Home >Java >javaTutorial >Detailed explanation of the example code of Mybatis mapping file
This article mainly introduces the detailed explanation of Mybatis mapping file examples. Friends who need it can refer to it
1. Input mapping
##parameterType Specify the Java type of the input parameter, you can use an alias or the fully qualified name of the class. It can receive simple types, POJO, HashMap.1. Pass simple type
Query user information based on user ID:<select id="findUserById" parameterType="int" resultType="com.itheima.mybatis.po.User"> SELECT * FROM USER WHERE id =#{id} </select>
2. Pass POJO object
Add user:<insert id="insertUser" parameterType="com.itheima.mybatis.po.User"> <selectKey keyProperty="id" resultType="int" order="AFTER"> SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() </selectKey> INSERT INTO USER(username,birthday,sex,address) VALUES(#{username},#{birthday},#{sex},#{address}) </insert>
3. Pass POJO packaging object
During development, query conditions are passed through pojo. The query conditions are comprehensive query conditions, including not only user query conditions but also other query conditions (such as user purchase product information as query conditions),This You can use wrapper objects to pass input parameters.
3.1 Requirements
Comprehensive query of user information requires complex query conditions, such as (user information, order information, product information).3.2 Define the packaging object
Generally, the User.java class should be consistent with the data table fields. It is best not to add other fields here. Reverse engineering in mybatis At this time, the po class will be generated based on the table structure. If the field is extended in the po class, it will be overwritten at this time. So for the po class to be extended, we need to create an extension class to inherit it.public class UserExt extends User{ //这里可以定义user的一些扩展信息 }Define POJO wrapper class:
public class UserQueryVO { //用户信息 private UserExt userExt; //商品ID集合 private List<Integer> idList; //商品信息 public List<Integer> getIdList() { return idList; } public void setIdList(List<Integer> idList) { this.idList = idList; } public UserExt getUserExt() { return userExt; } public void setUserExt(UserExt userExt) { this.userExt = userExt; } //订单信息 }
3.3 Write the Mapper interface
//Use the packaging class to perform complex comprehensive user information querypublic List365ec941ff246bca2de9473cb1305a57 findUserList(UserQueryVO userQueryVO);
3.4 Write mapper mapping file
<!-- 通过包装类来进行复杂的用户信息综合查询 --> <select id="findUserList" parameterType="userQueryVO" resultType="userExt"> SELECT * FROM USER WHERE sex=#{userExt.sex} AND username LIKE '%${userExt.username}%' </select>Note: The type of input parameter becomes UserQueryVO, and the type of result set becomes UserExt, the parameters in #{} become the sex and username sub-attributes of the userExt attribute in the UserQueryVO object.
3.5 Write test code
@Test public void findUserListTest() { // 创建SqlSession SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); // 通过SqlSession,获取mapper接口的动态代理对象 UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class); //构造userQueryVO对象 UserQueryVO userQueryVO = new UserQueryVO(); // 构造UserExt对象 UserExt userExt = new UserExt(); userExt.setSex("1"); userExt.setUsername("小明"); userQueryVO.setUserExt(userExt); // 调用mapper对象的方法 List<UserExt> list = userMapper.findUserList(userQueryVO); System.out.println(list); // 关闭SqlSession sqlSession.close(); }
4. Pass HashMap
The same as passing POJO objects, the key of map is equivalent to the attribute of pojo.4.1 Mapping file
<!-- 传递hashmap综合查询用户信息 --> <select id="findUserByHashmap" parameterType="hashmap" resultType="user"> select * from user where id=#{<span style="color:#ff0000;">id</span>} and username like '%${<span style="color:#ff0000;">username</span>}%' </select>The id and username marked in red above are hashmap key.
4.2 Test Code
Public void testFindUserByHashmap()throws Exception{ //获取session SqlSession session = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); //获限mapper接口实例 UserMapper userMapper = session.getMapper(UserMapper.class); //构造查询条件Hashmap对象 HashMap<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); map.put("id", 1); map.put("username", "管理员"); //传递Hashmap对象查询用户列表 List<User>list = userMapper.findUserByHashmap(map); //关闭session session.close(); }Exception test: Pass The key in the map is inconsistent with the key parsed in SQL. The test result did not report an error, but the value obtained through the key was empty.
2. Output mapping
1. resultType
(1) Usage methodWhen using resultType for result mapping, the column name must be exactly the same as the mapped pojo attribute name, so that the column can be mapped successfully. If the queried column name and the mapped pojo attribute name are all inconsistent, then the mapped object will be empty and no pojo object will be created; If there is one between the queried column name and the mapped pojo attribute name If they are consistent, then the mapped object is not empty and a pojo object will be created, but only the correctly mapped attribute will have a value. (2) Output simple typeNote that there are also requirements for simple type result mapping. The query column must be one column before it can be mapped to a simple type. When the output result has only one column, you can use ResultType to specify a simple type as the output result type.2.1 Requirements
Comprehensive query of the total number of users requires complex query conditions, such as (user information, order information, product information).2.2Mapper mapping file
<!-- 综合查询用户信息总数,需要传入查询条件复杂,比如(用户信息、订单信息、商品信息) --> <select id="findUsersCount" parameterType="UserQueryVO" resultType="int"> SELECT count(1) FROM USER WHERE sex = #{userExt.sex} AND username LIKE '%${userExt.username}%' </select>
2.3Mapper interface
//综合查询用户信息总数。学习:resultType输出简单类型 public int findUsersCount(UserQueryVO vo);
2.4 Test Code
@Test public void testFindUsersCount() { // 创建SqlSession SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); // 通过SqlSession,获取mapper接口的动态代理对象 UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class); //构造userQueryVO对象 UserQueryVO userQueryVO = new UserQueryVO(); // 构造UserExt对象 UserExt userExt = new UserExt(); userExt.setSex("1"); userExt.setUsername("小明"); userQueryVO.setUserExt(userExt); int count = mapper.findUsersCount(userQueryVO); System.out.println(count); // 关闭SqlSession sqlSession.close(); }(3) Output POJO single object and listNote: When outputting a single pojo object and pojo list (holding pojo objects), the type of resultType in the mapper mapping file is Similarly, the method return values of the mapper interface are different.
3.1Mapper mapping file
<select id="findUsersByName" parameterType="java.lang.String" resultType="cn.itcast.mybatis.po.User"> SELECT * FROM USER WHERE username LIKE '%${value}%' </select>
3.2Mapper interface
1. Output a single pojo object//根据用户名称来模糊查询用户信息 public User findUsersByName(String username);2. Output a pojo list
//根据用户名称来模糊查询用户信息列表 public List<User> findUsersByName(String username);Summary: When the same mapper mapping file returns a single object and a list of objects, when the mapper interface generates a dynamic proxy,
1、 定义resultMap
2、 使用resultMap作为statement的输出映射类型。
SELECT id id_,username username_,sex sex_FROM USER WHERE id = 1
<!-- 定义resultMap --> <!-- [id]:定义resultMap的唯一标识 [type]:定义该resultMap最终映射的pojo对象 [id标签]:映射结果集的唯一标识列,如果是多个字段联合唯一,则定义多个id标签 [result标签]:映射结果集的普通列 [column]:SQL查询的列名,如果列有别名,则该处填写别名 [property]:pojo对象的属性名 --> <resultMap type="user" id="userResultMap"> <id column="id_" property="id"/> <result column="username_" property="username"/> <result column="sex_" property="sex"/> </resultMap>
<!-- 根据ID查询用户信息(学习resultMap) --> <select id="findUserByIdResultMap" parameterType="int" resultMap="userResultMap"> SELECT id id_,username username_,sex sex_ FROM USER WHERE id = #{id} </select>
//根据ID查询用户信息(学习resultMap) public User findUserByIdResultMap(int id);<strong> </strong>
@Test public void findUserByIdResultMapTest() { // 创建SqlSession SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); // 通过SqlSession,获取mapper接口的动态代理对象 UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class); // 调用mapper对象的方法 User user = userMapper.findUserByIdResultMap(1); System.out.println(user); // 关闭SqlSession sqlSession.close(); }
Ø If标签:作为判断入参来使用的,如果符合条件,则把if标签体内的SQL拼接上。
Ø Where标签:会去掉条件中的第一个and符号。
<!-- 综合查询用户信息,需要传入查询条件复杂,比如(用户信息、订单信息、商品信息) --> <select id="findUsersByQueryVO" parameterType="cn.itcast.mybatis.po.QueryUserVO" resultType="User"> SELECT * FROM USER <where> <if test="userExt != null"> <if test="userExt.sex != null and userExt.sex != ''"> AND sex = #{userExt.sex} </if> <if test="userExt.username != null and userExt.username != ''"> AND username LIKE '%${userExt.username}%' </if> </if> </where> </select> <!-- 综合查询用户信息总数,需要传入查询条件复杂,比如(用户信息、订单信息、商品信息) --> <select id="findUsersCount" parameterType="QueryUserVO" resultType="int"> SELECT count(1) FROM USER <where> <if test="userExt != null"> <if test="userExt.sex != null and userExt.sex != ''"> AND sex = #{userExt.sex} </if> <if test="userExt.username != null and userExt.username != ''"> AND username LIKE '%${userExt.username}%' </if> </if> </where> </select>
//通过包装类来进行复杂的用户信息综合查询 public List<UserExt> findUserList(UserQueryVO userQueryVO); //综合查询用户总数 public int findUsersCount(UserQueryVO userQueryVO);
@Test public void testFindUserList() throws Exception{ // 创建UserMapper对象 SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); // 由mybatis通过sqlsession来创建代理对象 UserMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class); QueryUserVO vo = new QueryUserVO(); User user = new User(); //此处使用动态SQL,不传username参数 user.setSex("1"); // user.setUsername("小明"); vo.setUser(user); List<User> list = mapper.findUserList(vo); System.out.println(user); sqlSession.close(); }
<!-- 定义SQL片段 --> <!-- [sql标签]:定义一个SQL片段 [id]:SQL片段的唯一标识 建议: 1、SQL片段中的内容最好是以单表来定义 2、如果是查询字段,则不要写上SELECT 3、如果是条件语句,则不要写上WHERE --> <sql id="select_user_where"> <if test="userExt != null"> <if test="userExt.sex != null and userExt.sex != ''"> AND sex = #{userExt.sex} </if> <if test="userExt.username != null and userExt.username != ''"> AND username LIKE '%${userExt.username}%' </if> </if> </sql>
使用4801eb3c8c45c8edef439cb1d2a07f8a 来引用SQL片段:
<!-- 根据用户id来查询用户信息(使用SQL片段) --> <!-- [include标签]:引用已经定义好的SQL片段 [refid]:引用的SQL片段id --> <select id="findUserList" parameterType="userQueryVO" resultType="userExt"> SELECT * FROM USER <where> <include refid="select_user_where"/> </where> </select> <!-- 综合查询用户信息总数,需要传入查询条件复杂,比如(用户信息、订单信息、商品信息) --> <select id="findUsersCount" parameterType="QueryUserVO" resultType="int"> SELECT count(1) FROM USER <where> <include refid="select_user_where"/> </where> </select>
SELECT * FROM user WHERE id IN (1,10,16)
package com.itheima.mybatis.po; import java.util.List; /** * <p>Title: UserQueryVO</p> * <p>Description: TODO(这里用一句话描述这个类的作用) <p> */ public class UserQueryVO { //用户信息 private UserExt userExt; //商品ID集合 private List<Integer> idList; //商品信息 public List<Integer> getIdList() { return idList; } public void setIdList(List<Integer> idList) { this.idList = idList; } public UserExt getUserExt() { return UserExt; } public void setUserExt(UserExt userExt) { this.UserExt = UserExt; } //订单信息 }
<!-- [foreach标签]:表示一个foreach循环 --> <!-- [collection]:集合参数的名称,如果是直接传入集合参数,则该处的参数名称只能填写[list]。 --> <!-- [item]:每次遍历出来的对象 --> <!-- [open]:开始遍历时拼接的串 --> <!-- [close]:结束遍历时拼接的串 --> <!-- [separator]:遍历出的每个对象之间需要拼接的字符 --> <if test="idList != null and idList.size > 0"> <foreach collection="idList" item="id" open="AND id IN (" close=")" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </if>
//根据用户ID的集合查询用户列表(学习foreach标签之通过POJO对象传ID集合) public List<UserExt> findUserList(UserQueryVO vo);
@Test public void testFindUserList() { // 创建SqlSession SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); // 通过SqlSession,获取mapper接口的动态代理对象 UserMapper mapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class); // 构造QueryUserVO对象 QueryUserVO vo = new QueryUserVO(); // UserExt ext = new UserExt(); // ext.setUsername("小明"); // ext.setSex("1"); // vo.setUserExt(ext); // 创建用户ID集合,然后设置到QueryUserVO对象中 List<Integer> idList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); idList.add(1); idList.add(10); idList.add(16); vo.setIdList(idList); // 调用mapper代理对象的方法 List<UserExt> list = mapper.findUserList(vo); System.out.println(list); // 关闭SqlSession sqlSession.close(); }
SELECT * FROM user WHERE id IN (1,10,16)
<!-- 根据用户ID的集合查询用户列表(学习foreach标签之直接传ID集合) --> <!-- [foreach标签]:表示一个foreach循环 [collection]:集合参数的名称,如果是直接传入集合参数,则该处的参数名称只能填写[list]。 [item]:定义遍历集合之后的参数名称 [open]:开始遍历之前需要拼接的SQL串 [close]:结束遍历之后需要拼接的SQL串 [separator]:遍历出的每个对象之间需要拼接的字符 --> <select id="findUsersByIdList" parameterType="java.util.List" resultType="user"> SELECT * FROM USER <where> <if test="list != null and list.size > 0"> <foreach collection="list" item="id" open="AND id IN (" close=")" separator=","> #{id} </foreach> </if> </where> </select>
//根据用户ID的集合查询用户列表(学习foreach标签之直接传ID集合) public List<User> findUsersByIdList (List<Integer> idList);
@Test public void findUsersByIdListTest() { // 创建SqlSession SqlSession sqlSession = sqlSessionFactory.openSession(); // 通过SqlSession,获取mapper接口的动态代理对象 UserMapper userMapper = sqlSession.getMapper(UserMapper.class); // 构造List<Integer>集合 List<Integer> idList = new ArrayList<Integer>(); idList.add(1); idList.add(10); idList.add(16); // 调用mapper对象的方法 List<User> list = userMapper.findUsersByIdList (idList); System.out.println(list); // 关闭SqlSession sqlSession.close(); }
The above is the detailed content of Detailed explanation of the example code of Mybatis mapping file. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!