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Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design

2017-03-24 10:46:012118browse


Getty is a NIO framework I wrote to learn Java NIO. During the implementation process, I referred to the design of Netty and used Groovy to implement it. Although it is just a toy, the sparrow is small and has all the internal organs. During the implementation process, I not only became familiar with the use of NIO, but also learned a lot of Netty's design ideas, improving my coding and design capabilities.

As for why I use Groovy to write it, because I just learned Groovy and just used it to practice. In addition, Groovy is compatible with Java, so the difference is only in syntax. The underlying implementation is still based on Java APIof.

Getty’s core code lines do not exceed 500 lines. On the one hand, it benefits from Groovy’s concise syntax, and on the other hand, because I only implemented the core logic. The most complicated thing is actually the decoder implementation. Scaffolding is easy to build, but building a skyscraper is not that easy, but it is enough for learning NIO.


Getty uses Reactor multi-threaded model

Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design

  1. ##There is a dedicated NIO thread - the Acceptor thread is used to monitor the server, receive the client's TCP connection request, and then assign the connection to the worker thread, which monitors the read and write

    Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework designs .

  2. Network IO operations - reading/writing, etc. are responsible for multiple worker threads, and these worker threads are responsible for reading, decoding, encoding and sending messages.

  3. 1 worker thread can process N links at the same time, but 1 link only corresponds to 1 worker thread to prGetty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design concurrent operation problems.

Event-driven model

The entire server-side process processing is based on the Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design mechanism. In the process of [Accept connection -> Read -> Business processing -> Write -> Close connection], the

trigger will trigger the corresponding Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design, and the Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design handler will handle the corresponding Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design respectively. Response to complete the server-side business processing.

Event definition

  1. onRead: This Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design is triggered when the client sends data and has been correctly read by the worker thread. This Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design notifies each Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design handler that the data sent by the client can be actually processed.

  2. onWrite: This Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design is triggered when the client can start to accept data sent by the server. Through this Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design, we can send response data to the client. (Write Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework designs are not used in the current implementation)

  3. onClosed: This Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design is triggered when the client disconnects from the server.

Implementation of Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design callback mechanism

In this model, Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework designs are broadcast, that is, all registered Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design handlers can receive Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design notifications. In this way, business processing of different natures can be implemented using different processors, making the function of each processor as single as possible.

As shown below: The entire Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design model consists of listeners, Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design adapters, Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design triggers (HandlerChain, PipeLine), and Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design processors.

Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design

  • ##ServerListener

    : This is an Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework designinterface, which defines the server Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework designs to be listened to

    interface ServerListener extends Serializable{
         * 可读事件回调
         * @param request
        void onRead(ctx)
         * 可写事件回调
         * @param request
         * @param response
        void onWrite(ctx)
         * 连接关闭回调
         * @param request
        void onClosed(ctx)

  • EventAdapter

    : Implement an adapter (EventAdapter) for the Serverlistener interface. The advantage of this is that the final Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design processor can only handle the Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework designs of concern. <pre class="brush:java;toolbar:false;">class EventAdapter implements ServerListener { //下个处理器的引用 protected next void onRead(Object ctx) { } void onWrite(Object ctx) { } void onClosed(Object ctx) { } }</pre>

  • Not

    ifier<a href="http://www.php.cn/wiki/109.html" target="_blank">: Used to notify the registered Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design handler to respond to the Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design by triggering server Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework designs at the appropriate time. response. </a><pre class="brush:java;toolbar:false;">interface Notifier extends Serializable{ /** * 触发所有可读事件回调 */ void fireOnRead(ctx) /** * 触发所有可写事件回调 */ void fireOnWrite(ctx) /** * 触发所有连接关闭事件回调 */ void fireOnClosed(ctx) }</pre>

  • HandlerChain

    : Implements the Notifier interface to maintain an orderly Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design handler chain, starting from the first handler each time trigger. <pre class="brush:java;toolbar:false;">class HandlerChain implements Notifier{ EventAdapter head EventAdapter tail /** * 添加处理器到执行链的最后 * @param handler */ void addLast(handler) { if (tail != null) { tail.next = handler tail = tail.next } else { head = handler tail = head } } void fireOnRead(ctx) { head.onRead(ctx) } void fireOnWrite(ctx) { head.onWrite(ctx) } void fireOnClosed(ctx) { head.onClosed(ctx) } }</pre>

  • PipeLine

    : Implements the Notifier interface as an Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design bus to maintain a list of Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework design chains. <pre class="brush:java;toolbar:false;">class PipeLine implements Notifier{ static logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PipeLine.name) //监听器队列 def listOfChain = [] PipeLine(){} /** * 添加监听器到监听队列中 * @param chain */ void addChain(chain) { synchronized (listOfChain) { if (!listOfChain.contains(chain)) { listOfChain.add(chain) } } } /** * 触发所有可读事件回调 */ void fireOnRead(ctx) { logger.debug(&quot;fireOnRead&quot;) listOfChain.each { chain -&gt; chain.fireOnRead(ctx) } } /** * 触发所有可写事件回调 */ void fireOnWrite(ctx) { listOfChain.each { chain -&gt; chain.fireOnWrite(ctx) } } /** * 触发所有连接关闭事件回调 */ void fireOnClosed(ctx) { listOfChain.each { chain -&gt; chain.fireOnClosed(ctx) } } }</pre>

  • Event processing process

Getty-Detailed explanation of implementing Java NIO framework designProgramming model

Event processing adopts the chain of responsibility model, each processor After processing the data, it is decided whether to continue executing the next processor. If the processor does not hand over the task to the thread pool for processing, then the entire processing process is processed in the same thread. And each connection has a separate


. The worker thread can switch between multiple connection contexts, but one connection context will only be processed by one thread. <h2>核心类</h2> <h3>ConnectionCtx</h3> <p>连接上下文<code>ConnectionCtx

class ConnectionCtx {
    SocketChannel channel
    Object attachment
    Worker worker
    Long timeout
    PipeLine pipeLine



class NioServer extends Thread {
    ServerSocketChannel ssc
    Selector selector
    PipeLine pipeLine
    def workers = []
    int index



class Worker extends Thread {
    Selector selector
    ByteBuffer buffer
    def queue = []
    TreeMap<Long, ConnectionCtx> ctxTreeMap

    void run() {
        while (true) {

运行一个简单的 Web 服务器


  • LineBasedDecoder:行解码器,按行解析数据

  • HttpRequestDecoder:HTTP请求解析,目前只支持GET请求

  • HttpRequestHandler:Http 请求处理器,目前只支持GET方法

  • HttpResponseHandler:Http响应处理器


class WebServerTest {
    static void main(args) {
        def pipeLine = new PipeLine()

        def readChain = new HandlerChain()
        readChain.addLast(new LineBasedDecoder())
        readChain.addLast(new HttpRequestDecoder())
        readChain.addLast(new HttpRequestHandler())
        readChain.addLast(new HttpResponseHandler())

        def closeChain = new HandlerChain()
        closeChain.addLast(new ClosedHandler())


        NioServer nioServer = new NioServer(pipeLine)





Getty 的缺点或者说还可以优化的点:

  1. 线程的使用直接用了Thread类,看起来有点low。等以后水平提升了再来抽象一下。

  2. 目前只有读事件是异步的,写事件是同步的。未来将写事件也改为异步的。

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