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HTML5 local storage Localstorage code details

2017-03-08 15:20:491838browse

What is localstorage

A few days ago, I found that the operation of cookies was very strange in an old project. After consulting, I wanted to cache some information to avoid passing parameters on the URL. , but I have not considered the problems that cookies will bring:

① cookie大小限制在4k左右,不适合存业务数据
② cookie每次随HTTP事务一起发送,浪费带宽

We are doing mobile projects, so the technology that is really suitable for use here is localstorage, localstorage can It is said to be an optimization of cookies. It can be used to store data conveniently on the client side and will not be transmitted with HTTP, but it is not without problems:

① localstorage大小限制在500万字符左右,各个浏览器不一致
② localstorage在隐私模式下不可读取
③ localstorage本质是在读写文件,数据多的话会比较卡(firefox会一次性将数据导入内存,想想就觉得吓人啊)
④ localstorage不能被爬虫爬取,不要用它完全取代URL传参

All the above problems can be avoided, so our focus should be on how to use localstorage, and how to use it correctly.

Use of localstorage

Basic knowledge

Localstorage storage objects are divided into two types:

① sessionStrage: session means session, here session It means that when a user browses a website, the validity period of the session object is only so long from entering the website to closing the website.

② localStorage: Save the data on the client hardware device, no matter what it is, which means that the data will still be there when the computer is turned on next time.

The difference between the two is that one is for temporary storage and the other is for long-term storage.

Here is a simple code to illustrate its basic use:

<p id="msg" style="margin: 10px 0; border: 1px solid black; padding: 10px; width: 300px;
  height: 100px;">
<input type="text" id="text" />
<select id="type">
  <option value="session">sessionStorage</option>
  <option value="local">localStorage</option>
<button onclick="save();">
<button onclick="load();">
<script type="text/javascript">
  var msg = document.getElementById(&#39;msg&#39;),
            text = document.getElementById(&#39;text&#39;),
            type = document.getElementById(&#39;type&#39;);

  function save() {
    var str = text.value;
    var t = type.value;
    if (t == &#39;session&#39;) {
      sessionStorage.setItem(&#39;msg&#39;, str);
    } else {
      localStorage.setItem(&#39;msg&#39;, str);

  function load() {
    var t = type.value;
    if (t == &#39;session&#39;) {
      msg.innerHTML = sessionStorage.getItem(&#39;msg&#39;);
    } else {
      msg.innerHTML = localStorage.getItem(&#39;msg&#39;);

Real scenario

The use of localstorage in actual work generally has the following requirements:

① Cache general information, such as the departure city of the search page, arrival city, non-real-time positioning information

② Cache city list data, this data is often relatively large

③ Each cached information needs to be traceable , for example, the server notifies the city data update. At this time, the expiration must be automatically set during the latest visit

④ Each piece of information has an expiration date status, and the server needs to pull the data outside the expiration time

⑤ ……

define([], function () {

  var Storage = _.inherit({
    propertys: function () {

      this.sProxy = window.localStorage;

      //60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 1000 ms ==30天
      this.defaultLifeTime = 2592000000;

      this.keyCache = &#39;SYSTEM_KEY_TIMEOUT_MAP&#39;;

      this.removeNum = 5;


    assert: function () {
      if (this.sProxy === null) {
        throw &#39;not override sProxy property&#39;;

    initialize: function (opts) {

    sign 为格式化后的请求参数,用于同一请求不同参数时候返回新数据,比如列表为北京的城市,后切换为上海,会判断tag不同而更新缓存数据,tag相当于签名
    set: function (key, value, timeout, sign) {
      var _d = new Date();
      var indate = _d.getTime();

      var entity = null;

      if (!timeout) {
        _d.setTime(_d.getTime() + this.defaultLifeTime);
        timeout = _d.getTime();

      this.setKeyCache(key, timeout);
      entity = this.buildStorageObj(value, indate, timeout, sign);

      try {
        this.sProxy.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(entity));
        return true;
      } catch (e) {
        if (e.name == &#39;QuotaExceededError&#39;) {
          //            this.sProxy.clear();
          if (!this.removeLastCache()) throw &#39;本次数据存储量过大&#39;;
          this.set(key, value, timeout, sign);
        console && console.log(e);
      return false;

    removeOverdueCache: function () {
      var tmpObj = null, i, len;

      var now = new Date().getTime();
      var cacheStr = this.sProxy.getItem(this.keyCache);
      var cacheMap = [];
      var newMap = [];
      if (!cacheStr) {

      cacheMap = JSON.parse(cacheStr);

      for (i = 0, len = cacheMap.length; i < len; i++) {
        tmpObj = cacheMap[i];
        if (tmpObj.timeout < now) {
        } else {
      this.sProxy.setItem(this.keyCache, JSON.stringify(newMap));


    removeLastCache: function () {
      var i, len;
      var num = this.removeNum || 5;

      var cacheStr = this.sProxy.getItem(this.keyCache);
      var cacheMap = [];
      var delMap = [];

      if (!cacheStr) return false;

      cacheMap.sort(function (a, b) {
        return a.timeout - b.timeout;

      delMap = cacheMap.splice(0, num);
      for (i = 0, len = delMap.length; i < len; i++) {

      this.sProxy.setItem(this.keyCache, JSON.stringify(cacheMap));
      return true;

    setKeyCache: function (key, timeout) {
      if (!key || !timeout || timeout < new Date().getTime()) return;
      var i, len, tmpObj;

      var oldstr = this.sProxy.getItem(this.keyCache);
      var oldMap = [];
      var flag = false;
      var obj = {};
      obj.key = key;
      obj.timeout = timeout;

      if (oldstr) {
        oldMap = JSON.parse(oldstr);
        if (!_.isArray(oldMap)) oldMap = [];

      for (i = 0, len = oldMap.length; i < len; i++) {
        tmpObj = oldMap[i];
        if (tmpObj.key == key) {
          oldMap[i] = obj;
          flag = true;
      if (!flag) oldMap.push(obj);
      this.sProxy.setItem(this.keyCache, JSON.stringify(oldMap));


    buildStorageObj: function (value, indate, timeout, sign) {
      var obj = {
        value: value,
        timeout: timeout,
        sign: sign,
        indate: indate
      return obj;

    get: function (key, sign) {
      var result, now = new Date().getTime();
      try {
        result = this.sProxy.getItem(key);
        if (!result) return null;
        result = JSON.parse(result);

        if (result.timeout < now) return null;

        if (sign) {
          if (sign === result.sign)
            return result.value;
          return null;
        } else {
          return result.value;

      } catch (e) {
        console && console.log(e);
      return null;

    getSign: function (key) {
      var result, sign = null;
      try {
        result = this.sProxy.getItem(key);
        if (result) {
          result = JSON.parse(result);
          sign = result && result.sign
      } catch (e) {
        console && console.log(e);
      return sign;

    remove: function (key) {
      return this.sProxy.removeItem(key);

    clear: function () {

  Storage.getInstance = function () {
    if (this.instance) {
      return this.instance;
    } else {
      return this.instance = new this();

  return Storage;


This code contains the basic operations of localstorage and handles the above problems, but the actual use must be more abstract:

define([&#39;AbstractStorage&#39;], function (AbstractStorage) {

  var Store = _.inherit({
    propertys: function () {

      this.key = null;

      this.lifeTime = &#39;30M&#39;;

      //      this.defaultData = null;

      this.sProxy = new AbstractStorage();


    setOption: function (options) {
      _.extend(this, options);

    assert: function () {
      if (this.key === null) {
        throw &#39;not override key property&#39;;
      if (this.sProxy === null) {
        throw &#39;not override sProxy property&#39;;

    initialize: function (opts) {

    _getLifeTime: function () {
      var timeout = 0;
      var str = this.lifeTime;
      var unit = str.charAt(str.length - 1);
      var num = str.substring(0, str.length - 1);
      var Map = {
        D: 86400,
        H: 3600,
        M: 60,
        S: 1
      if (typeof unit == &#39;string&#39;) {
        unit = unit.toUpperCase();
      timeout = num;
      if (unit) timeout = Map[unit];

      return num * timeout * 1000 ;

    set: function (value, sign) {
      var timeout = new Date();
      timeout.setTime(timeout.getTime() + this._getLifeTime());
      this.sProxy.set(this.key, value, timeout.getTime(), sign);

    setAttr: function (name, value, sign) {
      var key, obj;
      if (_.isObject(name)) {
        for (key in name) {
          if (name.hasOwnProperty(key)) this.setAttr(k, name[k], value);

      if (!sign) sign = this.getSign();

      obj = this.get(sign) || {};
      if (!obj) return;
      obj[name] = value;
      this.set(obj, sign);


    getSign: function () {
      return this.sProxy.getSign(this.key);

    remove: function () {

    removeAttr: function (attrName) {
      var obj = this.get() || {};
      if (obj[attrName]) {
        delete obj[attrName];

    get: function (sign) {
      var result = [], isEmpty = true, a;
      var obj = this.sProxy.get(this.key, sign);
      var type = typeof obj;
      var o = { &#39;string&#39;: true, &#39;number&#39;: true, &#39;boolean&#39;: true };
      if (o[type]) return obj;

      if (_.isArray(obj)) {
        for (var i = 0, len = obj.length; i < len; i++) {
          result[i] = obj[i];
      } else if (_.isObject(obj)) {
        result = obj;

      for (a in result) {
        isEmpty = false;
      return !isEmpty ? result : null;

    getAttr: function (attrName, tag) {
      var obj = this.get(tag);
      var attrVal = null;
      if (obj) {
        attrVal = obj[attrName];
      return attrVal;


  Store.getInstance = function () {
    if (this.instance) {
      return this.instance;
    } else {
      return this.instance = new this();

  return Store;

When we actually use it The store class is used to operate local storage. The code ends with a simple test:

The storage is completed and there will be no requests in the future, so today’s The code is basically over. Finally, there is a back button in android Hybrid. Once this button is pressed, it will return to the previous page. At this time, the local storage inside may fail to read! A simple and unreliable solution is to add in the webapp:

window.onunload = function () { };//适合单页应用,不要问我为什么,我也不知道


localstorage It is an essential technical point for mobile development and requires in-depth understanding. The specific business code will be put on git later. Friends who are interested can learn more

The above is the detailed content of HTML5 local storage Localstorage code details. For more information, please follow other related articles on the PHP Chinese website!

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