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Code graphics and text explaining the JavaScript event mechanism compatibility solution in detail

2017-03-30 16:34:561214browse

The solution in this article can be used for Javascript nativeObject And the host object (dom element), bind and trigger the event in the following ways:


var input = document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0];
var form = document.getElementsByTagName('form')[0];
Evt.on(input, 'click', function(evt){
    console.log('input click1');
    console.log(evt.target === input);
var handle2 = Evt.on(input, 'click', function(evt){
    console.log('input click2');
    console.log(evt.target === input);
Evt.on(form, 'click', function(evt){
    console.log('form click');
    console.log(evt.currentTarget === input);
    console.log(evt.target === input);
    console.log(evt.currentTarget === form);
Evt.emit(input, 'click');
Evt.emit(input, 'click', {bubbles: true});
Evt.emit(input, 'click');


The process of adding events to native objects is mainly completed in the after function. This function mainly does the following things:

  1. If there is a response function in obj, replace it with the dispatcher function

  2. Use a chain structure to ensure the sequential execution of multiple binding event functions

  3. Returns a handle object, calling the remove method can remove this event binding

The following figure shows the quote of the onlog function before and after the after function is called

(before calling)

(after calling)

Please see comments for detailed explanation , I hope readers can follow it and run it again

var after = function(target, method, cb, originalArgs){
    var existing = target[method];
    var dispatcher = existing;
    if (!existing || existing.target !== target) {
        dispatcher = target[method] = function(){
            var results = null;
            var args = arguments;
            if (dispatcher.around) {//如果原先拥有method方法,先调用原始method方法
                results = dispatcher.around.advice.apply(this, args);

            if (dispatcher.after) {//如果存在after链则依次访问其中的advice方法
                var _after = dispatcher.after;
                while(_after && _after.advice) {
                    args = _after.originalArgs ? arguments : results;
                    results = _after.advice.apply(this, args);
                    _after = _after.next;

        if (existing) {
            dispatcher.around = {
                advice: function(){
                    return existing.apply(target, arguments);
        dispatcher.target = target;

    var signal = {
        originalArgs: originalArgs,//对于每个cb的参数是否使用最初的arguments
        advice: cb,
        remove: function() {
            if (!signal.advice) {
            var previous = signal.previous;
            var next = signal.next;
            if (!previous && !next) {
                dispatcher.after = signal.advice = null;
                dispatcher.target = null;
                delete dispatcher.after;
            } else if (!next){
                signal.advice = null;
                previous.next = null;
                signal.previous = null;
            } else if (!previous){
                signal.advice = null;
                dispatcher.after = next;
                next.previous = null;
                signal.next = null;
            } else {
                signal.advice = null;
                previous.next = next;
                next.previous = previous;
                signal.previous = null;
                signal.next = null;

    var previous = dispatcher.after;
    if (previous) {//将signal加入到链式结构中,处理指针关系
        while(previous && previous.next && (previous = previous.next)){};
        previous.next = signal;
        signal.previous = previous;
    } else {//如果是第一次使用调用after方法,则dispatcher的after属性指向signal
        dispatcher.after = signal;

    cb = null;//防止内存泄露
    return signal;

Solve compatibility

IE browserDOM2 has been supported since IE9Event processingprogram , but for older versions of IE browsers, the attachEvent method is still used to add events to DOM elements. Fortunately, Microsoft has announced that it will no longer maintain IE8 in 2016, which is undoubtedly good news for the majority of front-end developers. Before the dawn comes, compatibility still needs to be handled for browsers that do not support DOM2-level event handlers. The following points usually need to be dealt with:

  1. More Binding an event at a time, the calling sequence of the event processing function is a problem

  2. The this keyword in the event processing function points to the problem

  3. Standardized event event Object, supports commonly used event attributes

Since using the attachEvent method to add event processing functions cannot guarantee the calling order of the event processing functions, we abandoned attachEvent and instead used the after generation above. The positive sequence chain structure can solve this problem.

    function fixAttach(target, type, listener) {
        var listener = fixListener(listener);
        var method = 'on' + type;
        return after(target, method, listener, true);

For the this keyword in the event processing function, it can be solved through closure (source), such as:

This article also solves this problem in this way

    function fixAttach(target, type, listener) {
        var listener = fixListener(listener);
        var method = 'on' + type;
        return after(target, method, listener, true);

    function fixListener(listener) {
        return function(evt){
            var e = _fixEvent(evt, this);//this作为currentTarget
            if (e && e.cancelBubble && (e.currentTarget !== e.target)){
            var results =  listener.call(this, e);

            if (e && e.modified) {
                // 在整个函数链执行完成后将lastEvent回归到原始状态,
                        lastEvent = null;
                lastEvent = e;
            return results;

For the standardization of event objects, we need to convert the existing properties provided by ie into standard event properties

function _fixEvent(evt, sender){
        if (!evt) {
            evt = window.event;
        if (!evt) { // emit没有传递事件参数,或者通过input.onclick方式调用
            return evt;
        if(lastEvent && lastEvent.type && evt.type == lastEvent.type){
            evt = lastEvent;
        var fixEvent = evt;
        // bubbles 和cancelable根据每次emit时手动传入参数设置
        fixEvent.bubbles = typeof evt.bubbles !== 'undefined' ? evt.bubbles : false;
        fixEvent.cancelable = typeof evt.cancelable !== 'undefined' ? evt.cancelable : true;
        fixEvent.currentTarget = sender;
        if (!fixEvent.target){ // 多次绑定统一事件,只fix一次
            fixEvent.target = fixEvent.srcElement || sender;

            fixEvent.eventPhase = fixEvent.target === sender ? 2 : 3;
            if (!fixEvent.preventDefault) {
                fixEvent.preventDefault = _preventDefault;
                fixEvent.stopPropagation = _stopPropagation;
                fixEvent.stopImmediatePropagation = _stopImmediatePropagation;
            if( fixEvent.pageX == null && fixEvent.clientX != null ) {
                var doc = document.documentElement, body = document.body;
                fixEvent.pageX = fixEvent.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - 
                (doc && doc.clientLeft || body && body.clientLeft || 0);
                fixEvent.pageY = fixEvent.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop  || body && body.scrollTop  || 0) - 
                (doc && doc.clientTop  || body && body.clientTop  || 0);
            if (!fixEvent.relatedTarget && fixEvent.fromEvent) {
                fixEvent.relatedTarget = fixEvent.fromEvent === fixEvent.target ? fixEvent.toElement : fixEvent.fromElement;
            // 参考: http://www.php.cn/
            if (!fixEvent.which && fixEvent.keyCode) {
                fixEvent.which = fixEvent.keyCode;

        return fixEvent;

    function _preventDefault(){
        this.defaultPrevented = true;
        this.returnValue = false;

        this.modified = true;

    function _stopPropagation(){
        this.cancelBubble = true;

        this.modified = true;

    function _stopImmediatePropagation(){
        this.isStopImmediatePropagation = true;
        this.modified = true;

In the three functions of _preventDefault, _stopPropagation, and _stopImmediatePropagation, if called, the listener will use a variable to save the event object after execution (see fixListener), so that the subsequent event handler can perform the next step according to the event object attributes. stopImmediatePropagation function, for the simulation of this function, we also solve it through closure.

Note that it cannot be written directly in this form. The same is true for fixListener above.

It should be noted that we standardize events for another purpose. You can set parameters in the emit method to control the event process, such as:

Evt. emit(input, 'click');//No bubbles

Evt.emit(input, 'click', {bubbles: true});//Bubbles

According to my The test uses fireEvent to trigger events. {bubbles:false} cannot be set to prevent bubbling, so here we use Javascript to simulate the bubbling process. At the same time, the uniqueness of the event object must also be ensured in this process.

// 模拟冒泡事件
    var sythenticBubble = function(target, type, evt){
        var method = 'on' + type;
        var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 2);
        // 保证使用emit触发dom事件时,event的有效性
        if ('parentNode' in target) {
            var newEvent = args[0] = {};
            for (var p in evt) {
                newEvent[p] = evt[p];

            newEvent.preventDefault = _preventDefault;
            newEvent.stopPropagation = _stopPropagation;
            newEvent.stopImmediatePropagation = _stopImmediatePropagation;
            newEvent.target = target;
            newEvent.type = type;

            if (target && target[method]) {
                target[method].apply(target, args);
        }while(target && (target = target.parentNode) && target[method] && newEvent && newEvent.bubbles);

    var emit = function(target, type, evt){
        if (target.dispatchEvent && document.createEvent){
            var newEvent = document.createEvent('HTMLEvents');
            newEvent.initEvent(type, evt && !!evt.bubbles, evt && !!evt.cancelable);
            if (evt) {
                for (var p in evt){
                    if (!(p in newEvent)){
                        newEvent[p] = evt[p];

        } /*else if (target.fireEvent) {
            target.fireEvent('on' + type);// 使用fireEvent在evt参数中设置bubbles:false无效,所以弃用
        } */else {
            return sythenticBubble.apply(on, arguments);

Attached is the complete code:

Writing to Same Doc


Brain map:

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The above is the content of that explains the JavaScript event mechanism compatibility solution in detail. Please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn) for more related content!

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