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WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

2017-03-02 14:00:144507browse

In the introduction to WeChat Mini Programs, we have already learned about the functions of Mini Programs, development tools and how to create Mini Program projects. Today we will take firstdemo as an example to introduce the basic directory structure of the mini program.

When we open a WeChat applet project and click to enter the "Edit" menu, we can see the following 5 files/folders): pages folder, utils folder, global file app.js File, global file app.json file, image editing file tool app.wxss file.

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

The overall structure of the mini program directory structure is as follows:

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

We introduce each file in the mini program directory in detail and folder functions, as well as precautions.
1.pages directory introduction

pages: Mainly stores the page files of the applet. Each folder is a page, and each page contains four files:

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program


.js is the logic file of the mini program, also known as event interaction file and script file. It is used to handle functions such as click events on the interface, such as setting initial data. , defining events, data interaction, logical operations, variable declaration, arrays, objects, functions, annotation methods, etc. The syntax is the same as JavaScript. We can open and take a closer look at the code in index.js.

First of all, we can change the hello word in motto into the hello WeChat applet in the data. As shown in the figure below:

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

Secondly, let’s take a look at the function of bindViewTap: function(), which is to click to jump to the log page. We can click on the avatar to see the demonstration effect, as shown below:

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

#Finally, let’s take a look at the onLoad function, which sets the action when the page starts. We can modify the page to be displayed when the page starts, or we can add new functions, as shown in the figure below:

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

The commonly used .js functions are as follows:

    // text:"这是一个页面"
    // 页面初始化 options为页面跳转所带来的参数
    console.log('App onLoad')
    // 页面渲染完成
    console.log('App onReady')
    // 页面显示
    console.log('App onShow')
    // 页面隐藏
    console.log('App onHide')
    // 页面关闭
    console.log('App onUnload')
# The file with the ##index.json.json suffix is ​​a configuration file, which is mainly stored in json data format and is used to set the configuration effect of the program. We can create a .json configuration file in the index directory, as shown below:

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

index.json This configuration file can only configure page configuration files in this directory. And you can only configure and modify the relevant files of the navigation bar, such as modifying the navigation bar display style, such as navigation text, background color, text color, etc. Its syntax is the same as json syntax. For example, let's change the background color of the navigation bar to red, as shown in the figure below:

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

We can see that the background color changes to red. . (This color is really horrible!)


.wxml file is an interface file and a page structure file, used to build pages and add controls to the page. The full name is the abbreviation of weixin markup lanuage, WeChat markup language. Like other general markup languages, tags are in pairs and tag names are in lowercase. You can control the appearance by referencing classes, you can also perform logical processing by binding events, and complete the list we need by rendering. It is the link between user operations and back-end logic. All the elements we see on the page can be edited here. For example, we put a button on the page as shown below:

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program


<view class="container">
  <view  bindtap="bindViewTap" class="userinfo">
    <image class="userinfo-avatar" src="{{userInfo.avatarUrl}}" background-size="cover"></image>
    <text class="userinfo-nickname">{{userInfo.nickName}}000</text>
  <view class="usermotto">
    <text class="user-motto">{{motto}}</text>
  <!--<button type="primary">按钮</button>-->


1. 在微信小程序里面这些特定的标记叫做组件。






1.2 utils


module.exports = {  
  formatTime: formatTime  


var util = require(&#39;../../utils/util.js&#39;)



function util(){

module.exports.util = util


var common = require(&#39;../../utils/util.js&#39;)


WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

1.3 app.js、app.json、app.wxss

app.js : 系统的方法处理全局文件,也就是说文件中规定的函数和数据,在整个小程序中,每一个框架页面和文件都可以使用this获取。每个小程序都会有一个app.js文件,有且只有一个,位于项目的根目录!app.js的作用就是告诉小程序,注册一个小程序实例使用app(object)的形式注册,实现小程序在不同阶段的需要实现的事件功能,如onLoad,onshow等,全局的on事件只有如下三个,要比页面的on事件要少。主要处理程序的声明周期的一些方法;例如:程序刚开始运行时事件处理等.app.js 里面包含一个app() 方法,里面提供对应事件定义,如下

  onLaunch: function () {
    console.log(&#39;App Launch&#39;)
  onShow: function () {
    console.log(&#39;App Show&#39;)
  onHide: function () {
    console.log(&#39;App Hide&#39;)

App() 函数用来注册一个小程序。接受一个 object 参数,其指定小程序的生命周期函数等。

WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program

app.json : 系统全局配置文件,是必须包含的。包含设置页面路径,设置底部,网络,调试模式,设置导航头的颜色,字体大小,下面有没有tabbar等功能,具体页面的配置在页面的json文件中单独修改,任何一个页面都需要在app.json中注册,如果不在json中添加,页面是无法打开的。



app.wxss : 全局的界面美化代码,并不是必须的。其优先级同样没有框架中的wxss的优先级高。


.usermotto {
  margin-top: 200px;


.usermotto {
  margin-top: 400px;


WeChat Mini Program: An explanation of the basic directory structure of the Mini Program


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