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Detailed explanation of WeChat mini program application account development tutorial

2017-02-23 15:01:052217browse

This article mainly introduces the relevant information of the detailed tutorial on WeChat applet application account development. Friends who need it can refer to

WeChat application account (WeChat public platform applet, the new name of "application account" )finally come! Mr. Boka from the Open Source China Community spent all night vomiting blood and rushing to write a tutorial on how to develop an application account for the WeChat public platform! Come and learn it quickly

The WeChat public platform mini program is still in the internal testing stage, and WeChat has only invited some companies to participate in the closed beta. Everyone must be concerned about what the final form of the application account will look like? How to transform a "service account" into a "mini program"?

Let’s temporarily demonstrate the development process with an example of a simple third-party tool. (The company's project is confidential and cannot share codes and screenshots. Boka Jun secretly wrote tutorials for everyone while working overtime. Thanks to the "Business Card Box" team for providing their service number to perform this surgery, so Boka Jun's tutorial uses " The official account of "Business Card Box" will be updated on a rolling basis.

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