Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >PHP basic tutorial 16: Using GD library for graphics drawing
When we log in to a web page online, most of us have to enter a verification code for verification before we can log in. , and PHP programmers can draw verification codes by themselves according to the situation. In PHP, we can use PHP's own drawing function to draw simple verification codes, and we can also use PHP's drawing to add watermarks to pictures...
When we learn mathematics, we must learn the coordinate system. I will not explain it here. Coordinate systems also exist in programming languages. But the coordinate system of programming languages is different from the coordinate system of mathematics.
In the PHP coordinate system, the coordinate origin is located in the upper left corner
, the X-axis is the horizontal direction, the Y-axis is the vertical direction of the current position, and the unit of the coordinate system is pixels.
As mentioned above, the coordinate points of the coordinate system are pixels. The pixel is a density unit, and its size is the same as the user's screen. relation.
Pixels: The content displayed by the computer on the screen is composed of each pixel on the screen. For example, the resolution of the computer monitor is 800×600, which means that each line on the computer screen is composed of 800 dots. Composed of 600 lines, the entire computer screen has a total of 480,000 pixels.
Note: Pixel is the unit of density and centimeter is the unit of length.
If you want to use drawing technology in PHP, you must open the gd2 extension library. Open it in the PHP.ini file and restart the server after opening it.
The functions in the PHP drawing function all start with image. And the entire function is lowercase . There are many functions in the help documentation. When we need it, we can find it in: Function Reference-Image Generation and Processing-GD-GD and Image Processing Functions. When we are doing PHP drawing, we can generally follow the steps to complete it step by step.
Create an image resource, which is equivalent to a canvas. We can draw on this canvas (equivalent to a piece of paper ), one of the ways to create a canvas:
$canva = imagecreatetruecolor(宽,高)
Create a brush, use the brush to paint on the canvas, and the color of the brush can be configured with RGB. The parameters in the method are integers from 0 to 255 or hexadecimal 0x00 to 0xFF.
$paint = imagecolorallocate(画布,三原色(r,g,b));
Draw graphics, here we just draw a straight line, you can also draw any other image.
The drawing is completed and can be output to the web page. It can also be saved in a certain directory.
Destroy drawing resources and release memory in a timely manner.
We can follow the above steps to draw different graphics. When drawing graphics, we can perform different operations to splice graphics, and we can also create different Brush to draw different colors.
We can draw different patterns according to the above steps. It's just that different functions are needed to draw different graphics. The parameters of the function can be queried in the help document.
<?php //创建一个画布 $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(300, 300); //创建一个画笔 $paint = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 0, 0); //绘制不同的图形,可以修改函数进行不同图形的绘制 //绘制一条直线 imageline($canvas, 10, 10, 50, 50, $paint); //绘制一个矩形 imagerectangle($canvas, 10, 100, 30, 120, $paint); //绘制一个椭圆 imageellipse($canvas, 100, 121, 100, 50, $paint); //绘制一个圆,也是上面的函数,不过是把宽和高写成一样的就行了。 imageellipse($canvas,200,100,50,50,$paint); //绘制弧形 imagearc($canvas, 200,50,40, 40, 0, 90, $paint); //画一个填充的圆形 imagefilledellipse($canvas, 250, 230, 60, 60, $paint); //输出到浏览器 header("content-type:image/png"); //以png的形式输出到浏览器上 imagepng($canvas); //销毁图形,释放内存 imagedestroy($canvas);
The above code uses different functions to create different graphics, but in the above code we only have one to fill the image. For example, we draw a circle and fill it with color. You can use the imagefilledellipse() function. This function just has one more filled than the imageellipse() function, and the parameters inside are still the same. When drawing graphics, if you want to fill the graphics, you usually just add the letter filled after the image.
PHP can also use ready-made pictures to draw graphics. In this way, it can be understood that the canvas has a pattern from the beginning, and we just draw on the pattern.
<?php //使用现有的图形进行绘制 $canvas = imagecreatefromjpeg('Desert.jpg'); //创建画笔 $paint_red = imagecolorallocate($canvas,255,0,0); //在创建一个蓝色的笔。 $paint_blue = imagecolorallocate($canvas,0,0,255); //绘制一个填充的弧形,最后一个参数是连接的样式。 imagefilledarc($canvas, 100, 100, 100, 100, 0, 180, $paint_blue,IMG_ARC_PIE ); //输出到浏览器 header("content-type:image/png"); //以png的形式输出到浏览器上 imagepng($canvas); //销毁图形,释放内存 imagedestroy($canvas);
You can see from the results that a filled semicircle is drawn in the upper left corner of the graphic.
Of course, if we don’t want to modify the original graphics, we can use the copy method to copy the existing graphics. In this way, your modifications to the graphics will not reflect the original graphics.
<?php //创建一个空白的画布 $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(500,500); //创建一个图片 $image = imagecreatefromjpeg('Desert.jpg'); //使用函数获取图片的信息,里面包括了图片的宽高。 $image_info = getimagesize('Desert.jpg'); //使用imagecopy()方法进行拷贝 //第一个参数是把图形拷贝到那个画布,第二个参数是从哪里拷贝,第三,四个参数是拷贝到的画布从哪里开始,第五六七八个参数是被拷贝的图形从哪里开始,宽和高是多少 imagecopy($canvas, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_info[0], $image_info[1]); //在拷贝的图形上绘制一个填充的矩形。 $paint = imagecolorallocate($canvas,0,255,0); imagefilledrectangle($canvas, 100, 100, 300, 300, $paint); //输出到浏览器 header("content-type:image/png"); //以png的形式输出到浏览器上 imagepng($canvas); //销毁图形,释放内存 imagedestroy($canvas);
The imagecopy() function is used above. We need to pay attention to the parameters inside when using this function.
<?php //创建一个空白的画布 $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(500,500); //创建一个图片 $image = imagecreatefromjpeg('Desert.jpg'); //使用函数获取图片的信息,里面包括了图片的宽高。 $image_info = getimagesize('Desert.jpg'); //使用imagecopy()方法进行拷贝 imagecopy($canvas, $image, 0, 0, 0, 0, $image_info[0], $image_info[1]); //绘制水印的 $paint = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 255, 0, 0); //使用imagestring()函数 $str = 'lijiafei'; //这个函数第二个参数是设置字体的,只能是1-5, imagestring($canvas, 5, 100, 300, $str, $paint); //使用imagettftext()函数 $text = '这是一张中文的水印'; imagettftext($canvas, 30, 0, 100, 200, $paint, 'STXINGKA.TTF', $text); header("content-type:image/png"); //以png的形式输出到浏览器上 imagepng($canvas); //销毁图形,释放内存 imagedestroy($canvas);
imagestring(resource $image , int $font , int $x , int $y , string $s , int $col )
imagettftext(resource $image,float $size,float $angle,int $x,int $y,int $color,string $fontfile,string $text)这个函数的参数有点多,但是也不难理解。
<?php //创建一个画布 $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor(500, 500); //蓝色的笔 $blue = imagecolorallocate($canvas, 0, 0, 255); //白的的笔 $white = imagecolorallocate($canvas,255,255,255); //黑色的笔 $black = imagecolorallocate($canvas,0,0,0); //红色的笔 $red = imagecolorallocate($canvas,255,0,0); //画头,画一个填充颜色是蓝色的圆。 imagefilledellipse($canvas, 150, 150, 130, 105, $blue); //画脸,画一个填充颜色是白色的圆。但是圆的原点比头的原点要往下一点。 imagefilledellipse($canvas, 150, 160, 110, 90, $white); //画两个眼睛 imageellipse($canvas, 140, 130, 20, 30, $black); imageellipse($canvas, 160, 130, 20, 30, $black); //画两个眼珠 imagefilledellipse($canvas, 140, 130, 5, 5, $black); imagefilledellipse($canvas, 160, 130, 5, 5, $black); //画鼻子 imagefilledellipse($canvas, 150, 150, 10, 10, $red); //画鼻子下面的一条线 imageline($canvas,150,155,150,165,$black); //画嘴 imagefilledarc($canvas, 150,165, 75, 60, 0, 180, $red,IMG_ARC_PIE); //画嘴的两个角 imagearc($canvas, 114,156, 20, 20, 90, 270, $black); imageline($canvas,114,165,187,165,$black); imagearc($canvas, 187,156, 20, 20, 270, 90, $black); //把嘴巴画成黑色 imagearc($canvas, 150,165, 75, 60, 0, 180, $black); header("content-type:image/png"); imagepng($canvas); imagedestroy($canvas);
/* 生成随机码 */ private function mkCode(){ //通过类的参数获取需要的随机数的个数。这个值可以自由的指定 $len = $this -> _len; //我们生成的随机数的字母喝数字就是在这里面进行随机生成。 $str = 'ABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRST1234567890'; $code = ''; //通过循环的生成随机数进行获取 for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){ //生成随机数 $j = mt_rand(0,strlen($str)-1); //把随机生成的随机数拼接起来。 $code .= $str[$j]; } //把生成的随机数,保存在session中,便于当我们输入验证码是验证是否正确。 @session_start(); $_SESSION['code'] = $code; return $code; }
//生成验证码 public function makeImage(){ //获取随机生成的随机码 $code = $this -> mkCode(); //通过类的属性指定图形的大小,默认是100,20 $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> _width, $this -> _height); //随机生成一个颜色的画笔 $paint = imagecolorallocate($canvas,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255)); //把背景的颜色进行改变,默认是黑色的。 imagefill($canvas, 10, 10, $paint); //创建一个画随机码的笔,颜色也是随机生成的。 $paint_str = imagecolorallocate($canvas,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255)); //把随机码打印在画布上。 imagestring($canvas, 4, 20, 2, $code, $paint_str); //绘制干扰点的颜色 $paint_pixel = imagecolorallocate($canvas,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255)); //通过类的属性指定需要多少个干扰点。 for($i = 0; $i < $this -> _pixel; $i++){ //绘制不同的干扰点,而绘制的位置也是随机生成的。 imagesetpixel($canvas, mt_rand(0,imagesx($canvas)), mt_rand(0,imagesy($canvas)), $paint_pixel); } header("content-type:image/png"); imagepng($canvas); imagedestroy($canvas); }
<?php Class Cap{ //生成的字符的长度 private $_len = 4; //干扰点的个数 private $_pixel = 100; private $_width = 100; private $_height = 20; public function __set($pro,$val){ if(property_exists($this, $pro)){ $this -> $pro = $val; } } /* 生成随机码 */ private function mkCode(){ //通过类的参数获取需要的随机数的个数。这个值可以自由的指定 $len = $this -> _len; //我们生成的随机数的字母喝数字就是在这里面进行随机生成。 $str = 'ABCDEFGHIGKLMNOPQRST1234567890'; $code = ''; //通过循环的生成随机数进行获取 for($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++){ //生成随机数 $j = mt_rand(0,strlen($str)-1); //把随机生成的随机数拼接起来。 $code .= $str[$j]; } //把生成的随机数,保存在session中,便于当我们输入验证码是验证是否正确。 @session_start(); $_SESSION['code'] = $code; return $code; } //生成验证码 public function makeImage(){ //获取随机生成的随机码 $code = $this -> mkCode(); //通过类的属性指定图形的大小,默认是100,20 $canvas = imagecreatetruecolor($this -> _width, $this -> _height); //随机生成一个颜色的画笔 $paint = imagecolorallocate($canvas,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255)); //把背景的颜色进行改变,默认是黑色的。 imagefill($canvas, 10, 10, $paint); //创建一个画随机码的笔,颜色也是随机生成的。 $paint_str = imagecolorallocate($canvas,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255)); //把随机码打印在画布上。 imagestring($canvas, 4, 20, 2, $code, $paint_str); //绘制干扰点的颜色 $paint_pixel = imagecolorallocate($canvas,mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255),mt_rand(0,255)); //通过类的属性指定需要多少个干扰点。 for($i = 0; $i < $this -> _pixel; $i++){ //绘制不同的干扰点,而绘制的位置也是随机生成的。 imagesetpixel($canvas, mt_rand(0,imagesx($canvas)), mt_rand(0,imagesy($canvas)), $paint_pixel); } header("content-type:image/png"); imagepng($canvas); imagedestroy($canvas); } //判断验证码和填写的验证码是否正确 public function checkCode($code){ @session_start(); if(strtolower($code) === strtolower($_SESSION['code'])){ return true; } return false; } } $cap = new Cap(); $cap -> makeImage();