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TODO: Experiencer of the mini program development process

2017-02-23 14:47:241781browse

TODO: Experiencers of the mini program development process

TODO: Experiencer of the mini program development process

1. For the mini program development process, first download the developer and install the developer tools. Now Tencent is open for testing. Ordinary users can also log in to the developer tools, as shown in the figure. Ordinary users log in as debugging type, but can only create projects without AppID

TODO: Experiencer of the mini program development process

If you open a project with AppID, it will appear System error

TODO: Experiencer of the mini program development process

#Creating a project with APPID will jump to the official account homepage to add developer permissions, and then try again

TODO: Experiencer of the mini program development process

2. After we create a project, we can preview and debug it on the developer tools. Projects without AppID cannot be "previewed" or "uploaded" and can only be tested on the developer tools

TODO: Experiencer of the mini program development process

3. For projects with AppID, only administrators or developers can preview and test them.

4. Projects with AppID can only be uploaded by the administrator with permission.

5. In software engineering, when we develop a project, there will be a testing phase. In the testing phase, the developers will test themselves and testers will conduct the testing; after the testing, there will be an experience phase, (for example, When the mini program was first released, some big influencers were selected for internal testing, and then companies were asked to register. I guess there will be personal registration in the future, and I hope there will be personal mini programs.) We have opinions on the development process of the mini program. This process has been designed to allow us to add 40 experiencers.

6. The administrator "uploads" the mini program to the server, and can set up an experience version in the mini program management background, generate a QR code, and publish it to the experiencer to experience the mini program.

TODO: Experiencer of the mini program development process

# 7. After letting the experiencers test the project, they can "submit this version for review" and publish it online.

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