Home >Backend Development >Python Tutorial >Detailed explanation of common functions in python
1. Introduction to functions
Why do we need functions? Because when writing code, if there are no functions, there will be a lot of repeated code, so the code reuse rate will be relatively low. . . And such code is also very difficult to maintain. In order to solve these problems, functions have emerged to encapsulate some frequently occurring codes, so that this function can be called wherever this code needs to be called. .
Definition of function: A function refers to a set of statements encapsulated by a name (function name). To execute this function, just call its function name
Features :
Code reuse
Maintain consistency
2. Creation of functions
In python The format of the function definition is as follows:
def 函数名(形参): 函数体内部代码块
Calling the function You can call the function by using the function name (actual parameters).
The naming rules for function names are the same as those for variables:
The function name must start with an underscore or letter, and can contain any combination of letters, numbers, or underscores. No punctuation marks can be used;
Function names are case-sensitive.
Function names cannot be reserved words.
The difference between formal parameters and actual parameters:
When a function is defined, parameters can be added in parentheses after the function name , these parameters are called formal parameters. Formal parameters: As the name implies, they are formal parameters, just a code name.
The actual parameters are the parameters in parentheses after the function name when calling the function. The formal parameters and actual parameters need to correspond one to one, otherwise an error will be reported when calling the function.
3. Function parameters and return values
As mentioned earlier, the formal parameters and actual parameters of the function must correspond one to one, so the parameter correspondences are as follows:
Required parameters
Keyword parameters
Default parameters
Indefinite length parameters*args
def f(name,age): print(name,age) f("小明",18)
2. Keyword parameters
The keyword parameters are The concept of actual parameters is to declare that a certain parameter belongs to a certain keyword when calling a function. Using keyword arguments allows a function to be called in a different order than when it was declared, because the Python interpreter is able to match parameter names with parameter values. For example:def f(name,age): print(name,age) f(name="小明",18)
3. Default parameters
The default parameters are in the function When declaring, you can specify a default value for a parameter. Such parameters are called default value parameters. If the default parameter does not receive the corresponding actual parameter when the function is called, the default value will be assigned to this parameter. For example:def f(name,age,sex="male"): print(name,age,sex) f(name="小明",18)In this way, the default parameter male will be assigned to sex.
4. Indefinite length parameters *args
In Python, when a function is declared, the parameters can be accepted by using (*variable name) to accept uncertainty Length parameters, but in python it is a convention to use *args to accept variable length parameters, so that the parameters passed when calling the function can be of variable length. After args accepts variable-length parameters, these parameters are put into a tuple. These variable-length parameters can be obtained by accessing args. For example:def f(*args): print(args) f("小明",18,"male")What is printed is a tuple, which stores ("Xiao Ming", 18, "male") these three elements.
5. Variable length parameters **kwargs
But the above args can only receive unnamed parameters, then if there are variable length parameters similar to keyword parameters what can we do about it? Python uses (**variable name) to receive named variable parameters of variable length. Similarly, it is also customary in python to use **kwargs to receive variable-length named parameters. After kwargs receives the variable-length parameters, it puts these parameters into a dictionary, and the corresponding parameter values can be obtained through the key. For example:def f(**kwargs): print(kwargs) f(name="小明",age=18,sex="male")
After introducing these parameters, the next thing to introduce is about the mixed use of these parameters. Situation:
What if a function uses all the above types of parameters? In order to avoid ambiguity, python stipulates that if there are multiple parameters mixed, follow the following order usage rules: def f (required parameters, default parameters, *args, **kwargs): pass
If args and kwargs exist at the same time, args is on the left
def f(*args,**kwargs): print(args) for i in kwargs: print("%s:%s"%(i,kwargs[i])) f(*[1,2,3],**{"a":1,"b":2})
函数在执行过程中只要遇到return语句,就会停止执行并返回结果,也可以理解为 return 语句代表着函数的结束 如果未在函数中指定return,那这个函数的返回值为None
B:built-in,系统固定模块里面的变量,比如int, bytearray等。 搜索变量的优先级顺序依次是:作用域局部>外层作用域>当前模块中的全局>python内置作用域,也就是LEGB。
x=6 def f2(): print(x) x=5 f2() # 错误的原因在于print(x)时,解释器会在局部作用域找,会找到x=5(函数已经加载到内存),但x使用在声明前了,所以报错: # local variable 'x' referenced before assignment.如何证明找到了x=5呢?简单:注释掉x=5,x=6 # 报错为:name 'x' is not defined #同理 x=6 def f2(): x+=1 #local variable 'x' referenced before assignment. f2()
count = 10 def outer(): global count print(count) count = 100 print(count) outer()
def outer(): count = 10 def inner(): nonlocal count count = 20 print(count) inner() print(count) outer()
内部作用域要修改外部作用域变量的值时,全局变量要使用global关键字,嵌套作用域变量要使用nonlocal关键字。nonlocal是python3新增的关键字,有了这个 关键字,就能完美的实现闭包了。
def factorial(n): # 使用循环实现求和 Sum=1 for i in range(2,n+1): Sum*=i return Sum print(factorial(7)) def recursive_factorial(n): # 使用递归实现求和 return (2 if n==2 else n*recursive_factorial(n-1)) print(recursive_factorial(7)) def feibo(n): # 使用递归实现菲波那切数列 if n==0 or n==1:return n else:return feibo(n-1)+feibo(n-2) print(feibo(8)) def feibo2(n): # 使用循环实现菲波那切数列 before,after=0,1 for i in range(n): before,after=after,before+after return before print(feibo2(300))
递归效率不高,递归层次过多会导致栈溢出(在计算机中,函数调用是通过栈(stack)这种数据结构实现的,每当进入一个函数调用,栈就会加一层栈帧,每当函数返 回,栈就会减一层栈帧。由于栈的大小不是无限的,所以,递归调用的次数过多,会导致栈溢出。)
1 filter(function, sequence) str = ['a', 'b','c', 'd'] def fun1(s): if s != 'a': return s ret = filter(fun1, str) print(list(ret))# ret是一个迭代器对象
对sequence中的item依次执行function(item),将执行结果为True的item做成一个filter object的迭代器返回。可以看作是过滤函数。
2 map(function, sequence)
str = [1, 2,'a', 'b'] def fun2(s): return s + "alvin" ret = map(fun2, str) print(ret) # map object的迭代器 print(list(ret))# ['aalvin', 'balvin', 'calvin', 'dalvin']
对sequence中的item依次执行function(item),将执行结果组成一个map object迭代器返回. map也支持多个sequence,这就要求function也支持相应数量的参数输入:
def add(x,y): return x+y print (list(map(add, range(10), range(10))))##[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18]
3 reduce(function, sequence, starting_value)
from functools import reduce def add1(x,y): return x + y print (reduce(add1, range(1, 101)))## 4950 (注:1+2+...+99) print (reduce(add1, range(1, 101), 20))## 4970 (注:1+2+...+99+20)
4 lambda
#普通函数 def add(a,b): return a + b print add(2,3) #匿名函数 add = lambda a,b : a + b print add(2,3) #========输出=========== 5 5
匿名函数的命名规则,用lamdba 关键字标识,冒号(:)左侧表示函数接收的参数(a,b) ,冒号(:)右侧表示函数的返回值(a+b)。