsentry&#39;][&#39;web&#39;][&#39;threads&#39;]}"

supervisor_service "web" do
  directory "/srv/www/getsentry.com/current/"
  command command
  user "dcramer"
  stdout_logfile "syslog"
  stderr_logfile "syslog"
  startsecs 10
  stopsignal "QUIT"
  stopasgroup true
  killasgroup true
  process_name &#39;%(program_name)s %(process_num)02d&#39;
  numprocs node[&#39;getsentry&#39;][&#39;web&#39;][&#39;processes&#39;]

Location selection

Unless someone comes up with a very convincing argument why there should be another way (or something that doesn't work in this case), I'd love to hear about this pattern as the Python world becomes more standard. At the very least, I'd like to see the spark of some debate on how to improve process management within uwsgi.

The above is the detailed content of How to use Nginx + UWSGI. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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